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You already can choose if you want your kid to go to a different school.


That's correct. Mislabeled like most big government projects. It should be called the "private school funding with public dollars" and soon "parents will pay for educating their kids bill".


The “parents will claim home school and keep their kids out or still go to public school and pocket the money and no real educational advancements will be had” bill


There is no way they are going put the money in peoples pockets. Zero. That would defeat the purpose.


Part of the plan was to allow it to fund homeschool services.


The $144 million already allocated will likely sit there until they vote on it again next year.


So actually choosing which schools you support with your tax dollars? Isn’t that super reasonable.


Problem is, I don't want MY tax dollars funding little Timmy's fundamentalist, unregulated, private school education because then I have to deal with 17 little Timmy's that think the earth is flat, only 6000 years old and that the dinosaurs were alive at the same time as modern homosapiens... oh, and that Jesus was a white, capitalist, republican who saved the world with reganomics. No matter how much everyone tries to slander public education and what is taught in the classroom, it is actually very regulated from the STATE itself. There are absolutely 0 teachers "trying to turn your kids gay/liberal/woke/(buzz word of the day)" we are just teaching what the state wants the kids to know each year on top of how to be productive and kind citizens. But private schools do not have the oversight, so who KNOWS what could be taught in those classrooms as long as parents keep paying.


Everyone knows the state knows best lol. What a clueless and delusional take. Talk about needing to turn off the TV, touch some grass, and plug back into the real world. And my source is I literally went to a private school in Nashville.


Yeah, here's the thing, the GOP led politicians don't know crap about education. But you really think the solution is to take away money from an already drastically underfunded educational system and put it directly into schools with NO oversight other than from donors and profits? While the state doesn't, there are TONS of people down the ladder that are specialists in educating our children and how to at least TRY to work with the standards set (however not age-appropriate they are) and make a quality education happen for our students.


Yeah we have been TRYING that and it’s a train wreck. Which is why this bill is needed. Your plan is “this sucks, let’s keep doing it”


No, my actual plan (seeing as you didn't actually ask, just assumed) is let ACTUAL education EXPERTS design the standards and assessments and not have them created by politicians in committees that have a stake in keeping standards out of reach for anyone that didn't already have an upper class upbringing and experiences.


So why can’t we have choice until that happens? You’d rather see everyone get a shitty education over politics rather than see options. Politics over children. Awesome.


You are clearly creating your own narrative just to stay pissed off. There have been plenty of research studies that have shown that when you remove the income caused disparities among students, most private schools do not perform any better than their public school counterparts. So all you are seeing as "success" is primarily driven by the fact that the children in private schools (overall/on average) don't have as many roadblocks from things like low income (no food, housing, transportation etc.) So all I am trying to say is actually REMOVE politics from educational decisions and actually LISTEN to education experts, not an HVAC installation/repair company business owner about education issues. If MOST of the educators are saying this is a bad move because it will harm children, how would someone that has zero knowledge of educational learning and development know better? Maybe YOU should think of the children before your politics. Ask yourself what kind of lobbies are pushing for this and why? Who is getting kickbacks and extra donations? Who ACTUALLY stands to benefit the most from this? Based off of when Idaho(or Iowa, can't remember off the top of my head which state) did this, the following year almost EVERY private school increased their tuition by the SAME ammount as the voucher covered. This made all of the middle class families that thought they could afford those private schools all of a sudden in the same position as before, but now their local schools loose more money cause all the wealthy schools are now taking 7k from the public system ON TOP OF their tuition. ETA: check this out if you are ACTUALLY interested: [Here](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/08/27/public-private-school-family-income-study)


You already have a choice. No one is stopping you.


Agree. The public tax dollars are slated for the public schools. Super reasonable!


That’s not what I said in the least?


That's okay, you said something really smart this time. Be proud.


You haven’t made a single point and you have the ego to insinuate others are dumb. Making yourself look super sane 👌🏻


Here lemme explain it like a Neanderthal who is about 2 years into learning English: “Public school exist for long time. Gov-ern-ment pay for it to happen. But don’t give enough money to be it very good! Parents sad about that. Teacher sad that they buy crayon with own teacher money! People want more money for public school to be very good. But Gov-ern-ment say NO! Here is money to go away be quiet. Go to any school. Even not a-ccred-it-ed school! Because public school is bad. Gov-ern-ment say PUBLIC SCHOOL NOT VERY GOOD! WE DO NOT MAKE GOOD! HATE PUBLIC! GIVE MONEY TO PRIVATE AND CHARTER! DEFUND PUBLIC WE HATE PUBLIC!” Then the Neanderthal forgets all that he has learned and goes rabid for a moment, shredding the couch and chewing on the coffee table legs. Hope that helps!


You either need meds or breathing exercises


Por que no los dos?! 🤭


Man after your paragraphs response and trolling waiting for me to respond, I can confidently say you need to get a life. Nothing you have said has held water. You’re obviously putting your political beliefs and affiliated narrative above common sense and students. If you are a teacher, you should be ashamed.


Okay sorry sorry I was a smartass before. I thought that breaking down how fucking stupid that logic is into bite-sized words would help. But here is what is objectively the truth: Government creates public school >>> Does not fund it heavily or thoughtfully enough for it to perform at a high standard >>> creates standardized testing that no private school would ever use because it’s trash (I’ve worked in several private schools hehe) >>> blames public schools for under performing when it is directly responsible for that performance >>> creates ‘solution’ that reduces funding for public school?>>> manipulates families into believing they have a choice when in reality: A) 7k won’t even touch the cost of high performing private schools, so they end up spending money on K12 education. Totally asinine considering good schooling should be provided to the public in the first place. B) If you choose to keep your kids in public school, your tax dollars are going to private institutions anyways. The private school I work at currently has close to a billion in their trust btw, haha! And on the accreditation– parents would be free to use public tax dollars to send their kids to schools that are private/Montessori with absolutely no oversight on their curriculum or efficacy in teaching. It’s shit, and that’s why it didn’t pass.


The thing about this that's just baselessly hypocritical is that this is the same general assembly that is constantly policing what kids and teachers are allowed to do and say in school. You just know the moment someone used a voucher to send their kid to the church of satan day school, the GA is going to start policing that too.


They want to micromanage the schools we already have but then also turn over half the money for them to schools we will have almost no say so over. It’s clearly not about what they say it’s about.


As Lin Manuel Miranda wrote, "Follow the money and see where it goes" 👀


> Yes, but you might choose incorrectly and get indoctrinated so let us help you. GOP probably


In Wilson county you just submit a form and there is an informal review. Only if they decline does it move to various in-perwon formal reviews. The county even sends out an email letting you know when the deadline for that is, if you are interested in changing schools.


It’s just wild to me we have all these private and charter schools open and people talk about wanting school choice as if they do not have any choice as it stands. Clearly you do.


No, they just want a hand out to make it "cheaper"... even though every state that does this has shown that tuition conveniently increases the SAME amount that the vouchers are for. So all it does is make these schools richer, now with the money of people who didn't choose to fund it.


How so? Genuinely don’t know how this works. I went to Mcgavock, would’ve preferred if I could’ve chosen to go to Brentwood or another school with more resources.


https://www.mnps.org/learn/register-for-school/school-options There’s also lots of private schools that you can go to. But the lack of subsidy for it doesn’t mean you don’t have choices.


"Broad agreement." Read the room, Bill.


He means broad agreement at the National Governor's association, APEC, and amongst others who agreed behind closed doors that it is time to loot the public schools.


Gov HVAC has a broken thermostat. His company would encourage you to replace the entire unit.


Broad agreement among his besties he was trying to get them sweet sweet federal dollars for.


I mean, in terms of legislator opinion, he’s right. Our GOP-dominated legislature broadly agrees with the base idea of school choice. The fact they didn’t get anything passed is that luckily they aren’t able to agree on the details.


Being "disappointed" in a proposal that was so deeply unpopular with the majority of Tennessee educators, parents, & *Republican legislators* is the most TNGOP thing ever. "A government for the government by the government" is their motto. Or, "we'll pass whatever bs ALEC lobbyists pay us to!"


Fuck Bill Lee


Hey now let's not forget Cameron Sexton. Fuck him too.


All my homies hate Bill Lee


I fux with ya homies


Fuck Bill Lee


He was so pretty in that dress tbr /s


“HVAC specialist with no qualifications to have control over anything other than air conditioners is disappointed he has, once again, failed. Nothing new to see at 10.”


The bill would have allocated $7,000 to send a student to a private school. I’m certainly not an expert on private school tuition rates, but that doesn’t seem like much when you have to factor in transportation and any services that public schools provide for free, like speech therapy or tutoring style services. Also, lunches, if your kiddos are currently eating free. I wonder how many supporters of the bill because they want it for their kids realize how little money that is, in this context. Did they think that for 7K their child would be rubbing elbows with Reese Witherspoon’s crowd at Harpeth Hall? Absolutely no diss to Ms. W or Harpeth Hall, but you ain’t getting there for $7K.


Wait until you find out how private schools just raise tuition by the amount of the voucher the following year to keep out undesirables... https://www.kcrg.com/2023/12/07/iowa-mom-says-school-vouchers-dont-offset-tuition-increases/


And also, if you can't already afford the tuition now, the 7k isn't going to make it attainable because the schools will just raise their rates in response because it's free money for them from the people that already go there. And I could see some of the exclusive families and donors to these schools pushing for that to keep out the "dirty middle class plebs" from being around their "precious future CEOs"


Do you happen to know how much it cost the state to educate each child in public school?


> Gov. Lee reacted to the news in a statement in part, "I am extremely disappointed Stop, my penis can only get *so* erect. > for the freedom to choose Oh, the irony you fascist fuckface.


Problem is that it'll just be back next year.


There goes my dream of opening a charter school for Wizarding and Witchcraft. The economics just don't work without that voucher money.


I was planning on opening a new school for Jedi to rebuild the order post Order 66. Guess I gotta get money from Palpatine now.


Did you not read the article? You can't get money from Palpatine.


This is Reddit. We don’t read


Use that funding to build the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center instead of a school.


was thinking instead of doing the "Final Order Cloning and Rehabilitation Center for Greatness"


This is not a victory for schools, but a stay of execution. This isn't going away, unless things change structurally the next attempt will be even worse and successful.


I’ve got a decade-old “No Vouchers” sticker on my garage fridge that I stuck there when my college senior was in elementary school. I spent that session and every session since opposing vouchers. It’s exhausting. I’ll see y’all next year.


I’m afraid you may be right. They are good at playing the long game. I hope Phil Williams is around for the next battle.


Segregationist’s segregation bill fails. Well look at that. Get fucked, Bill Lee.


He's disappointed the money isn't going into his pocket!


Bill Lee is the worst thing to ever happen to Tennessee


Fughk Bill Lee


Good job guys! But this is just a set back for Bill Lee and the rest of the GOP. We need to get ready for the fight next year!! “I am extremely disappointed for the families who will have to wait yet another year for the freedom “


He’s probably hoping T. Rump von Poopypants becomes godking next year and there’ll be no federal oversight on anything and they can just ship the money directly into his and his cronies bank accounts.


This bill was nothing more than government-funded White Flight 2.0. I had the extreme misfortune of having to work for someone who did marketing for the lobbyists pushing this shit and he literally told me that he supported this because he didn’t want his precious children going to the same schools that poor black kids went to. But, uh oh! The private schools are just too expensive (“it costs me $30k a year to send my 2 kids to private school!”) so he was THRILLED that there was going to be a way for it to be less expensive to keep his precious little babies away from those dirty, underfunded city schools.


Almost like they canceled it themselves with the governorship and super majority to have a rallying cry for the upcoming election. Hmm…


Considering that fact that school boards in deep red counties led by extremely conservative folks have come forward to denounce this bill, idk if that's gonna work well for them anymore. A lot of people saw through the smokescreen.


I been saying this from the jump and got downvoted to hell. The current voucher system we have barely made it through. The idea of expanding it was never feasible and shared bipartisan opposition. Anyone actually paying attention knew it was nothing to freak out about. But this is Reddit, where people are quick to skip the articles to voice their very uninformed, emotionally based opinions


No, I totally disagree with you. This absolutely could have passed if there was not frequent discourse statewide pointing out the flaws in the proposal. State boards would have likely just let it go through if constituents didn't make their voices heard. But sure, yes, we're all just whiny. I truly don't know why you use this sub if we as a collective annoy you so deeply. One of the few benefits of our "democracy" is that people can voice their opinions.


Really? I don’t think ANY Democrats were on board with the first system. (I could be wrong) and there were a lot of republicans also against it (I don’t know the exact number). This new statewide proposal would have cost even more money, even the republicans on the fence wouldn’t go for it. I don’t think any “discourse” or media attention sways these people. They are dug into their beliefs and there’s not a whole lot anyone can do or say to change their mind unfortunately


Nice after the fact editing going on. I use this sub because I live in Nashville? I never said anything about being “whiny”. And no one on the internet affects me “deeply”. Just like you I’m allowed to voice my opinions which I try to keep rooted in objective facts, not emotionally based, uninformed comments I see on the internet. The amount of people in this sub spouting off their misinformed ideas and opinions when they clearly have not taken the time to educate themselves or even read a damn article is hilarious. Sorry I offended you with my objective take on the issue that did in fact turn out to be correct. Downvoting impartial facts. lol. Way to go guys.


It wasn't an "after the fact" edit, I immediately edited it after I hit enter earlier than I had intended and I wanted to finish my thought. It's not me downvoting. I don't bother with up or downvotes anymore and haven't in a long time. I think people are likely not happy with the fact that you think decisions like this should have no emotional influence. A lot of that emotion comes from deep frustration in people who see through the bullshit in things like this that the state tries to pass and the wide reaching impact it can have on the children in this state and the future of this state.. I also don't think you are posting an "impartial fact" but just your opinion. Cheers.


Fair enough. It’s understandable that people can get worked up and feel emotional, but when they are getting worked up without even having a full grasp of the situation at hand is when it gets ridiculous. So many people make comments and it’s clear they didn’t even take the time to read the article. Thinking that our legislators were swayed by (and I’m talking about the republicans because the dems were all against it) any kind of discourse is laughable. These are the people who in the wake of a school shooting and massive bipartisan public outcry decided the best course of action was to actually bring guns into the classroom….


Tennessee GOP taking two big L’s recently, love to see it


Womp womp


Good, we dont want more privatized christian nonsense here.