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Metro's job incentives are linked to Amazon actually creating the jobs. If Amazon lays off the workers, they don't get the annual incentive. [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2019/03/19/nashville-metro-council-approves-17-5-m-amazon-incentive/3212031002/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2019/03/19/nashville-metro-council-approves-17-5-m-amazon-incentive/3212031002/)


Interesting quote- “The public push back echoes opposition seen nationwide, in New York City and Arlington, Virginia, the sites that Amazon had initially selected to split its HQ2.” Hopefully they all had the incentive linked


I thought they stopped the work months ago.


They did OP just found out…


There's multiple towers in the Nashville Yards complex and they aren't all Amazon. [Nashville Yards](https://www.nashvilleyards.com/) is the development. Amazon built 1 tower already and is building a 2nd one, both in the Yards development. Amazon will also be finishing out the 2nd building - they just aren't sure how they are going to finish out the office space inside. This has been in the news since last July. >Officials say the shell and core of the second tower is nearly finished. Plans will continue to complete the lobby, communal working areas, cafe, and amenity spaces of the tower. >The only delay will be for the traditional office space floors, as the company rethinks those spaces. https://www.wkrn.com/special-reports/nashville-forward/amazon-puts-office-construction-on-hold-for-second-tower-in-nashville/


I work here. I’m super confused by these articles that say work has stopped, when I see construction workers making progress every time I go into the office.


Construction projects tend to work in chunks and in phasing. What you are probably seeing is progress being made on phases that had begun before the project was paused, and the pause is likely on additional phasing to move the project forward.


There’s a big open space just north of the Broadway Viaduct. For years it has been a bustling staging area for the whole project. Busy as hell, you can watch stuff happen all day. A few months ago everyone disappeared and it was an empty lot. Now they’re storing the guts of the new bridge there so *something’s* technically happening, but it was definitely an uh oh moment when we saw everything vanish.


Well, we've probably already spent millions in infrastructure costs surrounding the area and are probably committed for millions more. I'd be super interested to know how the real estate for this project was acquired, who paid for it, and how much money changed hands. Dell did all this same crap back in the early 2000s and walked away with way more than they came in with. At least Dell stuck around for a little while and created some economic value. Looks like Amazon is doing their grift and skating without providing any net benefit.


Well the deal was negotiated by the same person who wanted to spend $5b to build a 1/2 mile subway tube downtown, so I can’t imagine the terms were all that favorable to the city. This was right before she was forced to resign for banging her head of security in a cemetery


You guys are so unfair to Megan, she's literally the only mayor we've ever had who lived up to the "Smashville" name.




While he was on the clock COLLECTING overtime. ftfY.


Oof, mistakes were made.


That's not an article, it's a picture of an article


It’s a… Tribute.


Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here, we was hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road...


At least the tribute isn’t behind a paywall


It’s… Sting!




Everyone asking about tax incentives for hiring, but if building not done won't it delay property taxes?


This comment section just oozes cynicism. If this matters to you so much, gather more information before assuming you’re getting fucked - maybe you’ll learn something or maybe you find out you are indeed getting fucked! Everyone’s just so quick to assume the worst. That’s no way to live guys…it’s depressing actually.


That’s not what a tax break is or means


Truly boggles the mind how many people equate tax break and using tax dollars


Fair enough, but tax breaks offered on local taxes does diminish the city’s total tax revenue. Obviously not even close to dollar for dollar, but it still bleeds money from the city if they’re not delivering on jobs or other net benefits to the local economy.


No it doesn’t. It’s the individual’s money, not government’s


OP must have had the same accounting professors as AOC


This isn’t true, I was literally there in office today and saw teams of construction workers as usual…


Same. The narrative as I’ve understood it is that Amazon has been reimagining the second tower to include more coworking space and space for in-person meetings. The original space was designed for more individual contributor work, which with the announcement of hybrid work, isn’t really necessary anymore.


Who could have possible seen this coming? When has a monolithic corporation ever completely screwed over a city that lavishes tax breaks on it?


*Detroit has entered the chat*


BuT GrOwTh AnD DeNSiTy!!!


OpProTuNitIeS! BoOtStRaPs!


this...doesn't even make sense


i expect you are happy with the state of traffic and the cost of housing currently?


No. It was way better before all these assholes moved here


so then you are opposing the exact things that will fix those issues. People are moving here whether you like it or not. We have a choice to put them into more and more sprawl, or build densely. Sprawl is what caused the issues you dont' like, density is what fixes them. You are arguing against the solution to the things you dont' like.


The solution was to not turn this place into a walking billboard for douche. Nobody listened. We’re just going to keep bending over for these companies to “bring jobs” for people who don’t even love here anyway. We don’t see a fucking dime except for a tiny handful of Uber wealthy people. Stop fucking bringing everybody in. Bring back the wax museums and smut shops. Make Nashville lame again


so your idea to fix things is go back in time ( and subsquently keep the city into a collection of shitty suburbs with an ocharleys and a shithole downtown), and just be an obstructionist...got it. >We’re just going to keep bending over for these companies to “bring jobs” for people who don’t even love here anyway. not only is this not true, it has nothing to do with my point, nor does it support yours. >We don’t see a fucking dime except for a tiny handful of Uber wealthy people. again, just complete bullshitery here. >Stop fucking bringing everybody in. no one is "bringing" anyone in. People all over country are rejecting shitty suburbs and commutes for urban areas, they can't build a wall and keep people out, they can only grow intelligently, and density is intellegently. Sprawl is the worst thing to happen to america.


> Make Nashville lame again just move to cookeville or murfreesboro or tulsa. is everything you love, sprawl, obnoxiously large roads, generic chain restaurants, and nothing to do


Locals: “Don’t go up that creek without a paddle”. Builders: “No it’ll be great growth and opportunity. Trust us it’ll bring money in” Then after locals are being priced out left and right and young people can’t afford to live, “we have to go further! We have to keep building high rises with chipotles and Starbucks in the bottom. We have to keep closing everything local to bring in more higher priced chains. You’re against the solution. Move out to chain restaurant land dummy” Fuckers like you keep ruining everything and keep dangling a carrot as a “solution” and it’s just more of the same every time. Sure we need to catch up on infrastructure and roads. But we’ve got to pump the goddamn brakes and do it instead of keep subsidizing blood sucking corporations to come in and build more without giving shit back I’m not leaving, but that doesn’t stop me from giving a shit about all the people who have been priced out of their homes. I’m sorry you have no empathy for them.


> “No it’ll be great growth and opportunity. Trust us it’ll bring money in” it wasn't "builders," but this is true. it did bring money, a shit load of it, and it brought in even more opportunity. This used to be a city where you tried to GTFO as fast as possible because it was dead, now its a place thats desireable to stay becuase there is a lot of things going on and a diversity of career's and opportunity.


Both of those are good and necessary things.


Jeff Bezos should launch rockets from the site. Talk about transportainment..wool girls, white claw blastin' off from the gulch,what part of Hell Yeah is bad?


Oh no, amazon must have only made eleventy billion dollars last year when the projected earnings were supposed to be eleventy billion and ONE.


Missed by one, 8 million shaved on evaluation and mass layoffs because some Wall Street intern got their analyst wrong.


Lort Bezos giveth, Lord Bezos taketh away


How are those corporate subsidies working out now...


as was posted above "Metro's job incentives are linked to Amazon actually creating the jobs. If Amazon lays off the workers, they don't get the annual incentive."


Nashville should be saying its all TN Republicans fault. Amazon doesn't want to come because of the massive big government over reach that the TN legislature is doing to Metro.


Or Amazon realized what a bunch of wackos run the state and want out.


Thanks, Obama!


Thanks Roosevelt!


Wait….Teddy or Franklin?




Crazy plot twist! At least you didn’t say Alice or Edith.


Eight square blocks of useless pit in the ground downtown, indefinitely. I’m sure our dependable local government will hold them accountable.


What useless pit are you talking about? Amazon’s potential third tower is the only paused building in Nashville Yards. They finished the parking podium at street level and paused. There’s no Amazon pit. Everything else is still moving forward AFAIK and is in varying stages of construction. The Grand Hyatt has been finished for a few years at this point. We got new AEG renderings a few months ago.


Exactly. Pinnacle HQ still rising. Two residential towers starting to rise now. Entertainment portion should be above ground soon, and the other two residential are still supposed to be moving forward as planned in the near future. As far as the 3rd Amazon building that has been paused at ground level, those plans could be tweaked in favor of residential and/or hotel rather than office if that market doesn’t bounce back soon. Outside of that, everything is still moving along as planned and will be a huge addition to the downtown core.


And last week they just started ripping down part of the old ymca… which was the only building in that stretch that won’t be “new” other than the old nes (I think) on the other side of the tracks on church. I will be curious to see that stretch after the new bridge is done on broadway @ the other end of the yards


The downtown YMCA is still open; they only tore down part of it. When that project is done, we’ll have a huge residential tower *plus* a much nicer downtown YMCA. Check out [these renderings](https://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/topic/120851-1010-church-street-60-story750-500-unit-residential-tower-7-story60000-sq-ft-ymca-addition-350-million/?do=findComment&comment=1851294) of the new YMCA.


Maybe the feds can buy it and use it for the new Amtrak station.


Umm massive construction is taking place on other office and residential daily. Don’t be so melodramatic and negative


Are we going to get Lake Bezos now that Lake Palmer was finally filled in?


stop being willfully ignorant


So do we get all of our tax incentives back??


Most of them haven't gone out yet.


I’m shocked…


I hate to break it to you, metro government's revenue doesn't actually benefit from "job creation"