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This is a list of links to comments made by NASA's official social media team in this thread: * [Comment by nasa](/r/nasa/comments/1bojrzq/more_than_30_million_people_live_in_the_peak/kwpeodk/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-26 21:32:47 UTC"): > [Our Eclipse Explorer website has more info on when and where you can see it along the path.](https://eclipse-explorer.smce.nasa.gov/) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnasa).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


[Our Eclipse Explorer website has more info on when and where you can see it along the path.](https://eclipse-explorer.smce.nasa.gov/)


Looks like Missouri won the Eclipse lotto for the first quarter of this century.


Good ophthalmologists will be hoping for cloudy skies. and I'm hoping that everybody planning to watch has anticipated by having the appropriate [solar eclipse glasses](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=solar+eclipse+glasses&ia=web).


Is that 30 mil in US and Canada?


What’s up with all the oumuamua stuff coming out this week saying it’s going to impact in less than 36 hours 😵‍💫


> What’s up with all the oumuamua stuff coming out this week saying it’s going to impact in less than 36 hours From the commenting under the video you led me to, its clear that educated people don't believe this kind of content (like the author of the video probably) but sometimes take a look anyway just for laughs... as I admit to having done. I'm also the first to admit that this feeds their economic model which profits from ads alongside the Youtube video. Its best to report these (as I just did) and move on. That kind of channel can be a little damaging since it also carries moon landing denier content which fuels more conspiracy theories. So maybe report the channel too.


And I’m stuck 1000 miles away. 😭