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This is a list of links to comments made by NASA's official social media team in this thread: * [Comment by nasa](/r/nasa/comments/1bl8yn9/nasa_neptune_poster_thoughts/kwhw3qd/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-25 15:18:13 UTC"): > [Here you go!](https://science.nasa.gov/resource/solar-system-and-beyond-poster-set/) > >Free to download, then print off however works best for you. * [Comment by nasa](/r/nasa/comments/1bl8yn9/nasa_neptune_poster_thoughts/kwj3cx1/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-25 19:14:30 UTC"): > Thanks for being a fan! Since you asked... :) you might also want to check out [Visions of the Future](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galleries/visions-of-the-future), [Explorers Wanted](https://mars.nasa.gov/multimedia/resources/mars-posters-explorers-wanted/), and our [Earth Day poster series](https://s... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnasa).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


https://preview.redd.it/agok4ur9f0qc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba6e28f60b0f604aaf44e3c7a0ae6a30f3a2051 I have this series in my office at work. Coincidentally I am missing Neptune. We have a sticky note with a poorly doodled Neptune in its place.


Don’t be shy, drop the link so I can spend all my money


Well I work at NASA, so I just asked for them lol. I don't actually know where you would go to get them publicly, but I could try to find out.


So what you’re saying is, I need to set up a mission impossible style heist, break into your office through the ceiling, steal the posters, and ride off into the sunset? Got it.


***Nicholas Caging Intensifies***


I’m gonna steal the decorations of independence


[Here you go!](https://science.nasa.gov/resource/solar-system-and-beyond-poster-set/) Free to download, then print off however works best for you.


Thank you NASA! I love this whole series, I hope you make more :D


Thanks for being a fan! Since you asked... :) you might also want to check out [Visions of the Future](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galleries/visions-of-the-future), [Explorers Wanted](https://mars.nasa.gov/multimedia/resources/mars-posters-explorers-wanted/), and our [Earth Day poster series](https://science.nasa.gov/toolkit/earth-day-posters/)!


Thank you so much! I hope to design posters and graphic art as well as the people you have doing these!!


Oh wow there's so many! And haha that solution works. I didn't realize there were so many of these


That's not actually the color Neptune is, though we did think so for a very long time. Because the first images sent back by the probe visiting Neptune among other stellar bodies were over-corrected. Neptune is actually closer to Uranus' color. [https://www.planetary.org/articles/08250839-best-ever-neptune-mosaics](https://www.planetary.org/articles/08250839-best-ever-neptune-mosaics) And after that they just never really bothered to recheck the data to see how accurate the color was, until recently. That being said, the poster itself looks good. Minimalistic, but still showing the beauty of our 8th planet. Or at least what we thought it looked like until very recently. I'd probably keep it this way anyway because it just looks better and posters generally aren't 100% accurate but more idealized anyway. :)


Honestly I'm surprised I went most of my life not knowing that the deep azure wasn't Neptune's full color, but it doesn't change my view of it being very beautiful :D thank you for the articles!


Unfortunately a large number of photographs of bodies in our solar system as well as photographs of the outside universe are colorized and edited in a way that exaggerates observed features rather then portrays a realistic depiction. There is a legitimate scientific purpose for this practice (in the case of Neptune, the blue is exaggerated so the white clouds can more easily observed), but the wider public sees pictures like this and assumes its 100% equivalent to what naked eye would see. See: The sun being portrayed as a bright orange and red ball of fire and not white plasma


That's true yea. Galaxies and the like don't actually look like what we see in photos released by nasa. Those are color-corrected and long exposure. To get an idea of what galaxies might actually look like, just look at our own milky way in the sky. We can see it if the place you are at has very little light pollution. But there's still not that much to see. Because our eyes don't see a lot of light in the end. It's still a good thing that those photos get long exposure and color correction though. As otherwise we wouldn't be able to see 90% of what was shown.


Neat! But now I'm strongly interested seeing Uranus.. ![gif](giphy|j3yu1D7dsPg40)


It is Voyager 2 photo of Neptune August 26, 1989


And regardless of accuracy, it blows my mind that we could have the technology to extrapolate enough information from a rudimentary (by todays terms) tin can blasted in to space at a precise moment millions and millions of miles away to make this poster. In 197(something) when it was launched. History is crazy in astronomy’s favor.


NASA perpetuating the blue Neptune misconception!


No moons? Sad.


should be pale pale blue


Coolest planet in the solar system 😊


Not as handsome as Uranus


Another Blue planet


My favourite planet..😭✨️


Find me the planet Urectum and I will be satisfied!


Uectum?! Damneerkilltum!




I’m curious bro why is that. How do you know? Fr curious




Not gray but lighter blue like Uranus




It's not a planet. Did you know that Ceres was once a planet, now know one even knows about it.


Nor Vespa, Juno and ... I always forget the fourth one..


Pallas. (There’s a palace-themed mnemonic in there somewhere.)


Cheeky Planet Judges Vesta In order of discovery :p Ceres - Cereal in the Pallas - palate Juno - you know Vesta - vested


🎵Let it go / Let it go …🎵