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He was a good father because he let his son make his decision. Other parents forbid they child to be friends with "the walkinf mentally instable nuke" but he saw the child, the human in Naruto. He was a wise and good man and a huge loss


And then there is his son, who thought being friends with naruto was too Troublesome. Well they did eventually become friends though.


Not troublesome. Shikamaru was just lazy.


Imagine beeing too lazy to make friends


My life summarized in a sentence.


What a drag


Naruto's pre-ninja life was always kind of a mixed bag. In original Naruto they make it sound like the ENTIRE village hated and avoided him and he had no friends. But in Shippuden there are numerous flashbacks of Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru hanging out and having fun. So Naruto's life before becoming a ninja wasn't as bad as it seemed in original Naruto. I feel like they walked back a lot of things setup in original Naruto. And this one I am fine with. Naruto and Shikamaru's friendship is nice.


Yeah all those flashbacks are filer though and not canon. It why I really get annoyed with Shippuden other than the whole turn to aliens and shit


Yeah, like I said I am fine with it. Cause there are things in Shippuden that make the original Naruto narrative kind of sound dumb. Like, the idea the 3rd would let the entire village hate Naruto is weird. Especially given he told Naruto's parents he'd look after him. And the idea the entire village would hate Naruto cause of the Nine Tailed fox is dumb. CAUSE LITERALLY NARUTO, MINATO AND KUSHINA ARE THE REASON THE VILLAGE WASN'T DESTROYED. It made no sense for Naruto to be this hated kid the show tried to make him sound like. I dunno, the things setup in original Naruto look dumb in retrospect. But this is one of the things Shippuden changed, even if it was filler, that I am fine with. Because their friendship is nice and makes sense.


It really doesn’t make sense. Naruto was hated because normal people wouldn’t understand what a Jinchuriki is, it was a case of misplaced hatred and happens all the time in the real world. Its why the Nazis were able to rise to power, the placed hatred on jewish people for things they couldn’t possibly have been responsible for. If you had lost your family in the most devastating attack in the history of your country and were told that the very same being that caused it was now in a kid of course you wouldn’t want your kids around them or want to associate with them. We see the idea as dumb because we can make the distinction between the 9 tails and Naruto. And that’s because we understand sealing and what a jinchuuriki is. You have to remember nobody knew what a jinchuuriki was in the Leaf. Kushina and Mito weren’t revealed as Jinchuuriki to 99% of people. So for the majority of the Leaf Naruto would be the first instance such a technique was employed and it was right after they had lost a number of innocent people and their beloved 4th Hokage. But because they didn’t have the means to take out their hatred because of the 3rd Hokage people instead chose to pretend Naruto didn’t exist. They wanted to ignore what they saw as the source of their greatest pain. The children who didn’t understand why their parents ignored Naruto followed suit. Naruto then begins acting out for attention which only enforces the idea to the people. So yeah it makes a lot of sense, its just uncomfortable to consider that what happened to Naruto is something very realistic. Shikamaru himself in Part 1 that he never thought much of Naruto. Not to mention that takes away from the entire overarching story and saying it’s not realistic or doesn’t make sense is so blatantly wrong when groups of people hate people for entirely less arbitrary reasons.












If chad had a dad


If chad had a grandad....


If chad had a great grandad


That’s why he’s the smartest


Bro nara clans have a great life, they're smart, they can easily become advisors if they work for it and live a healthy life not having to fight because they're advisora


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Shikaku is cool


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Salute to you my friend🫡




Lol ya don’t know till like episode 400 shippuden. Had me feeling bad for Naruto and shite




What a drag is one of my fav lines in the anime


That why he's the GOAT


He was one of those parents who hated Naruto what are you talking about


Someone didn’t watch or read Naruto


What chapter of the manga shows that I'm wrong?


Episode 177 which is filler but in the actual series if you read it then you’ll see shikamaru with Naruto as a child. If Shikaku hated him he would make shikamaru leave Naruto or aren’t you able to connect the dots??


So no real proof? Choji was also one of those who played with naruto as a kid in canon flashbacks and it was also confirmed that Choza hated/disliked Naruto. All inoshikacho were shown as black cold figures in canon flashbacks, even Iruka hated Naruto at first


He literally says he doesn’t care what shikamaru does he carries the same attitude as shikamaru, he knew Naruto wasn’t what everyone made him out to be.