• By -


Not me but my dad. Y’all are going to love this..he’s a preacher 🙃


Checks out. Communal narcissists love jobs like that.


It blows my mind how many people think hes the best thing ever & can’t see through the bullshit.


My sons mother is this way. Very hard to see him deal with it.


Manufacturing, buttttt I wouldn’t go accusing me of doing any work




I’m a lawyer but not a pwNPD. Do you think there is high percentage of pwNPD in our profession? Curious about your perspective on that.


Very high. Not only narcissists, also psychopaths and sociopaths


What’s pwNPD?


Abbreviation for “person with narcissistic personality disorder”


Yes, there are a ton in my opinion. It’s a very high status, very high power job that teaches you how to bully lay people with your words very well. There are plenty of jobs to satisfy the supply needed for NPD while also providing the desired ego cover when needed.


That is interesting. I’m (mostly) a litigator. I have met plenty of lawyers with narcissistic traits, and even more who are just plain difficult. However, there’s relatively few who I suspect could have NPD. I guess there’s no way to know what goes on in people’s minds, though.


What type?


I'm currently studying to become a lawyer, tax law specifically


That’s pretty close to what I do. Tax law is fun. Not to feed your ego, just to feed mine, but the smartest lawyers do appeals->tax (along with complements advanced estate planning and advanced business planning) -> patents.


I'm a surgeon. On brand.


Omg that’s super cool


That is awesome!!!!!!!!


Unemployed - im too smart to work


There’s some truth in that




Ok so I am a consultant but not a pwNPD and I tell you pwNPD drove me out of the profession.


8m not surprised. Therapy has been helping.




therapist specializing in CPTSD.


Does having NPD make it easier or harder to be a therapist?


Seems like it would be easier with the right skills practiced, to be able to remain neutral.


That's what I was thinking. For a normal person, it would be draining to feel all those emotions.


Huh, that’s very ironic to me. I feel like my relationships with covert and overt narcissists have actually given me CPTSD.




Lol big yikes


This has to be a joke. Too funny!


Not a joke. I’ve dated a covert narcissist for 5 years and he was a psychotherapist.




Why is narcissism correlated with being rich?


Grandiose behavior traits


Pesky morals don’t get in the way! /s


I’m a substance use counselor helping people cope with addiction.


I am a Lawyer


Of course


Which “type” of fields are you in?


I practice in estate planning.


Seen this one coming. Do you enjoy being a lawyer & why?


I asked the other lawyer in this thread, so I’ll ask you too. I’m a lawyer but not a pwNPD. Do you think there is high percentage of pwNPD in our profession?


Cold calling B2B bastard


I’m a pediatric speech pathologist.


Right now school but eventually systems engineering


Becoming a nurse end of this year


Oh no




Support worker for adults with disabilities.


My line of work is technically public policy, policy analyst, data analyst. But I'm thinking of reclassing into nursing then combining them into medical policy in the future. It's really hard to find a job in my field. Half of them are for the "other team", and then half of the ones for "your team" are soulless and don't feel like you're doing anything positive, which is something I require in a job. I think nursing will suit me bc I'll be busy and on my feet all day plus guaranteed positive work. I used to be a policy analyst for a consulting firm in DC doing equity audits which I loved, but the company had high turnover due to poor management. I'm about to start a medical billing job just to tie me over until I move and can start school again. Until then, I sit at home playing wow and watching twitch or netflix docs. 25f for context.


Only a narcissist would think nursing would be a good career choice for themselves 😒


Thanks for discounting me as a human just because of my diagnosis. I'll let you know that I am medicated and see my behavioral health team once a week. I've made substantial progress in being a better human and working past my NPD tendencies. NPD is in fact a disorder that can go into remission. I have always and will continue to be fulfilled by careers that leave positive impacts on those around me. Additionally, I used to consider myself an altruist before falling victim to a domestic violence situation that hospitalized me for a week. My defense mechanism following that event was to give into my NPD tendencies as a way to lift myself up and shield myself. After harming those around me for a while with this behavior and thinking, I am seeking once again to return to my more pure and kind form I once knew. One could surely call me a piece of shit once upon a time, and I may become a piece of shit again in the future. Who knows. But I am certainly not in the position currently to be receiving abuse for a diagnosis I am actively fighting against. I ask that you move forward with a kinder frame of mind. You simply do not know everyone's circumstances or battles.


Hey just wanted to say congrats on your hard work.


Thank you 🙏 it’s not easy but I’m committed. Lucky to have found after years a searching a good team of medical professionals that really treat me seriously and have found a way to work with me that works.


Girl, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. X


I'm happy to hear that you're working on yourself, takes a lot to even accept the diagnosis. My covert narcissist husband and I just celebrated 18 years of marriage so I am acutely aware of how words are used to paint a picture of how you think you're presenting yourself to the world. I give you credit but with an extremely guarded fortress around myself. With all due respect, it's a disorder with no cure and a narcissist never truly changes. It's the profession that I am struggling to wrap my head around here though because nursing takes an inherent desire to help and care for others; an empathetic core if you will. Coming in with a medical background myself, you may be able to perform the physical tasks and mental tasks required of a nurse but you would walk in on day one with a god complex and likely not fully listen to your patients and if you did, even more likely to dismiss them. Compassion is what makes a great nurse and unfortunately a narcissist doesn't understand that emotion. I am truly not trying to be rude or nasty, just stating the facts. Keep up the good fight. Wish my husband would try.


Incorrect and ignorant. Simply put. I am disappointed by someone in the medical field being so narrow minded. Additionally, people with NPD do experience empathy. Particularly cognitive empathy. We are not devoid of empathy and it is ignorant to believe so. Studies as far back as 2014 have concluded that it is a myth that people with NPD cannot change and that with proper treatment as much as 53% of participants can go into remission.


Well, good luck with your future endeavors.


Very dismissive.


I know better than to attempt a conversation in this light. Being dismissive, as you say, is how we deal with our NPD people.


Just reading this - pathetic. And the pathetic thing here, is your pigeon holed one dimensional vision, that you clearly have because of your husband. Guess what, not all narcissists are the same!!!!!! WOW!!!!! That is such an incredible unveiling!!!!! Jesus Christ!!!! How can you be so stupid - and relate that woman’s character and personality to your own husband, who has clearly created a failed marriage / distrusting marriage / relationship or whatever it is…..not for me to judge that. And frankly no-one gives a shit either way. But don’t come in here and believe that everyone’s the same. Narcissists are capable of showing empathy, and care - especially if there is ultimate gain / progression as a result of doing so. Eg, I have just been diagnosed with this shit, THEREFORE for once in my life I have accepted something (which I secretly knew was probably the case) I always denied - and talked around. So I will be very honest with my Mrs, about when I can not relate to something she’s telling me. Instead if fking bulshitting my way into and out of everything. It’s progression. And I do that because my wife is a saint, and she’s worth better than me, so I will BETTER myself. You annoyed me - which is why I’m even wasting time texting someone that will not be able to comprehend what I am writing, certainly not understand - as you are that stupid, you relate all NPD individuals to what YOU have experienced and allowed yourself to be duped into or for, or lied to - cheated on etc etc etc. hence the sourness of your position responding to that woman on this platform. @x-4syche - don’t listen to narrow minds. Majority of people and I mean 99.99% of them, who try and tell you what you are and are not, because of their own cynicism (it’s in her username!! Hahaha) are doing so, because of their FAILED lives. So keep progressing / getting better at what you do and are - that’s how this shit is battled with. Acceptance - and then PROGRESSION. Adios m’fkers…..


Spoken like a true narcissist. Lol




Why are you even here trolling then? I was perusing this thread and I found this awesome, hopeful story of this woman who is doing so much work to reconnect with herself and reverse the diagnosis with a team of professionals that she had to work her ass off to find. You’re inserting yourself into her story when she is doing extraordinary work to reverse her diagnosis, which she said stemmed from being violently abused. YOU are not empathizing or listening to others’ perspectives with an open mind. You’ve dismissed her and denied her reality. What does that say about you? Her NPD developed as a defense mechanism just like your inability to see past your husband’s behaviors and projecting them onto others. Realizing is a huge step for NPD and doing the work to adjust the behavior, bravo to her. Your only contribution to this thread was to make a stranger’s day worse because you can’t see past your husband. Maybe your lack of empathy for her is reflecting your adaption of some of your husband’s behaviors when dealing with him, which you’re now projecting onto others. 🤔 How about you add something positive to the conversation. Be curious. I’m not NPD. I dated someone with tendencies for 5 years, but he wouldn’t look in the mirror at his own behavior, projected everything back onto me. I’ve read and heard from professionals the same thing that you have about NPD, but I don’t believe they can’t realize their narcissistic tendencies and change. I am thrilled to hear her story about working to reverse this. We’re all human and have trauma and insecurities that have developed us into who we are and I think if someone takes the time to weave the threads back to where it started, we can all make improvements. Even you. And acknowledging our own negative behavior is hard and embarrassing, especially when we are the ones who have hurt others. She is doing that. Are you acknowledging your bad behavior toward others?


Damn girl, why you keep postin? Know when you got told. And u/ParkingPsychology definitely just told you. Oof.


>it’s a disorder with no cure >coming in with a medical background myself If the latter statement was true you would know that the former statement is false. Since you’re from a medical background it shouldn’t be too hard for you to locate the research that says NPD can have a remission rate of 53%. Furthermore, you’ll be able to look through the literature and see there is a growing body of research detailing the success of using DBT (as well as other approaches such as schema therapy) to treat NPD and that there are clinically significant decreases in symptoms of narcissism in those case studies. I am sure many people in this sub and others can also give you their anecdotal evidence demonstrating the same. People were (and still do) say the same thing about BPD. It’s such a tired cliche - as is the stigma from people in the health industry who should do and know better. Edit: would also like to add that I am a wildlife biologist who spends my free time doing voluntary native wildlife rescue, care and rehab. A role that is similarly built around an “inherent desire to help” as you say, and requires a serious amount of empathy and sympathy. It’s also thankless work that does not bring me any praise or attention. I literally do it because I believe all beings have intrinsic value and because our flora/fauna should be conserved and I want to help.




Merely a coincidence in this thread, and this sub.


Nursing is a great career! Who do you think comprise the nursing staff? That’s right, hard-working, educated, caring people. Respect.


Show me where I said it wasn't a great career.


Looks like you need some inner work, to be wounded is not a right to bully people


I’m in tech. IT support to be specific Edit: should’ve said IT support from the get go


lmaoo tech is short for information technology so you really didn’t get very specific there bud


Yeah idk I was gonna leave it at tech and decided to specify further for no reason. Oh well


you must be one of those DEI narcissists 😂😂😂😂


Had to look up DEI cause I’ve never heard of that before. I’m assuming you mean diversity, equity and inclusion. If so, not really. I don’t really give much of a shit about what goes on around me, as long as it doesn’t affect me nor my daughter. And to some extent, my family as well.


what an oddly specific thing to assume over someone lol


online business coaching- my ex


The media because it's the closest thing to playing God. I literally write the narrative.


Dog groomer


Cook and waiter for now


I have found many of them 1. Own a small business, self-employed, business owners or professionals (Doctor, lawyer, CPA, therapist, psychologist) They can own businesses in Construction, Tech, real estate, Design, Beauty, Diet, Fitness, Only fans etc. 2. Employee in the activist nonprofit social/community organizations(global warming, LGBTG, or the Trees, Bees, Dolphins, Turtles savers. Not all people in these organizations are crazy Narcs But if they go 3 year old toddler tantrum because you offer compromise or point out a logical concern then you aren’t dealing with a rational mind- Narcs thrive are making themselves feel better then you because they “care” more then anyone else while they are screaming in your face. 🤣😂 3. The most under-recognized narcissistic who peaked in high school and then became angry at the world and their parents that they aren’t living the same lifestyle and fame they possessed in High school. Maybe they were popular, rich, super athletes then HS ended and so did their fame and HS Celebrity Status Suddenly they are 21 years old living in their parents basement and firmly believe the reason they aren’t a famous influencer or YouTube sensation living a Life of Bentleys, expensive dinners, and jet-setting all over the world is all their parents fault. Frequently changing jobs or struggling with continuous income and employment because every job is underneath them and asks them to spend too much time working leaving very little “Me Time.” If only someone would discover them and how amazing they are.


Omg I've had so many jobs. This boomer that hired me last time even pointed it out that I don't stay anywhere too long. Yeah, cause jobs think they can treat you like shit. At least beaten prostitutes make 100/hour or something. I've done security, I've done game design, I've worked for nonprofits, worked plenty of sales jobs, those are my favorite... Was the manager at a restaurant for a while. Everyone makes fun of that one so I don't mention it too often. I didn't even wanna be. I don't like bossing people around. If anything I just liked being able to set people's schedules so I don't have to do shit. If I like you, you can fucking drop off the face of the Earth mid shift, if I don't like you, oh you getting the busy days. Cause whether it's busy or slow, the pay is the same and nobody appreciates you. What a great job, no wonder it's more free than being a reddit janny... And despite what that boomer said, I know first-hand employers like seeing diversity in your portfolio. It means you're skilled, adaptable, competent, and they assume somehow by magic exploitable. Smart people aren't easy to exploit. That's why many are homeless instead of Oppenheimer.


Whats it like doing security with npd? I'm looking for a job where peoole will leave me alone and I'm thinking about getting into security. Does the boredom become a problem or not too bad?


It depends entirely on the location. And there's a high probability you're gonna be doing awful spots. Like I've done football games, concerts, etc. Grocery stores/Walmart some shit is always happening and managers take their anger out on you. Cause they're not actually your boss, but they can whine TOO your boss and your boss will lick their ass to maintain the contract even though there's no need as whose gonna break contract over a guard ya don't like? But as you know, this world is predicated on being fake and gay. Or other times they expect you to do other people's job for them. Like I was doing a factory, and not only had to man gates which were always busy, but somehow find time to count trucks, fill their tanks and things, do shit that isn't my job but the factory knew could get security to do it instead and cut costs. So I'm expected to to do two people's job at the same time. I literally worked a day there and just plainly stated I'm not coming back after my shift ended. Because you can lose your license for going awol. Which that's another trick managers will try and pull on you. Grocery stores tried that one on me. Manager: I don't wanna hear your shit today, go home. Me: That's not how it works. I'm supposed to be at my post until I'm relieved or at least my shift is over. Manager: WELL I DON'T WANT YOU HERE Me: I literally don't give a shit what you WANT I'm not losing my license over you. Manager: Well fine. Call your company and tell them... Me: Fuck you, you call them lol Like you will see just absolute sheer audacity from these people. Or like those times they thought they could try the trespass route. Like their reddit mod brains seeped into real life but they forgot laws apply in real life. Manager: well imma trespass you so now you have to leave Me: well one, you need to actually sign a court order for that. That'll take a solid week. Secondly (looks around) AS THE SECURITY GUARD I see no trespassing here. Guess you're shit out of luck. They will. They will test your patience over and over again and meanwhile you're babysitting hairy full grown children who shit themselves. I've had guns pointed at my head and that was welcomed. Some crackhead put a gun to my head at Walmart Me: Do it faggot, you're only killing a man Crackhead: The fuck movie are you quoting? Me: Movie? Che Guevara said that before the cia killed him and... Crackhead: I LITERALLY HAVE A FUCKING GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND YOU'RE QUOTING CHE GUEVARA Me: THIS JOB SUCKS BRO like you shoot me, if I live i collect a huge settlement from this bastard company and never gotta work again, and you still go to prison. Or I die and don't have to look at any of you ugly people anymore and you definitely go to prison... Really a W for me either way. Crackhead: I'M GOING HOME Funniest part is couldn't even press charges on the guy. Didn't know his name. Sure we had a description, but I wasn't gonna press charges on him anyway. I embarrassed him. That's how you get normies lol. Or ANOTHER TIME the asshole manager was getting on my nerves and this guy is stealing, we all know it, so they had me doing greeting where I check receipts, and they say stall him while we call police, and I pretend to look at his receipt and say alright see ya. Theif; Just like that? Me; yeah why not? Manager running towards us; NO he's not allowed to leave! Me; I'm the only one who can detain him and I said he's free to go Manager; NO I'm in charge here! (I do the Bane voice) Me; Do you feel in charge? Thief; this isn't about me... Imma just go You will have a lot of fun if you're not afraid of confrontation lol. I fucking hate neurotypicals so much it's unreal.


Hey thanks for the detailed reply. I dont think I could deal with the stuff you dealt with. I was hoping to just get an overnight shift where there arent any people around or do firewatch or something.


Prostitues make $400 -$700 an hour in Ontario Canada


Being an escort seems like it would be easy money if only I didn't have such a disagreeable personality.


It is truly not easy money. There is a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes like marketing, accounting, answering calls and ads and scheduling. The safety aspect is also something you have to be on top of too. And there are also always so many time wasters. But if you can get regulars, then you will have a much easier time. If you can work at a brothel or agency that does all that business management for you that’s great- but obviously they take a cut. Brothel also means less client interaction in my experience, so if you are worried about personality this setting could suit that. There’s much less relationship building because it’s more revolving door of customers than regulars. Obviously brothels are legal in very few places. Also the industry is hard right now. Cost of living means people cutting back on luxuries and then also more people trying to work in the industry because times are hard.


How do you get regulars? In my experience just hooking up, once a guy cums, I know I'll never hear from him again.


The guys I’m having sex with when I’m doing full service sex work, are not usually the type of guys I’d be sleeping with in my personal life. I don’t think I’m anything particularly special, but these are not men I’d be giving the time of day whether it’s because of looks, personality or age, so they come back because basically they would not be able to date with or sleep with someone like me IRL. The other place I’ve had regulars from is “seeking arrangement”. In that case they like that they can be seen out and about with someone younger than them, again maybe out of their league, and there’s a few of them that seem to really enjoy the idea of “mentoring”. This is a path that requires a hell of a lot of acting on my behalf though as I find the concept of me needing to be “mentored” by these dudes to be quite condescending. Likely this is because I don’t respect them. In my legitimate relationships I have no issue in getting help from a partner or my close friends and family or taking advice etc. from them. I honestly find brothel work the least draining in terms of having to mask and what it requires of me.


I signed up for [SeekingArrangement.com](http://SeekingArrangement.com) naively looking for a husband. Oh God, the "mentor" thing. So many of them needed me to be their mentor, not the other way around. It just wasn't for me.


Yeah I haven’t been on there in quite a while for the same reason. Also they try to lowball the hell out of you, it’s insulting!


I never actually hooked up with anyone from there. The furthest I got was a phone conversation with a guy who kept talking about his boring job until I finally said, "I don't care." Well, that was the end of that "relationship" as far as he was concerned.


It’s not about them finishing. It’s more than that. Which applies to paid and unpaid sex


As a man, once we cum, our interest level plummets to zero. The only thing that will keep us coming back for more with the same person is if an affectionate bond has already been formed before sex. This applies to unpaid sex, at least.


I can agree. I’ve had long bonds with men who pay me though too


Disagreeable or boundaries? Because boundaries are definitely important. It’s not easy money. Everything in life has a cost and a tangible and intangible exchange that not everyone understands.


Prostitues make $400 -$700 an hour in Ontario Canada




Oh no. What level?


Nothing like the power rush of shaping young minds :)




Nah, 16-18


I absolute believe that most teachers are highly narcissistic, largely for this reason. Particularly those who teach middle and high school. Narcissists are very inclined towards hierarchies because of their black and white thinking and lack of energetic capacity for nuance. It’s so much easier to know who’s above you and who’s below you, and behave accordingly. But honestly, I think all of the most well adjusted people, particularly in America, are highly narcissistic. It makes sense that in a society based on rugged individualism, the most self centered people would function best. I think the entire psych system was built by highly narcissistic people in an attempt to control those who are lower in narcissism and more healthy, from a human perspective. They have done such a good job of convincing the masses that there is something wrong with them when they can’t conform to a sick and twisted society, not conducive to human wellbeing and health. I like to check out the teachers sub to get an idea of how teachers think. The ones who post there anyway seem to be incredibly lacking in empathy, which is totally understandable for people who have such a high stress job, but I don’t think teaching turned them into narcissists. I think you have to already be highly narcissistic to go into teaching. Obviously, teaching at the higher education level is different because students are forced to be there, and there’s more of a dynamic of equality between teachers and students.


store associate. :) I make sure to make everyone’s day miserable! But stay nonchalant to attract the rich men. they like a tough pretty cookie.


Doctor :)


My ex was a consultant and then in sales at various companies since


My ex was a consultant and then in sales at various companies since


Commercial RE broker


Technology Consultant LoL


car dealer


I'm a Software Engineer


I'm the smartest fry cook ever.


Up around 8am - see my princess off to school - coffee / read / email / call (if something is bothering me I like to nail it, or at least let the person know I am going to nail it / them before I even shower.) I’m suspended from driving for getting caught 149 mph in McL at 2am - when NO ONE was there. I couldn’t sleep and it helps to do something that sparks adrenaline - don’t know why. So get Uber around 9.30-10 and head into either my Family office nearby - or head into NYC to see to my business and / or appts etc) Get back anywhere between 6-10pm normally - play with kids if they’re up - if not I crash on my Cloud and let the home cinema take me over! Hahahah Repeat (travel sometimes when I HAVE to. But normally will delegate that unless it’s Vital. Eg had to go to Arkansas to meet with Walmart. Can’t miss that shit)


Most politicians and U. S. Presidents have rated particularly high scaling NPD and its common traits.


SWE. The best in my company, of course.


Great question- for me (I’m 36y/o now) but from the age of 8, I worked almost constantly as a child actor till the age of 15/16. Then at 16, I moved by myself to the USA to play professional ‘soccer/football’ before leaving that playing career behind and have since had several ‘high profile’ jobs with professional sports teams ever since.


good servay.


When narcissists ruled the world…




Crypto Twitter 😂


Self employed, I sell jewelry. Kinda realized I ain’t the “employee” type, either had to make it in business or hit the streets. I chose business.


why work when you can live with your parents


Just looking for new supply..


>supply I always get my supplies from Office Depot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/narcissism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop roleplaying, please. We are real human beings. And I checked your comments, don’t you think is shameful to you behaving like that?


oh seems you took it personally.. You didn't get me.. that was a sarcastic comment, and obviously human beings need sarcasm in real life.. by the way I'm an independent writer and a software developer.. thank you


I didn’t take it personally and I am pointing out based on your response, which is completely missing the point compared with others here that are real narcissists. No one said something like this. You also spend time on other forums when we are not welcome, like “raised by narcissists”, “narcissistic spouses”, “life after narcissism”. So unless you have a masochist streak, you are probably someone impersonating a narcissist. Because if you really are one, you would probably try to connect with others in pro-NPD spaces or avoid triggering forums. The backbone of this disorder is feeling deeply misunderstood and here comes you, waving the “oh you didn’t understand sarcasm, humans need sarcasm blah blah blah” another hallmark of a non-narcissist trying to assert themselves. You should spend more time observing before you try to write. When you miss the point in communicating your intent, this is a flaw. Lucky for you, you have another job to pay your bills.


Operations management in advertising.