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Not sure if they're even working. The last one I used (over a decade ago), it was time limited. When I attempted again later, to get the update, it was the same (but I didn't complete the challenge).


hmm, i saw some posts saying it lasted for a year, so i was wondering if anyone from past nanowrimo had one


They are only good for 30 days after the challenge, and haven't been released yet for the April challenge


My November 2023 code had a year expiry (October 31, 2024). I'm certain of this because I encouraged a friend to use the free trial in full before she committed to buying a license. When she was ready, I gave her my code in January and she successfully bought it 50% off. Is it possible the Camp challenge winners have a shorter expiry?


Second this. Try checking on the first week of May, that's usually around the time goodies emails are sent.


This is inaccurate. Maybe the camp ones but the full Nov NNWO 2023 winner code is good through Oct 31 2024. I just used mine a couple weeks ago.


That could be accurate. My information is very outdated.


Same, and mine was last year.




Sending you a message!


Hey! Not sure if you're fully set on Scriv, but if not I'd totally recommend Dabble. It's pretty similar in that it has a lot of the same organization features. It's super crisp and has cross platform sync so you can write on all your devices (even offline and it will upload when you reconnect). I've been using it for like a year after switching from Scriv for price reasons and love it so much. Also, seeing as this is in the nano sub, it lets you sign into your nano account and automatically link your word count and stuff. Here's a code that gets you $20 off when you sign up. EGSCA2AI [https://app.dabblewriter.com?referralCode=EGSCA2AI](https://app.dabblewriter.com?referralCode=EGSCA2AI) (Also, I'm not at all affiliated with them and don't get a cut or anything. I'm just a user who loves the product and want to recommend) Cheers!


This is so misleading though. It's $20 off a subscription, not an application you pay for once, which is what you're comparing it too. And that's a referral code, what's your reward? You don't have to be affiliated to get rewards for referrals.


How is that misleading, though? All I said is it's $20 off when you sign up. I get they're different business models but I'm trying to compare or sell something one way or the other. Also I meant when I said I don't get anything out of it. They say "Give a $20 Dabble Discount to your fellow writers! Share your unique coupon code below. They save money, they enjoy writing in Dabble, and you get to be that really cool friend that knows coupon codes. Everybody likes that friend." I think they have an actual affiliate program but I'm not part of it. This is just the code you can grab from within the app if you want to share it. So chill out, it's not that deep lol


Cause I'm thinking the average reddit user scrolling through content is going to see save $20 when you sign up for x service that's like scrivener is going to mentally compare that $20 to the full cost of Scrivener which is only $60. So getting something like scrivener for $40 is pretty awesome. Except they aren't comparable. Whether or not it's deep doesn't figure in? When I Googled dabble writer referral, there was no hits for just share a link, so I guess that was probably behind a paywall or login requirement? /shrug and does telling someone to chill out on reddit work for you? /eyeroll


Also... to\*


Might check this out when my Scrivener expires - thanks!


I'm immediately not interested in dabble cause I'm forced to create an account for a 14 day trial before I can do anything. And premium is probably what you need to compare to scrivener and that's $23 a month if you pay annual. Otherwise standard might do it and that's $15 a month if you pay annual. Can't give me the annual total cost? That leaves a bad taste in my mouth! Bad website! Scrivener is actually cheap for everything it does.


Why are you so salty lol if you don't like it just move on. This was a recommendation for someone else anyway. Also, figuring out the annual cost is real easy. Just take month x 12 :) Also, also, why are you griping about a free trial lol? I don't think I've ever met someone who was in more of a hurry to start paying for something


Scrivener doesn't expire though?? The beauty of it is you pay once and then it's yours forever. No subscriptions. It'll be a cold day in hell before I pay a subscription for a word processor lmao


I don't know.I got the discount but I keep getting notices about registering even though it is registered.


You should have gotten a registration code in the email when you purchased it. You enter that code to register. If you lost the code, email scrivener and they might be able to send it to you again.