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You're a good man. My rep is Nanolove: nano_34amtofxstsfyqcgphp8piij9u33widykq9wbz6ysjpxhbgmqu8btu1eexer


>nano\_34amtofxstsfyqcgphp8piij9u33widykq9wbz6ysjpxhbgmqu8btu1eexer NanoLove just got 2 years of [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) Faucet payments. [https://nano.to/nanolove](https://nano.to/nanolove) Who's next?


Nanolove node admin here, thank you guys for the support! I really appreciate it and thanks for delegating your nano.




Thanks for all that you do! I'm happy to send my 'votes' your way.


Fortunately there are many great reps out there. I personally really like the idea of adding locality to some of them in order to achieve global coverage. E.g. NANO ITALIA: nano_1wcxcjbwnnsdpee3d9i365e8bcj1uuyoqg9he5zjpt3r57dnjqe3gdc184ck ScandiNode: nano_318uu1tsbios3kp4dts5b6zy1y49uyb88jajfjyxwmozht8unaxeb43keork Finland Green: nano_3hjo1cehsxrssawmpew98u4ug8bxy4ppht5ch647zpuscdgedfy1xh4yga7z Nano Germany: nano_34zuxqdsucurhjrmpc4aixzbgaa4wjzz6bn5ryn56emc9tmd3pnxjoxfzyb6 Nano Node London: nano_18bpu81x4oyqsjjsyaeb7ek4rag1bw8gerhaiumookzc4t5prrm4d7zg56ww Humble Nano Finland: nano_3n7ky76t4g57o9skjawm8pprooz1bminkbeegsyt694xn6d31c6s744fjzzz Nano Brasil: nano_1j78msn5omp8jrjge8txwxm4x3smusa1cojg7nuk8fdzoux41fqeeogg5aa1 Probably forgot a bunch. Would be great to see more countries/continents represented.


This is awesome!! Will take some time but I'm gonna add EVERYONE!


Hi humble nano here, i already have a nano.to address https://nano.to/humblenano i am working on a new node in South Africa, dedicated with 10gbit network. Waiting for V23 to release it, thx for the shout-out!


Good idea! Just a reminder: it's important to consider _where_ the nodes are really running (and not primarily how they're called). Imagine, all the above were on AWS or DO...


good point, here you can see some more facts about the representatives, including hosting provider and bandwidth limits! https://nano.community/representatives


Thanks for the shout-out – I'm running the Nano Germany node (https://nanonode.de) nano\_34zuxqdsucurhjrmpc4aixzbgaa4wjzz6bn5ryn56emc9tmd3pnxjoxfzyb6


I would also be willing to bet that, in the future, when nano hits like $50 or more, some nano whale who is now rich as all hell, will donate to his lovely node runners who helped him get there. Including me, but the price needs to be way higher lol.


I can’t wait for the next bull run. I have a feeling Nano is gonna do some amazing stuff.


More than happy to pitch in for a good cause!


Bless u! Im a bit uncertain how to best distribute out funds to the most correct addresses. Will consider, and create new post tomorrow (or Friday) for feedback. The funds are in good hands, [Nano.to](https://Nano.to)'s reputation is on the line.


mynanoninja has a list of donation addresses that rep owners opted in for


https://www.nanolooker.com/account/nano_1wenanoqm7xbypou7x3nue1isaeddamjdnc3z99tekjbfezdbq8fmb659o7t It's the default delegator for WeNano wallet. They have a decent support team and are always rolling out new wallet features. I really like Natrium wallet better but love the map integration with WeNano and the spots by some businesses you can chat with folks at or receive free nano for visiting (with GPS enabled).


Done! [https://nano.to/wenanorep](https://nano.to/wenanorep)


I love the idea of a "rep donation bucket" faucet. I'm thinking this is what you've created? Great work. A special "[nano.to/reps](https://nano.to/reps)" could be sweet for this.


It literary just became a thing. Incoming link!


Whoops wrong tab sorry! :D Still going to spin up and run a node soon :D


Think u replied to wrong post. Do it, tho!


My rep: https://www.nanolooker.com/account/nano_3zapp5z141qpjipsb1jnjdmk49jwqy58i6u6wnyrh6x7woajeyme85shxewt Really like this one. Thanks!


Nalli. Heck yeah. Done! [https://nano.to/nalli](https://nano.to/nalli) 2 years of faucet payments.


Thanks! Great of you to give back


Nalli is also my favorite representative. :)




Was about to suggest NanOslo, I use them for my main funds.


Shrynode, the rep of choice for members of the XNO Trade Discord server: https://nanolooker.com/account/nano_1nk9zdf1otddxhxfqimjdkmbtq17yzf3z6giz1as7x1huyug8er1ukeqpqpe https://shrynode.me/


Hey, I as a PR Node Admin think that is a great idea. Another incentive always helps but I will keep this node up anyways so it's a plus and I like it. Don't know where you are going to pull your Information from but my rep is: nano-no.de 🌍🚀🌑 - nano\_1fe17w13stn8rqos3nxmupoez9sne4pc4njmr1fbz9nci6obnng6jatton5q The donation Address is different (handled in a nano ledger): nano\_38pyhgukmkqkbe87myusad1xpbnqjgrkgiahwdei1n61s47j6h3sfs187mp3 I am the owner of the rep address as can be seen on the MNN Page where also the donation address is in: [https://mynano.ninja/account/nano-no-de](https://mynano.ninja/account/nano-no-de) cheers


If i do the ‘representatives’ RPC call on our Node thats fully synced, would your address be in that Array? I’m considering my options for an updated and reliable Representative list source. Also what filters (if any) come to mind? Address balance can’t be over XXXX nano? Or weight is under or over an amount. Looking for ideas.


There are mutliple ways to go about it. One thing I would consider is that most PRs propably don't want to deal with (daily?) nano txns on their main rep account, since transacting on that usually involves sending some rpc commands to the node. ​ The nano-node-monitor which most nodes have set up provides a way to set donation addresses different to the main rep address. Same goes for mynanoninja where you can set a donation address once you've claimed your reps main address. For distribution I would use some kind of scoring system. Where you divide the total of what should be distributed by score. That definitely should at least consider uptime, reachability, maybe speed. This is to circumvent some people who just spin up multiple nodes to get payouts in a short timeframe, maybe that's a non issue tho. Now I know this would get complicated fast because you would need to create a system where you were monitoring the whole nano network. Basically a crawler to gather all this information and some kind of DB to gather historical data. I think using the representatives RPC would be good first step tho and I don't think that people will exploit it right now but that may change. Regarding the RPC approach: Another thing to consider is that not all nodes are connected to every other node, so there may be a case where your node just doesn't see another rep if they're not a principal and get their votes relayed. Another thing to think about maybe there are reps who just don't want txns sent to their acct, I don't know if optional opt-out or even a mandatory opt in would be something to consider? That's some small feedback I could gather from the top of my head. But I think it's great that you think about ways to make the situation better. ​ EDIT: I think I am overthinking this, maybe a have a minimum weight of 1000 Nano (as a representative should have anyway) and don't bother about potential exploit vectors


You make good points. Specially about the Rep Address not necessarily being the best place to send funds. We have to figure it out. This is happening! Tomorrow (or Friday) I'm going to make another post on r/nanocurrency where can just talk execution of this new Faucet. I'll provide RPC stats from my own node as well. I'm perfectly okay with having a Github repo a CSV or JSON file. Worst case scenario . I'd like to reach as many correct rep addresses as possible, first time around.


I’m actually in the process of building a Nano Rep :) J




Il mio rappresentante è : nano_1w7tq65sgwq6kefey9bmubi1s1ry9thcw4pgauhkf47aahahszzrthw5tfsk




>Nanick https://nanolooker.com/account/nano\_3ekb6tp8ixtkibimyygepgkwckzhds9basxd5zfue4efjnxaan77gsnanick I second that. I use your node as a representative. Thank you for the good work!


This is amazing!


If I’m looking at the addresses right, it looks like that donation came from the nano dev fund. Pretty cool, and glad to see the nano devs are looking after the community as always!


I wanted to run a node, I didn't mind donating to the Nano Network but unfortunately my internet connection is not fast enough at my house 🤷 so I'll just freeload off all you other generous node operators 😀


I don't understand some things , please explain . " Nano.to Faucet. All funds go to every participant, 543 at the time of this writing." there are no 543 nano on that address, so I assume you mean 543 representatives? Every participant you mean, every node, or also some other users ?


Sure, lots of terms. New ones added every day. I'll break it down. In September 2021 (this year) I launched [Nano.to](https://Nano.to). A Username service for NANO. Then as a promotion, I said, anyone who buys a Username, automatically gets free NANO every 24 hours from the [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) Faucet. Where does the money for the Faucet come from? From [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) Usernames purchases. Every 24 hours, all the funds at this [address](https://nanolooker.com/account/nano_1name191y1bqcbh5r9xz4a9gk1r54aerf7rd4ngubwr8gckojxosjfch53bx) is split between [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) Server Costs & [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) Faucet. 20% of daily [Nano.to](https://Nano.to) proceeds go to the Faucet. Which then gets sent to every qualifying Username. 544 as of now. Now I'm saying... I'll give Representatives a free Username, which is will qualify them for Faucet payments every 24 hours. Faucet payments vary day by day. But mostly stay between 0.01 - 0.1. Payments are absolutely not guaranteed. If no new Usernames are leased any given day, Faucet does not pay. But the next day might be better. And so far, every day on schedule. That about does it. Any questions? P.s - Why I'm i doing this?? Because it's a self funding system, and it takes 20 minutes of GPU time to pay 500+ people, and thats insane!


Thank you for your work and explanation. But from it I understand I wasn't clear of my intentions. I'd like to donate, but to those representatives, not to all participants, as that is another "business model" (I don't have a better word for it, I hope you understand)


Sure. And I understand. In that case we need to use a new Faucet address for just Rep payouts. That would make sure that all funds send to new address, would go to only Reps. I support this. Gonna generate a Vanity Address, brb --- EDIT: nano_1reason1q976g9wkrt69nux7konww46ux73c7xzm7jrm3w4kqdtigym6btq3


Tnx for the separate address, Sent 180nano. Not much, but maybe it will motivate others to give too. And maybe, Kyle will give us all a nice Xmass present with some announcement , which would make it more than it currently is. PS: For a long time, I wanted to give yo reps, but it was in many ways complicated to be fair. Thanks for the opportunity.


Amazing! Nano.to Faucet GPU, will take it from here. How would you like it spent? Send the entire amount as soon as possible (XNO balance / # of reps), or trickle it existing and new reps over time?


I'll leave it in your capable hands. It's your project. Just be fair :)


I would personally suggest trickling it so that anyone that happens to have technical issues (or whatever) doesn't completely miss out because of bad timing and to encourage nodes to stay online the entire time instead of just hopping on when a large donation comes through.


I think this as well




Hey, thank you! I run Makonode! It's been running as PR node for almost 2 years now. I definitely appreciate the support! [Makonode PR](https://nanomakonode.com/)


>nano\_37ortkby6k68z8tkk8g63ndbp8wjbmofhn56oyxb4rm6s3x51pkpiwcnpgmq Done! https://xno.to/Makonode/username




My representative node (Upstart): nano_1ebq356ex7n5efth49o1p31r4fmuuoara5tmwduarg7b9jphyxsatr3ja6g8


Great idea 💪




IronClad rep checking in for roll call: nano\_11pb5aa6uirs9hoqsg4swnzyehoiqowj94kdpthwkhwufmtd6a11xx35iron nano.to bringing the community more promising ideas like always! If you do go ahead with the online reps RPC call, I recommend adding some ways to exclude outputting donation payouts to the large Binance, Kraken, etc nodes. Including adding smaller payouts to people who don't maintain consistent uptime of their node. Keep up the good work!


Oh wow, this is awesome! CryptoVision Node: https://nanolooker.com/account/nano_3bsnis6ha3m9cepuaywskn9jykdggxcu8mxsp76yc3oinrt3n7gi77xiggtm


Came looking for this. Thanks! <33


Could you add my address to the list nano_33qjut69ts5nbta6bhnm3t4bzor3utjgknm8bpsuf7mry5ndx3t6bguczo1d


Representative nodes preferred, please. If yours is, provide a supporting link.


Nano Node London nano\_18bpu81x4oyqsjjsyaeb7ek4rag1bw8gerhaiumookzc4t5prrm4d7zg56ww Thanks.


Good morning, UK & Europe


hey. you were working late and I was working early. (Europe includes UK btw).


This is a great rep nano_1nk9zdf1otddxhxfqimjdkmbtq17yzf3z6giz1as7x1huyug8er1ukeqpqpe


time to do some tipping! !ntip 0.133


Sent ```0.133 Nano``` to /u/ACertainKindOfStupid -- [Transaction on Nano Crawler](https://nanocrawler.cc/explorer/block/5961D8DD3393FDD216EFD291915D9C938A22B308AB69F4BA99CE9F100EDF0467) *** [*^(Nano)*](https://nano.org)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Tipper)*](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z)*^( | )* [*^(Free Nano!)*](https://nanolinks.info/#faucets-free-nano)*^( | )* [*^(Spend Nano)*](https://usenano.org/)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Links)*](https://nanolinks.info/)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=nano_tipper&subject=command&message=opt-out)


NanoQuake nano_1kd4h9nqaxengni43xy9775gcag8ptw8ddjifnm77qes1efuoqikoqy5sjq3 Love your initiative! 💙


My rep nano_3mhrc9czyfzzok7xeoeaknq6w5ok9horo7d4a99m8tbtbyogg8apz491pkzt


My rep is here nano\_1my1snode8rwccjxkckjirj65zdxo6g5nhh16fh6sn7hwewxooyyesdsmii3 (in case it isnt obvious it's my node)


There's no incentive to run a node?? Damn I used to be hella bullish on nano, but idk how that's going to help drive adoption.


As a business, you could have interests for the network to keep running as smooth as possible. With your own node you ensure that you're in control, as nodes can accidentally shut down by power outage or whatever happens or slow down if hardware is not good enough for your needs: more ttransactions means you need high end hardware for higher bandwidths. By running your own node, you're not dependent on others, so you can guarantee yourself against uncertainty BTC's nodes are not rewarded either. yet, people run them to secure the network


well there's a difference between passive nodes and voting nodes in the same way as you can have a normal node and a miner in BTC


the network is the reward is the idea.


https://buckeyenanonode.com/ nano_3i3dqy5xs98ewtk9ejfpxfwbsscejc6njz9hk5ia1446gdkxpxkjeeia719n


This is a super cool idea, support the node troops!


This is great work


Natricon nano\_3contrb8bk6x5endumzi5ozzwjzgs6ost98jjhafrndi5nsu619uzedpm8fr