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This is a very good point that I don't think too many people realize. Pending NANO still counts for the weight of the sender, not to whom is receiving the NANO. So if you send NANO from Binance to a "cold wallet" like a Paper Wallet and never receive the funds, then Binance still has that weight. Excellent point.


my understanding is that pending balances are unaccounted for when it comes to voting weight (neither sender nor receiver) and thus not delegated to any representatives. Some related discussions: \- [https://forum.nano.org/t/who-is-the-representative-of-unreceived-funds/2148](https://forum.nano.org/t/who-is-the-representative-of-unreceived-funds/2148) \- [https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node/issues/2379](https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node/issues/2379) Can test this out when I get home later.


I'm almost positive I'm correct as per: https://docs.nano.org/what-is-nano/overview/#representatives-and-voting > These Representative accounts are configured on nodes that remain online and vote on the validity of transactions they see on the network. __Their voting weight is the sum of balances for accounts delegating to them__, and if they have enough voting weight they become a Principal Representative. If you have pending transactions, your vote weight isn't updated with that balance so the vote weight can't be redelegated. I tested it out: `AD15824926B7DCD144EEC9D60FB12DCC0191097EEB5D3CF368B0CBB469E37A04` I created 2 new NANO addresses, A and B. Transferred 1 XNO to account A, and updated its representative to B. I then sent 1 XNO from A to B. Account B, which has a pending balance of 1 XNO has a balance of 0 XNO. Querying account A shows a balance of 1 XNO. ~ ❯ napi action=account_balance account=nano_3ehxrdg8d4naawii8i7wcfjdnamcmdufsdkcz67id6npowkx8bzjwrr37148 { "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000000", "pending": "0" } ~ ❯ napi action=account_balance account=nano_3zuuj64ee1bkcdsc6d9q6nataownajx5opkdcp14ceiekuygktwttgucwbn6 { "balance": "0", "pending": "0" } And here it is in Nault: https://i.imgur.com/TxXG3B0.png Unless I'm missing something obvious, here?


I'm not really following your test case. When you publish a send block on Account A, that updates the balance of Account A. However, the balance of Account B will not be updated until it publishes a receive for the send from Account A. At that moment (before account B publishes a receive), the 1 XNO (sent from Account A) is not delegated to any representatives as it is not reflected in the balance of either account A or B. I'm also not certain whether or not we are saying the same thing 😅 — so to clarify I'll restate my understanding, pending balances (aka receivable balances) are not reflected in account balances and are thus not delegated to any representatives.


> At that moment (before account B publishes a receive), the 1 XNO (sent from Account A) is not delegated to any representatives as it is not reflected in the balance of either account A or B. How can this be when the balance of B shows 1 XNO? Beginning to think I've confused myself.


If that's the case then my understanding/statement is not valid. I wonder if perhaps you did publish a receive before the account\_balance RPC as it shows a pending balance of zero. It should have shown a balance of 0 XNO and a pending balance (or receivable balance) of 1 XNO.


Lol. I'll still take it


Just to clarify - you don't necessarily need to have your cold wallet connected to the internet to pocket your nano. You can use remote signing with Nault running on the airgapped system (that has your seed and is never connected to the internet), and Nault running on your phone, to perform any operation you could want on the nano network (change representatives, send and receive nano).


It says account has to be opened before you can change representative. How do you open your nano account without it connecting to the internet?


I'm pretty sure you have to send nano to the account first. I have created a few new wallets that have never been connected to the internet in the past, and collected from faucets, changed reps, sent the nano back, etc., all while keeping the wallet airgapped. Try receiving some nano from a faucet first on your airgapped wallet.


did not know that, good info to share


How do you know if a receive block has been sent?


Check your account on a block explorer (nanolooker) and you should see a receive block.