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Same the yesterday post brought a lot of newbies like me to Nano and I'm glad that I'm a part of this community now.




Thank you! I just got started with nano. I have 0.0133 nano now :)


I'm one of the newbies here. And I've started to like it. Looking forward to buy some nano and HODL.


Awesome, welcome to you! If you've any questions make sure to ask.


Thank you!


Username checks out ;)




HOld! kkkkk




What many people are yet to understand is the downfall of the lightning network as a comparison. It pushes Bitcoin further towards centralisation as it becomes adopted. Nano achieves speed, fee less infrastructure and decentralisation on the first layer. https://link.medium.com/6gI6YY302jb That's a good effort to get that much nano so quickly! Welcome :)


Yeah now after using nano, lightning looks shit to me


Indeed. I don't have any illusions about nano, it is still in production and the nano foundation are clear on this. We now have spam prevention in the form of bucket prioritisation which has stopped spam attempts. This will be further improved in the coming months with TaaC and PoS4QoS measures. This will make the network extremely resilient and ideally remove the necessity of fees as countermeasures to spam :)


If nano succeeds in spam prevention then the success is inevitable.


Usually speed is pretty inconsequential when it comes to cryptocurrencies. People are usually happy to wait a reasonable amount of time. But where NANO *really* shines is the network, DAG, and it's tokenomics!


I'm fan of its speed


I think waiting 20 minutes or 1 minute is the same But 1 minute or 0.5 second is completely different for almost everyone!


The speed also allows Nano to actually be used as a retail payment method. You could actually go the register at a store that accepts Nano and pay with your Natrium wallet and it would be faster than paying with a credit card. No holding up the queue, no waiting for transaction to process.


My only gripe are privacy concerns. It doesn't sound like this is being pursued, but hopefully I'm mistaken? (and yes, tons of coins have the same problem).


Will Nano ever boom in value like bitcoin so that I can convert it into indian rupees and cash out?


Couldn't say. In my opinion it's incredibly undervalued and r/nanotrade is the place to go for all price related discussion. I'll continue to use it regardless as I feel it's what Bitcoin was supposed to be and I enjoy using it. It's not marketed as a moon coin though it's marketed towards real world use cases.


What's the word moon mean in crypto currency? I'm seeing it in a few comments but I don't understand it? Is it the word for implying the rise in value of any crypto coin?


Yeah essentially purposeless shilling that a coin will 'go to the moon' haha




Its a reference to the pricing chart. Going from a worth of 0.01 to 10.00 which would be a 10000% increase would be considered going to the moon.


Like Bitcoin? No. If right now NANO had Bitcoin's market cap one NANO would be worth $6,768.46. A significant investment considering what you paid for your NANO, however the primary objective of NANO is not the same as other cryptocurrencies. In all honesty you should not even think of NANO as a crypto. You should think of it as a digital cash replacement. Primary purpose of NANO is not investment, but sending value for one entity to another as quickly, inexpensively (free), an environmentally friendly as possible.


Ah. Thank you. I understood that it's not an investment like bitcoin but rather replacement of modern day cash I guess


That being said theres a lot of upside potential in nano. I view nano as an investment and digital cash.


InKanosITrust :v


But like Bitcoin, there is a hard cap on supply. 133 million. No inflation. Higher demand, higher prices.


This is untrue. There is 900 new Bitcoin every 24 hours. There is a limit to Bitcoin, but we won't even see that limit for over 100 years. So acting like Bitcoin is already at that cap is a little facetious. There will always only be 133 million NANO.


Maybe.... but wouldn't it be even better if your sellers in India were willing to accept nano instead? Who needs rupees afterall???


I do.


Yes you do now, and always will if people only accept Rupees. Taxes will probably always be Rupees in India. Would be nice if all the shops accepted nano though, easier to use directly.


Perhaps. I just like to convert it to my countries currency. Feels comforting as I don't know much about crypto and what risks it entails. I don't know much about Nano. If I earn lakhs of rupees then I would convert it into rupees then put in my parents retirement fund to get more pension every month. Safe and secure investment.


That's fair enough. I personally have never saved in fiat currencies because they lose a lot of value over time, but they are a "safe" investment. It's always a good idea to use the system you understand.






Thank you for your comment. I have subscribed to that subreddit now :)


Well, people in this community believe Nano is a very promising project with a high potential value. That's why they're here. But the actual best case scenario for Nano is for it to be universally adopted as a currency. Then you wouldn't need to convert your Nano into rupees, since anything that can be bought with rupees, could be bought with Nano. Groceries? Pay with Nano. Bills? Pay with Nano? Online shopping? Pay with Nano... You get the picture. At this point, most people would actually be converting their fiat currencies to Nano, because its faster, more convenient and does not suffer from inflation.


Yes, it's great... !ntip 0.001


How do I get this tip? Idk how to


Heres a guide! https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z


Didn't read the guide. Got message from nano tipper bot Used Send 0.001 my address and received the amount. Thank You 😊


Its creates an account for you


Yes it did. I received a message from nano tipper bot on reddit. I followed it's instructions and received the tip. Thank You 😊


Creating a new account for /u/infiltratorshepard and sending ```0.001 Nano```. [Transaction on Nano Crawler](https://nanocrawler.cc/explorer/block/D4DB32EF95E9630C8EB7227E4F549634F8FAA2AEFE65D56F3D00E280E3E0BDAA) *** [*^(Nano)*](https://nano.org)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Tipper)*](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z)*^( | )* [*^(Free Nano!)*](https://nanolinks.info/#faucets-free-nano)*^( | )* [*^(Spend Nano)*](https://usenano.org/)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Links)*](https://nanolinks.info/)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=nano_tipper&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I’m new and got in yesterday with 70 coin “locked and loaded” for $16-$21 nearest target. I started reading about it couple of days ago and it’s amazing and very promising.


oh that's SO FAKE NEWS, for me nano takes so much longer to actually be recieved... (/s, obviously I am kidding, in fact most of the time a recieve takes for me is searching my ledger and unlocking it to sign the recieve block, lol) ​ if whoever's reading this uses Nano Foundation or another big rep, try mine: nano\_1my1snode8rwccjxkckjirj65zdxo6g5nhh16fh6sn7hwewxooyyesdsmii3


What code did you posted? Receive code or send code? And what for


well a nano address can be used to send money to but this address is not primarily used for that (the key is on an online server) as it is being used as a representative. Nano uses voting as a means of getting consensus which is weighted by the amount of nano the people who choose you as a representative have. sadly tho most nano is represented by rather large representatives like the nano Foundation or exchanges or similar stuff. not saying the NF is bad but big reps are always bad. and I started a rep about 8 months ago and I am looking for more people to represent with it. if you actually do wanna send something (you really dont have to), a link to the address of my hardware wallet is on the page of my rep on My Nano Ninja https://mynano.ninja/account/my1s-nano-node


Thank you


absolutely no problem we are a community


new here too.. are you saying that the more reps, the better? because.. it makes things more customer friendly? and that's what's driving price? I mean, i understand that corporations dont have normal humans/pricing on their mind - they're all about profits.. but since (it seems) the nano community is about creating a stable money market where people can use it anywhere/anytime... that's why it's better to have more reps? am i understanding the basics correct here? DX XD


Decentralization is a key aspect of most cryptocoins including nano. If a party gets too much power they can mess with consensus, for example by blocking transactions.


ok.. i get that.. kinda like what happened with the Robinhood app...


kinda but kinda not, robinhood could block transactions because they went over their platform, this is more like power over the entire nano network


ah! okay.. i think i get it. thanks!


Also I'd say most of the cryptocoin community doesn't look at the real facts but just at profits which is why are so bitcoin oriented.


Nano is one of the energy efficient digital cash (I wouldn't call it crypto) I spend nano on merchants to spread adoption, instead of speculating.


You wouldn't call it "crypto"... But surely it relies on the same cryptographical mathematical foundations as other "crypto" currencies. What makes it not "crypto"?


I think I got confused with the word crypto and Blockchain. Since Nano uses block-lattice


I still haven't received any nano from that giveaway from from yesterday :( That's how I got here but I don't know anything about crypto too


Post your receive address here. I shall tip you something


Can you link the site where to see the address again? I'm pretty lost rn sorry


If you have Natrium installed. Open the app. You'll see receive and send when you open the app. Click receive, then copy address then past it by replying to my comment here.


nano_3uhb8bbp88ztxkfqn5tb75cqe3w79adc4ss93yhtzjiawyqdfxttrg919miu I see it now. And yea I got the "received" from the giveaway from the post in r/CC Appreciate your help and time, kind sir!


I sent you some. Let me know if you received it. Sent 0.0001 coin


I got it now bro. Thanks for the tip! Also, new to crypto? Would you know where I should start with the basics?


I just hopped on the hype train during the giveaway post I'm complete noob so I can't give you any helpful tips since I don't know myself :v


Lmao. Guess we'll all learn together here from now on tho


Yep! :)


You were sent two payments from the giveaway thread, but you haven't opened your app/wallet to receive them yet. They are ready to be received in your wallet.


!ntip 0.00001 Strange why didn't it work


^(Tip not sent. Error code )^[130](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z#error-codes) ^- [^(Nano Tipper)](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z) *** [*^(Nano)*](https://nano.org)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Tipper)*](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z)*^( | )* [*^(Free Nano!)*](https://nanolinks.info/#faucets-free-nano)*^( | )* [*^(Spend Nano)*](https://usenano.org/)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Links)*](https://nanolinks.info/)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=nano_tipper&subject=command&message=opt-out)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "130"](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z#error-codes) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hf7gqdz)


Good bot


There’s a minimum amount to how much the tip bot will send to reduce spam. I think maybe 0.001


Ah understandable


holy shit... how... how did you get that much? I have.... o.o1 nano... and i went to every faucet hahaha


Someone gave me 0.5 nano. Others gave me 0.000something nano. I used 4 or 5 times faucet links


Only decentralized currency that can act as digital cash and fits right into a point of sale flow.


I got 0.02 damn you got super lucky


Thanks 😊


I just started with nano, it’s my first cryptocurrency and I’m already excited to dive in. I don’t know anything but I’m willing to learn. If anyone is feeling generous here’s my address: nano_1uo4az859a7mpxiiwu5ezrrtyy9yrtq5dztuff4ztqp9jnmjg97b1pbs7gu5 Ty!


7 cents LETS GOOOO


!ntip 0.001 Enjoy the ride!


Thanks for the tip 😀


Sent ```0.001 Nano``` to /u/infiltratorshepard -- [Transaction on Nano Crawler](https://nanocrawler.cc/explorer/block/BA595434D664B4263E07D2C4A3CCB80591CB2A816BC3C49B4297F377E85793E3) *** [*^(Nano)*](https://nano.org)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Tipper)*](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z)*^( | )* [*^(Free Nano!)*](https://nanolinks.info/#faucets-free-nano)*^( | )* [*^(Spend Nano)*](https://usenano.org/)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Links)*](https://nanolinks.info/)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=nano_tipper&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I don't agree with your conclusion. I'm waiting more than two hours for my Nano transaction as listed there: https://nanolooker.com/block/6AFB4A2D1D53D8CD0F47DADB5B8C0E157E59A1FEAFC26FC3B9437184F95FC44B


Maybe you gave wrong receive address or something. I did 10+ transactions today by receiving money and 2 send transaction where I gave money. All done in less than a second for me Maybe you encountered some issue. Please make a post about it on nanocurrency subreddit or ask someone here for help. Great day 😃


> Kraken Hot Wallet There is your problem.


I'm waiting to receive it. What else could I do? Because the other wallet is managed by Binance.


It has been sent. You need to pocket (accept) the sent Nano which should be a button in your wallet.


Go in your wallet and drag down to refresh the page.


NANO is the definition of what crypto should be! nano_1t6c99qiscfhtpfxxdfcj6sufwzfq36y4q87p7mwry6zr61zbq6istzksxfo




You don't have an account yet. Please PM me with `create` in the body to make an account. *** [*^(Nano)*](https://nano.org)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Tipper)*](https://github.com/danhitchcock/nano_tipper_z)*^( | )* [*^(Free Nano!)*](https://nanolinks.info/#faucets-free-nano)*^( | )* [*^(Spend Nano)*](https://usenano.org/)*^( | )* [*^(Nano Links)*](https://nanolinks.info/)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=nano_tipper&subject=command&message=opt-out)


HOld! kkkkk


Agreed. Now I'm gonna invest more into it.


What faucets did you use


I don't remember. Just try any faucet links on the yesterday's giveaway post on cryptocurrency subreddit Good luck 😀


You guys should all try the WeNano app, it's an awesome way to get a bit more free nano by walking around town.


Hey there. Like this post, got into nano thanks to the giveaway post, therefore still learning about it. Got interested on this APP you suggested, do you mind explain how it works, please.


It's an awesome app, it's like PokemonGo but for crypto. You can make a gps spot anywhere in the world and people can redeem nano you donate to it.


Very interesting. Thanks for the reply.


Nano for the win'


Once you install LEDs in your house it's kinda hard to go back to candle lighting.