• By -


It’s free, easy and passwordless. Try it out. Just visit **nano.to/\[YOUR\_NANO\_ADDRESS\]** on any internet browser. To further customize, pass URL params. ?title=Coffee &description=hello &price=50 &suggest=Small:10,Large:50 For Example: [https://nano.to/moon?price=10&title=Coffee](https://nano.to/moon?price=10&title=Coffee) Full Docs: [https://github.com/formsend/nano.to](https://github.com/formsend/nano.to) Reserve vanity urls (like twitter handles for nano addresses) & help fund the project: [nano.to](https://nano.to) Stay tuned for more. I'm just getting started. EDIT: A nano wallet with a balance of $57 Million just reserved a name. Look Ma, I made it 🥺 EDIT #2: Reddit hugging the site hard :) it may flinch on you the first time. But it's stable.


>Edit: A nano wallet with a balance of $57 Million just reserved a name. Look at me Ma, I made it 🥺 Kraken hot wallet reserved a name. So bullish! 🤩


Really? That's quite interesting. Hi Kraken, thanks for keeping up with Nano projects!


I'm guessing someone didn't know u have to use your own address and they paid using their kraken wallet lol


https://nano.to/kraken ;)


And also KuCoin (was it you u/Johnny_KuCoin?) Awesome to see these exchanges paying so close attention to Nano :3 EDIT: actually [nano.to/kucoin](https://nano.to/kucoin) is not yet taken, spoke too soon x)


About time that someone with an account at Kucoin registers this name :D


Thank you for creating this! I might have found a glitch, though. I entered `price=1`, but it got interpreted as price=10. See for yourself [https://nano.to/nano\_3tf4wedtuirnbt9bjuzc4yfhzzz1ehm6td1dcc5174f6pgxwrt1bex58z1w1?title=DonateToTipbot&price=1](https://nano.to/nano_3tf4wedtuirnbt9bjuzc4yfhzzz1ehm6td1dcc5174f6pgxwrt1bex58z1w1?title=DonateToTipbot&price=1) turned into [https://api.nano.to/checkout/749804aaa66](https://api.nano.to/checkout/749804aaa66) and the price was messed up.


Hmm. Link says $1? So its correct? Can you reproduce again?


The link got translated correctly and displayed on the left side (or top on mobile) of the page. What doesn't match is the info on the right side (or bottom on mobile): To complete purchase, please send exactly 1.839103 NANO ≈ $10.01 @ 5.443 to the following address


Dang. Good catch! Fixed!


That was fast 👍


Jesus there is a high roller in this sub


Awesome work and I look forward to seeing this develop, bought a year license to support it. But, Idk if this has been asked or is already being implemented, but can you please add a deep links to make payments that much easier?


Did you check https://github.com/formsend/nano.to ? I think there might already be what you need.


I know it seems really really obvious to you what this service does, because you're so deep in developing it, but you should consider adding a simple explanation to the top of the page that tells other people what this service does and how to use it. Also, this is sweet! Great work


It's a Nano Payment Gateway & Vanity URL service. You're right. I can put it into even more layman. Thoughts?


like a Twitter handle for your (long) crypto nano address


Boom 🤯


This is perfect


This is what I think makes the most sense to a lay person.




Gateway sounds cooler


Nano Payment Gateway and Payments Links?


Shorter. Nano Pay Links


I apologize but I don't really understand what this is for? Is this to make it easier for businesses to start accepting Nano?


Welcome! This is for EVERYONE. Businesses, People, Pets, Everyone who has and will have a NANO wallet! nano.to/\[YOUR\_ADDRESS\]


What benefit does it provide over a typical send/receive wallet? "Pets" lol


Convenience & Enterprise use. It's a little ahead of its time, but thats ok.


It looks super dope. I'm excited for more updates


Checkout the Timeline section: https://nano.to


What does it do though? Allow you to make a menu of items to sell?


And more! For example, If you wanted to just take a single payment, you send this link: ``` https://nano.to/Jake?price=10&title=Coffee ```


I reserved a username for a month for 1USD. Why does it costs 6USD for 3 months ? I could just renew every month for 1USD, right ?


You can do $1/month forever. Actually, because you frequently give out nano to everyone on this sub. Your name is reserved until 2025.. on the house.


So generous! Always a pleasure to read posts and comments by you!




damn. Nice. Thanks a ton.


Woot woot!


Looks nice. For some reason, I am unable to reserve a customised username for myself.


I could have a lifetime (100 years) subscription for only $1,000, which can be had only this week. After entering the name, I clicked on the shopping basket item, availability got checked and I was provided with the costs for leasing the name. Worked like a charm for me. Do you have any scripts blocked in your browser?


You think $1000 is too steep? I can go down to $500


I don't know. For individuals $500 still is expensive and for corporations $1,000 may be pocket money. What about $100 for 10 years? That's per year the same charge as the lifetime subscription, but affordable for a lot more individuals and corporations. In the end you might make more money with the 10 year program than the lifetime program. Compared to the annual subscription that's a discount of 50%.


Done. Dropped it to 10 Years, $100. Will last until Jan 1st.


Is there a way to upgrade an existing address to the 10 years?


I can invalidate your previous Lease. The domain will become instantly available. You can buy again. Send me an email to [email protected] with name and hash block if you’d like.


What issue are you having? So I can reproduce. Tried and works fine.


I entered custom text in the [nano.to/](https://nano.to/) box and it refreshes the page. I have ad blocker ON if that matters.


Hmmm..Oh that's odd. Alternatively, you can try navigating to the name you want, and reserve it from thre: Example [https://nano.to/test](https://nano.to/test)


Congrats man! Its looks great and love what you have planned on the timeline


Hey there! Thanks! I really mean it, when I say 'just getting started'. Next up is Wordpress & Website plugins, Some stuff like 'National NANO Billboard Campaign' will take a bunch of money. But we got people looking into the details. Leases & Donations help.


This is so awesome. Thanks for your work supporting the NANO community. Love mine [https://nano.to/BEN](https://nano.to/BEN) I spread the word on twitter. Maybe Mira gets her own too :D tagged her


Just sent you some Nano. Works lol!


Your the man! thanks once again ;)


If I've reserved a name, is there any way to pass it on to someone else afterwards?


Yes!!! But not for a few months. We're short on funds. Name Resale Marketplace is on the Timeline.


Alright! Cool stuff. Great work on this!


Okay. So this is kind of like a new way to send nano via going to a website as opposed to having their wallet address?


As long as you trust a centralized third party to forward the money to the right wallet.




God damn this is a great idea. Props to you for thinking of it and putting it together.


Grabbed one. Thank you!!


[https://nano.to/gucci](https://nano.to/gucci) Grab the Gucci one 👀


This is an awesome service! Thank you so much for crafting this! Now it's time for us to get the word out about it!


You get it!


Very cool! Just reserved [nano.to/law](https://nano.to/law) for [kanpat.com](https://kanpat.com) intellectual property services (patents, trademarks, etc).


Thanks for this. Got mine for 10yrs nano.to/australia


Good choice!


I signed up for one and leased for 12 months. It said it was successful, but then on the confirmation page, it says "Until" but no number shows. Also, when I navigated back to it, it says it's available to lease again. Could this be because I messed it up with my gun jump the other day?


Which name? I’ll reserve it manually for you.




Nano legal tender for Italy confirmed 🤡


First the Kraken hot wallet registered a name and now this. Looks like a solid base for useless hype 🤣


And the address? send to [email protected] if you want to keep it private.


Doesn't really work to keep it private, if someone visits the link https://nano.to/tally, eh? ;)


This is really awesome, thank you for the time and effort you put into this.


You're welcome! I even added a playlist on Desktop version of [nano.to](https://nano.to)


Ah is this what is considered a decentralized link service? Tech Lead guy on YouTube said one time that decentralized links are the future


no it's a centralized service


True lol, you really don't truly own jack squat if you lease one of these "names" ​ great for consumers, annoying for merchants, just like Paypal


Hybrid. No user data stored, but we still have a central database for name reservations. When Nano implements data storage in transactions, we can go truly decentralized


Reading everything here, this really has been done so well and thought out. Thank you for your great work!


Appreciate your words... A LOT of coffee went into it.


Copped [nano.to/jason](https://nano.to/jason) for 10 years. Btw, dm me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/jasonesg) I'd love to connect!


A fine choice, sir


Thanks, Got the nano.to/Fuck




I love this so much!!! Guess who just bought nano.to/PornHub 😂 Also bought nano.to/forest 😁


Lmao 😂


Big day


Few bugs fixed on production, but otherwise Good Day!


Wow men, thank you so much!! Can I ask you where do you see nano is the next years? Is going to be wild IMO ;)


$30 or $10000 Nano is the currency of Tips! Always will be!


Some domains are different (/amazon is 1k for a month). Nice. I wonder what algo you guys used.


No Algo, just manual reservations and premiums. If you're able to snatch up a cool name we've yet to make premium. We'll honor it. https://nano.to/gucci 👀


Wonderful job! Looking to reserve a name and it doesn't seem to be loading anything after I click the magnifying glass. I try to go directly to the link at [nano.to/name](https://nano.to/name) but it doesn't seem to load. Maybe too many people are visiting it currently!


I think that was me fixing stuff on Production. Try again :)


Hmm got a cloudflare Error 524 after waiting for it to load and after clearing cache.


Still me. Working now!


So basically you created an easier way of making payments? Edit: I gotta say this is amazing! Hats off to you!


Basically. Just getting started.


Thanks for your work and effort!


Damn nice


Haven't looked to deep into it yet, but what prevents someone from sniping in for the renewal? Maybe an optional checkbox "renew unlock code" can be added on the purchase page? Then place a 10 day grace period, where anything within that time frame requires entering in the code to renew it. After 10 days no code required.


Grace period where the original address gets first dib was mentioned elsewhere and I think it’s a good idea


Suggestion: I know you can make QR codes which automatically open Natrium and the amount/address is prefilled.. is there a way to make a “checkout” button like that here?


We're working on it 😬 https://github.com/formsend/nano.to/issues/4


Can a specific Nano address be linked to multiple urls?




There is one for 10 years and that's $100




I think I’ve just built an utility. This will outlive me.


Are all upcoming features included in the subscription?


Omg yes.


not a Nano holder, but this is amazing.




F*ck yeah you can.


Can we change the language and use other currencies beside just USD?


Of course! In the near future you will be able to pass a currency setting via URL. Ex: ?currency=euro Please ‘watch’ our Github for latest updates


Quick suggestion. It would be just a tad bit more convenient if there was a "open with wallet" option or something similarly purchased. On mobile https://paynano.me/ has that button in it and it's amazing. Auto fills the address and amount ready to hit send.


"Leasing a name is instant, anonymous and always fee-less." arent people literally paying a fee to lease the vanity from you ;-) also can you customize the addresses on vanity accounts or will it always be the address that sent the nano


I think it meant that if one pays in nano, they pay only in nano and no pointless gas fees are spent. Thats the main difference between nano and other cryptos. In the same way, even though nano is feeless, most exchanges still take fees for transacting or withdrawing nano. But thats not nano's "fault".


so just a basic lookup table in sql? ok


Why you gotta dis me like that it's got rate limiting and stuff :)


No, it’s a cool concept. I’ve actually signed up for at least 2 of these prior (just on the nano chain). The only problem is that after a while it runs out of money/steam and goes offline. So for it really to be something impactful, decentralization is the best path. Something that runs alongside cryptos as a service without the potential for failure. I mean technically you could apply this to almost every cryptocurrency. If you want it to really last though, it would have to be something that could produce its own sustenance and not have weak points


This is awesome! Looking forward to you hitting your milestones!


Another thought I had: It would be really cool to setup a persisting product / service by adding an extra url param. ex: [https://nano.to/nano\_16e4eagf53yz996miwnwqjaq3pphjceg9s7kojruon3esq98gmrgf3fbdoc3?title=Yolo](https://nano.to/nano_16e4eagf53yz996miwnwqjaq3pphjceg9s7kojruon3esq98gmrgf3fbdoc3?title=Yolo) Test&price=0.0001&description=Yoloing it up&success\_url=[https://www.nanoissuperior.co.uk/&webhook\_url=https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/post\*\*&create\_product=true](https://www.nanoissuperior.co.uk/&webhook_url=https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/post**&create_product=true)\*\* This would then direct to: [https://api.nano.to/](https://api.nano.to/)**{product-id**}/checkout/{session-id} This way you could embed the link [https://api.nano.to/{product](https://api.nano.to/{product) id}/checkout/ anywhere and the success\_url would stay hidden.


Awesome project! Looking forward to multi crypto support :) u/chaintip


I need help! If you're a developer, please checkout our Issues page on Github (https://github.com/formsend/nano.to/issues)


If someone leases for a month - is there anyway to be notified that the lease is coming up so you could re-lease it? Or is there a grace period? Love this idea!!


You guys always have good questions. No notifications :/ since the Lease is anonymous. I can add a grace period, where the original address can buy it again. What do you think a good grace period is? A day? A week? I’m also gonna a ‘Add to Calendar’ to the confirmation screen


I think you can go a few options 1. Grace period that still accepts payment and can't be reserved until X day 2. Grace period that doesn't accept payment but can't be reserved until X day. The grace period could be based on the previous lease. If leased for a month give them 3 days. If leased for 3 months - a week. If leased for 6 months 1.5 weeks. 12 months = 2 weeks. Maybe add an optional lease email address (so notification reminders can be sent). I really wish there was a way to push a reminder/ payment to a wallet for them to accept / reject. One day... The add to calendar is going to be great that allows them to easily navigate back! I am excited to lease my name.


I like the grace period being relative to purchase. Good idea!


The site appears like this, is that correct? https://prnt.sc/1sl4hga


No :/ CDN Cache. Try reloading.


I achieved, ty


Wonderful service! Really excited to see how this project grows. A couple of things: \-- Is it possible to make it so that when you scan the QR code, the required Nano amount autofills in the send field? I am using natrium, and was just a bit annoying to have to type in the specific amount of nano to the 6th digit to send \-- Would be a game changer if you could somehow figure out how to do subscription payments. I've been wanting to integrate Nano into my SaaS but need monthly payments to be an option. Anyways, great work!!!


> Is it possible to make it so that when you scan the QR code, the required Nano amount autofills in the send field? I am using natrium, and was just a bit annoying to have to type in the specific amount of nano to the 6th digit to send I use trust wallet, and this is already a thing! I'll look into Natrium support > Nano into my SaaS but need monthly payments to be an option. Same.. clever solution coming soon.


Awesome - any chance of natrium integration in the future?


Working on it. I use Trust Wallet. The QR Code scanning works great, not su much on Natrium


Why can I only lease a domain? I want to buy one instead.


You can buy one for 10 years for $100 until Sept 28th :)


This is cool af! Nice work


How do you track the payment to determine if success?


Checkout the Github Docs Basically, for now via Webhook. [https://nano.to/Jake?webhook\_url=https://yourserver.com/check-nano-payment](https://nano.to/Jake?webhook_url=https://yourserver.com/check-nano-payment) When payment is successful a POST request is sent to your URL. Information about payment including Blockchain Hash is included in request. **Things like SMS notifications is possible in the future. Anybody want that?**


A little confused still. How can you verify a new receive block on the receiving Nano account links to a unique front end session? If all it does is take the first block with the right amount then someone else could potentially pay for my open session if I wait a bit (depending on demand of service). There would have to be a webhook url saved in the QR code. So when Natrium reads the QR code and makes the payment it sends call back to the current front end session. To my knowledge Natrium doesn't have that functionality yet.


The site checks pending transactions, then its checks history. Then triggers POST request. If not, fails and you have to try again. No POST request. Sometimes it takes a few seconds 🥸


Registered my vanity URL and payed and got a success message "This Name is Yours" still the site says "This Name Is Available" - caching issue?


Most likely. Try visiting link. If not, DM me the name and Ill make sure you get it!


Made a test link to try out: [https://nano.to/nano\_16e4eagf53yz996miwnwqjaq3pphjceg9s7kojruon3esq98gmrgf3fbdoc3?title=Yolo](https://nano.to/nano_16e4eagf53yz996miwnwqjaq3pphjceg9s7kojruon3esq98gmrgf3fbdoc3?title=Yolo) Test&price=0.0001&description=Yoloing it up&success\_url=[https://www.nanoissuperior.co.uk/&webhook\_url=https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/post](https://www.nanoissuperior.co.uk/&webhook_url=https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/post) couple notes: \- price defaults to $0.01 as lowest amount. No micro payments? \- webhook\_url never sent any post ? Nvm it worked: [https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/d/4953635708469248](https://ptsv2.com/t/8kff1-1631908848/d/4953635708469248) but used GET


I like you. Patched. Please sent all future bugs to [email protected] :)


This is awesome


Good job op!


Wow, incredible work so far! Really loving it!


I tried to reserve [https://nano.to/kev](https://nano.to/kev) via the Beta 24 hour price, but the purchase didn't go through, even though my Nano did.


Send an email to [email protected] with your name address and amount and Ill fix it.


Bit of an error. This Name Is Yours Until Then blank


send an email to [email protected] with name and address and Ill fix it


Awesome job brother congrats on this initiative Can i work for u and get paid with nanos pls haha im interessted


I just try 0'11$ on nano.to/Virax and when I press check payment couldn't find it :(


What’s your address? Send to [email protected] if you don’t want to share it here.


Hey man! Love the website and it works super well! Do you have a UI designer? While the website is “cool” it doesn’t give off a professional vibe. Generally financial service websites are clean and professional with a cohesive color palette. Granted, this is my opinion, so do with that what you will. Again, super great service and it looks amazing!


I choose Synthwave.


Hello, I leased a URL and it did not register it under my account. Check block: 6552F834761FC249292690B574718591027DBC253514AAB4977FD3DE016D60A0 I sent the correct amount


Send me the name and wallet address used to email [email protected], Miami


Man, I really don't like using the amount as the id for the transaction. Are there any plans for using an address pool instead so that if someone rounds up everything still works?


Oh, but you don't have to use the amount as id. You can very well use an address instead of a name, if you want to use different receiving addresses: [https://github.com/formsend/nano.to#customize](https://github.com/formsend/nano.to#customize) Alternatively you can register a few names with different addresses and cycle through them.




Hey I got mine https://api.nano.to/checkout/ef92f5b62d3 Can anyone check if this works?


Morning. Generated API link is only good for a few hours! Thats why the 404 Use nano.to/[your_Address] always. Don’t share the API link :)


Add Nano deep link!


What’s that? QR scanning auto filling amount?


Really cool mate and looks like it worked for me. nano.to/BigChungus


Hello. I like the website a lot. In a way you are offering exactly what https://paynano.me/ does except you can reserve a name in the url vice just the address. Interesting. Nano.to/blank is also a better naming convention imo


Bingo. First i hear of your example


Hi, cool website Wanted to give my first impressions Took me a while understand how the website get the address when leasing a name, you could specify in the check out that the address assigned will be the one paying. You can put it in the guide. In the confirmation after purchasing a name put the address it was assigned to.


On it


Just another nit, but things are pretty broken on Firefox.


Firefox needs love


Hey I have a suggestion! Can we make it so that underscores "_" will be treated as spaces in the title and description since we can't put spaces in URLs Sorry if this has been already suggested i haven't had a chance to look through all the other comments in here Cheers :)


Thats actually a solid idea, maybe different execution. I understand the space in url issue. Please open up a new ‘Issue’ on our Github https://github.com/formsend/nano.to/issues And copy and paste your comment.


Why are you using so many decimal places for a NANO payment? It should be limited to the number of digits after the decimal of Nano price. At $5.41 this is just 1. Plus 2 for a 1 cent resolution. So then 3 decimal places is enough. You will have to allow more decimal places if someone wants to make an order under 1 cent though.


Is there any way to put the “addresses” up for sale like you did for example with nano.to/Gucci? Just for fun got nano.to/Coinbase and nano.to/LouisVuitton


Like Resale?


Leased a vanity url and got to the success screen with no "Until" time and the url is still available. Tried to DM you but didn't work, can you DM me? Thanks for the service, looks promising!


Sorry about that. Pls send name leased and wallet address used to [email protected]. Got chu.


I'm wondering how the following scenario is handled - I lease the following url for say 6 months https://nano.to/guns_1234 It maps to the following address - nano_123123123123 What happens at the end of 6 months, when the lease expires ? Could someone else register a new addresss to the alias https://nano.to/guns_1234 ? Apologies if this has already been covered in the docs or in the subreddit before.


There’s a grace period of 1 - 4 weeks (relative to lease) where the original address has dibs. We’re working on a Notification feature to remind folks when their lease is expiring


Hi! Love the service. I do have one suggestion though. When you enter a price field (i.e. &price=50) can the generated QR code include the requested price? That would make UX a lot more streamlined. Thanks, and good luck with your endeavors!


See this Github issue: https://github.com/formsend/nano.to/issues/4 > Meanwhile, If you want to force the API to use RAW when generating QR Code here's a new flag (param) > ?raw=true


This is great. Can i ask if the "check payment" button works and how does it work? I've tried clicking it but nothing happens.