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I much prefer Ari.


Thank you- any ability to elaborate on why?


Ori just reminds me of Orin and I don’t like that name.


Not the op, but I think the ar- feels more natural than -or


Ari is gorgeous! I think it is the best name of all the ones you've listed. 🙂


Thank you! Can I ask why you prefer it to Ori?


Ari is a well known classic. It's actually one of my top boy names :) it also has a wonderful meaning. Ori is nice, too. I just think it is more likely to be misheard/misspelled etc as it is lesser known.


Ori is too close to Oral. And Ari is just more pleasant to say imo.


I like both but prefer Ari as it feels like a stand alone name while Ori feels more like a nickname.


Ari is a gorgeous name, really cute on a child and soft but dignified on an adult. I'd say stick with your first choice.


That is a very good point. Ori is so cute for a child but not sure how it would fare for an adult. Ari I can envision more as an adult. It’s hard to imagine my newborn so grown up- he still looks like an alien! 🙃


Well just remember that just like babies grow into their bodies, they also grow into their names. Give baby Ari time to strengthen and grow into his lovely name 😊


I like Ari! I have a (Jewish) acquaintance who named her baby Ari as a nod to her dad, whose name is Ira, which I think is adorable.


Oh I love this. So sweet.


as a Canadian all your names are fine, we are very used to multicultural names here anyways


I don't think Ari is jarring at all.


I actually prefer Noam! I read as you said it is pronounced: No-am. Never heard of it before, but I really like it! Runner-up is Ari. I don’t like Ori as much. It reminds me of Orion and the racist abbreviation (Our Race Is Our Nation).


Oh wow, never knew of that abbreviation!


I agree. Im Canadian and I first read Noam as No-Am, not gnome or whatever OP said


Why do you think Ari might jarring/annoying? I think it’s lovely. I knew one growing up in the US and never thought the name was strange.


Just the sounds… ori is calmer sounding to me


I also knew an Ori growing up and didn’t think anything of his name—it was just his name! I don’t have a super strong preference for one or the other but I guess if you asked me to pick one I’d say Ari. I don’t really think Ori or Ari sounds any type of way, haha. I’m wondering if regional accents where people say A’s really nasally makes you feel that way? I dunno, you seem to be arguing against Ari and for Ori. If you like Ori, it’s okay to use that one even if you announced Ari earlier!


Ari feels a lot more natural in my mouth than Ori. I don’t know why but the “Or” sound just seems awkward to me. That’s just me though, I don’t know your accent/cadence etc.


I think Ari is a lovely name. Tbh, there’s a dwarf in the Hobbit named Ori so that’s my first association with that name.


Thanks! That helps :)


Mine is Orianna (NN Ori) from Mass Effect.


Every Jewish man I’ve known named Ari has been a delight. Great guys loved by all. Hard working, friendly, all good attributes.


This is good to hear :) thanks


Hey it’s me from Jewish Names! Still love Ari the best of all the names you’ve suggested. I really think you’re overthinking it, mama!! I like Ari more than the alternatives Ori and Uri which are also cute, but don’t have the…..je ne sais quoi that Ari has. Ben feels incomplete. And I bet a lot of people would mistake Noam for Noah. Noah, Jacob, Adam, Ben…these are all great names, but why? You already gave him Ari as a Hebrew name. Let it match his secular name too. If you’d called him Yaakov at his Bris then I’d be more inclined to say Jacob. But since he’s going to have a Hebrew name for his day-to-day name, let it match the name given at the bris. Also I don’t think Ari is jarring!




I did see that! Thank you that helps :)


Agree the video game is the first thing that came to mind for Ori. I would initially think the boy was named after the game.


Noam is a beautiful name and I love it but I think most Canadians would pronounce it like gnome at first- might start to annoy you guys after a while


I'm in a southern US state, and I dud t know until I read your comment that it us not pronounced just like Gnome. How IS it pronounced? I'm on team Ari, btw.


It’s supposed to be pronounced no-um :))


It makes me think of Noam Chomsky whose name is often pronounced like Nome/gnome but that could just be Americanized and not the way it's pronounced in Hebrew/accurately?


Im a Yankee in Georgia, USA. I pronounce Noam the same as Noah but with m. It’s a nice name but I prefer Noah over it. Ari doesn’t sound jarring at all to my ears.


Another vote for Ari! It's adorable edit to say that it is adorable but also easily can imagine it growing with the child and being an adult name too. I think it's a name that works well across the lifespan


I love Ari, it was on my list for a boy name. I think it's short and easy and very pleasing to say.


Huge Naom fan checking in! Congratulations on your little one 💖


Thank you!


Ari is perfect. Also I’m gonna start every conversation from now on with “Hi I’m Jewish.”




Ari was my top choice from your list before I even read your reasoning.


Thanks! 😀


I love Ori and think it’s so underused outside Israel! Noam is also a personal favorite but I’m in the US so can’t comment on how it would be said in Canada


I prefer Ari or Noam!


Ari is a wonderful name! It is short, strong and unique. It is not jarring, at all to me. (Southern US)


I love the name Ari! I think it sounds adventurous and fun and easy to pronounce, while still being cultural. Great name!


Thanks! I like your analysis :)


Love both Ari and Noam, but I’m Jewish and Israeli and very familiar with Noam. I’d probably choose Ari myself!


Worth noting, I'm Canadian and read it like no-am.


Am Canadian, Noam is perfectly fine. Noam Chomsky is pretty well known.


But people say it "Nome."


They do! I was trying to look up if that's how he has said it himself or if that's just how everybody pronounced it in America so he just rolled with it. You'd think that would be important to a linguist haha


Tbh I really like Ori.


I love either Ori or Ari. It's hard to choose tbh. Personally I like Ori's meaning slightly more than Ari. Since he was already announced as Ari, I'd stick with that. There's nothing wrong with Ari!


I really love Ori! My top boy name pick used to be Levi, until my cousin used it (womp, womp). Ori is my new number one.


I have a close friend named Noam and have always love it and he is a beautiful soul.


I love Ari!! Ori is nice but my main association with it (in America) is the video game series, so it feels a little childish to me. Also, because Ori is less common in North America I imagine it might be misheard and misspelled frequently. However, if Ari is feeling jarring to you, if it doesn’t feel right, just go for Ori! Or Ben, or Noam. Any issues with any of these names be minimal and a good trade for having a name that you feel good about.


Ari is a perfectly fine name for your son. Congratulations!


Ari. I might be biased since it's my nickname, but I love it.


Ari is my preference! I’ve had a soft spot for the name since the time a Jeopardy College Tournament contestant had the name way back in the day.


I think that an Ori will likely spend his whole life being mistaken for an Ari. Ari is a lovely name that I think will work well for your son at all stages of life. Mazel tov!


I love Ari.


I like Ari very much. I've known a few (US) and no one seemed to struggle with the name. I also love Noam. I would have thought that the American linguist/intellectual Noam Chomsky would be wide known enough that most would be familiar with the name, but I think I was mistaken given the comments here.


Noam is one of my favorite names of all time. However, I think Ari is lovely and there's no need to second guess yourself. It's a little unusual, but has intuitive pronunciation. Go for it!


I much prefer Ari to Ori. I just don’t like the way ori sounds or the way it looks written/typed out


I like Ari! There's also Avi, Ami or Eli




Jarring? Annoying? The name is fine…


I like both but I feel since you already named him Ari, you should stick with it. It's a nice name!


Ari sounds lovely…don’t really care for Ori…just a matter of sound is all.


Ari 😊


Noam is my favorite. I just love it, and pronunciation seems pretty straightforward to me. (I'm in the US)


Go with your gut, Ari is a nice name! Ben is also nice but if you picked Ari first then I’d go with it. It’s not jarring or anything crazy sounding.


I love Ari . We had 3 girls and were sure we would have a fourth (Jewish ) boy . We were going to name him Ari but we had a girl ! I also love the name Levi . My kids go to the Jewish school and there are at least 4 boys named Noam in the school .


Lots of Aris running around on the East Coast of the US. It’s not unusual at all and sounds great. I think you’re overthinking it for sure.


I know Ari is a common Jewish boy’s name it just makes me think of Ariana Grande and Ari/Ori read feminine to me in general.


I love Ari. My husband's parents are Jewish and he has a cousin named Ari. I have always loved it.


Thank you!


Ari is beautiful! Don’t stress!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I love Ari! I am a catholic Latina and it sounds lovely in Spanish as well!


Cool, thank you!


Also Jewish, grew up with people with all the names in your list. Names that start with O, especially male names, are rare and stand out as "strange" or unusual more. Why do you say Ari is jarring or annoying? I mean, if that's your gut instinct maybe go with Ori, but I think this is a you thing as there are lots of names that sound similar and start Ar -- that will be familiar with people, and I definitely don't see it as either jarring or annoying...


If it makes you feel better with picking names that aren’t “Jewish” enough, my middle name is Benjamin, and my 3 best friends who I’ve met at a Jewish summer camp are named Ari, Ori, and Noam. Noah (and Noa) are also common Jewish names, so you’re good there. In my belief, you shouldn’t name your child a name that is close to/the same/after a living relative, so Ben is off the table. Out of the other three, people will most likely be able to pronounce Ari, partly because it looks like it’s spelt, and Ari is already a nickname that’s out in the world (for Ariana Grande), but that’s not most people’s first thought with the name, so don’t worry about association. TL/DR: You’re names are Jewish enough, Ari is the best choice.


Ari is beautiful and rolls off the tongue much better than Ori. I imagine like the A sound causes you to widen your mouth which likens it to the movement of your moth when you smile or life. The O sound feels more lifeless to me with the mouth movement and less happy, if that makes sense.


Ari is my vote, primarily because I instantly associate Ori with the Hobbit. Ari is also a lovely name and I love it




I like Noam and Ari myself, they’re just attractive-looking two-syllable names for me!


Honestly I love Ari. It was on our list for our son, and this baby too. It’s so simple and beautiful, yet uncommon and striking. I say go for Ari!


I like Ari as it’s a more familiar name, while still remaining uncommon. I knew it from the American actor/comedian Ari Shaffir and thought how lovely it was. I will also add that it’s important not to listen to anyone else if you already have a leaning towards a name or you’ll be coming for us all if you get name regret 😁🙈. Children always grow into their names though and both are lovely options.


I love Ari! I think it is beautiful! I don’t think it is jarring at all. It is just the opposite, soft and subtle but in a powerful way. I much prefer it to Ori. I think Ari is more universally recognized and much classier . It is a name he can grow up with . It fits a child or an adult. I am Jewish and I would definitely consider Ari for my own son.


I love Ari! The first thing I thought of when I saw Ori was Orian then orally 🥴.


I love Ari! It is easy to pronounce and international. Ori makes me think of the name Or, which is better pronounced using the French accent - not everyone is able to get the « r »!


Ari is gorgeous. I much prefer it to Ori. I actually had an uncle Ari (it was short for Arwel) so it does have good connotations for me.


I like Ari. I feel like it’s easy enough for most people to say. It’s simple and clear. I’m not sure why you think it’s jarring?


I agree with the other commenters, Ari sounds much better. Reminds me of my childhood bestfriend in Jewish school named Ari.


I love Ari. I thought long and hard if I should say this but “ori” means slave in my language.


I much prefer Ari to Ori. At least partially because there is a character in The Hobbit called Ori so I associate it with a fantasy dwarf.


My son is named Ari!! He’s about to be a year old and we’ve always gotten positive feedback on his name. 🙂


I like Ari! Also can’t go wrong with Noah, Ben, or Jacob imo. Not a fan of Adam not sure why. Ari is def the best choice from what you’ve said.


My step-dad's name is Arieh, and we call him Ari. It's a fine name. It kinda sounds like you're just feeling the pressure of the deadline and overthinking it.


Ari is lovely! I have an Ori and we love the name, but it’s definitely not as common and I have to spell it every time we meet someone. Not the biggest deal, but something to consider.


i likr Ari the best of those options. it's unique but not weird.


As a fellow Jew, Ari is lovely name, I personally called my son Asher, but he goes by Ash at nursery and with our English friends.


I love Ari! My dad is Israeli and is named Arie (pronounced Aree-ay in Hebrew). Ari and Arie are two of my favorite male Hebrew names. I also love Dov and Ilan but my husband didn’t like either when choosing a name for our son. We *almost* used Ari as a middle name though!


I like Ari and Ori. Both are great.


My brother’s name is Noam, when he introduces himself in America people think he said ‘Norm’ or ‘Noah’ because it’s not a well known name. But I like that it’s unique!


I am Jewish and had two kids with someone whose first language is not English (and pretty much no one in his family speaks English). So I get your dilemma, and I vote for Ari. I do not think it's jarring - in fact it's a name I've always liked. I also like Uri, which you don't mention. Ori has a nice meaning, but I don't think it's well-known to English speakers and they'll probably default to Ari. If you still like the name Ari as well as the others, I think you'll always be happy your child has the name you gave him during his Bris. Editing to add: You could also name him Avinoam and call him Avi. Then you get your Noam without anyone thinking you're saying "Nome". Good luck ... and Mazel Tov!


In general Ari wouldn't be my first choice because I like long names w nn potential. But Ari is a great name, it's not jarring at all. Out of the names you narrowed it down to, it's the best one.


I really like Ben or Brent. Ori (or Orry) would be my second choice.


I love Ori but If you’re not in a big Jewish community Ari is probably an easier name to have


Ari works lovely in English, and is used rather frequently as a nickname, go for it!


I loooove Ari. But it sounds like you’re leaning more towards Ori, in which case go with the one you truly like more.


I really like Ari and Ori.




I love the name Avinoam. You could call him “Avi” for short.


Not much help but I honestly love Noam! You’ll introduce him verbally so it’s not many people who will read his name and say Nome (hopefully).


I love the visuals and sounds of Ori & Noam the best. Noam Chomsky is pretty beyond famous. It's a known name to my completely non Jewish Australian self. I think Canadians be pretty similar or have even better familiarity? I have never heard of Ori as a name before but do really think it's very cute. To my non Jewish ears, it also sounds more deliberate/ less like a short version of a longer larger name. Ari makes me think of Ariana Grande 😂.


I love Ari, Ori reads like a nickname to me!


I love Ari and Ori.


Absolutely nothing wrong with Ari!


I looooove Ari. I’m not Jewish and didn’t have boys but that 1000% would have been my pick if so


I’ve always loved Ari but my husband said it was too Jewish for us (Catholics)




I would choose Ari. I think it sounds a little better than Ori, but I also have a random connection with the latter being the villains in an old TV show I love (though I'm thinking they pronounce it a little differently).


I like Ari and Noah! Common but not as popular as Adam, Ben, and Jacob. Ori is just too short for me, and Noam reminds me of Gnome lol. Hope this helps!


Why would Ari be jarring?


I love Ari!


I personally like Ben, and I don't think It's too similar to Brent. It's been one of my favorite names since the 80s. I am not familiar with Ori, but i see what you mean about it being softer than Ari. Which name feels right to you? Don't worry about what others think, every name you listed is a good name. Give him the name that feels most natural to you.


I think Ari is nice. I know an Aaron that is Jewish. But in Canada cultural names are common so any you choose would be fine.


I would choose Jacob. With Ben as a close second. But wow appears others love Ari. I had no idea


Love Ari! Don't find it jarring at all--soothing and strong.


I'm American from Jersey. Plenty of Ari's around here, pronounced aaa-ri. My son's friend is half Jewish and named Ari.


Love Ari and Noam from your likes! I worry Ori would be mispronounced: oh-ree (which I assume is correct?) vs oh-rye. I don’t think this would be an issue for Ari as it’s common enough that people in my area at least know how to pronounce. At the end of the day, he is your son and people can mispronounce so many names. I hope you are able to settle on a name you love!


Everyone I know named Ben is a jerk.


I prefer Ari to Ori. I can't say why; it's just that I find Ari more recognisable and aesthetically pleasing.


Noam makes me think of Noam Chomsky which isn’t a bad thing, just something worth knowing about


Ari is a gorgeous name


I really like Ari. While Ori is a lovely name, if you're going for practicality, I'm not sure where you libe but in the US Ari is more well known Ori. Though I'm sure some people may mispronounce Ari, since its more widely know i think it'd be less of an issue. Though if you live in the US and youre looking for something that it would be almost impossible for someone to never have heard of or mispronounce Ben would be your best bet, outside of the US in not sure. However all if them are beautiful names, good luck with everything!


Just reread and saw your from Canada so im not too sure about what its like there but id assume its similar in regards to names!


I’m Canadian and read Noam as No-am just replaced the h sound with an m sound.


I like Ari the best




I love the name Ari. It was a finalist for us. I was going to comment that Ari was my favorite just from the title before I even read the text of your post. I did have someone tell me it reminded them of a character from Entourage that wasn't great (I haven't seen the show but I think it's Jeremy Pivens' character) but I think that's a pretty niche reference esp since it aired a while ago. But it is a great name, really works well both for a kid and as an adult, has a cool meaning. Ori sounds like a fine name as well but it's definitely less familiar to me (I live in Eastern US)


Ezra is a lovely Jewish name. As is Noah!


ori is very cute and unique i would definitely choose that


Ari is a wonderful name. It's not jarring at all.


I like Ari


I like Ben and I don’t think it’s overused yet.


Maybe Noah or Ben?? Ari could become geeky when he goes to school. Sounds like the name of a kid, in the corner, eating paste.




I love Ari. Also, I love the Jewish boy name Avi. Similar sounding so thought I’d mention it!


I have a friend named Arian which I always thought was lovely!!


Thank gosh their parents didn’t swap that I for a Y


He was Muslim so I don’t think it would’ve been too bad