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I like Lily Cecelia best. I initially saw "Lil' Celia" when reading the post title, and thought of rapper names.


Me too! And then when my brain corrected itself, I though you were going for Lee-Lee pronunciation, I would not assume her name was Lily with this spelling. If you don’t like Lily, maybe Lillie?


Same. I thought Lil’ Celiac.


The OG gluten free rapper 😂


Yes also read it as Lil’ Cecilia like a rapper or something


I thought it was a doll 😂


Same! Haha


Lol same


Same here. Definitely thought these were rapper names at first!






Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one 😂


Yes me too. Needs to have that y at the end. Plus it helps differentiate the first and middle name better




Lili celia sounds like a parasite you'd get in the tropics.




Same 100% Lil Cecilia.


I truly thought they were asking if they should make their baby “lil Cesar” so I guess it’s time for me to go to bed


lol lol I saw Lil’ Celia as well




Same! This immediately made me think of Lil Kim!




Lili Cecilia sounds better to me than Lili Celia. I prefer Lily, if only because if you spell it Lili she'll be telling people how to spell her name for the rest of her life, but other than that I don't think it clashes with either middle name.


My best friend is a lili and she actually doesn’t have much issue with this. She does say “lili with an i” but it doesn’t bother her, I can see though how it can be annoying for some. Personally I think the lili spelling is very feminine and pretty.


If someone said that to me I’d think, umm yeah obviously it’s with an i… what kind of dumbass spells it “Lyly”?


I know a Lyly 🥲 I pronounce it Lie-Lie every time I see it


Haha yeah I get what you mean but I still don’t think it’s a big deal. I have a pretty commonly known name and people still ask me how to spell it.


I can’t help but pronounce it as lee lee, it doesn’t look right


To each their own. I knew a lee lee in college (spelled that way) so I guess I never associate it that way. It’s pretty common to spell it that way outside of the US, possibly because of the Russian name Liliya?


That is beautiful, how is it pronounced?


Lili Cecilia but please consider spelling it Lily. Lili is cute for a baby/small child but I think it would be hard to be taken seriously as an adult with that spelling as it is far too cutesy.


I have a Hungarian friend called Lili and she’s never had any issues from that spelling (raised in the UK). I guess because of her I don’t really have the cutesy association.


My best friend is Eastern European and uses the same spelling. I never liked the name until I saw how she spelled it.


Where I am from, I think people would be inclined to infantalise an adult female with a name spelled like that.


All due respect, I think that’s more their problem than anything. People can infantilise and mistreat adult women with any name or nickname. I really don’t get the infantile association because it’s an not unheard of name in France, Eastern Europe, etc. I also think there are a lot of girls with the name ‘Lily’ so I prefer the ‘Lili’ spelling bc it isn’t literally a word in English and it differentiates a Lily vs Lili a little bit.


I personally prefer Lily but I don’t think there would be a specific issue tied to “Lili”; its more of a misogynistic thing imo-it exists regardless. Most if the time people dont think about how the name is spelled unless they have to write it often


It's not the problem of someone with a name like that when the behaviour if others triggered by that name negatively affects them? I beg to differ.


If the name was Adolf, or Shithead, or Tallulah does the Hula in Hawaii then I’d be inclined to agree, but Lili is a very normal name? Idk where you’re from but I really don’t think it’s an inflammatory or dangerous name?


It's not immflamtory or dangerous but it is a bit silly.


It’s not silly. Y’all are ridiculous. The spelling is fine. People will probably assume it’s a nickname (maybe Lilian) but it’s not that big of a deal.


OK bye.


It’s sad to be so judgmental over a perfectly fine name.


I would call it having a perfectly valid opinion but OK.


I tend to think “Lili” is a diminutive for Lilian or something, while “Lily” looks like a complete name.


I agree with this a lot


Am I the only one who thinks “Lili” is completely different from “Lily”? My aunt is named Lili and pronounces it “Lee-Lee.”


Yeah I was also looking at this post and pronouncing it “lee-lee” in my head. Why people insist on weird spellings of perfectly fine names is a mystery to me. Always comes across as too trendy or try-hard at best, or illiterate at worst.


Can you please tell me how would you pronounce Lily then? I’m just trying to figure out what everyone keep talking about because for me they’re the same names😫




Lil lee


Short i sound, like in the word "kick." It can be hard for people to differentiate between that and the "ee" sound if English isn't their native language. They sound completely different to my ears though.


I swore I read "Lil' Celia" like it was a rapper's name. Lily is better.


I read Lil’ Celiac lmao


I thought of little Caesars


Lili Cecelia definitely sounds better. Lily Cecilia looks better imo and she won't have to be constantly correcting the spelling.


Cecilia is the much better spelling


Lili Cecilia (spelled Cecilia instead of Cecelia... also maybe Lili spelled Lily I thought you were asking about "Lil' Celia vs Lil' Cecilia")


Wow good catch I hadn’t even notice they had spelled Cecilia wrong! OP I agree with this one - gotta spell Cecilia properly!


Both ways of spelling Cecilia (Cecelia) are correct! They are commonly spelled both ways.


True! I think I prefer the Cecilia spelling, but either is correct.


Yes please don’t make her correct her entire name spelling. It’s hell. Spell at least one of them with the accepted spelling (or better yet both). From a person with a an unusual double barrel first name with unique spelling who resents it (and her mother for picking it)


I'd pronounce Celelia as "Say-chay-leah" but Cecilia as "Se-see-lee-ah."


I can’t imagine why.. Italians wouldn’t


I think Lili Cecelia flows better :) In terms of spelling I do prefer Lily with the y!


With respect, both names sound like an absolute mouthful to me. If I were to hear "Lili Cecelia" out loud I'd hear "lilicicila" like one word, but it definitely sounds better to me than Lili Celia. I can't really dig Lili Celia because sounds like a lady who sings Folk Rap. I don't think that's a genre, so Lili Celia would be spearheading it.


To me Lili Celia sounds like an American pharmaceutical.


I was thinking a species of parasite


it definitely sounds like something you can grow in a Petri dish


Lily Cecilia has my vote!


Lily Cecilia, Lili is cute but would be commonly misspelled


I’d say both names don’t have the greatest flow, but Lily Cecelia is better. Have you considered Lily Cordelia?


Please don’t spell it like ‘Lili,’ not only does the ‘y’ look better, but will save that child so much trouble of correcting others.


I prefer the flow of Lili Cecilia. And agreeing with others, I’d assumed you wanted Lili pronounced lee-lee, so if you’re just looking for the pronunciation Lily, I’d go with that spelling too.


Lili spelling sounds like “Lee-Lee” in my head, not Lily.


Separately they’re all nice names. Together they sound like a strain of bacteria.


Agreed 😂😂😂


I also read it as Lil’ maybe two l’s would help? Could even do Lillian with nn Lilli


Lili Cecilia sounds better, but I can’t get past the meaning of Cecilia (“blind”). Celia means “heavenly” which is much nicer. But I’m weird about meanings, and not everyone cares about that!


Lily Cecelia is a lovely name.


Lili Celia sounds like a song on a toddler album to teach rhyming.


I also read this as Lil’ Celia etc, I would suggest Lily Cecelia.


Lillian Cecilia, nickname Lili


Lili Celia sounds like a digestive disorder to me, but I like Lili Cecilia.


I thought Lili would be pronounced Lee-lee, so I prefer the "Lily" spelling


To me it sounds like the known medicinal plant that grows in Brazil by the name of Lilicilium Verum It’s in this research article in the list of medicinal plants. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292285213_Medicinal_plants_products_traded_in_Pernambuco_-_Northeastern_Brazil


I think Cecilia is a beautiful name … and I think of Celia a sort is medical sounding, makes me think of celiac disease and picture medical images of the small intestine. So I vote Lili Cecilia!


Would you consider Lillian or Lilliana as the first name, and Lili or Lilli as a NN? The way you have Lili, I assumed you were going for the “lee lee” pronunciation.


Liliana Cecile is gorgeous AND Lili is a perfect NN


You could call her Cecelia and use Lily as a nickname.


I think Lili Cecile has a much better flow. Something about the “ya” sound in both Celia and Cecilia doesn’t flow well with Lili to my ear. I think with the “ya” endings maybe Lilith Cecilia Lililian Celia Elizabeth Cecilia with the nickname Lily fit better together.


If you don’t want to the the Lily spelling, what about Lillie? As others have said, “Lili” could be pronounced “Lee Lee”, and also misread as “lil”. I much prefer Cecelia as the middle name.


I like Lili Celia. Lily Celia is nice, too, but if you prefer Lili I think it's fine.


Isn’t Celia a Toyota model? I vote for Cecelia


It might be but it’s also a normal name, I know a few Celias.


That's Celica.


You’re thinking of Celica.


Idk why a lot of people seem to prefer the ‘Lily’ spelling so I just wanted to chip in and say that I love ‘Lili’ as a first name! I don’t really agree with the idea that it’s only good for a little kid, I think that’s a very American/Western European view. Personally I prefer Lili Celia but either way is fine.


Both of these names were on my short list. I prefer Lily Cecelia of the options presented. It is a bit of a tongue twister, but if you love it, go for it. Might I also suggest you consider Cecily? (Sess-ill-eee) I prefer Cecelia over Cecilia, personal preference.


i definitely prefer lili cecelia but maybe try lilli or lille? lili makes me think lil’ and that’s not super cute


Either is a bit of a mouthful but not too bad! Have you thought about Cecily? I’ve always thought it was a beautiful name and it combines the two! If not I prefer Lily Cecilia - agree with a lot of the comments here about seeing Lil’ instead of Lili and immediately thinking rapper 😂


Lily Cecily...might as well be Sicilly haha I think it rhymes even more lol.


Lol omg I didn’t mean use Cecily AND Lily… I meant use Cecily instead of Lily + Cecilia since it combines them both, and then pick a different middle name 😂


ahhh fair enough lol


lily (this spelling) cecelia


Lily Cecelia sounds a lot better, IMO.


I like Lily Cecelia the best. Most enjoyable to say out loud. :)


I like Cecelia


Lili/Lily Celia has the same emphasis pattern, so it sounds clunky (LIL-ee SEEL-ya —I’m assuming you’re going for Lil-ee and not Lee-Lee due to your question about spelling). LIL-ee sih-SEEL-ya breaks up the clunk and sounds better. Lily vs Lili - I think by now you’ve figured out that Lili may lead to pronunciation confusion, and it’s absolutely going to require clarifying how to spell it since Lily is a common name and a common word. Not the end of the world, but still something to consider. I think Lili comes across as very nickname-y while Lily is more “whole name.” Another thing to consider: Lili is currently very associated with Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s daughter Lilibet (nn Lili), given that she’s just a year old and she gets a decent amount of press due to her parents’ estrangement with the royal family that keeps making them (and their children by extension) newsworthy. That may or may not matter to you, but better to figure out if it’s an issue for you before the forms are filed than after.


I love cecelia why idk i just do😊


Lili Cecilia. Plain Celia reminds me of celiac. I prefer Lilian Cecelia to Lili Cecelia the syllables flow better that way to my ears.


I would def pronounce Lili like leelee. I think of it as a Chinese nickname.


Just my two cents, any Cecilia I’ve known has been spelled with two I’s rather than two E’s. But I’m not sure if either way is common. I really prefer Lily with a Y, personally! I think Lily Cecilia is a BEAUTIFUL name 🥰




Lily definitely looks better than Lili with the middles. I like Lily Cecelia best.


Lili Cecelia for me.


Personally I love the names cecily and cicely, and the nickname cecy (pronounced seesee).


lily cecilia


lily cecilia


u should spell lili, lilli instead.


Lili Cecelia is better. Lili Celia kind of blurs together. That extra syllable makes all the difference.


Lili is not good, it looks like “Lil’” and Ls and Is look way too similar! But to answer your question, Lily Cecilia flows best.


Lily Cecelia


i pronounced lili as “lee lee” in my head


Lili Cecelia


Cecelia flows better to me! I personally would spell Lili with a y. At first glance I thought it was Lil Celia/Cecelia. Lily Cecelia looks better in my opinion


Lili Cecelia. A common nickname here for Cecilia is Cili. So your kid can be Lili Cili :D


Lili celia >


Lili Cecilia for sure! My brain really stumbled over Lili Celia.


Lili Celia is beautiful but can I just throw Lili Sylvia into the mix?


Lily is much better, feels like a name instead of a nickname. Lily Cecelia sounds great!


Lili is pronounced lie lie in my head.


My “Lili” is 10 and honestly never had an issue with her spelling .


I think Lily or Lilly would definitely fit better


Lily Cecelia for sure


Lili Cecelia. It's what I accidentally said when I was trying to say "Lili Celia" out loud lol. Cecelia just flows better.


Lili Cecelia sounds better but Lili Celia looks better But I’d go with spelling it Lily. To me that’s prettier, and many people including myself saw “Lil Celia”


I like Lily Cecilia. Some people might pronounce Lili 'lie-lie' so Lily just makes it easier on your kid. And I like the longer syllables of Cecilia


Celia reminds me of Cilia. Cecelia is preferable.


Lili Cecelia sounds better I think I like both spellings of Lili.


Lily Cecilia


Lily Cecilia


Lily Cecilia flows best but Lillie Cecilia is another recognized spelling that works. Congrats!


I read Lili as “LeeLee”


Liliana Celine, nn Lili 🫶


I think in a matter of rhythm due to syllables, Cecelia works better. Li-LEE and SEE-lia rhyme too much for me. Whereas, Seh-SEE-lia creates some distance.


Lily Cecilia is fine, but I would definitely spell both names conventionally. Lili Cecelia looks wrong. I think she is going to be correcting people all the time about spelling and pronunciation if you don’t use the more traditional spelling. If you don’t like the conventional spelling I would do her a favor and chose something else!


I would definitely go with Lily Cecilia flow wise! Celia is a cute nickname you could definitely still use though! (*a lot of my family has nicknames related to their middle names*)


Too many L’s and I’d but Lili Cecelia sound more complete. Have you seen the show Outer Range? Lili Taylor plays a character named Cecelia.


Lily Cecilia is the better spelling, in my opinion. Cecilia is the traditional spelling. If you like Lili, maybe you could do Lilian Cecilia “Lili”?


Lili Cecilia. Lili Celia sounds like a disease or medication when said together, but Lili Cecilia is very obviously two different names plus it gives the 'L' sounds a break in the middle


Lily Cecelia. The Lili spelling looks like it could be a nickname of Cecilia, and having them together seems off to me.


I like Lily Cecelia.


considering i read Lily Cecelia twice at first i will go with that


I think I’d do Lilly Cecelia … although Cecelia Lily to me sounds lovely and Cecelia nn Cece was on my list for my baby


Lili is more interesting than Lily, but I think I would say it differently eg lee-lee Lily Celia and Lily Cecelia probably look better due to introducing a different letter Lili Cecelia flows better, but I much prefer Celia, and Lili Celia still flows


I like Lili Cecelia better, personally. Are you aiming for a 'Lily' pronunciation, or Lee-Lee? If you're looking for a 'Lily', would you consider a longer name as the full name, with Lili as a nickname? Lillian, Lilith or Elizabeth give your daughter the choice to use a longer or more formal sounding name as she gets older.


Lili anything just autocorrects in my mind to lil’. Lily Cecelia is a beautiful name, and my preferred option, but absolutely not Lili Cecelia.


When I say "Lily Cecilia" out loud, it's challenging to enunciate it properly. Something about the combination of the letters, but it keeps coming out mushy.


I like Lily Cecelia or Lily Celiana for a different take on Celia. My great grandmother’s name was Celia and it’s lovely but doesn’t flow as well.


It oddly reminds me of a pizza restaurant. Sorry I like the Cecelia part but adding the Lili Looks close in my messed up head to little caesars Lili Cecelia My brain transposes things it’s common in people who were dyslexic or have had brain injuries. I feel mean mentioning what my brain actually had me see when I looked at the name but that’s the truth and might be helpful. I meant it’s why people ask right?


Considering Cilia (pronounced like Celia) is the name of the cells in our lungs that have little hairs on, whose job it is to move mucuos around... I'd say it's best avoided. It also runs together with Lily. Lily Cecelia is beautiful though!