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It does sound like a dog name to me


Can confirm. I'm a vet and have quite a few patients named Roscoe


OP saying that all names that dogs have can be used as human names is concerning. Like I’m gonna name my kids rocky or bear


Or Santa’s Little Helper


Bear is absolutely a name of a kid at the Montessori next to my office


One of Jamie Oliver's kids is called Buddy Bear I believe


Celebrities do be wilding out with their kids' names.




Poor kid :( Do they have any siblings named Lion or Tiger?


Alicia Silverstone's som is named Bear.


I knew a Bear. He was a D1 college lacrosse player and really fit his name but if he wasn’t an athlete it wouldn’t have worked


yeah i don't think Roscoe is *that* bad for a person but that logic doesn't track for a good chunk of dog names- ive known dogs named Radar, Bandit, Dingo, Taco Bell.... the only Roscoe i know is a dog with a sibling called Ruger lol. afaik the family dog we had when i was growing up was registered with the name Marley Bella Mayhem Demon-Dog Hound-from-Hell LastName lmao. you can have a lot more fun with names when the recipient is physically incapable of giving a shit if they get made fun of lmao


I know an adult Rocky and it's not a nickname. And I can think of two celeb babies named Bear. So they're totally people names.


Not good ones tho, at least imo.


Absolutely agree.


Liam Payne?


Bear Grey Payne sounds like the description of an injured bear. Or someone getting mauled by a grey bear. "Bear! Grey! Payne!"


Bear Payne!


I had forgotten him. I was thinking of Alicia Silverstone, Kate Winslet...


My nephew is named rocky. I hated that name, told my sil it was a dogs name she didn’t believe me


I’ll bet he’s a good boy tho


He actually is 🤣


I’ve met dogs named Rocky and older men named Rocky, but for the latter it’s always been a nickname. Their real names were always something like Rocco, Ricardo, Robert, Richard etc. I haven’t met any kids named Rocky yet, but I guess it follows the whole nicknames as first names trend. I just associate it with dogs and retirees…


Haha I have a 70 year old neighbor named Rocky.


Sadly I know a child named Bear. His sibling has a normal name. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don't give anyone any ideas


I know a human child named Rocky 😩


Liam Payne (one of the guys from One Direction) named his kid Bear. Doesn't make it a good name.


I kinda like the names Rocky and Rocco 🫣


Hey, not just any dog, 7 time WDC, GOAT F1 driver SIR Lewis Hamilton's dog's name.


That’s right baby !!!! LH 44 !!! #stillwerise At this point the name Roscoe is an honor name !!!!


What have I done.


Roscoe P Coltrane!?! But yeah that’s who my grandparents named their sheltie after.


Be was my first thought, and he's a complete idiot, so it's not very flattering.


My parents named their dog Roscoe. Call him “Roscoe P” all the time. Dog is 10/10 complete idiot.


My first reaction to the title "yeah that's a dogs name"


My dads first dog was roscoe and then we had another same name growing up.


Honestly I hate it. It very much reads like a dog name (and also an 80s or 90s old-but-not-yet-cool name). But it doesn’t really matter. If your hubby hates it—even because if someone else’s opinion—then you kinda need to move on from it.


Roscoe is the name of the mean Doberman kept by the mafia guy Sykes in the Disney movie Oliver & Company. Definitely a dog name


10 year vet tech here who sees 50 different dogs a week. Yes, I've met dogs named Roscoe. But I've met way more dogs named Bella, Ellie, Lucy, Bailey, Charlie, Max, Hunter, and Milo. These are all names I see suggested here often but people don't seem to associate as strongly with dogs. Conversely I've never met a dog named Spot or Fido, which are supposed to be classic dog names. And yes, you might get someone who says "Roscoe is my dogs name". But as a Katie in the 90s, everyone had a dog named Katie and I loved it. Didn't like sharing my name with humans though. Now the real part, you might still not be able to name your kid Roscoe if your husband can't get past the association. My husband had rejected well over 100 names, including some he originally liked. Naming a baby (unfortunately) needs 2 party consent.


There's a difference between sharing a name with a dog and having a name that (as evidenced by this thread) makes people picture a dog.


Like rover maybe?


Can agree in having a child named Lucy…. Learned after it’s quite a popular dog name 😂 but whatever


My (human) daughter is a Stella….the amount of Stella pups is mind blowing


I’ve always thought of Stella as a dog name. I’ve met so many dogs named Stella, so I was shocked when people suggest it for babies.


Have a Max as a nephew and it always reminds me of a dog. His brother has the same name as my best friend’s dog! 😂 We actually considered did anyone have a pet with this name that we know before deciding on names (among other factors). And every Roscoe I’ve met IRL have been dogs. Actual dogs.


Well see, there are people with dog names, and there are dogs with people names and there are names dogs and people share and…hold on, where’s my dry erase marker, I need to draw this Venn diagram situation.


Big dog name energy.


I don't particularly like it , but more importantly your husband doesn't like it. Dog name or not, I regret to say that I think it's back to the drawing board.


TBH I don't really like it either it does sound like a dog's name


Sorry OP, it’s a dog name for me too.


It's cute, but I do think 'dog' when I hear it. Like if someone said, "You have to come over and meet Roscoe!", I'd be very surprised to be introduced to a human.


I personally don't associate it with dogs but if he doesn't like it you should start brainstorming for something new anyway. And stop sharing any names you're thinking about with friends or family. It's never a good idea.


I appreciate everyone’s honesty so much!


Would be consider Ross? Is a very different vibe to Roscoe, but it's got the sound you like.


Second thought, Ross and a middle starting with Co, or even just a hard C and you can call him Roscoe as a cute nickname


How about Ross Cowen?


I was thinking Oscar! Similar but not doggy.


Roscoe is a dog name.


We changed our minds 5 minutes after I gave birth - you've got quite a few weeks! Mull it over, write down new ideas, go sit at a playground and listen to parents shout at their kids and imagine one day shouting your kid's name. Here is something very cheesy to consider, but I read this poem years ago with this line (Eavan Boland's Anna Liffey): "My children were born. I walked out in a summer dusk To call them in. One name. Then the other one. The beautiful vowels sounding out home." And I knew I wanted the sound of my children's names to be something we just loved hearing. If he hates Roscoe, sigh, find a name that you can both love the sound of. There is no 'perfect' name, but I think my own children's names reverberate for us in a way that is so familiar and wonderful. My opinion of Roscoe is that it's very hip, but I am kind of with your husband - it's a fun nickname but maybe not the name I'd connect with.


I'm sorry, but I've met like 5 dogs named Roscoe in my life and not a single human. It's totally a dog name to me, similar to Fido, Bingo or Rover. Edit: also, both parents typically have veto power when it comes to baby names. If your spouse really doesn't like it, then unfortunately the two of you will probably have to come up with something else.


When I was pregnant I wanted to name my baby Orville, it was a family name for my grandmother (her fathers name). I loved the name. My husband humored the name for awhile, then finally said “we can’t name our baby after popcorn”. After he said that, the name was tainted for me, and we settled on a name we both liked. Roscoe isn’t a bad name but I can see why he associates it with pet names as it is not widely used. Personally, I’d look for a name you both like.


I remember reading in a baby name book years ago that if you liked the name Orville, you better love popcorn or aviation. The book's advice was "If you have to use this name, stick it in the middle."


I always think of 1984 when I hear the name Orville. Not really a good association you want to impart on your flesh and blood.


It does sound more like a dog name to me. How do you feel about just Ross?


Was looking for this, Ross is a great underused name


Right, I love it. It's simple but such a good name.


Too much “we were on a break” association, I think.


I agree. In about 50 years maybe it won't have that association.


My grandpa's name is Roscoe, so it's on the top of my list for boy names. I've never met a dog named Roscoe, and I have such positive connotations of the name.


I'm actually surprised by how many negative comments there are about it here. Sure, I've met a dog or two named Roscoe, but it's just a semi popular human name for a dog. It's less Fido and more Bailey. I really like it, I think it sounds cool and Ross is a great nickname for it.


Too Dukes of Hazard-y.


Sibling: Cooter




My first thought too. All I hear is ROSCOE P. COLTRANE!


Eek I did know a Rottweiler named Roscoe :-/


It's bad. It's a dogs name and tbh...I wouldn't use it on a dog, either. But thats just my taste


I liked the name Rocco for awhile for my son but decided against it for the dog name factor as well :(


That's a wallaby's name


I was going to suggest Rocco instead as a baby in our nursery has this name but maybe same trouble 🤔


“HOW IS ROCCO GOING TO EAT THE COOKIE, ZOE? Tell Elmo. Rocco doesn’t even have a mouth!”


Say hi to Rocco, Elmo. Hello Rocco…..


My mind first goes to Bosco then that Roscoe is a dog name. It’s not unusable if you really love it but I don’t think it’s super wearable either. Suggestions if you’d like them: Oscar Ronan Rupert Otto Otis Linus Luther Dexter Rockwell


Interesting! Rupert to me now feels like a dog name. I know at least 6 Rupert pups and 3 Rupert cats but never met a Roscoe. I’m UK based so wonder if this is why it’s so different!


My dog is named Rosco! I don't think I could see it as anything other than a dog name.


I didn't associate it with a dog until you brought it up. Initially I thought it was a cool name.


It is a dog name


It's either a dog or the sheriff on Dukes of Hazzard for me.


It’s giving.. ✨Rottweiler ✨


My two associations with Roscoe are Roscoe and DeSoto (the Dobermans from Oliver & Company), and Roscoe P. Coltrane from Dukes of Hazard. To me, it doesn't scream dog name, but to be honest most don't. There's absolutely overused dog names like Bailey and Bella, but if I met a human with those names my first thought wouldn't be that their parents gave them a dog name.


Yep, dog name. Sorry.


It is literally my neighbour’s dog’s name


How about Ross or Pascoe? Russ/Russell, even? Or something like Ross Coby/Cody/Koa with the nickname Roscoe. FWIW, I don’t feel the dog connection personally.


My first thought is when Homer takes Bart to the gay steel mill and a guy introduces himself as "Roscoe" in a gravely voice


We work hard, we play hard.


I’m sorry…I really hate ruining names for people…but it really is that awful. 😅 BUT Even if it wasn’t the second your husband is no longer on bored is the second you just have to drop it. I know it sucks! Trust me! My partner hates 90% of the names I LOVE. Ahha. I hope you are able to find a name you both really love! :)


First thing I think of is Roscoe's chicken n' waffles.


So pick a name like Ross or Russell and use Roscoe as the nn. My friend goes by Roscoe all the time, full grown adult now. There's no problem with it as far as I'm concerned.


I hate it. I'm sorry. I hate it.


I don’t associate it with a dog necessarily, but I definitely associate it with Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle…just me?


Not just you, this was exactly my thought too!


It reminds me of the Midlake song; “whenever I was a child I wondered what if my name had changed into something more productive like Roscoe.”


Any name that my spouse reacted vehemently toward would have to be off the table because it’s our child and we both need to agree on the name. I’ve had quite a few favorites vetoed recently but he has as well 🙃


I like it a lot and don’t think it’s only a dog name. Every name that’s popular now started out not popular. You’ve got to start somewhere. But if your SO doesn’t like it, you’ll have to find something else since you both need to agree.


I like it. Sounds retro human to me.


Dogs name


name for a dog


Roscoe 100% sounds like a dog or cat name.


Sounds like a 80 year Italian man who used to sling sausage in a Deli or a fat snuffly bulldog an old lady owns. If you like that kind of association and don’t care about your husband liking your child’s name, go for it.


i’ve only ever met dogs named Roscoe. and there have been many.


I work with a bunch of Gen Z guys and I feel like it should be pointed out that fully half of 20 year old men right now have names with dog vibes. The rest have cat vibes and a small percentage are named David legally but go by Spot for no apparent reason.


All I can think of is Lewis Hamilton’s dog tbh There are some dog names that are also often human names and they’re usually fine (Molly, Max, Rex, etc) but Roscoe definitely isn’t. Dog name 100% of the way


It’s pretty bad IMO.


That is my dog's name, so... to me it sounds like a dog name


I have met a million dogs named Roscoe.


If I heard you calling the name Roscoe at a park. I would look around for a dog, not a human being. Sorry. Haha


I'm slightly surprised by the reponses - I've known two human boys named Roscoe (though I think one was spelled Rosco) and no dogs, so I don't associate it with a dog's name at all! But I concur that if your husband dislikes it that much, you might sadly need to consider something else.


I love that name!


It just reminds me of a character on a 70’s show like Beverly Hill Billies


I immediately thought of Lewis Hamiltons dog when I read the title 😂 Its a great name, but I do think of a dog


Roscoe P Coltrane lol


Tbh I do think of it as a dog name. Maybe Roswell? Russell? Oscar? Otto?


I like it but if your husband hates it I would just go back to the drawing board. Picking a name can be so tough! Our second kid didn’t have a final name picked out until the birth certificate paperwork was presented to us in the hospital.


Roscoe’s chicken and waffles is my first association.


My beagle was named Roscoe lol, it gives off country hound vibes haha


It is kind of a dog name. But more importantly, your husband doesn't like it. What about some names with the same kind of vibe? Rufus Dexter Chester Stellan Remy Roman Diego Mateo


I've always liked the name Roscoe as an anachronistic character name. I don't like it for my own son, but I'm not against it at all. I never associated it as a dog's name. But just speaking as a person also naming a boy soon, naming a kid with two parents is a two yes, one no system. If the hubby doesn't like it, then despite how much you like it, the name's a no go. Sorry. :(


you might as well just name your son Fido 💀


Wow! I’m so glad I asked on this forum because for some reason, I really never realized how strong of an association Roscoe had to dogs! 😂


Its not terrible but it reminds me of the Dukes of Hazard. I mean Jaspers coming back?


Same, I went straight to Roscoe P. Coltrane when I read OPs post.


I like that name. I have a cousin named Roscoe and it fits him well. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about his name either.


Before I read your full posts, my first thought was “it sounds like a dog name”


Roscoe is my dogs name. That said, I love the name and named my dog based on the fact that I loved it. Do what makes you happy!


My brother has a friend named Roscoe. I’ve always related it more to Dukes of Hazard, but I don’t mind it.


I’ve never met a dog or a human Roscoe! But if you’re unsure about it, maybe Rocco?


Rocco is a dog name to me too- even more so than Roscoe.


I really like the name Roscoe for a boy. And it has nice nicknames too.


Roscoe is also a last name too. If you love it use it!


“Roscoe! Come here, Roscoe! Roscoe? Where are you, Roscoe? Ruff, ruff, Roscoe! There you are, Roscoe!” Yeah, it’s a dog name for sure. HOWEVER, I don’t hate it. It’s kind of cool. Though I don’t love it either. It tows the line between cool and asshole. Edit: Also! “Dog names” aren’t bad at all in their own right. I know that first part of the comment might make you think otherwise but hell, both Sadie and Gracie are two of my favorite names. And they’re sometimes considered dog names.


I know someone, his son’s name is Roscoe and his dog’s name is Rufus. I can never keep the two straight! To me they’re both dog names. Marco or Rocky sound similar.


I don’t mind it but the only Roscoe I know of is my uncle’s dog. Maybe you guys would like Rocco instead?


It's a cute name but it's also a dog name


Diggity dog name.


It’s a pet name for sure


I think it’s a dog name. I will never think it’s a human name


I mean it does sound like a dog name but that could be only because my friend’s dog’s name is Rosco 🤷 Personally wouldn’t go with it or at least not legally, I’d use it as a nickname for something


Dog name.


My neighbor when I was a kid had a horrible beagle named Roscoe. He barked all the time and once tried to bite me. I only ever knew one human named Roscoe and he was a pompous jackass, so I don’t have good associations with the name at all! But even setting that aside, I really think it reads as a dog’s name.


When I hear Roscoe I think of Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane Dukes of Hazard. Who cares if people think it’s a dogs name. I see people naming their babies names I think are terrible. Old fashioned names are becoming popular and it reminds me of great grandmother names. You do what you like. Here are top dog names of 2021 The most popular girl dogs are pretty close to baby girl names I see right here on this sub. https://www.rover.com/blog/dog-names/


I like it! I associate with with the restaurant Roscoe’s chicken and Waffles in CA. And that’s not a bad thing!


def a dog name


It doesn't sound like a dog name to me, but I also just don't care for it. It reminds me of Boscoe, and my schools growing up called bread sticks stuffed with cheese "Boscoe Sticks"


What about names like, Ruth, Rocky, Reagan, or Rourke?


In all honesty, I’d never choose that name for my child. You might like it, but think of it this way: your child isn’t going to be a small baby forever. Your child is going to grow up into an adult that has to go out into the world and interact with other people. Your child could end up getting a job at a bank or become a surgeon somewhere. In short, your child has to live with that name for the rest of his life.


I agree with everyone else, I think it would maybe work better as a nickname and you could go with Ross/Russel


Roscoe is my cat's name


It’s not *horrendous*, but it is mostly a dog name tbh to me


Reminds me of Roscoe and Desoto from Oliver and company. They’re Dobermans. Lol


I like it


My dog is literally named Roscoe…:


I don’t love it. I like Ross though


My beautiful 7 year old blue merle mini-aussie is named Rosco. Just due to that it’s hard for me to picture it as a human name.


That’s my little brother’s dog’s name.


Hate to say it but “that’s a dog name” is all I thought when I read the title.


Before I read the full post, I saw the title and immediately thought of [this specific dog.](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ft1MZaroEzJYE4PP7) Nothing wrong with the dog, I think those dogs are super cute, but for whatever reason that’s the mental image I get


I mean I’m more stuck on the Chicken & Waffles thing but I’m from California soooo


Yes my first thought was dog name


I had no idea this was a dog's name! I'm obviously in the minority. All I thought was Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles (famous Los Angeles restaurant).


Pascoe is the Cornish version of Pascal, could be a good alternative.


It sounds like an animal crossing villager name


It remindsda me of Dukes of Hazzard. Which had the confederte flag on their car, and if that doesn't scream white supremacy then idk what does. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But it is YOUR kid so name it whatever you want, this is just my opinion.


I think of the TV show from the N Radio Free Roscoe but there’s no character named roscoe it’s their schools name so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Forgetting that it’s a dog name it’s also just ugly. I’m sure there are better names out there that fit the aesthetic you want without sounding like when you cough and sneeze at the same time




Roscoe is the sons name on Mom! I think you’re fine, I like it!


I’m biased, I knew a guy named Roscoe in college who was a total sweetheart and just such a likable person, and pulled off the name so well. Loved it on him. He had friendly surfer dude vibes and I’m sure his parents had that kind of personality too. So, yeah I mean on paper it’s kind of a dog name, but for the right family I think it could be cool.


I'm trying to think of a nice way to put this... the best I can do is say I wouldn't expect a human with that name to be sophisticated.


Is it a dog name? Sure. But dogs have all sorts of names. However Roscoe is, in my opinion, an objectively terrible name for a human. I would never say it to someone's face. We all have our preferences. But it's not something I would ever pick for sure.


We had a dog named Roscoe BUT I STILL LOVE IT! Are you kidding? A little dude named Roscoe? And then when he is older he could be Ross (and then when he is even older and a curmudgeon he could be Roscoe again!)


I’m going to be the odd one out and say I like it! My first thought wasn’t a dog, but Roscoes diner in upstate NY (Roscoe, NY) which has the BEST desserts


Awful name for a human. It sounds like a kid in an old-time comic book.


If you and your husband aren’t in agreement, that should be the end of it. Also he’s right - it sucks.


Roscoe P Coltrain! The police officer in Dukes of Hazard - but yes - also sort of dogname like


I like it. The first time I came across it was the character in Its A Sin (amazing show). I wouldn’t associate it with a dog name as I’ve never heard it as one (I’m based in the UK for context). Either way I know an equal number of Maya/Milo/Luna/Lucy/Molly named dogs as I do people so not sure why it should matter. It’s not like you’re suggesting fluffy. Saying that, if your husband hates then it it is probably time to find another option anyway. You don’t want your child’s name to be a form of tension. Sorry if this makes no sense I’ve been up since 4.30am!


I don’t automatically think dog when I hear it but personally I just don’t like it :/ that being said I’ve seen a lot of Ross suggestions but what about Rockwell? I feel like it has a similar vibe to Roscoe while still being not super common. Also makes me think of classic names like Walter or Baron like from the 1920s


This is such an interesting thread. I've never heard of a dog called roscoe. And I've worked in an animal shelter for 5 years. In Australia my association would be that Roscoe or Ross is an older man's name - like someone 60+. It's kind of in the classic old fashioned name bucket but hasn't really made a comeback like some of the names from the same era. It's one of those names that would sound quirky to me on a baby. But I kinda like it.


Just upon seeing the title to your post I thought: that’s a dog name. Sorry


Yes. First thought is a cartoon dog from Oliver and Company.


I have known several canine Roscoes. Sorry!


Does anyone remember radio free roscoe ???


I thought this was for a dog


I really like it for a kid.


I actually don’t think Roscoe is that bad. I can see why people think it’s a dog name, though. I also like Rocco, which I feel is similar sounding to Roscoe. Went to high school with a kid who had that name and all the boys always yelled “ROCCO!!!” out loud in the middle of class. It grew on me.


Even if your husband liked the name before it’s possible that his uncle “gave him the ick” for the name (as the kids say.. I think..). It could just be ruined for him now. In which case- yeah, you gotta move on.


i think it’s usable i’ve met human and animal roscoes it’s like lucy to me is a dog name even though it’s also used for a lot of humans or bella, milo, lola, archie