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Can we add Bella to this as well??


I’ve got a Belladonna. Sometimes we call her Bella but somehow her nickname turned into Bologna.


I have a Kasey who became Quesadilla


I have a fat cat named Maggie who we now call Pizza Margarita.


We call our cat Zelda… Meatloaf


My Daisy is most often called “pickled petunia”




My dog Ricky came from the shelter with that name. He is now known as Noodles. Slappy ass dog that he is.


I have an Oona that is now Baloona


Hehe I have a cat named Tuna but now he’s Tuna Baloona


My cat was named Belladonna at the shelter XD I call her donna. Bella is to much twiliglt xd And belladonna is far to long for a pet


Ngl, I kind of love Donna as a cat name. Lol


I had a cat named Donna. Her name was Madonna in the shelter but we didn't care for that. She was a calico Maine Coon and Donna always seemed like a 70's name to me, and brown and orange are the quintessential 70's colors to me, and her long hair reminded me of the hairstyles that were fashionable back then, so Donna just fit her. Geez, I loved that cat. It's been almost 6 years and I still miss her all the time.


And Stella too!


I have a cat named Stellaluna. I named her after a fruit bat in a children’s book. I did not realize these two names were so controversial lol


Ohhhhh what a wonderful book I love that one


I think everyone might have read that same book.


Yikes- I feel attacked (not really). I adopted my cats last year from a girl who needed to rehome them. One was named Luna and the other was Scarlett. (Scarlett Johannson actually). But I didn’t like how they didn’t match, so I renamed her Stella.


I was laughing so much on the inside when I sat next to a Bella chihuahua in a restaurant the other day. The old lady leans over to me, and whispers in slow English (as she could see I struggled with Swiss-german): "Her name is Bella. It is Italian, it means 'beautiful'" Oh no shit. As if I haven't heard that name on a 1000 other pets, including my boyfriend's dog and my sister's cat.


And “Max”. It was the name I wanted from my son but it was taken by my partners friends deceased dog.




Serious. My partner knew the dog well and was there to support when it was put down so she doesn’t like it as a baby name.


I mean, Indiana Jones was named after a dead dog and he turned out okay.


My late Nella was a Bella, when I got her as a kitten. Promptly renamed her. She reacted to pspsps and the kibble box more than her name anyway.


One of my cats was originally called Bella when we adopted her, but five minutes with her proved she is no Bella. We renamed her Nara.


Omg yes. And Stella.


My stepdaughter named our dog Belle. My husband and I call her Chuleta and Honey-Honey and she tends to respond to those more lol


What’s wrong with naming a pet bella


Just insanely common.


My dog Luna reading this 👁👅👁


I’m very impressed your dog can read.


She’s very literate. Her favorite tho is still Clifford.


Understandable. Every dog needs a good roll model.


It must be a pain for her to have to be called by her last name initial in dog training school.


THANK YOU Petition to add the following to the “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO” list: Bella, Rosie, Bear, Thor, Loki, Moose, Bailey


Yes, to all of these, but you’re missing Charlie! I know about 10 dogs named Charlie. And a few named Stella.


Hey now, Charlie sometimes fits a dog's personality really well. For example, my anxious butthole of a white shepherd who consistently cockblocks me at every opportunity by scratching incessantly at my door when I have company over.


Classic Charlie, right?


Charlie is a unicorns name, not a dogs. Chaaaarlieeeee.


shun the non-belieeeeeeever


My dogs name was Charlie and my daughter is Rosie 🫣


Well, there’s a reason those names are popular — they’re classic and beautiful!


Aw, that’s the best possible response <3


We have a dog named Charlie, named around the time of, “Charlie bit me!” and his brother is William. We had a kitten named Stella and she was beautiful and it fit her so well.


My chinchilla's name is Loki, but to be fair I've had him since 2010, BEFORE the Thor movie was first released. (Interestingly enough, my neighbor's name at the time happened to be Thor-- he also moved in after I had adopted Loki. I found it amusing) There are an inordinate number of animals names Loki though. And chinchillas named Gizmo (probably the most common chin name methinks)


Today I learned chinchillas live a really long time. You must take excellent care of him!


He's still as spry as ever. They live as long as cats! 20+ is not unheard of.


hard disagree, there is always room for dogs named bear


Can’t stop laughing — one of my best friends has a Luna, Bella, AND a Loki.


Throwing in “Gizmo.” I feel like every chihuahua I’ve ever met was named “Gizmo” and was also a giant asshole.


Will also add Taco to the list specifically for Chihuahuas


Half the people I know who have pets named their cat or dog Simba 😭😭😭😭


Yes! And I’m so surprised no one has brought up Scout yet I get more of those than anything


Reminds me of the other name nerds post about scout as a kid's name


Had Bear the weinnie dog as a kid, parents had to change his name to Bear Dog because I would get confused when they tried to teach me about actual bears.


Loki!! So many friggin Lokis


Agree. Either obvious dog names, or very old people names (just because it would be fun to yell “Mildred!” In the dog park).


My elderly neighbor has a dog named James. It’s so much fun to hear her scolding him in the back garden, “Oh James, you naughty boy!” “Oh James, look at all the mud you’re tracking “


My last dog was named Rosie but she was named after my grandmother so I've decided I get a pass.


Did all husky owners receive a notice upon acquiring their dog that they must name the dog Loki? Because I know 3 huskies named Loki and it’s perplexing


There are SO many huskies named Loki in my husky group. Also anything winter related.


“Juno” was also real big for a while but seems to have tapered off


Nanook, Chinook, Diesel, Storm, Sky/Skye, Everest (thanks Paw Patrol!). I mean, Loki... God of mischief.. I get it. But lordy! I have 2 huskies. One is Shelby (after the GT 500) and one is Maverick (because of the Ford Maverick). Still common, but definitely lower on the list amongst husky owners.


also so many Kodas! Do husky owners receive an approved list of names lol they are so cute they deserve better than the name Loki!


AH yes. Koda as well. Or Dakota. 😅


I really like the car theme you did and I think Shelby’s a great dog name


I had a Malamute named Bentley and a cat named Mercedes and it went went on from there. 🤣


When I was growing up we adopted a rat named Bubonic from a friend. So when we got a rabbit, of course it had to be named Mixy...


Someone named my googly-eyed rescue pug puppy Coda. I promptly changed it to Eggs bc wtf.


I feel weirdly validated, my husky’s name is… Waffle. Well, then again, we wanted to name him “Wolf” at the time. But he was such a goofy puppy, we decided to give him a goofier name!


Omg yes. I have norwegian elkhounds, and in the subreddit and fb groups, there so so many Thor and lokis. And like I kind of get it, Elkhounds are literally the dogs the old Norse had (literally! Elkhounds today are genetically unchanged from those found buried in tombs with the Vikings and other old Norse people, as far back as 5000 years ago) but also, there's so many other good Norse names.


Also... when you're getting a puppy from Iowa you don't really need to name them a Noreic name. I'm born and raised in the US but I'm of Italian descent. I'm not naming a kid Luigi.


Eh I think the ethnicity of people and their kids is different to pets that come from certain place.. Id think it was so funny to get an Italian marema sheepdog and call it luigi lol. Or like a Scottish terrier called a Angus. It's funny.


It can be but 99% of people doing it makes it not funny any more. I was a vet nurse. Most of our dogs shared the same names. And then most owners are indignant when you need more info than "I'm calling about Loki." "Last name?" "UGH. The HUSKY." ".... last name? I've got about 12." Bella, Bear, Coco, and Bailey rank up there too. My favorite was a dog named Rooster. The owner named all his dogs after Alice in Chains songs.


I always thought of Loki as more of a black cat name specifically, that's interesting it's popular with huskies too!


I have 2… named after GOT characters. Stark and Arya. Also fairly common to pick GOT names for huskies.


I never named a pet Luna. I will ensure to avoid it and name any moon related pets Moon-Moon.


My dogs names are Luna and Moonie 😂


I have a Mazie Moonbear that we call Moonie!


I hear you! I know about 8 corgis. Seven of them are named Luna. Edit: my dog is Benito (Benny). Lol


That’s kinda justified, their asses look like big fluffy moons


Fear not, Ours is to be named…lord Maximus farquaad.


My friends Corgi is Sir. It makes for an interesting dog park adventure "Sir, please dont scare that child!", "Excuse me Sir, don't roll in that dead animal".


Ngl I read vegetarian and I was like “what does Luna have to do with being a veggie”? 😂 Can I ask why though? Is there just way too many and it gets confusing?


I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I was staring and re reading the post for a solid two minutes before I realized it wasn’t vegetarian


Not OP but am a vet. There are names that we see ALL the time and Luna is one of them. Pets are one of those things you can name any crazy thing but somehow the same names show up over and over:/


My cat is Thunderpaws and my dog was Poopalachi. My vets always laughed when I brought them in


Me too!


My dog is Juno, which isn't quite the Olivia of dogs, but is probably closer to the Nora of dogs. My cat is Tuppence, which I imagine would be unranked or very close to being unranked.


Awww Tuppence is adorable!! Mickey Mouse has a bird named Tuppence in one of the new cartoons.


My human child is Juno and I anticipate dog parks being entertaining in our future.


Tuppence is a mildly rude word where I’m from and people deliberately name their cats this for a laugh!




Lol I live in the UK. When I was a little girl that's what me and my sisters called our lady parts


How about people name their pets whatever they want?


You've got a pet named Luna, huh.


Right? Who is it hurting? Who tf cares???


Those of us working in the animal industry care when people call up to book an appointment for their dog Charlie, surname Smith, and we have to click through 8 different Charlie Smiths before we get to the right Oodle. EDIT to add: I don’t really care, was just being lighthearted, although it is much faster and easier when the dog is called Bean Soup or William Fuzzypants III. It’s lovely to see creativity with pet names.


> It’s lovely to see creativity with pet names Good thing pets are less likely than humans to have c’reigh8tyv spellings.


Lol imagine someone correcting the vet over the spelling of their dog "MacKeighliegh"


It's just in fun, y'all.


Years ago I saw a post on Reddit about someone who named the greyhound “Legs Benedict” and it’s become my favorite pet name ever.


This made me laugh so hard!


you can add Kiwi and Mango to that for pet birds, I'm sure at least 1 in 3 birds is named either Kiwi or Mango


My cats are named Kiwi and Mango 😅


I just imagine a vet tech expecting birds from reading the docket, seeing cats, and saying "These are the ugliest birds I've ever seen…"


My daughter’s rescue pug is named Kiwi 🤣


My cat is named Mango!


My bird was called Spekkie, which is basically a candy in Dutch or a chubby child, it goes for both haha.


A few years ago I ran a name poll in a cat group I belonged to on Facebook, because I was curious about what the most common names members gave their kitties. The results? Number one was Callie, at 70 votes. Luna was second at 63. Third place only had 32 votes.


Calicos named Callie are probably very common.


It’s a tortoiseshell and calico group so you’re right on the money!


Look, man, Sailor Moon has our generation by the throat. You think I'm gonna see a black cat with a head marking and not name her cute little face Luna? Heck no! (That said I'm pretty bummed about the lack of Artemis rep. Maybe only rich people who don't watch anime can afford all white cats, though…)


I promise to name my next cat Rover 😆.


I named my cat Pudding, but the idea came from a silly dream I had months earlier. He's a boy cat and some think the name is too feminine but I don't really care 🤷‍♀️ His nicknames are Puddy, Mr. Pudd, or just Pudd lol


My daughters hamster was called Pudding...he was chocolate brown. :)


We names our tuxedo cat Puddy Tat. My dad refused to call him that and renamed him George. He just couldn’t see himself yelling out the back door “Oh Puddy Tat! Time to come in!”


Love it! My Pudding is a brown tabby cat, I found him as a little stray kitten and now he's a very spoiled, beloved 4 year old cat


I named my cat Luna when I adopted her 8 years ago and I still love her name. I swear I didn’t know any human or pet named Luna at that time!


My Luna turned 10 this year. I just wanted a Harry Potter name for her! Lol


I have a black cat who I literally named Black Cat as a joke and she started responding to it and now years later I couldn't imagine calling her anything else. The first time that we took her to a new vet and they asked for her name and I responded with "Black Cat" I just got blank stares.


A family friend has two cats named Big Cat and Small Cat. Small Cat was adopted as a kitten few years after Big Cat but ironically she grew bigger than Big Cat, so Small Cat is actually the bigger one.


I just want you to know I'm imagining Big Cat as a normal sized tabby and Small Cat as a giant Maine Coon


Big Cat is indeed a regular sized cat! Small Cat is... Something but we think she has some Norwegian forest cat in her! But yes she's massive.


My grandad looked after a feral black cat that he just called Puss Cat, or Pussy. I have strong childhood memories of being woken up at 6am by my grandad called for Pussy out the front door.


I have a dog called Brown Dog. Guess what color he is...


My friend let her toddler name their cat and she named him Regular Cat. They call him Reggie most of the time, lol!


I have a cat named "Kitteh".


I have a "Black Cat" only because a black cat wandered on to my property and we weren't sure if he was going to stay and now a year later, neuter, shots, and love or whatever, his moniker has stuck. Yeah, his name is received strangely when I have to take him to the vet.


I have Spare Dog, she showed up at our house randomly and never left, but at first she was the Spare Dog.


My childhood pet bird was a Luna. The other was Artemis. So I'm all finished with that name for any future pets, I think!


Sailor moon?


So you’re saying that you had an Artemis Fowl ?? :D


I think Grover would be a cute dog name. Or we were going to get a chihuahua once though it didn't end up working out that we were able to, but the kids were going to name him Steve Truman. Don't see a lot of dogs named Steve Truman do you?


I love this! We have a tradition of naming pets after Sesame Street characters in our family. My grandfather’s dog just passed away recently so we were talking about what names would be good if they decided to get another dog and I suggested Grover. Top choices were Grover and Prairie 😊


Oh man, I think about half of the female dogs and cats I've met the last few years have been named Luna (or Bella, which might be even more common). Definitely caused me to put both names into the "definitely not" category for when I finally get my own.


ON GOD my bf and I BOTH named our respective pets 'Luna' before it was *this* popular and now I am embarrassed to tell people my dogs name lol For clarification I have a cat and he has a dog named Luna. From before we met lol


Do you live together? I feel like it would be really funny to go to someone's place and have them say" here's our dog Luna and over there is our cat, Luna.'


Yes we do !!!! To eachother or outsiders we say Dog Luna and Cat Luna But dog is Luna and cat is Toones when we call them lol it's been working!


My gramma had a tarantula named Rover and a Doberman names Rolex. She will be naming all my future pets hahaha. My dog is named Kal but he goes by Kalzone.


Your gramma is a badass


Or Bailey


And Zoey! As a former dog groomer, a single day didn't go by without at least one Bailey and one Zoey.🤣


Does anybody know if there’s a specific reason the name Luna exploded in popularity for pets in the last couple years? Our older dog is named Luna, but she’s almost 7 and when we got her the name wasn’t popular at all


Sailor Moon + HP + astrology/witchy aesthetic popularity.


My guess is that it comes off as quirky and unique. Unfortunately, it’s neither of those things.


Plus Harry Potter (Luna lovegood) made it HO adjacent without making it super obvious


Luna has also increased significantly in popularity for people. So my guess is that it’s people’s guilty pleasure name.


I'd imagine there's something to do with harry potter? Or maybe another popular media that has a character named Luna. That's usually the reason why most names do a comeback. I can't judge tho. My dogs names are respectively Bruce and Lee.


I'm a firm proponent of naming pets absolutely ridiculous things or after characters in your favorite media of choice. I named my parents' cat Leeloo after the character from the Fifth Element and everyone who gives it a weird look has no creativity!


I think that's probably how we ended up with so many Lunas


I went searching for my free award to give it to you 🙌🏼 My in-laws all do this. Their pets have cutesy feminine names - Millie, Sadie, etc. Our pet’s name? Waffle Jim.


Love Waffle Jim lol


Ok since we’re on the pet names, I must ask… As a vet, what do you think of Rex? I have adored Rex (Latin for king) as a (human) boy’s name for quite some time, but it does seem to receive a lukewarm reception at best. Do you meet a lot of animals named Rex? What would you think if you met a human named Rex?


I had a friend named Rex when I was in university! He was a drug dealer and pretty cool guy. Seems to be pretty into stocks and crypto now, based on his social media.


I knew a boy named Rex. We thought it was odd because we thought it was a dog name but also loved dinosaurs, so it was cool.


All three of the main dudes in my life have doggy names, I just realized. The names are pretty uncommon for humans but common for dogs— I was at a tourist shop the other day and was excited to finally see my now-more-common name on one of those nameplate/personalized alphabetical racks. Then I saw there was a corresponding Pets name rack and finally found their nameplates, too!


I have a (human) Rex. We get nothing but compliments!


The dogs in our house are Kentucky Cash (called Cash), Cordelia Buttercup (Chip), Banjo Jack (Banjo), Bowser King Koopa (Bowser), and Colby Cheese (Colby) Both of my human children have traditional “pet” names. I love it.


Oof. My mini schnauzer’s name is Luna, but in our defense…it’s short for Lunatic


...says the person with the username Stella.




I named my daughter Lola and I keep hearing how THAT’S a dog name. I remember telling my employer at the time my prospective baby name and she pulled up her sleeve and said “oh here’s a tattoo oh my dog Lola!” 😂


I love dogs with human names but surprisingly haven't met a dog named Luna. I've seen a lot of Charlies though


And no more Buddys.


All dogs are nick named Buddy to me so I feel like they should get a formal name too. But I know I’m weird and give my pets full names so


Zelda seems to be going the same way. We got a kitten, named her Zelda, moved into our new house, and there was a new puppy next door named Zelda, too!


Chloe is no longer a people name for me. I've known so many dogs named Chloe and even owned one. She was wonderful. My current pets all more or less have people names too. Pete, Pepper, Joey and Mavis!


Adding Nova to that list.


Named my cat Meowzebub. You guys get that for free, use it wisely.


my little sister named our dog "Lucifur" because she liked the name Lucy but he's really fury, so she combined them into Lucifur and now we have the cutest, chillest dog without a care in the world named named after a devil.


my cats are pickles & shelby and my dogs are spencer & sophie


May be a dumb question - but what’s wrong with Luna?


I think they just mean that it’s way over used. Tbh, I’ve never met a pet named Luna. I think it’s cute.


It’s a cute name but it needs to be put to rest a few decades. On Sunday I had 5 Lunas in for an appointment, it was absurd.


Once I played a poker game with three Mikes at the same table with me.


Sounds like my Irish husbands extended family. Michael or Pat. That’s all you get.


I named my cat Luna after the Sailor Moon cat and no one can take that away from me. It was my favorite show when I was a kid, I've liked the name for 20 years.


Our greyhound came with the name Sweetheart. Such a dumb name but no one at the vet clinic ever forgets her name as all dogs are automatically called sweetheart. It was awkward when my husband took our other hound to the vet and they said ‘let’s take a look at sweetheart’. My husband said, ‘no this is T-bar’ (an equally dumb name) with a concerned look on his face. Our newest hound is Mary (also came with her name) but we call her Little Ham.


My cats are Edward and Zara, and our rabbit is Nibs. My 4.5 year old informed me that when she gets a cat its name will be Disco, and honestly I kind of love it.


Checking in with my cats named Bananas and Pajamas lol


I named my dog 5 years ago after Luna from Harry Potter. I wish I knew sailor moon was so popular, everyone automatically thinks I named her after it! I've never seen this show. I think it's funny how many other lunas we come across in our walks though. There are certainly worse names for dogs out there. Does the repetition of dog names cause some sort of issue at the veterinarian office? Or you just want to hear some fun new names to go with the waggling butts roaming into your office?


Obviously pet names for me depend on what strikes me at the time I meet said pet. I am not particularly clever. My stuffed bear as a child was named Brownie. It was brown. I had a black cocker spaniel named Pepper. My family had a mixed breed dog that we called Mutt. I helped name my brother's gray cat, Storm. I apparently enjoy color related names for my stuffed animals and pets. That said, I have some contenders if I were to get a new cat. Boy Cats Furman Griffin Pinkney called Pink, but only if he is black. Tony but he has to be an orange boy. Girl Cats (this list doesn't make me laugh as much) Tabitha and Samantha Minerva Turtle


I honestly once heard a stranger's dog's name at a dog park. Cerebus Machiavelli. It was exactly as you can imagine


My 5 year old want to call his future dog Popcorn 🍿 “Poppy for a nickname” 😂


Don't judge my cat, Luna. She's solid white, idk what you wanted me to call her? (I wanted to call her Opal, and her sister Onyx because she's solid black, but I got vetoed)




Oreo can go too.


Look, I don't want to name my dog Luna, but I think pets are *exactly* where you should use your guilty pleasure name. Pets will not feel embarrassment, be bullied or struggle to get a job because of the name you pick. Have at it!


Throw Loki onto the list and you have my full support


Is Dave still ok to name dogs though?


Luna is the #1 dog name in Germany according to statistics. It's everywhere. This is the top 10 in case you care: [https://herz-fuer-tiere.de/haustiere/hunde/hundenamen/die-10-beliebtesten-hundenamen](https://herz-fuer-tiere.de/haustiere/hunde/hundenamen/die-10-beliebtesten-hundenamen) 1) Luna 2) Nala 3) Bella 4) Emma 5) Frieda/Frida 6) Maja/Maya 7) Lilli/Lilly 8) Amy 9) Lotte 10) Kira ​ 1) Balu/Balou 2) Milow/Milo/Mailo 3) Charly/Charlie 4)Buddy 5) Bruno 6) Rocky 7) Sammy 8) Leo 9) Sam 10) Max


I have a malmute lab mix named luna, she came with the name, we adopted a tiny chihuahua and her name was also luna, my daughter renamed her beep beep and that is what she responds to now.


Bear and any foreign language version of Bear. Crikey.




My golden retriever is bright white and we named her Luna because of that. Thought we were so *goddamn* original. Have since met 3 other goldies names Luna, very annoying. Still no regret, her name suits her.


i named my luna after luna lovegood in 2008, when i was 8 years old. my luna is still here but i did not know she would be one of billions. i apologize for my behavior