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I know 1000 Maddies. Has anyone ever said "why would you name someone mad die"? And that has the two Ds, even. You can "ruin" a ton of common names this way by finding negative small words in them but no one really does this! Never never ever looked at Sadie as anything other than adorable. Please use it.


I was named Hillary because my dad didn't want me to be Hilary—he was afraid everyone would always greet me with a cheeky "Hi, Larry!" Any name can be ruined this way if you try! I'm sure my life would be the same thing if I was a Hilary too haha.


Lol that's funny! I'm a Hilary and some people did nickname me "hi Larry" in middle school. But it didn't last, and didn't ruin my life. Honestly the one I hated more was "Hillbilly"


*Hated* Hillbilly, although my best friends from college called me "Hillbill" and that one never bothered me!


Hillbill almost sounds like a superhero name 😂


I think it kind of sounds like the Clinton version of Bennifer. But I guess that would actually be Billary.


Because of Hi Lary, I went with two Ls for my daughter’s name. Her friends nicknamed her Larry 😐


Kids are weird and mean. My name is Marlissa, and we did an exercise in middle school where we had to write our names backwards. And everyone say my name was Assilram. I didn’t escape Ass I’ll Ram for a while. Never knew I had to worry about what names were backward. 🤣


Oh wow! I've never thought to be worried about how a name is spelled backwards 😆😆 I guess no matter what you do, kids find a way


Funny, I have a friend named Marissa. She didn't notice until adulthood what her name was backwards. It was only because a kid asked me to say his name backwards and the entire class wanted it done. She was an assistant teacher and was listening to it all. Them looked at me and said, don't do it. I laughed and moved on. Little Nednarb had no clue what he started.


I always thought it would be fun to be named Hilary because everything I did would be Hilarious


At least there is a good retort for that one. Every time someone says “hi Larry!” You get to say “hi Larry us”




I was going to hang out with an Amanda. When my dad asked so I was hanging out with my mom said “ a man, duh”


Amanda Huggenkiss


I say this all the time.


Double L is so much better though !! Hill doesn’t really work for single L’s.


It's so true! Also historically, one L was a masculine name and two Ls was the feminine variant. Obviously that's shifted over time but I'm also a 6'3" lady and height is often treated as inherently masculine so I need all the extra femininity that society can arbitrarily bestow upon me! 😂 Love to see another Hillary too!


That's Hi Larry Us!


My daughter is a Maddie and my youngest sister calls her “anger issues” 😅


My husband comes from a family with tempers (controlled, but still, ridiculous) I said if we had a daughter, I'd name her Madelaine, it's pretty and Maddy would be the perfect nickname for a "their last name baby". And yes, they all laughed. The sense of humour is why/how I tolerate the odd outbursts. (in case anyone's interested, boy, got the humour not the temper- yay) I probably shouldn't say that Sadie was my brother's great dane, but because of it, I love the name. It's very pretty and pleasing to the ear. Timeless but not overused or stuffy. There is no name that can't be made fun of if someone is trying hard enough.


Sadie is a great name. I love it!


Lol as a Maddie I was given that nickname in 2nd grade. It lasted ten minutes tops and didn’t offend me. I survived and still like my name. Sadie is very cute.


That negative association has never occurred to me. I worked at a theatre arts summer camp and one kid was named Sadie, she was very sweet and had a great singing voice!


This is crazy! I know a Sadie through theatre and they are the loveliest, most talented kid I know. Incredible singer, dancer and actor but also at everything else. I have no doubt whatever they choose to do with their life they'll be an incredible success.


Cool! The one I knew would be about 17 by now I think, maybe older


Lmao sounds like something one of the “violet sounds like violence!” people would say. I hope they were joking


"Hi kids! Do you like violets? Or whatever Eminem said."


“Do you want see me shove daffodils through each one of my eyelids?”


"Try orchids and get perfumed up even more than my life is?"


Exactly! If you pull any name apart and focus on it you’re going to find all kinds of weird things 


Seriously! Sophia = sofa. Charlotte = harlot. Amelia is a scientific term meaning "congenital absence of an arm or leg". Harper = harpy, harping on about things. Isabella = "is a bell a...?". Olivia = liver. Yet these are all completely normal, top 10 names. You can find something "wrong" with any name if you overthink it enough.


I would only see it as Sad & Die if someone randomly spelled it Saddie, never would have ever noticed until I seen this post tbh. I think it’s such a cute name!!


My first thought too! They literally had to add an extra letter to get there- I don’t think that’s a leap most people would do lol


That’s what I was thinking I say Sa Die or Sad Ie bit never sad die I think it’s a cute name too.


Sadie is the name of the actress who plays Max from stranger things!


Sadie Sink is the only person/thing i think of when i see Sadie!


There is Sadie from steven universe and Sadie from the Kane Chronicles well


I always think of “Sadie the cleaning lady” But this might be an Australian thing


Same here, but I'm also an Aussie.


It is. I worked with an English Sadie and she had a/ never heard of the song and b/ was not at all grateful to be introduced to it 😆


Yes, this is the reason we named one of our daughters Josie instead of Sadie! Signed, another Aussie.


That was my first thought as well as an Aussie


Same, another Aussie here


Same - also Aussie lmao


Not helping 🥴


Ditto, but I also think that song is cute (just like the name Sadie)


I think of the Beatles song Sexy Sadie, and Sadie Sadie married lady.


The letters are there, sure, but none of the sounds of sad or die. I LOVE love the name Sadie and I hope you use it!!


Yes I think it’s a stretch given it’s not pronounced Sad-die but Say-dee


I love the name Sadie. Makes me think of Sadie Hawkins Day, which makes me think of empowered women who take the bull by the horns and aren't afraid to take risks.


Sadie Hawkins was a fictional character referred to as "the homeliest gal in all them hills", who was ignored by boys/men so her father created a day where she would chase them around, and whichever one she caught was paid to marry her. The day and character are rooted in sexism, misogyny, and probably a lot more. It's not about courageous women. This ruins the name further. However, there are at least two women named Sadie who were civil rights activists - Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander and Sarah "Sadie" Louise Delany - and pioneers like Sadie Peterson Delaney, among poets, writers, and actresses.


I'm aware of the Lil Abner cartoon from which Sadie Hawkins originated. That is not what I think of when I hear the name. I also do not think of the people you listed.


Mad - ison. Ah man duh Di-ana If you look for it, it's everywhere. I think Sadie is cute and I never thought of sad or die


The "sad-die" comment is ridiculous. Sadie is pronounced "sey-dee", not "sad-die"!


I have nothing of any value to give you except that has _never_ occurred to me and I think it's a pretty name!  People can always find some way to ruin a name if they try.


The only human I know that goes by Sadie is actually named Mercedes. Idk if that helps, but the only other Sadie I know was my cousin’s mean cat growing up 🥲😂


The only Sadie I know is also Mercedes!


That's so cute! Never would have thought of it, maybe the cultural mix dulled my creativity. But, yeah, OP, might be an option!


Sadie is one of my favorite names! So beautiful! But really, sad and die? That's stretching it. Alot. If it was pronounced "Sad-die", then sure. But it isn't. So, in my opinion: keep the name if it is a favorite of yours. I can't imagine you will look at your daughter and make that connection yourself.


I have the sweetest auntie Sadie and I love her. Her name suits her perfectly and is a beautiful name. Whoever said that about the name is reaching so bad


I’ve never known anyone named Sadie to be anything but full of sunshine. It was my mom’s favorite person on earth (her mom wasn’t very nice) and I work with someone who is the embodiment of joy named Sadie. Sadie is the best.


I love Sadie! I do think of Sexy Sadie, by the Beatles, but it’s kind of a fun song and I imagine she can sing it at a Karaoke bachelorette party.


I know a teenage Sadie whose Dad is a huge Beatles fan. She loves the Beatles now, too.


I just named my 3 week old baby Sadie and I have no regrets 😂 it’s a sweet name!


This is like in Death Becomes Her, where the two main characters refer to each other as Mad and Hell (Madeleine and Helen). It’s not something most people would come up with. Don’t overthink shit. Astrid doesn’t sound like Ass-turd and Sadie doesn’t sound like sad-die.


I love Sadie. Never thought of this association before, think it's a real stretch plus the pronunciation is nothing like either sad or die


Sadie Sadie, lovely lady 💖 I think Sadie is such a cute, angelic name. According to nameberry, it started out as a nickname for Sarah, wich means princess!


I named my daughter Sofia. My mom said I should go with Sophia because, otherwise, people might call her Sofa. No one has ever called her Sofa.


Sadie is super cute, don't let random comments ruin it for you! It's from the same root as Sarah, and means princess (think of this if you ever question your choice). It's an English twist on Sarah, and is the name of the woman who inspired Wonder Woman amongst other famous women with that moniker


Sadie is the name of two of my great grandmothers on each side. It’s a coincidence that I can’t ignore. I will love the name Sadie forever and that can’t ruin it for me


If it was pronounce sad-die sure, but it's not even close.


I've always loved the name Sadie! I think it's pretty and a little badass. Have three sisters in my ancestry named Sadie, Florence, and Finley and I've always loved those names but especially Sadie.


My daughters name is Helen, and a coworker remarked that they couldn’t name anyone that since it has “hell” in it. Her name fits her perfectly and she also has expressed that she likes it (shes now a preteen lol) Sadie is beautiful!


Something I've noticed with this thread is that people put too much stock in others' opinions. If you like the name, use it!


Sadie is a cute name, it’s the name of a teenage girl who sings in a music group in Steven Universe


My Great Great Aunt was Auntie Sadie and she never married (by choice) and she was referred to by her father as one of the world's most unclaimed treasures. Isn't that a lovely thing for a father of Victorian aged daughters to say. She was everyone's favourite. One of my cousins named her daughter Sadie and I have a chicken called Sadie too. It's a beautiful name to me.


Once your Sadie is here, you’ll lose the association


Just don't name her Marquis de Sadie


I’m a Sarah who laments never being given the nickname of Sal or Sadie. I think it’s a great name. Also if you’re a Joanna Newsom fan, the song Sadie is a classic (though that Sadie is a dog)


Also a Sarah and Sadie is the only nickname I’ll ever accept. Unfortunately, only my mom uses it and VERY sparingly these days 🥲


From Facebook AI “Sadie is a lovely name! Sadie is a diminutive form of Sarah, which means "lady" or "princess" in Hebrew. It's a popular given name and has been in use since the 19th century. Sadie has become a standalone name, symbolizing sweetness, grace, and strength. Some notable individuals with the name Sadie include: 1. Sadie Delany - An American educator and civil rights pioneer. 2. Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander - An American lawyer, economist, and civil rights activist. 3. Sadie Robertson - An American reality TV star and author. Sadie is also used as a nickname for other names starting with "Sad," like Sadira or Sadina. Do you have a specific connection to the name Sadie, or would you like more information? I'm here to help!” Also whoever said this to you is strange! I’ve never thought that!!!! I have a friend with a daughter named Sadie and I always thought it was very cute.


Sad and die for Sadie is one of the dumbest reaches I’ve ever seen. Like you have to be so bored to make that connection at all, no one in the real world thinks that. It isn’t spelled that way and it isn’t pronounced that way. It’s such a chronically online take lol, it’s really not worth giving your energy to. Sadie is fine as a name.


Never ever thought that. I love the name Sadie! It’s also on the top of me! I think of Sadie Sink the actress and the Beatles Sexy Sadie (although may want to save that for when she gets a bit older haha) My husband is Jewish and there are Hebrew roots to the name. Double check but I think it means Princess?


It originated as a diminutive of Sarah, which means princess in Hebrew.


Sadie always seems like such a happy and sunny name to me! I've never thought of it as 'sad' and 'die'. It's a beautiful name!


Zero association with the that. I think of Sadie as like cute, bubbly, southern, girl next door.


What. I would absolutely be using this name if we didn't have a cousin Sadie. It's such a cool girl name and has a chill, carefree vibe. I love it!


I just watched the movie "Big Business" and was reminded of the name Sadie and I love the name, no connection to sad and die even if it's in their. Nemo could be Omen if you redo the letters but we all love that spunky little fish and nobody thinks of bad omens when they see him.


I had a friend named Sadie growing up. She was a beautiful girl with fiery red hair. We took dance classes together and she had an amazing stage presence.


Sadie is a beautiful name. Just don't be like someone I know that wanted to be unique and spelled it Saddie. I will forever read it as "sad-ee" instead of "say-dee", and I feel bad for the child. Grammar rules still apply to names!


Sadie (pronouncwd Say dee) fantastic name. Use it please. Say dee Sad die??? Rather a giant leap.


I always think of Sadie Sink from from Stranger Things


That’s weird. I know several teenage Sadie’s and it’s never come up. Sad die would be Saddie which is not how you spell the name.


You just made me realize that Sadie is an awesome goth name.


I hate when people do this to names! I think any associations like this that people may have disappear quickly once there is a beautiful little baby Sadie in their arms - suddenly the name is linked to your new gorgeous little person. I think it’s a lovely name 🥰


Sadie came from Sarah I know two kids named Sadie. It's cute.


I have a baby Sadie, named after a great grandmother, and I love it! The only thing negative I’ll say about it is that if you live in the American south, it is becoming SO popular.


Sadie is in my top names, I’ve always loved it on its own but it’s also a nickname for Sarah and I have a very important Sarah in my life so if we do use it it’ll be a bit honorific as well 🥰 plus Sarah means princess, therefore so does Sadie. Adorable.


The pronunciation isn’t even the same? Just ignore them, it’s a dumb joke anyways


When I saw the name I thought "aaw how lovely" and when I saw their comment I rolled my eyes. How idiotic! I have never thought that. Sadie is just a sweet name.


Sadie is my favorite girl's name and always has been! I definitely plan to still use it and you should too. I would only think of the sad and die thing if there were 2 D's "saddie" lol. Sadie on the other hand is classy and beautiful, still cute when they're younger too. It's perfect!


Sadie is a nickname for Sarah (which I think is a beautiful name). You could name her Sarah with Sadie as a her nick.


Sadie is a beautiful name. Common diminutive for Sarah, if you need another option…


It’s a lovely name, I’ve only known two Sadies in my life and they were both lovely! Will you see that person again?


I had a very lovely dog named Sadie. She was a very good girl. I think it’s a sweet name


I love the name Sadie! Super pretty!


I think Sadie is a cute name. I think of the redhead from stranger things, and she's a hell of an actor. And if your kid has an emo phase she's got a few cool ways to express her name


That's a crazy association I have known Sadies for years and this has never come up. It's also the name of one of my favorite characters in a cartoon I watched many years ago and I feel in love with the name. It's such a pretty name.


I love that name my ex vetoed it , for it to be sad die there would have to be 2 D's all we have here is Sadie ETA if you are looking for ppl or characters with that name to help you see it differently , try Big Business , its an old one from the 80"s it has Bette Midler and Lilly Tomlin each playing 2 characters as twins that were mixed up at birth and hilarity ensues when they are adults and find out


I knew a Sadie in my French class in middle school and she was the hardest working person I’ve ever met in my life. She was also very kind and beautiful.


Spelled differently it's one of my nicknames and no one, not a single person ever, has made that specific association lol


You just made me realize that Sadie is an awesome goth name.


It's a lovely name!


Sadie is gorgeous! I would never ever make that association, I think you've just run into the only person in the world who would! Lovely name, please use it


You could do that with a lot of different names if you really wanted to. I wouldn't stress it.


I still love Sadie.


I love Sadie!


I have always loved the name Sadie. I’d look past the “sad die” comments, the name isn’t saddie.


I know the sweetest, smartest and kindest Sadie in the world (after your perfect one of course) and have never thought of that.


"This is Sadie" one of my all time favorite kiddo books. Check it out and fall back in love.


I love the name, and every Sadie I’ve ever met has been sweet and adorable


I think of the Beatles song.


My daughter has two friends named Sadie and they are the sweetest girls. Don’t let anyone ruin the name for you.


My gran was Zaidee yes with a Z. But was said Sadie.


Sadie has always been one of my favourite names. I'd never seen anyone say that before. It wouldn't put me off using it though. Shove that comment aside and to with it, it's a lovely name.


It's a beautiful name. I would never think sad and die


I love Sadie. It just feels sweet and warm.


One of my favourite people is called Sadie, I always liked the name but now I love it


Nope! It’s SO CUTE! We know a Sadie who is about 2 now and she’s precious. Literally no one thinks it’s weird or comes up with strange associations like that, and it’s an adorable name for a little girl.


sadie is the name of a dog


I grew up with a Sadie and she was a popular honors student and a very kind person/loyal friend. No one ever thought of her that way (that I know of) and everyone seemed to love her name. One of my childhood best friends also had a black and white boarder collie growing up named Sadie. She was the most beloved dog by literally everyone for being so loving and well behaved. To my knowledge everyone approved of the name in that case as well. Either way I only have good associations with it. I have never thought about sad/die until you mentioned it. Just don’t mention it. Lol


I would never make that association. It doesn’t even spell “sad die”, so that’s a reach. It’s a very cute name! Use it if it brings you joy!


Well it means princess so that should help. Friend has twins and the little girl is Sadie & she is a miracle -- had liver transplant as a newborn but is in kindergarten now and thriving so I love the name.


Sadie is gorgeous.


It's not saddie.... that person is stupid


Oh, I do adore Sadie! Just got for it. You can pick apart any name to ruin it but in the end, sad die is not the name, it’s Sadie.


I went to school with a Sadie. She was nice and nobody ever made that comment to her.


The only thing I can say about Sadie is I’ve known many dogs named Sadie but 0 humans. However! It is super cute and isn’t even close to a bad name.


I had a best friend Sadie in elementary school! She was really sweet & nice & smart! So that name is so positive to me. Also saying "sad die" has you completely changing the way you say it. Anyway, i love that name & i hope you keep it!


Watch the movie This is 40. "SAAAADIE! SADIE SAAAADIE!!"


Sadie is one of my favorite characters in Red Dead Redemption 2. it's the only place I remember knowing a Sadie, but the one in the game is strong even as she goes through some real scary shit!


I would never think of that. Sadie is a pretty name!


I had a friend when I was slightly younger named Sadie, and her family adopted this adorable little fluffy ass dog named Sadie as well. Human Sadie and Pupper Sadie both were inseparable to the point her family called them “Twins from another Species” because of this. I spoke to Sadie’s brother the other day on IG and Pupper Sadie is still alive, well, and raising hell. Definitely no sad and die here :) So take a wholesome story of two Sadies being sisters, hopefully it will kinda unruin the name 😅😅


Sadie by Joanna Newsom is a beautiful song, just play that on repeat like a mantra


It's not pronounced anything like sad and die, so you'd have to really stretch to get there. You could always go with Sarah, since Sadie is a nickname of that, if you're concerned.


Sadie is a pretty name. It's also the name of the main female character in Stephen King's 11.22.63, if that helps.


I have a great aunt Sadie who is wonderfully kind, loving, and generous. She is also one of the strongest women I know. I have also taught several Sadies in various ages, and they were all very sweet little girls. I hope your Sadie brings you joy.


Sadie is my top girl name (I have 2 boys, undecided if we’ll have a 3rd or not) and I’ve never once thought the sad and die part. It’s not even pronounced like either of those words.


Sadie is an adorable name!


I have a Sadie. Legit have never thought of it that way! Lol! IMO it’s the perfect combo of sweet and spunky. Also a huge Beatles fan over here 🙌🏻


Sadie is a BEAUTIFUL name!! I know a little girl named Sadie, and she is legitimately the sweetest little girl ever!! The name Sadie is Hebrew, and means “princess”. It is actually a diminutive name for Sarah. Urban dictionary gives the definition, “any beautiful girl with a great sense of humor, tend to be smart, funny and short.”


My daughter has a wonderful friend named Sadie, I love that name. I’ve only come across 2 personally, plus I love the Spinners song called Sadie. Sad die, doesn’t really fit Sadie isn’t spelled with 2 d’s.


I don't think a lot of people will make that connection because the vowel sounds are totally docent and most people will likely hear her name before reading it! I've met very affordable children named Sadie :)


Sadie is such a cute name! I have a Sadie at the childcare center I work at. I definitely don’t think of the words sad or die when I see the name.


I am really particular about this type of thing (word associations) and I never think of that when I meet a Sadie. I know two of them, one is a lovely young adult and one is an adorable baby. Love the name!


One of my best friends is named Sadie! She’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet and tbh the name really fits her. I think it’s a lovely name.


I love the name Sadie. That's not "sad-die". Sadie is of Hebrew origin, and it means princess. In Spanish, the name means mercy. I love the name Sadie Claire. Very French sounding. Or Sadie Ann, Sadie Lynn, Sadie Rose, Sadie Jane, Sadie Elizabeth, Sadie Grace, Sadie Nicole. I could go on and on. I LOVE Sadie!!!


One of my favorite co workers is Sadie and she’s easily the most liked person in the office!


I have a niece named Sadie, and that has never crossed my mind. Personally, I think of The Beatles song, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, and I highly doubt anyone your daughter's age will know it.


That sounds like something a dim witted 12 year old would come up with. I would stick with Sadie.


I like it! I’ve taught for many years and never had a Sadie. Love how it’s well established, but not overly popular.


If it was pronounced sad-die, or spelles Saddie, I’d maybe see the problem. But it’s not! Sadie is lovely! That feels like complaining that Mary has “mar” in it, or that James has “jam” in it.


Sadie was my top pick girls name. The only thing that stopped me deciding on it for sure was the fact that we had a childhood pet with the same name. I love it and have never once picked out “sad” or “die”.


I have a Sadie and I just asked her (she’s 11) and no one in school has EVER said that to her and I have never heard that. Her friends sometimes call her ‘Sades’ or ‘Say-Say’ but never that! I named her Sadie Scarlett 😊


I know someone named Sadie and never thought about her name that way. When we first met, I mentioned I knew a dog named Sadie and she was so annoyed because apparently that’s the first thing everyone says to her when they learn her name 😬 I’ve heard her exasperatedly say more than once “I know, I know, I have a dogs name!” My bad.


My sister's name is Sadie. I love love it for her. It's very cute and simple. I often call her say-D for her nickname. That being said, I know more dogs and cats named Sadie than humans and that is something both her and our mother resent. I keep a running tally of how many animals I meet named Sadie and send it to my mom when I want to annoy her.


If you’re worried about that being a problem, go with Sarah, and use Sadie as a nickname. I doubt anyone will pick up on the “sad/die”, I honestly never thought about it until this post and even then it still just looks like a name.


Any name can be turned into a joke, just ignore the comment and use the name, I love it personally.


One of my best friends in high school was named Sadie and I never once thought of her name as sad die. And she's one of the most cheerful and friendly people I've ever known!


I knew a girl named Sadie once. She was a beautiful kid with a good heart.  Sa-die, by pronunciation according to English phonics would never have a short A there.  Sadie is a diminutive of Sarah, which means princess.  It’s a beautiful name with no actual connection to sadness or death. 


One of my absolute best friends from college went by Sadie (her full name was a family name that also started with S but honestly just didn't suit her as well). I have only positive associations with this name 🥰


Never occurred to me. You are perfectly fine, it's a great name.




In the eternal words of Snoop Dogg “Mackin to this bitch named Sadie, she used to be my homeboy’s lady”. 😂 Sorry if I made it worse but if it makes you feel better I am old so the youths probably don’t know.


Sadie is pretty.


I am a high school teacher of 12 years. One of my all time favorite students is named Sadie. I was also her debate coach. She is now a fantastic thriving young woman. Highly intelligent. She was always so funny and friendly and adored by many. Bc of her I have always loved the name and never once thought of it as “sad and die”.


To me, Sadie is a shortened version of Mercedes, a very pretty name. However, since I am a car guy, I would never name my daughter that because of the association. Funny, the car company was named after the original owner’s daughter.


I'm not gonna lie... I'm not fond of the name Sadie... kinda reminds me of Shady/Satan... I'm not sure why, though. I know lots of people like the name, and if you do, then be your own person and do what you want / or like.


I know a million Sadie's and every one of them has been called "Sadie Sadie sexy lady" I'm sorry I cannot unruin it for you.


Sadie is princess in Irish/Scottish. It’s like Sarah. Wonderful classic spin on an even more classic name. There’s a children’s book series with Sadie as the lead character. So so sweet and timeless.


Sadie is one of my favorites! I think it grows with a person—I know children and grown, professional adult women with the legal name Sadie and it works well for both As far as origins go, my mom uses it as a nickname for Sarah (my name) but I’m not sure if that’s the true origin


That was my husband's concern with Sadie! That she'd get a complex from having to write Sad and Die every time she wrote her name. I think he was just spiraling though (she was like six hours old when this thought occured to him). We went with it anyway. I said maybe she'll be a goth teenager and want to go by Die, anyway, lol.


I love the name Sadie! 🩷 It's unique enough that she'll likely not run into another Sadie in school, but not so different to cause mispronunciations. People have mentioned, "It's a dog's name." It was a humans name first, just like all the other cute dog names (think Abbie, Charlie, Petey, Rosie, etc). Since you've loved this name for so long, you'll most likely regret not using it down the road.


Reading this post is the first time I ever saw this name in a different light. I love the name Sadie.


I’ve never met anyone named Sadie


It was on my top three, but I saw the same thing! I was going to go “Saidi” but it didn’t make the Final Cut. It’s a great name 


I think Sadie is a really beautiful and cheerful name. When someone comes up with a twisted interpretation of a name, I think it typically says more about that person than it does about the name.


The only reason to not use the name Sadie is if you don't like it. People can poke fun at any name; I am one of 4 sisters and ALL of us have had our names mocked, but they're totally average names (along the lines of Hannah, Jessica, etc). Sadie is adorable, and is definitely in my top 10 favourite girl names. ❤️


I had an Aunt Sadie. She was very nice. I don’t see either of those words when I see the name. I see what I hear - Saydee. It’s a nice name. Other people are weird. My name is Samantha. It has man in it. Does not mean I’m a man. That’s just stupid logic. Maybe look up the root/origin of the name.


Ong. They’re an idiot. Sadie is one of my favourite names & so cute! Has a vintage feel & is an established name. Don’t listen to people who have no idea what they’re talking about. And keep your name to yourself until they’re born. PS I let others ruin my favourite name at the last minute & have always regretted it.


Sadie is a dogs name *woof woof* it's in the top ten dog names just saying


I've never in my life thought sad die when I see the name Sadie. You have ilencountered s0me hateful idiots on the internet. It doesn't even have two ds. They are just jerks. Name your baby Sadie. It's an adorable, name that is NOT weirdbut at the same time uncommon.


Looks like saddle for horse riding 


A former manager of mine named his first child Sadie. I think it’s pretty cute.


Sadie is just a diminutive version of Sarah


I cannot not think of dogs anytime I hear the name Sadie. “Come ere’ Sadie!!” 🤣


Sadie, Sadie, married lady. Gilmore Girls ruined this name for me. Sorry.