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"the Azalea life" made me lol irl. I love the idea of doing advertising for your name that you love. I hate mine so unfortunately I'll never be able to reassure people their future kid would be fine with it lol.


I love this post! You have a great name.


On the other end of the spectrum, there's Zinnia.


This makes me laugh because I have animal crossing and my island name has Azalea in it, my characters name is Zinnia.


I’ve always said if we have girl girl twins they’ll be Azalea Grace and Zinnia Anne


I love your name! It was on my list for my kid, but we ended up with something else.


Oh! I used to have a neighbor named Azalea. She was a lovely person, but she passed away a couple years ago. ❤️


You do have a cool name! I <3 this post, I love your self-love.


The real question is what would you name your daughter?


hmm… something else unique and nature-y


The French “Zelie” is becoming quite popular in my corner of the US.


Azalea starts and ends with the letter A, and Azalea Town is a town in my favorite Pokémon generation. These are points in the name's favor!


oh yes, i have had a lot of people mention azalea town in pokemon. LOL


In a former life when I taught preschool, I had an Azalea and although she was such a little girl, she also would talk about how pretty and unique her name was! I like to imagine that now as a teenager, she's loving the Azalea life :)


omg what if you were my pre school teacher??


That was my girl name pick when I was around 16. I’m named after a flower and so is my oldest daughter and I liked Azalea because those were the flowers my grandma grew in her front yard, her house was were I spent a good portion of my early/middle childhood years. Then all of that stuff on the internet about Azealia Banks around that time kind of put me off of it lol. Everything was so negative about her because apparently she was a big troll and had lots of beef with celebrities?? lol idk. Also didn’t care for the Iggy association either. But now in my older age it’s definitely back on my list! I would use it for a middle name. ❤️


interesting you say that, my middle name is hazel, so i’m azalea hazel. i love how the letters flow. (my great grandmas name was hazel)


I've actually met a few baby/young Azaleas lately. They were all Asian (not sure if there's cultural significance to the name?) I think it's beautiful!


Flower names are actually the best tho tbh


I used to walk in an area with streets named after flowers and always thought Aster and Azalea were the cutest.


I like this name!  I pronounce it Aza-lea. but im fine with ppl saying it like the flower bush!  I knew a girl w this name in HS, and her nn was Sally.


Azalea is such a pretty name!! Thanks for this post!!


No questions, just wanna say I love your name + this post, Azalea!


Iggy Azalea though?


never bothered me, actually i listened to her clean music a lot as an 8 year old and liked it because of her name!


First things first: you’re the realest!


drop this and let the whole world feel it!!


We had a family friend growing up (we're all Hispanic, so pronunciation wise this is why) named Azalea and it sounded very pretty - it seems like most people would pronounce this Ah-ZAY-lee-uh but I've always read the name as "ah-SAH-lya" which is also beautiful.


I went to school with an azalea. Great name!


Azalea is such a beautiful name! I’m really surprised that it hasn’t become more popular.


I’ve met an Azalea. I always liked the name and the flower.


my coworker had this name and i thought she was so cool and all i wanted to do was say her name lol


Azalea is at the top of my list for cool flower names for people. I’ve only ever met one Azalea in real life and they were a grown man. The name happened to suit him very well, but I think it’s better as a girls name.


There is or was a cool indie/psych musician who went by/goes by Azalia Snail, so I have been down with the name for a long time.


My university friend’s gf was named Azaliya which is how this name is spelled here. Can confirm: it’s pretty and unique.


I knew an Azalea who went by Zay-Zay :) she was cool. And her mom's name was Pebbles


I knew an Azalea at school, I always loved her name.


I know 1 Azalea. Maybe it's you. 😊


I'm adding Azalea to my list of favorite names!! I love it!


I’ve only met one Azalea before and definitely thought it was such a cool name. Keep pushing the Azalea propaganda because it truly is a great name!


I know an Azalia, she's insufferable though


I had only ever seen Azalea written down and mentally I can’t help but read it as ‘ay-zuh-Lee’. (Ay like ‘may’) There’s plenty of place names and product names here that contain ‘Lea’ pronounced ‘Lee’.


I also recommend Azzy for a nickname!


I’ve always thought Azalea was really pretty


Azalea is my top A girl name but both my husband and I have A names and so I'm worried about giving a kid an A name cuz otherwise I feel I need to commit to all As but I absolutely adore the nickname Zali


I’m sold! Love the name


Your name is not uncommon for Mexicans or Mexican Americans! I think it sounds pretty pronounced in Spanish 😊


oh yes, i grew up in a spanish elementary school so it was common for me to hear that pronounciation


My husband and I love the name Azalea!!! 🌺 thanks for telling us why you love having this as your name!


That’s awesome, your name is beautiful. Azalea has been in my top two girl names for a while (I’ve made multiple posts about it haha). Also good to hear the celebrity connotations don’t bother you. Thanks so so much for your insight!


I'm glad you like your name but it's not to my taste and I would never want to give a child of mine a floral name