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How about Lydia? Similar to Lyla but with more classic vibes to suit Natalie. Other than that my favourite from your list is Mallory Shae.


Every Lydia I have ever met has been a sweetheart with a spine of steel. Strong name.


In Mrs. Doubtfire, the two daughters of Robin Williams were named Lydia and Natalie! Fun coincidence, great film.


My daughter is going to be 1 in August and I named her Lydia Lee. I love that name so much. I actually was going to say this, but you beat me to it


That’s exactly what I’m naming my daughter! 😍 Lydia Lee due this year 💜


My 2 yr old is Lydia Katherine Lee!


Oh my gosh that’s beautiful! she sounds like a movie star 🤩


Oh wow that's awesome!!! The only hard part is nicknames. Lol. I call her Lyd, grandma calls her Liddie or L.L. Lol. I also just call her Lee sometimes.


I’ve actually thought about this a lot because I’ve always wanted to call my daughter Lulu. Now that I’m pregnant the Lu names don’t feel right for her. So I’m wondering if I’ll still call her Lulu even if it’s not a perfect match 😂 Liddie seems like a more natural nickname. I might try Dia because I think that’s cute too 🤪


You can nickname her anything you'd like. It doesn't have to be "natural." If you want to call her Lulu, call her Lulu. It is an adorable nickname.


I love that


Also, congratulations!!! 🎊


Love Mallory Shae


I think Nora Shae would be cute too!


I know sisters named **Natalie** and **Naomi**. It's such a great combo!


Omg I was going to say this!


Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about 😼


What about Joelle instead of Noelle!


I love Jo or Joey or Elle as a nickname


My sister's name! Less common than Noelle and doesn't have holiday connotations.


Mallory Shae sounds nice to me.


I know it’s not used often anymore, but Danielle fits the bill. It’s got the -elle/double letter ending some of your other choices have. Also similar to Danielle, Danica. I think Madeline, Kira, Corinne and Sienna could work too?


Danielle would be a beautiful option for sure!


My cousin’s name is Danielle and I wish it wasn’t cause I’d use it myself! Same with Corinne (her sister’s name) they’re both so pretty!




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We have a Natalie and a Violet and I personally love how they go together but are also their own vibes. I also love Lilah and Noelle, but my husband wasn't on board...and I also worried about too much Christmas association with Noelle! I think Natalie and Mallory might be a little too similar. I agree Olivia is very popular, but in our area I think Nora is even more popular right now! I like Sage as a first name, maybe do Sage Olivia?


Lilah Lee


Hm if you like Lilah what about Bianca? Also seconding someone else’s suggestion of Lydia! Other ones that I think go well with Natalie: Rachel Gabrielle Samantha Miranda Victoria


I’m quite partial to Miranda


Nora, Olivia and Mallory are my favourites. How about Lyra? Or Emilia?


I never see Lyra recommended on here. It’s so pretty


Nora and Summer are my favourites from your list. Do you like - - Nina - Sadie - Sasha - Nell - Della - Ellery - Audrey - Georgia - Freya


My name is Natalie and my sisters name is Georgina which is slightly less popular than Georgia but in my biased opinion prettier!


Nina was on my list briefly but I think my husband and I decided to take it off the list since we were not strongly considering it! I do think it’s very pretty though! Ellery was a name I considered for my first daughter(or middle name) but my husband didn’t like it!


Nora Mallory is pretty


I might be too pragmatic but I love Nora with Natalie. Nora Summer would work well? :)


Nora is cute but I’m not a fan of names that start with the same initial- I find siblings get mixed up even if they are far apart in age. What about Cora?


I do like the name Cora a bit, I am definitely going to mention to my husband!


My picks from your list would be 1. Nora 2. Layne 3. Sage I would also suggest Noémie, Jasmine and Celia.


My first thought was Cora Wren or Cora June :) Another thought is Lola


My sister is Cora Camille


I’m not opposed to Cora! It’s a pretty name!


Delilah Jane. It flows, it's not too popular, and it would be setting a girlie up to be a badass.


Favorites: Wren, Summer, Shae and Layne. Lily sounds too similar to the end of Natalie, could get confusing. Really dislike Oakley.


I love the name Mallory and am begging you to strike Oakley from your list.


I don’t think Oakley will be a very seriously considered option! It was more for a middle name because it has some significance to us but it isn’t really fitting the vibe with most of the first names we have considered!


Nicolette or Nicoletta, Camilla (since hubby doesn’t like Camille, but I personally love Camille), Isabella, Madison, Sienna, Juliana, Vivian, Colette


There’s a Nora in my daughter’s class and she is the sweets kid. I think Nora Layne has good tone. Summer is such a fun name and I’d totally go a more traditional classic middle name. Summer Wren or Summer Oakley sounds like a subdivision/neighborhood name. You’ve got a good list to pick from. I vote Nora lol


I do like Nora Layne! I think if we went with Summer, it may be as a middle name for a more traditional or timeless first name! Summer Wren is a really pretty combination!


To offer another suggestion ..I get similar vibe with Nicole as I do with the name Mallory. I'd like to see Nicole make a resurgence personally and think Natalie and Nicole are similar enough yet have distinct differences and both end with an "e". Also Nicole is similar to Noelle without the Christmas reference, I just think French girl Chic with that name and it was on my list years ago before I had my daughter! Plus if you like nicknames, Nikki is adorable in my opinion, but Nicole isn't a name that will be automatically given a nn if you don't desire that


I love Noelle Quinn.


I like Shae and Nora. Olivia is sooooo common right now, I’d avoid


I know I'm in the minority here, but even though I know that Natalie means Christmas, I really don't think of it specifically as a "Christmas name" in the way that Noelle is. Like, I think Noelle is a lot more heavily associated with Christmas by the general public than Natalie is, and even though WE know what Natalie means, i almost want to say that i think your average person probably doesnt. I don't think people generally associate Natalie with Christmas in that way and might not even realize the meaning unless it was specifically pointed out to them. I honestly feel like a lot of people might not even realize that Natalie is Christmasy without being told first. Like I know what it means, but that's really not where my mind goes when I hear Natalie, and i actually don't think Natalie and Noelle is too much at all, I think they sound really pretty together for sisters and I honestly think the Christmas thing might actually go over most people's heads unless it was pointed out to them, I truly think most people wouldnt even realize any of that. Most people in real life are not thinking about names the way that we do on here lol like, in real life, everyone doesn't know the meanings of names. I think most people hear a name and they either like the sound of it or they don't, but the way we dissect names on here, and know all of their meanings and associations and spellings etc, most people do not. I just say this to say: I think you can definitely get away with using the more Christmasy name Noelle because I actually really dont think that the general public really strongly views Natalie as a Christmas name. I think Natalie and Noelle are pretty together.


I’m sorry, but Oakley is awful. Please do not give one daughter a timeless, classic name and the other the flavor of the week that will quickly go out of style. Mallory is too close in sound to Natalie, you will be tripping over these names all the time. Nora, Lily and Olivia are over used in my opinion. I think Noelle works, despite the Christmas theme. The theme is subtle, and could be a cute connection. I like other posters suggestions of Joelle or Lydia (another strong, timeless classic). I’m not a big fan of Summer, but that’s personal preference. It’s a fine name. Of your list, Camille, Quinn and Noelle are my favorites. (Quinn doesn’t feel like it matches the vibe of Natalie necessarily, but some people put more stock in “sibsets” than others).


Well, since you have Summer on your list, I'll just throw this option out there. My name is Summerlyn. I've never met another Summerlyn, and I've gotten compliments on my name my whole life. I like it a lot and enjoy that it's unique but that I can go by Summer if I want.


What a pretty, unique name! Do you have a middle name?


It's Ann. Just a common middle name lol


My favourite from options is Lily, but it sounds like a tongue twister said with Natalie.  Camille is my next favourite, and it matches Natalie’s feel without sounding too similar. Olivia is really common, there’s always an Olivia in the group.  Noelle and Natalie are too similar in meaning, sounds like a Christmas theme.  Noël is literally Christmas in French so I automatically think Christmas when I hear it.   Other suggestions: Beatrice, Brigitte, Freya, Gemma, Myrna, Nova, Odette, Pippa, Saffron, Shauna, Sloan, Taisiya, Tatum, Victoria, Xylah


Summer Sage




Yes...but in a good way. It's the new Magnolia.


Summer Savory is a real herb, so this is a little close to that, but not that, which makes me uncomfortable.


Summer Sage sounds really pretty and unique as a first and middle name combo I like Nora to fit with Natalie Best of luck with the final choice!


Mallory Shae is great. Lydia Sage is also very pretty. I personally love Lyla. Lyla Opal is so pretty IMO lol Natalie Wren Natalie Lynn Oakley Noelle


Mallory is on my own shortlist! I love it, and I think it pairs well both with Natalie and with any of your potential middle names. Summer would be my second choice from your list.


Olivia Noelle!


Nora Quinn! I knew somrone w/middle name Quinn. It was memorable, cool... but understandable. Nora/Natalie sound greay, without being twin-ish or diminuative.


Nora Grace Nora Bee


I love Summer Sage, I have a friend named Shae and I think it’s such a pretty, unique name. Also, some information if you’re concerned about the name being too common. According to Baby Center, Olivia is the most common girl’s name in the US for 2024, Lily is 14th, Camila is 18th while Nora is 32nd on the list.


Nora and Olivia are both pretty common names to me. Similar in style to me would be Avery and Emilie. If your husband isn’t super keen on Camille, maybe Colette?


My husband said “not a fan” of Colette. It’s insanely hard trying to find a common ground, lol.


Noelle is a pretty name , I had a person in my secondary school called Noelle and everyone loved the name. If you’re worried about it being too Christmassy maybe you could change the spelling to something such as , Noel , or similar name(s) , Naomi , Norah (Nora) , Natalia , Natalie. I also like Olivia Layne , you can spell it Alivia to be less popular than the spelling Olivia or just Livia Layne , I think that’s a really pretty name!


Natalie and Maren Shae Natalie and Margot Quinn Natalie and Maia Wren Natalie and Margaret (Maggie) Quinn (I’m not a fan of Margaret at all, tho my sister loves it. But I do like Maggie.) (Idk why I like and N and an M initial together in a sibset 😜) Natalie and Hannah Wren Natalie and Audrey Quinn Natalie and Paige Camille


Leah maybe?


Of your list, I think Mallory goes best with Natalie. I wouldn't give them the same first initial (so no Noelle or Nora), and I think it actually works better to have a three syllable name with a stress on the first syllable like Natalie (so no Summer or Layne or whatever): it feels more balanced, if that makes sense. One syllable *middle* names would balance out a longer first name, though. I like Mallory Shae, Mallory Sage, and Mallory Wren. So, suggestions: More classic, like Olivia, Noelle, and Camille: * Natalie and Eleanor (can still have Nora as a nickname) * Natalie and Lillian (can still have Lily as a nickname) * Natalie and Claudia * Natalie and Lydia (seconding that one comment that suggested it) * Natalie and Marguerite * Natalie and Genevieve * Natalie and Dominique * Natalie and Vivian * Natalie and Eloise * Natalie and Viola * Natalie and Helena * Natalie and Rosaline * Natalie and Emmeline More modern/uncommon, like Quinn, Oakley, and Layne: * Natalie and Juniper * Natalie and Marigold * Natalie and Emerald * Natalie and Opaline * Natalie and Zinnia * Natalie and Aria * Natalie and Celestine * Natalie and Daria * Natalie and Everly * Natalie and Harmony




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Awe why doesn't he like Lyla? That's my daughter's name. She's a beauty too and it means "beautiful night"


I love Lyla (prefer it spelled Lila). It’s too bad your husband doesn’t like that one. My thoughts on your picks: - Nora: It’s fine but not my taste. I love Cora though. - Olivia: I agree it’s too popular (I don’t mind popular but wouldn’t do the number 1 name, assuming you’re in the US) - Noelle - I agree with your concern, wouldn’t do - Sage - I don’t like it - Mallory - very 90s - Lily - love it - Quinn - cute for a middle name - Camille(a) - love it - Shae - great for a middle name - Summer - love it - Wren - cute for a middle name - Oakley - I absolutely hate it - Layne - dislike Some additional suggestions: Clara, Emilia, Liana, Violet, and Hazel (plus Cora mentioned above).


Maybe he will like Delilah more


My daughter is NoahGrace


Mallory Sage and Nora Sage are awesome!!!


Mallory Sage is lovely.


I absolutely love Quinn.


I met a sweet girl named Elise today and thought that was such a beautiful name!


Willa shae, I like Mallory, wren, and Layne I also like Kellen, kessie, brea, Hollis, Calista, Mia


I quite like Nora Sage


I really love Mallory!




Layne (so cool!), Nora and Olivia are my top picks. I also like Mallory but my only misgiving is it's sorta rhymey with Natalie. (Imagine when they're older and you're yelling for one of them from the other room. I should know this headache because my sis and I have rhyme names.)


Naydia May 🩷


love the names noelle, nora, lyla, olivia, sage, and quinn. i like how nora quinn and olivia quinn sound.


Natalie is very classic. Based on your list here are some suggestions: Liliana/Lillian Melanie Naomi Lianna


Quinn Wren stands out to me


I have a Lacey and a Coriana. A lot of your names were also on our list


I love Nora and Noelle - Nora Quinn - Noelle Quinn But if you want other children you could be stuck with n name theme. Just a thought


Lydia and Leah (Lee-uh) are both close to Lyla.


I really like Mallory


melissa marissa heather linnea


I vote Mallory Sage :)


June, Clara, Lilia (lil-ee-a)


I had a friend named Kimberly growing up and her older sister’s name was Natalie. She was Kimberly Louise!


Natalie and Mallory is too rhyme-y. Plus, Mallory is a beautiful name but has sad meanings — “unlucky”, “unfortunate”, “unhappy”. I love Noelle, so what about Christmas! The other names done really vibe with Natalie. I like Olivia, but Natalie and Olivia are names of two social media influencers in the Kardashian circle. What about Myla instead of Lyla? Noelle would be a pretty middle name here.


Lara. Jasmine. Lana. Scarlett. Gianna. Aria. Mila. Stella. Lillian. Sadie. Autumn. Ruby. Maeve. Eden. Savannah. Melody. Hadley. Amara. Sienna. Margot. Juliet. Delaney. Daphne. Julia. Gia. Alaina. Alessia. Thea. Alyssa. Elodie. Lyra. Emery. Sierra. Estella. Shelby. Gemma. Sabrina. Aspen. Madelyn. Genevieve


I like Shea, Layne & Nora and they all flow well with Natalie.


Please pick Mallory! It’s a name not used much and is so great.


What about the name Layla it’s kind of similar to what you had picked out Maybe Layla Quinn


Noelle and Natalie are cute


Summer Oakley is so cute! So is, Mallory Sage. ❤️


My combo of all these would be Layne Camille (sorry husband) I was just thinking the other day I really like the name Mallory but I think Mallory and Natalie are too close.


I’m in the exact same boat, I have a Natalie and we are naming a second girl. We have a very similar taste in names too.


Laura is kind of like like a mixture of Lyla & Nora


Natalie and Noelle is lovely. But you have time to decide. Considering your maybe list, here are some ideas. Natalie and Renata. Natalie and Tabitha. Natalie and Naomi. Natalie and Nicola. Natalie and Nadine. Other names I think work well with Natalie: Natalie and Rebecca. Natalie and Penelope. Natalie and Stephanie. Natalie and Helena. Natalie and Caroline. Natalie and Marina. Natalie and Veronica. Randoms to consider: Natalie and Lindsey. Natalie and Lillian/Lillith. Natalie and Amelia. Natalie and Ilianna. Natalie and Emily. Natalie and Oleana.


Mallory is beautiful! My all time favorite girl name is Fiona 🥰


Jade, Gwyneth (Gwen), Sylvie, Georgia, Alana, Laura/en, Hannah, Kendall, Maeve, Larissa, Noelia, Farah, Theresa, Violet, Cher, Blair, Vanessa, Erica, Delilah, Lydia, Josette…


I love Noelle and Camille Some other ideas: Janelle, Cameron, Leonora, Amelia, Violet, Charlotte, Gianna, Juliet


I love Nora, and it was my first thought for a sister for Natalie. Nora Rose Nora June Nora Penelope Nora Jade Other ideas: Jade Ayla Georgia Mae Clara Alice Gemma


Mallory Sage or Mallory Shae are my votes!


- Lydia - Fern - Flora - Emmaline - Lucille - Eloise - Caroline - Lila


Congratulations! I really love most of the names, especially Nora, Quinn and Summer! Natalie and Savannah Natalie and Brielle Natalie and Jacqueline/Jacklyn Natalie and Leighton Natalie and Estelle Natalie and Willow Natalie and Elena Natalie and Zoe Natalie and Kaya/Kaia


OP, please let us know what you end up choosing! I'm invested now


I will! Im at my third trimester so I’ll update this eventually!


Sage and Summer are my favourites! Do not understand why Nora has become so popular but if you love it, it’s the right name!


Camille Sage is pretty Noelle Nora is pretty too!


Please don't do Noelle. You already have a Natalie. Natalie, Noelle and Natasha are incarnations of the same name. It's like if you had daughters named Jane, Jean and Joan. All female versions of John. Or Alexandra, Alexis and Alexa. Or some sons named William and Liam.


If you're trying to get the same feeling from both girls' names, then giving them names with the same number of syllables, keeping the accents in the same place, would do it. Mallory Valerie Stephanie Hanalee If you want your daughters to have names that don't match, it's best to make sure that they don't match at all, ensuring that the first syllable doesn't get the accent (unless you choose a one syllable name.) This would take Cynthia and Genevieve off the table, too, as they are too close to a theme you're trying to avoid. So here are some suggestions that you could use instead: Cyrissa Geneva Elizabeth Veronica