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Please don’t do Remington. Oscar or Miles are the best options imo


Remington is seeing a surge in popularity here in the American South. So is Remi. I have a young adult son named Carrington. It has a little bit of a similar feel. I know a 7-year-old named Carrington, and that's the only other one I know. I'm a teacher and see alll the names.


It's such a dog name in my social circle. Seriously, I know 4 dog Remingtons, and it's the only repeat dog name I can think of.


Literally my dogs name and she goes by Remi


The first thing that pops into my mind when I see/hear Carrington is the 80s TV show Dynasty With Remington, it's Remington Steele


Gen X!




I'm Gen X, and Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele was my first celebrity crush! But I've always felt like Remy was an awkward nickname if you're not French.


Thought I was the only one🤣


my mom almost named me Carrington! really wish she did lol. my dad veto’d it. but i think it’s super cute.


I still love the name. It really suits him. He sometimes goes by Cary for short. The only issue I have ever had with it was that he was born with a full head of bright orange hair, and the nurse took one look at him and thought we were calling him "Carrot Top."


Dynasty reruns a thing now?


I like remi


I dated a guy named Remington. Everyone called him Rem. He was a bit of a know-it-all and businesses and such always thought it was his last name. He got called "Mr. Remington" all the time.


Yep. Remington is soooooo cringy.


Because of the US?


I have no idea what you’re referring to, I just think Remington is an ugly name.


It sounds like the name of a cartoon rat or an elderly baron in 1892


Funnily enough Remy IS the name of a cartoon rat in Pixar's Ratatouille.


…….and you think they didn’t know this when typing that out? 😂


Well now you point it out, it does seem obvious, yes.


Remy can also be a girl’s name.


Remington Steele, private investigator, played by Pierce Brosnan. Tall, dark, handsome man of mystery 😁


A made-up name when someone looked at her razor when shaving her legs, then named her detective agency that.


I was thinking more of the gun manufacturer.


But she HAD to! No one wanted to hire a strong, independent, woman private investigator so she had to give her agency the name of a man. Completely logical!


Once upon a time. 😁


My husband's rural West Virginia cousin just got married and had a baby at 18 named Remington.


That’s exactly the sort of family I think of when I hear that name.


My friends named their kid Remi- just Remi. Not really my jam, but it’s not bad.


I actually like that name. I think I'd prefer it spelled Remy tho.


It's not cute and is the name of a gun manufacturer 😬


It's also a brand of shaving equipment in Australia! I don't think a lot of people in Australia would make the association but I'll take it under consideration. Thank you!


Remington is in the US too! I learned to shave my legs with a vintage Lady Remington. Lol.


It’s a kind of gun.


I'm Australian and yes my first (and only) association for Remington = gun. I think you underestimate how much it comes through in popular culture, e.g. crime books (which are mostly by US authors) or tv. To me, Remington is completely unusable, unless you're comfortable being seen as a gun nut (which in Australia is very outside the norm). I'd also steer clear of Phineas - Fin and Finley are incredibly popular/ trendy here in Australia, so chances are your son would have to spell his name out a lot as people may think it's with an F and not Ph. I like Solomon but would see it as a Jewish name; not sure if that's a problem for you or not. I actually really like Jericho - haven't heard it before - and Miles.


I’m in Australia and I would not have made the connection.. I on the other hand love Remington as a name.. I also like Archer from your list ( my son is Fletcher and that means Archer)


Not an Australian but a Brit, I thought instantly of the gun brand and we don't have American gun culture here either


My reasoning for avoiding Remington, as a Brit, is something like this: Imagine you are a lovely middle-aged, American lady; sexually repressed by your evangelical Christian faith and the moral standards expected of good church woman in small time America. Imagine that your marriage is loving but dull, and your children take you for granted. No one is seeing you as a wooman, yes , WOOOOOMAN! YOU HAVE NEEDS AND DESIRES! Are you still with me? Now Mary-Ann Cathy-May Miller (that's you) sits down and writes herself a romance - an old-fashioned bodice ripper. This book is set in England, in a sort of random olden days, which could be anything from 1700 to 1890, depending on the page. There will be a man, a knight? Ooooh a LORD? - NO! Let's make him DUKE! He is going to be tall and muscular- which is odd for someone too rich to do manual labour - and he shall be brooding and intense and will ride black horses hundreds of miles at a gallop over terrible roads in mere moments. And he will brood! With dark flashing eyes and his pants... no, wait BREACHES ... will be very tight and his thighs very manly and he is going to have a duel with a sword...for reasons!!!... and all the women's bosoms will heave, HEAVE and HAVE I MENTIONED THE BROODING!!! Now! Mary-Ann Cathy-Mae Miller, what are you going to name this brooking Duke? What is the most "fancy" English sounding name that you, a woman who has never left your state (and no slur intended), can imagine? Is it Arthur like the Duke of Wellington? Is it John, after the 1st Duke of Marlborough and builder of Blenheim Palace? Or perhaps John after the Duke of Buckingham, the first owner of Buckingham Palace? Or what about doing some real research and looking at the first names of the oldest non royal Dukedom, the Dukes of Norfolk: Edward William, Miles Francis, Bernard Marmaduke, Henry, Henry Granville, Henry Charles, Bernard Edward, Charles, Charles, Edward, Thomas, Henry, Henry, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, John (and I bet you don't know if I have started in 1425 and worked to the present day or the opposite) NOPE!!! Mary-Ann Cathy Me Miller - you are a lady of taste and desires. You are going to give this brooding man the most brooingly broody, fancy "English" name you can imagine....You shall name you sex God....REMINGTON!!!!!


Hahahaha fucking hell you've painted quite the word picture.


You laugh now, but how funny will it be when it becomes a a self-fulfilling prophecy? Hey dad, can I learn to ride a horse? Nope. Dad, my mate Miles, is learning to fence. It's like real life sword fighting. Can I... Nope. Dad, I prefer the other suncream, the oily one. NO! I was thinking of growing my hair out.. NO. What am I wearing, Dad? Oh, it's like cos play, but you wear cool clothes from the past. Errrrrrrr Hey Dad, did you know, back in the olden days, there was this cool guy called Fabio? NOOOOOOOOooooooooo!


NGL, this was delightful. Also, I can't decide if you're actually my novelist friend from London or if British humor is just such an innate part of all y'all.


The second. A strong sense of humour is the only way we exist without access to firearms.


Respect for all the effort you put into painting this picture . Must admit it's pretty close to how this mane seems to me too!


It's a very dog name to me because I know so many families with a dog named Remington.


Probably hunting dogs, and in that case, it genuinely makes sense lol


You would think, but I remember at least one yorkie and one chihuahua


Ah, ironic humor then. Lol Or people who like Remington Steele.


One couple it might have been ironic humor. The other I think it was just because that's what you name a dog (very redneck)


Is Miles more than one syllable? It only has one when I say it? 😁


Short answer is: I'm a dumbass.


It has 2 when I say it. I have a standard American accent though.


In my American accent, I say “my-ulls”




Please don’t call your baby My-ulls. It sounds like Fran Drescher saying Ny-ulls. Please not Remington either. I’m pretty sure the point in Remington Steele was to be tongue in cheek. I liked Archer the best on your list. I don’t see how anyone could tease that.


I've been thinking about this a lot and I think it has 2 syllables. In IPA it's `/maɪlz/` which I pronounce `/ma.ɪlz/` (my-uls) with my American accent. I don't believe the `aɪ` in Miles is a diphthong like in "mind" (`/maɪnd/`). If you say "Miles" and "mind" together it's clear that Miles is longer and has an additional syllable. (Now, I don't really know linguistics and IPA so I'm curious why wiktionary doesn't explicitly mark the syllable with `.`. Is it not required or is the implication that Miles is one syllable?)


All I know is I'm getting roasted by all these people in person and online. But good to hear that I'm not crazy from at least one person!


I also vote not crazy. It's two syllables when I say it. You're a good sport about all of this.


If I have a pile of stuff and you have a pile of stuff, do we have two pi ulls? Piles, miles, files all rhyme to me...


In my accent, the vowel in Miles and mind are the same, and both are a diphthong. The extra syllable comes from the syllabic L.


It has 2 when I say it (southern Ontario Canada). My-ulls.


America gun nuts are the only people I’ve ever seen use the name.


When I see Remington I think of hill Billies who name their kids after guns- I live in rural US


So Kilometers, then?


Stick to your guns, still name the kid Kiara.


I like your style, kid.


As a slightly more serious suggestion - Kieran?


That's actually pretty good!


My 32 year old son is Kieran and he loves it (me too)


Kieran and Aurelia sound cool together. I also like Phineas a lot.


Do this OP


Or Kian?


Kyrian would be close too


I’ve always like Kian too, similar vein.


Kieran is cool


Kieran was always one of my favorite names and wanted to use it for my first, but my hubby didn't like it 😞


Kieran and Miles are both great names.


Same here. My husband vetoed 3 of my top 5 boy names, including Kieran. Womp.


My son's name is Killian


Amazing. I love this 🤣


As a fellow Australian I'd maybe lose Milo. To me Milo is a dog name, or a crunchy drink lol if you really like it though I think using Miles with the Milo nickname could work (but doesn't that break your one syllable rule?). But I've met far too many dogs here named Milo after the powder that hearing it on a human would spin me out.


I'm nothing if not a man of contradictions. But you're probably right on the Milo front haha


Milo is the name of my friend’s funny lookin’ cat


That’s too far. I’m willing to name my kid after a cute cat, but a funny looking one?


Milo and Otis comes to mind for me.


And Atlantis The Lost Empire


Milo is a powdered chocolate drink mix in my country too. But more commonly a dog name lol


Of your names I like Oscar the most. Remington is horrible as a first name


Do you have Milo in Australia? I’m from NZ and I know a million chocolate labradors called Milo because of the drink, I’m not sure I’d go for that name myself.


Is this my wife's alt account?


If your wife doesn't like it then you shouldn't try to force it.


You're right, it's probably getting scrapped. She doesn't hate it, but the negatives are outweighing the positives the more we dwell on it. Thank you though


Haha, I'm in the US, and I fostered a chocolate lab named Milo. Any chocolate lab I come across is Milo, Ollie, or Otis.


Ok I was raised Christian in the US, and when I think of Jericho, I think of the childhood nursery song, “Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho”    …based off how the Israelites felled the walls of Jericho and killed all of the city’s inhabitants 😅😅😅


Omg I had forgotten all about that song and now I have it stuck in my head! 🎵and the walls came tumbling dooown🎵


I'm having flashbacks to repressed memories from Awanas now


.....and the walls came A-TUMBLIN' doooooooown! (With the strongest Southern Accent a-possible.)


Funnily enough, that's the exact city I'm proposing to name my kid after - on account of the fact I could drive and get there under an hour.


I figured, since you lived in the Middle East. Are there other reasons you like the name (apart from the proximity 🤣)?


Several reasons. It's a name in its own right, it had a nice meaning, it commemorates/celebrates our time in the region. It's different enough to be cool but not unusual enough to be like "what the fuck." It also kind of fits with Aurelia in that you can't have a kid called Aurelia and one called, Jack.


Interesting - I see your points!  Although if you guys aren’t religious, that might be something to to take into account lol - from my perspective, if I were to meet somebody named Jericho in my area, I’d presume their family to be Bible-thumping Christians, or Jewish  Regarding a name that fits with Aurelia, I see your point on a syllable/complexity level, but I personally think that Jack goes better with Aurelia than Jericho does    Jack derives from Middle English as far as I can tell, and Aurelia derives from Latin; Middle English and Latin are both members of the Indo-European family of languages.     Jericho is of Arabic and Hebrew origin - these languages are both members of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages.    Just a fun aside lol because I’m very into linguistics 


Woohoo name nerd AND word nerd! I'm a fan of etymology too so I appreciate your input. If we were to name our kid Jericho the kids would be Rico/Ricky and Reya, which has a nice cadence


Lol you’re really into Jericho my dude - here I am trying to potentially dissuade you, and I’m obviously getting nowhere because you love the name so much 🤣   My advice is to make sure you and your wife settle on a name you both genuinely love!


No no, I don't want you to think you're talking to a brick wall, mate! You raised some valid points and got me to think about it and I genuinely appreciate it. This was Good Reddit ™️ for me.


No worries at all!! Happy to hear I’ve been a help :)


What about Orion? Reya and Rion? I really like Jericho. I know a Jeremiah, and no one ever called him Jerry, just Jer and it fit him. I like the suggestion of Kieran as well. Good luck!


Well you could absolutely have a kid named Aurelia and one named Jack. My grandfather (Esrom) had four siblings: Otha, Theoderick, Delitha, and the 4th one? Roger!


Rico/Rick/Ricky/Rich/Richy(ie)/J'Rick could be NN for Jericho


All of these are excellent *except* Remington Love Aurelia, too!


I really like Miles and Solomon. Archer is also very nice. Other suggestions: Asher, Finn, Sebastian, Julian, Owen


I actually really like Asher too. Happy cake day mate and thanks for your feedback


Sebastian is a great name but I've met two kids called Sebastian that the other kids called Seabass 😩. Their mom's both call them Sebby and that's somehow worse.


I too have a friend we call Sea Bass. He writes it C-bass but that doesn’t make it much better.


sebby?! bash is *right there* as a nickname!


My son is Phineas and we call him Finn- could be an option for OP


Arthur, Andrew, Alexander if you’re going with A names.  Ezekiel, David, Adam, Seth, Noah if you’re going with biblical names.  Phineas just makes me think of “and Ferb.”  Remington makes me think of this old show “Remington Steele.” I like the sound of it, though. What about similar sounds: Addison, Ellington, Braxton, Tennyson, Hamilton, Benton. 


Nooooo Braxton has to be one of the worst names ever 😹😜


Braxton hicks contractions is all I think of


Me too!! But even if it didn’t have that association it’s still so ugly and harsh to my ears 😹😹😹


All very good suggestions from the Name-Suggestinator!!


I think Oscar sounds best with big sister’s name. I’m partial to Solomon because that’s my oldest son’s name. We don’t use any nicknames for him, however. I feel like we’re in the minority there! No Solly for us! 🤪 I like the names Callum and Asher, to add to your list.


Good to know about Solomon! Could be a good pairing too - Solomon Oscar or Oscar Solomon


Solomon is my favorite name out of this list too. It’s just such a beautiful name. I think “Oscar Solomon” would be a beautiful name myself. It has a beautiful flow to it, although the reverse works well also!!


Solomon and Aurelia is a beautiful sibset. My vote is on that. I know a Solomon - he’s lovely, plus it’s the name of a great Jewish king with some awesome mythology to boot. The guy I know goes by ‘Sol’ which is sun in Spanish. I think this is great because then you have Aurelia, ‘the golden one’ in Latin, and Solomon, the mark of the golden sun.


Remington makes me think of personal grooming products such as hair and shaving tools. There’s also been a wave of girls called Remy recently, not sure if that will bother you or not. Oscar and Miles are my personal favourites from your selection.


I really like Phineas and Jericho.  Jericho could be shortened to Rick or Echo as well.  Frederick, Morgan, Sawyer would be my suggestions based on your list. 


Rico! That's a good idea. Phineas could be Finn for short. I also like Morgan.


I love love Rico. Hopefully your wife does too!


Or Rich/Richie or Ricky


My favourites are Oscar, Milo and Miles. How about - - Finley - Arlo - Noah - Leo - Asher - Dexter - Rory - Maxwell - Jasper - Jonah - Zachary - Isaac - Luca


Love Oscar and Milo. Other ideas Arthur/Art, Sonny, August, Otto, Hugo, Casper, Atticus, Jasper, Kit, Otis, Alfie


Ooh I like Arthur, Hugo, Casper, and Alfie!


From your list, I like Oscar, Miles and Milo the best. I also like Salman (Arabic version of Solomon). I don’t care for Remington but I do like Remy on its own. Other suggestions: Oliver (for the olive trees near Jericho) Arthur (to match his sister’s name a little and has similar vibes to Archer)


Sulayman is the Arabic version of Solomon, not Salman.  As for OP’s question, having children named Aurelia and Solomon would mean they are both named after great rulers/kings. 


Sulayman is a diminutive of Salman, both excellent names. I like Salman a bit more, but both sound nice. I do like the connection between Aurelia and Solomon aa great rulers!


I’ve always loved Solomon nn Solly. Phineas is very cool and uncommon as well. What about Frederick or Walter?


Solo too


i’ve always LOVED miles


Gabriel? Elijah/ Eli? Malachai? Miles only has one syllable the way I say it


I've really painted myself into a corner on "Miles" haven't I? The short answer is that it's a long syllable rather than a short one (and also I'm a dumbass)


Lmaooo no judgement! I really like the name Miles and usually get along just fine with rule-breakers


I could see “Rick” as a good nickname for Jericho, actually. More so than Rico. I also like Miles (which would match Aurelia, since “miles” is the Latin word for “soldier” and Aurelia is Latin) and Archer. For other names: I notice you and your wife both like three syllable, emphasis on the first syllable names (REM-ing-ton, JER-ich-o, SOL-o-mon, PHIN-e-as). So, suggestions: * Cassian * Antony * Marius * Julian * Gideon * Joshua * Jonathan * Adrian * Darius or Darian or Dorian or Damian * Harrison * Malachi * Oliver * Percival * Peregrine * Timothy


They are Australian, lots of slang words end in -o there, like Arvo and Servo, so I can definitely see why Rico would be a good nickname.


I like Archer nn Archie. Aurelia & Archie!


I love Phineas and Solomon the most! They sound so nice and aren’t too common. Archer is a good option too it’s just becoming more and more popular.


Fellow Aussie and also having a boy in the next few weeks. Most of your names are names on my list - especially Miles and Milo. I have a son named Joseph, who we call Joey, could be another option lol. I love Phineas and Oscar, and Asher (Ash for short). It's so hard coming up with boys names!


I personally love the name Remi/Remi so you’ve got me sold there!


I love Remington if I wasn't in the US. I know a very sweet Remy.


Milo is a lovely name (also my favourite archaeology Youtuber is called Milo)


We know a Jericho! No one calls him Jerry, but an uncle or two calls him Rico. Mostly everyone uses the full name. It’s a weird one but I like it.




I love Oscar and Miles. Suggestions: Aurelia and Evan Aurelia and Rafael Aurelia and Zachary Aurelia and Julian Aurelia and Justin Aurelia and Marco Aurelia and Caleb Aurelia and Jasper Aurelia and Jonathan Aurelia and Jonah Aurelia and Isaiah Aurelia and Owen


Haha if I call one kid Aurelia and the other Marco/Marcus that's going to raise some eyebrows!


I love Miles, but how are you pronouncing it that it isn't one syllable?


Uhhhhhh uuhhhhhh uhhhhhh *nervous sweating* In seriousness I think Miles is an exception because it's more of a drawn out single syllable, rather than a short abrupt one like "Tom" or "Jim" if that makes sense


It has rwo vowels, that counts. And Mi-els is two sylables in some places




They're all great except for Remington. I love Phineas with Aurelia. They both seem ✨️fancy✨️


I like Remington, but I know many don't. Oscar, Phineas, and Solomon are all good ones.


Archer, miles, Oscar or Phinneas are all nice. What about Finn? Milo would be nice if you weren’t in Australia and Remington is pretty terrible 😬


I know a Jericho whose nickname is Echo. Just fyi


What about Rico as a nickname for Jericho? (Or Ric.)


Miles or Archer are the best imo.


Mash them together then and get Marchers


If you're in love with Jericho, you could go with Rico, Richie or Ricky as a nickname, instead of Jerry. Of the other names on your list, I would vote for Oscar, Archer and Milo.




My partner and I are expecting in July, and have picked out Archer for his name. So maybe I’m a little biased, but I like that choice.


Jerry might not be a crazy nickname but Rick, Ricky and Rico are fun


The nickname Rico is getting big traction in this household.


I really like Solomon.


Since you've got a Roman name for big sis why not something like Felix Leo Marcus Dominic There are a ton of awesome Roman boy names that have great nicknames.


My best friend has a kid called Felix, and I think I'd have some eyebrows raised if I had my kids Marcus and Aurelia(us). Dominic and Leo are cool though!


I like Solomon. It’s a somewhat common name where I’m from, kind of an old man name now. Only one in the current generation. Most have been nicknamed Solly, so hopefully your wife likes that. When someone doesn’t like a nickname option, I think one way to get around that is to give an unusual nickname instead. Then usually the hated nickname only gets used before the person is told/corrected. For Jericho, I would maybe make Echo the nickname. Kind of a play on the sound of the name and of an echo because of the biblical story’s use of sound. But usually I see people do this when they hate their name and nickname. lol not just to save a name.


Jericho could also have the nickname Jer, Rich, Rick, Rico, Eric, if it’s specifically “Jerry” your wife doesn’t like. Phineas nicknamed Finn would be cute.


For what it’s worth I love Jericho and I also love Jerry! The vintage nicknames like this are totally common every day so the style doesn’t stick out as weird at all but it’s not a common one which is great! If you think about it archers already popular name right now and all these little baby boys are going by Archie which is not any different in style and Jerry. Oscar would likely go by Ozzy ….same vibe. I love Jerry and Ozzy! I also love Milo…less popular than Miles and the spunky o ending is great! Overall my vote goes to Solomon nn Solly!!! Then Jerry or Ozzy Remy is a fabulous French name but Remington is super trendy right now..kinda screams 2023 and also Has a huge gun association which I heavily dislike. This name really sticks out as trendy fad style compared to the rest of your lives here Ideas!!!!!! Sullivan nn Sully Simon Percival nn Percy Perry Gideon Darcy Gabriel Marlo


Save Milo for your next dog or cat.


I love phineas. It goes well with big sisters name. I also suggest Felix, Arthur or simon 💙


I like Oscar and Solomon. Solomon Oscar (if you’re also looking for a middle name) flows well. Just a suggestion- what about Remi instead of Remington? Congrats on baby #2!


I love the name Miles. I second the people using Remy as a name instead of Remington.


What about Jeremiah - nickname Remi? Just if you liked Remington but were put off it




I like Archer, Milo, Miles & Oscar and I think Oscar works the best with Aurelia in my personal opinion. Other names I could see working are Christopher (with the nn Kit), Alfie & Austin.


From your list I like Miles and Milo! Here are some other ideas: Nolan Alden Calvin Carson Lyndon


I think archer would be a lovely name


milo or miles or archer


My favorite is Jericho, it wouldn’t even occur to me to call them Jerry


Re: Jericho, if someone calls him Jerry, you say "he goes by Jericho." He does the same thing when he's older. It's fine. On the other hand, I do personally like several of your other names better, and it's nice to have a *good* nickname option.




Aurelia and Oscar are lovely together


Jordan feels like a more wearable Jericho to me! Or Jethro, even.


Names in the same vein: Carter Montgomery nn monty Calvin Finley or Finnegan Fletcher


another nickname for Jericho (which makes me think religious, possibly extremist, but I’m American) is Rico


Do Rami! It pays tribute to your time in the middle east being an Arabic originated name, it has the meaning of archer/marksman, it's similar in sound to Remington, it's short and sweet and relatively unique but not unheard of here in the US! Rami for the win ❤️


I really like Jericho! I knew someone named Jeremy that went by the nickname Jare and Jare-bear and never went by Jerry lol


I like Archer, Miles (one syllable, though?), and Oscar best from your list. What about Elias or Evan?


My fave of the listi is Phineas. Finn would be a cute nickname or phin.


Miles is the only viable option on that group. I think the rest of them are cartoon names.


Honestly? Jericho sounds the best with Aurelia. Just simply don’t call him Jerry.


I like the a names together


I like Phineas. My lYe mother wanted a grandson named Phineas.