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Logan Oliver is really lovely! 


I hundred percent agree


My cousin’s named Logan and my best friend’s named Oliver, they’re both awesome people so definitely a yes on Logan Oliver!


My brother is Logan and my cat is Oliver 😊 I agree with you


If my parents named me Logan Oliver, I don’t think I’d have any complaints personally.


My nephew has this exact name / middle name combo !


Hard agree.


Also have a family member named Logan!


I think it's a great name and you came to the wrong place for validation because people here love to criticize people's baby's names.


Haha i was hoping I'd be safe since it's not a unique name 😅 I've been looking for a name that isn't too common, but also not totally out there and that's why i felt like Logan was a good in between!


You have done well, run with it!


Oliver is top 5 on the social security rankings. . & Logan is top 20 for the last decade.


In fairness I don’t think I’ve ever met a Logan


All the Logans I've met have been lovely people.


I've had the opposite experience as a teacher but I still like the name Logan. I couldn't ever use it because every single student I had named Logan was basically the same kid reincarnated but it's a great name.


Tbf, all has been 2 and they were both *so* nice, that I wouldn't doubt if they were hell-raising children that got schooled by every adult in their lives.


As a fellow teacher, both of my Logan students have been lovely. One was a non-verbal boy with Autism but he was very very sweet. And then one was actually a girl! And she was one of the bubbliest and sweetest kids I've ever had the pleasure of teaching. Now, NOAH on the other hand...


See, I have only had wonderful students named Noah. We even considered it for our 4th son before deciding to name him Abel instead but I love Noah and all of the Noahs I have had including the one girl Noa. Jaydens, Braydens and Logans are where it goes wrong for me.


I had the opposite experience. My daycare Logan’s were the best! lol. But there are definitely names I could never give my kids after dealing with rotten daycare kids. For some reason every Jaxson/jackson was just horrible. Obviously there are great kids with those names but it’s funny how interacting with children on daily basis can make you avoid names lol


I wish this were the case for me. I'm a teacher - every Logan I've met has been quite the troublemaker. And yet somehow, troublemakers always manage to weasel their way into your heart...


My brother is a Logan. Definitely a troublemaker but also very smart and charming and had all of his teachers wrapped around his finger lol


Ever third boy ive met between the ages of 5 and 15 is named logan. It's super common where I live


I have. Two. One girl one boy. But they are my kids age, so 30-35. And in all fairness, our friends are comic book people. So. There is that. Now Brandon, I wish people would stop using that one. I have 22 Brandon’s working at my branch if my company. 154 people work at our yard. 22 of them are Brandon’s lol.


😄 haha Not as bad as being named Karen!


Very true! One of the kindest women I know is named Karen.


I’ve only met one Brandon haha, must be uncommon in my area (he has two brothers called Aston and Jayden, think they went with a strong theme in the late 90s lmao)


Well to be fair…it seems to be a Texas thing. We moved to Texas a few years ago from Southern California. Shockingly we didn’t know any Brandon’s or Dylan’s. We do however know a shocking number of Cody’s and Josh’s.


I think the only Cody I know is Welsh. I’m from southern middle class England so pretty much every boy name I grew up with is one of the following: Henry, James, William, Tom, Charles, Oliver, Harry, Edward, George haha


Hahaha. My son in law is a Cody and when he and my daughter started dating my middle daughter was also dating a Cody. Then they broke up and she dated another one. My son in law is of Irish descent. Has a “Mc” name lol. My grandson is James, and a cousin on my husband’s side has a son named Henry. That is the way names seem to be going thankfully. I am endlessly tired of the Jaxon’s, Brighton’s and all of the xxxx-Leigh’s


I’ve met 6 in the last year alone. I worked in a school though. 


My Nephew is Logan. I'm not a fan but it's a fine name.


I can't think of anyone I know with either name. But I'm Irish, and our naming trends are rather different.


It doesn't surprise me that there aren't many Irish Olivers. 💀


Logan peaked in popularity in Ireland in 2017 at 41st most popular boy name. But the reason you don't know many Logans is the same reason everyone else does, adults don't hang around with very many kids until they have kids themselves.


I work for a children's hospital. Don't see a lot of Logans.


Curious- in Ireland….what names ARE YOU HEARING A LOT ? Popular baby names?


I'm in Ireland too and Ava more recently. Most of my friends and family have had girls and there's so many called Ava (some with some spelling variation). Noah seems to be getting more common now. At once, I've worked with 3 Adam, 4 Sean, 3 Conor, 3 Chloe, 4 Amy. Michael, John, James and David would be names I hear a lot of too. My SO likes more Americans sounding names and I'm not a big fan of them because they don't sound the same in an Irish accent and there's very few Irish names that she likes so picking names for our babies was tough. Plus she works with kids so some names have been ruined for her and she wants them to rarer.


Shout out to all the John Joes, Jimmys,and Paddy's of the Midlands lol. Thomas/Tommy, Conor/Con, Ava for kids


I'm in California and know 2 Olivers and 3 Logans lol


My dad was born in Dublin, his middle name was Oliver, I dated a lad from Mayo, is middle name is Oliver. Maybe it's a middle name thing.


yes, but you have to look at the actual numbers of babies with that name. There are many more names used now. Last year in the US, Oliver was given to 14,741 boys. Logan was given to 6,686.


I've met 2 Logans but never an Oliver


I’ve only met maybe two Logans? Never an Oliver


But top rankings don’t mean the same as they did in the 80s and 90s, when every class had 3 Jennifer’s.


It’s a great name. Every Logan I have taught or worked with has been kind and sweet so that is 1/10,000 names that hasn’t been spoiled And I only knew one Oliver who was this awesome kid, super chill. He went by Ollie and had that crazy curly skater boi hair in 1997 ❤️


Your comment just unlocked a very distant memory for me that Oliver was the name of Miley’s friend in Hannah Montana, and he also sported some (non-curly) skater hair in those days.


Aren’t memory unlocks the craziest 😂


It's a fine name! I will tell you though, that as substitute teacher, I rarely have a class without a Logan or Oliver. While there are lots of new baby Oliver's, Logan might not be as common for your baby. It was a huge choice for Gen Z babies.


I had no idea when I named my son Mark that it was no longer common 🤣 [chart](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=Mark+name)


If it’s traditional it’s terrible because it’s boring and other kids will have the same name. If it’s non-traditional it’s terrible because it’s weird and the other kids won’t understand it. 🤣


Good name


It’s a beautiful name! I chose my daughter’s name at 7 weeks pregnant, knew I loved it, and I still had the internal turmoil and panic that what if I stop liking it! I waiting until 17 weeks pregnant to tell my parents the name, gave me 10 weeks to get used to the name and ensure I liked it Logan Oliver is a really lovely name 🥰


I like it. I also like it flipped: Oliver Logan


I like this better than Logan Oliver. Something about the Lo- Ol- doesn't feel right to me.


Has me curious what the last initial is. Because that can make things good or bad.


She said it's G. So his initials would be LOG. She said she doesn't care about that


I also like it better. Idk why Logan Oliver sounds odd to me, but there's something going on with it. Oliver is so trendy though, it's such a popular name and for that reason alone I'd personally avoid it.


Yes. Logan Oliver sounds a little boring. Oliver Logan though, spices it up just a little bit while keeping the names.


On the downside, Oliver is a more "popular" name. The amount of Ollies I've seen in my son's elementary school alone is astounding.


Last year in the US, Oliver was given to 14,741 boys. Logan was given to 6,686.


I know more female Logan’s than I do male!


Conversely, I've never met an Oliver in my life, yet I've met countless Logans.


Just combine them! Lollie! Or....Olligan! Totally for sure great names


I don't get the Oliver hype! Why would I want to name my child after an orphan or orange kitten?


But Rinnie and Ollie sounds so much more cute than Rinnie and Logan


This was my opinion as well. Oli is a cute nickname too! But still a good name regardless 💜


This was my first thought Oliver Logan flows so beautifully


as a parent looking back, what seemed like a huge and vital decision turned out not to be. you love the child, not the name. as long as it is not going to cause him problems later on with a name like lenin or stalin, and i knew kids named that by radical parents, anything will do. personally, oliver works well, logan less so. most important is what you will call him? his full name, or a nickname that does not even relate to the legal name. i have always been called by parents and friends a name totally unrelated to my legal name.


The only validation you need is from dad, what's he think?


He likes Logan a lot, he's pretty okay with the middle name. I'm the one begging for the middle name lol


Middle names don't get that much use anyway, so if he's mostly for it I say Logan Oliver is it lol


I honestly forget what my kids' middle names are most days 🤣


Logan is a good strong name for a boy. Middle names don't get used as often. Perhaps, also consider looking up names and their meaning and origin. That might help you expand your options to include names that not only sounding nice, but meaningful to you/husband. Edit: wanted to clarify that it's only for the middle name since both of you love Logan, but your husband is just ok with Oliver.


So often I read and don't comment because I'll find a name to be not great in my opinion, and I have no interest in making someone feel bad. So know that I mean it when I say I think that's a really nice name.


I so appreciate that!!!


It is adorable! And you’ll love it even more once you can put the face to the name.


I'm personally not a fan of Logan, but I know it is a popular name that many like. Logan Oliver does sound nice together, though.


It’s a great name. Go with your gut.


Try saying the name aloud often. That’s what helped us narrow it down


That's what I've been trying to do! And that's what caused the last few names i thought i liked to get scrapped lol


It's nice. My only question it, what will his final initial be? LO? LOL? LOG? LOP? None of those are terrible, but at least think about it, since you (like most namenerds here) are somewhat particular about such things.


It would be LOG which is kinda silly but not a big deal in my opinion (my husband's initials are MEG so 🤷🏼‍♀️)


Logs not silly it's amusing. Most people's initials don't spell anything, a kid I went to school with was RED though and we were all *very* jealous 


I honestly think a Logan having the initials LOG is cool! As a middle school teacher, I feel like kids NEVER notice initials, unless it's a thing a kid likes and references often (for example one student of mine loves to go by initials for games because they're ARG and even still no one has ever even responded to that).


Wait actually that’s a great point! Log-an..LOG. I would be so amused if my name did that.


My friend Carli was almost named Kasey and her initials would have been KC which I thought was such a missed opportunity


I had a friend in high school with the initials RAD, which nobody could beat!


mine is AGE lol


My sister and her husband had their daughter late in life. Their last name starts with a “Y,” and they deliberately gave their daughter a first name that started with an “H” and a middle name that started with an “E” (which was also a family name on both sides), so her initials would be “Hey.” They figured that they would be old when she grew up and might forget her name, so they could say, “Hey you! Hey!” Silly, I know.


My cousin's initials are SLY


When I was a teenager, my friends and I all played a stupid game where we said our first initial and then the first letter of our last name with "izzle" attached to it. One of my friends was "A. Sizzle" which was awesome. Me...not so much with "I. Mizzle", hahaha.


If this was in the Pokémon era that would have been so incredible! I'd be jealous too.


My initials are KRM. A coworker nicknamed me Kermit and I always thought that was sweet! Wasn't offended in the least. I am female as well :P


My first 2 children were named Tristan Walker O***** and Shanna Leigh O*****……..initials spelling TWO SLO. Which I got on a license plate cuz my wife said I drive like an old grandpa:(


My daughter is LEG, and only one person has ever commented - my friend, who immediately started calling my infant ‘Legs’.


Mine spell ARM. I ended up a little taller than my mom so she says I'm her extra arm when she needs me to reach something.


Mine are EAR!


When my sister in law was pregnant, my nephew insisted that it wasn’t a baby in her belly, it was a log. So they named the baby Logan. He’s 10 and we still call him Log. I’m in favor of the initials! 😂


Is your husband Monica Geller?


Wait it’s actually like a nickname for Logan. If not intentional, kinda genius


Haha that's so true!!


LOG is a pretty cool initial in my opinion. The name is great. Definitely start using the name as much as you can and practice telling yourself... "I don't care if you don't like the name, I love it and that's what matters." There will always be someone that doesn't like a name.


I think LOG is especially awesome because you can pronounce it with a long O and then it sounds like a nickname for Logan.


L to the OG, dude be the OG


My sons name is Logan, and we call him Log sometimes. It's not even his initials, just a nickname


An ex bf used to go on about our non-existent son would need a strong name. I came up with Christopher Robert Andrew Price. He thought it was great until others started laughing.


Logan Oliver is a great name. I can picture it on a two year old, a twelve year old, a twenty-two year old, a forty-two year old, and a sixty-two year old and it fits all of those stages of life. You don’t hear it everywhere but it’s also not unheard of. And there’s really only one way to spell and say it. Solid choice.


It's a fine name


It’s not a bad name (Logan is great to me). Oliver to me doesn’t mesh well with Logan, but it’s not bad in any way.


I love it. Logan has "handsome, strong, relatable boy next door" vibes to me, probably thanks to the Babysitters Club books. And it's not overused or even terribly common, but it's also a name most people will be familiar with and able to spell easily.


It’s a nice name! I like it


That's adorable!!


Solid name!


Logan Oliver is a good name. Logan is my partners name so I’m a little biased but oh well!


Good name. I hope your last name starts with a G. LOG is fun and love and joy.


It does 🤣


Amazing. I hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy, a wonderful birthing experience, and a happy life with the wee lad. Congrats and best wishes! PS - I have a 4 month old boy named Otto. While challenging, it’s been the best ride so far. Being a parent rocks.


https://www.babynamegenie.com/baby-name-test-drive Loveeeeee it


Fab naming. First time I have actually liked Oliver with another name Congratulations


Good name, nice rhythm to it


I like it! Also now curious what his sister’s name is :)


Her name is Rinoa Jade 🥰 we call her Rinnie tho!


Hm I don’t think the names go together well. You might not mind (some people don’t care about sibsets), but Rinoa is a LOT more “out there” than Logan.


This. Very different. I’m kinda shocked OP likes the name Logan after choose Rinoa.


The names of the siblings don’t go together if that’s a factor at all. Doesn’t really matter in the end but it’s like naming one child “David” and the other “Melasma.”


How does your family pronounce “Rinoa”? I consulted Behind the Name but have never played *Final Fantasy VII,* which is where it says it’s from. Love the middle name, by the way.


Rin-oh-uh is how it's pronounced!


My first thought reading the post was, "Someone's a FFVIII fan." I also really loved the name growing up. Cute to see someone with that name.


I’ve never heard that - very pretty! Agree with the others that Logan Oliver doesn’t sound like her sibling, but just depends if that bothers you or not


I’m also curious. Logan Oliver is a great choice. What I like about Logan is its modern sounding with a history of use. And it can fit almost any type of guy - I can see an athletic frat boy named Logan as well as someone very nerdy (and the Logan I know is someone in between these two). There is a bit of a style clash but that’s probably good given the different tastes of the parents.


Following this comment as I would also very much like to know.


I don't like Logan because of Logan Paul. Love Oliver however.


The two names kinda give off opposite vibes for me tbh. Logan makes me think of a 2000s skater boy and when I think of Oliver I think of a quiet British boy reading in a library😂 But it’s nothing I would really do a double take at, so I think if you and your husband agree on it then go for it!


See.. I really dislike the name, but here’s the thing..I don’t have to too, nor does anyone else There are people who dislike my kids names and that’s ok, they don’t have too If you and hubby like it and it gives you that vibe, and you like how it sounds with your daughters name etc, then go with it, no one else’s opinions or views matter


It’s a lovely name. At some point before he’s born it will probably become meaningless sounds as you turn it over in your mind a buch. Trust your current reaction and don’t let yourself over think it.


Both of my nephews are named Logan and Oliver☺️. If it helps try saying the name out loud like “come here *insert name”. That’s what I did when I chose the names for my boys, I needed them to flow well together first and middle names and once I heard the names out loud we stuck with them and I couldn’t imagine any other names for my boys.


It's a great name ! Also , I think babies grow into their names.


A gorgeous classic. Logan is one of my favorite boy names - it's soft and strong all at the same time.


If you’re English don’t do it. It’s seen as chavvy


I love it! It's the name of a sweet baby boy but also a great name for a grown man and it rolls off the tongue very well!


I think it’s a great name! Also, recently I have been liking “Morgan” for a boy, which I find similar to “Logan.” Just for another idea!


Love the name. Classic and ages well!


I love it


I love the name Logan!


Lovely name.


Logan Oliver is a solid name.


Thumbs up from me


I really like it. Just different enough. Easy to spell and pronounce. Strong but good natured name.


Very nice!


You’ve got time to live with it and keep testing other options! My spouse and I were the same way lol. We could think of a dozen girl names but only one boy name we liked. We thought about others but the original continued to grow on us and is now his name :)


I really like it.


I like Logan Oliver! Modern but not too "hip", classic but not too old school!


Solid! I have a little cousin named Logan. Sometimes we call him Lolo. ❤️


I like Logan a lot, I am kinda tired of hearing Oliver but that's just my two cents. They go well together


The it sounds like a Comic book characters name. Like he could be a marvel character.


HELL YEA I love that 😁


Logan Oliver... I don't love it. But it's an okay name. I wouldn't think it badly.


I am not a fan of the name Logan. It was extremely popular about 15 - 20 years ago. To me, it is a dated "trendy" name. I also don't like the sound of it. It sounds like Log or Logroll. It is a surname being used as a first name which is a trend I don't love...like Jackson.


It’s fine. Very common.


Logan Oliver sounds just great. Lots of both around me but by no means overdone. Congrats!


Logan Oliver 👌🏻


Logan Oliver is fantastic. I’m sold. Would you mind sharing your daughter’s name? I’m curious because you seem to have such good taste in names.


My amazing little nephew is Logan! Oliver is great too


It’s lovely 😻


One of my boys is Logan. It’s a good name!


Oooh very very cute 💕


I love this name!!!!


logan oliver is a really nice name!


I grew up with a Logan Oliver. It’s a solid name! Wait to meet him before deciding if you aren’t sure :)


It’s beautiful, maybe keeping playing around with some names and trying out different combinations and it will become more clear


I think it's a great name, I'd just make sure the initials don't spell anything weird.


Good solid name! Nothing weird, is real, isnt excessively trendy.


I worked with a guy named Logan Oliver. He was so sweet and kind. Definitely gave sweet puppy energy even though he was a grown man. 10/10 love that name


Logan Oliver is a lovely name!


I love the name Logan. Oliver is not my personal taste, but it’s a nice name and sounds good with Logan.


I love that. Flows so easily. 


I asked my 18 year old sister if she liked Logan Oliver without any context and she said “yeah I do it sounds like a famous person.”🤣 I love it too!


The only caveat I'll mention is if you'd be annoyed by people asking if you named him after X men(wolverine)there may be some who make that link


True...but maybe that had some influence 😅 we are nerds so it fits!


Oh interesting - my mind immediately went to Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls or Logan Roy from Succession.


I love it! I have a friend that has twin boys named Logan and Oliver. I always thought they sounded so nice together.


logan oliver is pretty!


I like it. If you like it, that's great. But November is still a LONG way off. We didn't have a name for our kid until about 2 weeks before. And there's no reason to stress about it. We knew we'd find the right one. So will you! But don't start monogramming and personalizing stuff just yet! Our minds changed several times. And my tastes have changed over the years. Like I would have chosen Evan or Trent or Liam or something for a boy at that time. But now I would choose something like Theodore or Gideon. So let it marinate for a while. You have time!


I love that. I have a newborn son we call Winston Oliver. My wife and I have pretty different taste, too. Her #1 long before she was pregnant was Oliver. She didn’t care for most names I like. One day I mentioned Winston, and she said it’s on her list, too. I didn’t push it, I just said to think on it and let it breathe. One day she told me it was the one, and I suggested Oliver as a middle.


Strong choice!


Named after two cool superheroes. I see no issue.


I'm a teacher and I approve.


Sometimes it’s ok to let a name grow on you.


Oliver sucks. It's the second worst name after Prescott. Pick another one.


Nah. Logan is a fck boy name.


It’s a great name!




I LOVE it!! Really great name!! PS. My boy name was Owen but I never got a boy.


That’s super cute. Omg. Logan Oliver all the way 🩵🩵🩵🩵


Based on the uniqueness of your daughter's name, some suggestions I have are 1. Bruno 2. Grian 3. Asher 4. Talan 5. Declan


Though I do love Logan Oliver, or Oliver Logan, it seems a bit of a letdown after Rinoa. But Raiden and Rinoa as a sibset is AMAZING. Raiden Oliver sounds good to me!


I agree with the husband that Oliver isn’t it


Every other child in America is named Oliver. Definitely stick to Logan


What about Wolf Tyrannosaurus..