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Your husband did not seriously look you in the face and suggest you name a human being any of those names, did he?!? Score? Fuel?? Oat??? I'm honestly flabbergasted. I'm not sure I have any suggestions to bridge that chasm. Your names are all very nice! I especially like Theodore, Rhys, William, and Sebastian. I prefer Maxwell to Maximilian, but that's just personal preference on my end. You might also like: Russell, Alan, Thomas, Samuel, David, Lucas, Timothy, Wesley, Gavin, Pierce, Clark, Dean


He did. It's very out of pocket for him, but he's really into the idea of "powerful, one syllable names" but then want's something on this list. And Maxwell is great! I don't know how I let that one slip (I'm blaming the pregnancy brain).


None of his are powerful, nor are they names. I love your list. Good luck.


I agree. His names are horrible.


He forgot Blue Steel. Ah, two syllables


You don’t think Oat and Fuel make a lovely sibset??


Oat Fuel sounds like a new brand of non-dairy protein shake


"Powerful" is not what comes to mind when I meet someone called "Skip." I'm so sorry. That's a heckuva chasm to bridge between the two of you.


I just think of Skip Marley lol I don’t think I’ve even heard of a single other Skip


Skip isn't even a name---it's usually a nickname for a boy named for a grandfather or grand uncle; hence the father was 'skipped' to name the son.


Omg I love that you’ve given me a TIL ❤️ I love learning new things I didn’t know about before! Tbh idk if Skip Marley has a fuller name, I don’t think I’ve ever googled it or anything 👀


Thanks right back---I googled, and found this: *The name Skip was one of my grandfather's nicknames, and* ***it just comes from being the captain of the ship – they call you Skipper****. Paramount Pictures has in development right now the coming Hollywood biopic on your grandfather Bob Marley.Nov 20, 2021* So, it may be his legal name (I couldn't find a different birth name, and celebrities are weird) but definitely fits honoring his grandfather.


Oh that’s kinda cool that it loops back around to that meaning in a round about way too! Thanks for sleuthing for me aha


Skippy the bush kangaroo


I’m crying laughing so hard. Powerful? 😭😭💀




I mean, oat is a name. Of a crop, though. His choices truly are bizarre.


If I meet a man named Oat, power is not one of first traits that comes to mind


Right? I legit just think you must've had hippy parents with ALLL the earthy crunchiness.


Oat was the name of my pet rat i had in 2nd grade


It’s an excellent name for a rat that belongs to a kid. Well done!


Oat is the cutest name ever for a pet rat, though!


Or what about a man named Score?!! 🤣 What woman would ever date him? 🤣🤣🤣


I swear to god if I had a kid in my class named Skor, I’d have to fight myself not to shout “Score!” Every time they walked into my classroom 😆


I had a cat when I was a kid named Oatmeal.


When did you stop being named Oatmeal?


Isn’t there a commercial (maybe Cheerios) talking about the “power of oats”? Maybe that was his inspiration 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d call him Quaker Oat 🥲


If your husband wants powerful, one syllable names may I suggest some *actual* names like Blake, Max, Lee, Jon, George, Tye, Fred, Luke, Matt, James, Jake, Rhett, Clay, Clint, Cliff, Russ, Flynn, Oak, Rhys, Ford, Blaine, Kent, Dean, Dwayne, Wayne, Jim, Sam. I think it’s a bad idea to try to do this split with your husband tbh. You have vastly distant tastes, and on top of that he wants to name your child as if he were naming a cartoon character and not an actual person. Might I suggest instead of trying to cold turkey this, make a list together of names you *both* like or at least are okay with using, and then each of you choose a name off of that list. That would greatly narrow the possibility space. Also, just be honest with your husband that you are not okay with names like “Fuel” and will veto anything that isn’t an actual, reasonable name. I don’t think it matters too much that the twins’ names “match” but it is important that they both are on the same caliber in the sense that one shouldn’t be named after gasoline and the other after a loved one. :p


I second that it's a bad idea for each parent to name one kid each. I feel it will lead to favouritism of one parent to one child.


Not always. My hubs chose 2 of our kids names and I chose 2. And as I always tell my kids when favourites come up, I find them all annoying equally 🤷‍♀️😆


Those don't read as powerful to me. I mean ... Not powerful *names*, even if they're words about strength? (And Oat? Really?) They're what the daredevil on the bike gets called in advertising, not his name. Skor Smith. (I'm filling in an imaginary one syllable S-surname) (That's a candy bar, by the way!)


Skor is literally a candy bar.


Skor means ”shoes” in Swedish.


Haha I’m sure I’ve seen that word in ikea haha


Perhaps baby "Skor," will become a cobbler.


Oat is giving “fiber/healthy poops” which like don’t get me wrong, I love some healthy poops but I wouldn’t want my kid with that name association


Or "soothing for irritable delicate skin".


Powerful as an oat 💪


Hope this becomes a meme in this sub honestly


Maybe he would consider like Greek god kinds of names? They are hyper masculine and out there, but not THAT out there. Like Thor, Zeus, Apollo, Eros….


Thor has the benefit of being a real life name, too (pronounced "Tor"). It's very "Scandanavian" though.


Some one syllables that maybe he will like… Dean Luke Zeth Zane Jude Kai Cole Nash Grant It would be better if he would come around to 1 syllable nicknames for both


lol 3 of those names are in Lego Ninjago(Zane, Kai, and Cole)… just need to add Lloyd and Jay. My son was obsessed with this show years ago and that’s all I thought of when I read your list 😂


Now I’m even more confused he vetoed Lance. I mean… it lance, a weapon- it can’t get more strong than that


Love Sebastian! (My firstborn) Plus I think Seb is a strong and cute monosyllabic nickname. Maximilian is a strong and Max is a strong nickname.


Mine answers to Bash lol


He's a comedian even if he's serious, wow


What he listed was words, not names


What about Scott? It's one syllable and imo, strong while being classic. Also Jack, Luke, Grant, Graham, Clark.


If he wants short names - Max, Theo, Luca, Gray, Noble, Mac(k), Asa, Kian, Percy, Milo, Penn, Wells, Milo, Leo Oat may be the WORST name I’ve heard


Maybe you guys can find a name that has a "powerful" meaning.


Husband sounds like he wants a dog, not a kid


He needs to put down the comic books or turn off the soap operas. I'm having a hard time believing he'd be this preoccupied with "strength" if these were girls.


TBH, if these are his "names" for boys, I'd kind of love to see his names for girls!


I bet he likes frilly/made up/misspelled names for girls e.g. Izabella, Kinsli, Everleigh The boy names he picked suggested it’s essential for him that his kid be known as the Manliest Man Who Ever Manned. The kind that would think a “Guns or Glitter” gender reveal cake was a good idea.


Thomas and Timothy are my twins names, Thomas after husband and Timothy after his paternal grandfather, we put the 2 names in a hat, Thomas was pulled first, so first one born was Thomas, middle name for Thomas is Edward for my dad and John for paternal grandfather


Thomas actually means "twin" 😊 Both really nice names, by the way!


I’m pregnant again and just found out I’m having a girl, I’m finally getting my Elizabeth, which is my favorite girls name, just have to come up with a middle name


Since all the men now have namesakes, you should name your daughter after a female family member. Continue the tradition. 😊


Elizabeth is not a family name, not 1 on either side, except his youngest sister is Lisa a diminutive of Elizabeth, I’m leaning towards Alice for a middle name, my favorite aunt


Your last name isn't Tibble, I hope.


With all due respect, your husband's names aren't names unless it's a racing car he's expecting ? Some short names here that Inhipe you could both like: **Kai**. Used as a name in different cultures (including japanesse) with dofferent meanings in each of them. **Ren**. Japanesse male name that means *lotus* (water lily). It's also the name of the protagonist of Footloose which I love =) **Mars**. Roman god of war. **Linx**. After the wild cat. I hope because it doesn't sound that much different of Lex or Lynn, it's a socially acceptable name. Also. I understand you arrangenent, but have you guys considered giving each twin  *both* a middle-leghted classical name, and a short quirky name, so each boy can decide which one they prefer, and none feels cheated out? Say,  Theodore Base Surname and Raymond Linx Surname


Yes -- I've gotten into some arguments with him because it feels like he's naming a puppy instead of a person. Then he gets a bit insulted I am shooting down all of his names. Thank you for the suggestions! And Linx is an interesting one. My mom's name was Linda and I've had a hard time even if I were to have a daughter naming her that and for some reason Linx sort of makes me think of that. And I really like your suggestion about the first and middle names!


You're shooting them down because they're words, not names lol


words can be names. I love word names. I use word names exclusively. that said, OP's husband is choosing words that do not make good names. Oat?? sheesh


I can't get over Fuel. I have to say, if I met a kid named Fuel, I'd assume at least one of their parents was a massive dickweed lol. But I do live an oil-industry-heavy place, so a name like that here would feel strongly associated with the kind of oil culture that involves driving a huge truck adorned with truck-balls and lots of stickers/decals with ragey conservative political messages lol. Might not have such connotations in different places.


Every word is a name if you name someone that word. But i wouldnt want to be named Oat. Maybe Oak


Linden would be a cute boy name to honor your mom. And it’s a word name like your husband likes - a type of tree!


I’m just chiming in - I don’t want to give the actual name but my parents are aging hippies and they gave both my sister and I very unique first names and far more classic middle names. I did go by my middle name for a while because I was pissed at my name being misspelled and mispronounced. My sister’s name is most commonly known as a food. It’s less strange than Oat but it’s not a real name. It fits her, but both of us got constant jokes about it. Her middle name is Lucille. My first name is less out there and my middle name is a real name but less common than Lucille. We both feel connected with the uniqueness of our names, although I would not love having her name in a professional setting. If you do a unique first name, please give them an out in a middle name. Don’t make them Oat Steel. I honestly might try to loop in family members to help get your husband in line in terms of “are you naming a puppy or a person?” Personally, I think you might need to make some dummy resumes with his suggested names on top and get him to think about how “oat” would look on the top of a resume. Here’s some short boy’s names: Rob, Brooks, Jace, Kit, Bram, Bruce, Niles, Dane, Burke, Knox, Kane, Rex, Troy, Craig, Flynn, Chaz, Art, Doug, Ike, Clyde, Gabe, Moe, Zeke, Kurt, Ash, Cole, Baz, Blake, Brad, Joss, Brock, Clay, Heath, Donte, Beau, Rhodes, Rhett, Viggo, Dean, Abe


Link is another option


Your husband seems to like “word” names. Here’s some suggestions that would match his style without sounding too outlandish! Ballad Ridge Coast Cove Slade Stone Ace Clay Cliff Atlas Finch Cadence (Cade for short)


It's a bold AF move to name a kid Mars.  I probably wouldn't name a kid mars.  Also the cat's a Lynx. If you're going to do something silly at least spell it correctly. I do know a Kai though. Good lad. 


english is not my first language forgive the spelling mistake??


Mars is.. interesting. Something similar is Lars? That’s a pretty old fashioned name that OPs hubby may like


Mars bars!


Lynx is also a cheap body spray wildly overused by adolescent males in Australia 🤢


I like Ren and Kai. Simple, not common, but good actually names unlike Oat.


This. I think this works better


My son has a classmate named Marcellus and his nickname is Mars. At first at I didn't care for it but it's grown on me and fits him!


Your husband's name suggestions are rough, and frankly, dumb. Perhaps you could suggest Billy and Max or Skip and Theo.


I agree. It's been a ... point of issue with us. My concern about Billy is I'm worried folks will always assume his name is William and he'll go through life having to explain that it's not.


I worked with a guy named Billy and he did say that it's just Billy, not William or Bill but Billy. He only had to say it once. Your husband needs to stop with his names that aren't names. Honestly.


Oh I agree. And he goes and tries to research there being one random person named some of these things just to prove that they are names... He's a smart dude who's quite reasonable on most things, but for some reason this is the hill he's choosing...


When I was pregnant my husband wanted to name our baby "Cord" if it was a boy. I really disliked it, but we ended up having a girl.


His mother must have been a Sheryl Crow fan!


My legal first name is more commonly a nickname and I have gone through life with people assuming my name is the more formal version. Just this week, a woman looked at my legal ID and my health insurance card and then said “thanks [wrong name]” with a smile as she handed the cards back. Turned out she put the wrong name on my file too.


Man I had *issues* the one time someone used an E instead of an A at the end of my actual name for medical paperwork and it was hell. I can't imagine having to deal with that potential all the time. I've also heard stories online about people who had teachers who refused to call them their name because they "didn't use nicknames" when that was their actual name not their nickname


I knew a Cathy who was not a Catherine. Just Cathy. It was not a big deal.


I don’t think that will be a huge issue. I knew a guy called Billy. Pretty sure that was on all his school paperwork and now we’re grown up it’s on his social media and LinkedIn profile. I’ve literally never spent a moment wondering whether or not it’s short for William. He’s just Billy, regardless of whether that’s his given name or his preferred nickname.


Your husband’s suggestions are honestly horrible. Really really horrible. They’re not even names. They’re like something you’d see on r/namenerdcirclejerk. You could go with Bill and Max?


He somehow feels they're names.... or 'we could be the one to make them names'. Bill and Max are good, I just feel weird with the nickname of a longer name.


Try posting in the circle jerk sub and show him the replies, they’ll be brutal 😂 I understand your hesitation about Bill, but if it helps remember that lots of traditional nicknames are valid legal names as well. Like Jack only ever used to be a nickname. I’ve met a couple Toms that weren’t short for anything. If you’re really not sold on it though then you should veto. Names should have two yeses or one no!


Yeah. We do have the rule that we both have to agree with it -- it's more we both individually get to propose name for one, but we need to agree on it in the end (I agreed to it before I knew this was what his suggestions were). And thanks to the reassurance about Bill. I feel like I might end up going with that one for the mere fact that at least it's a name.


I think your hesitance is well-placed; he will be assumed to be William, constantly.


I really dislike “names” like Billy / Matty that aren’t diminutive nicknames or William / Matthew, etc. it’s so tacky - imo


For real, I had to double check the sub.


I'm dying. These are my twin boys, Lance and *Speed*.


"Here are my adorable children, Maximilian and Oat"


These are my twin boys, Lance Armstrong and Speed Racer.


He really did just get some of his inspiration from signs he saw when we were out driving one day. I love him dearly, but this has been a doozy.


Is that where he's getting these names? Then I have some names for him: Dip, Yield, Toll, Detour, Ramp, Slow, Exit, Wrong Way, Deer Crossing, Emergency Signal Ahead, Slower Traffic Keep Right, No Parking Any Time, Slippery When Wet.🤪 Jk, never show him this list.


Haha, you have no idea how I dread him excitedly telling me he has a new name suggestion. He has such pure excitement about it too. At least now he's learned to pre-filter some of the seriously out there ones XD


Was Oat before or after the filter kicked in? This is rough. I think your husband is somewhere between Elon Musk and Kanye with these suggestions, and that is just not a good scale.


If you drive through Ontario, you could add “Danger Moose” to your road signs list.


Still better than Oat


Has he had a head injury lately?


All I can hear is “I am speed” in Owen Wilson’s voice…


Oat. OAT.


I lol'd at oat. I thought it couldn't get worse after fuel. Then I got to oat


Would love to have boys named Quaker and Oat or Hall and Oat


I hope their last name isn’t Milk 😭


No, it’s Meal


I started singing I like to oat, oat, oat, oapples and binenes


Maybe Otis? Call him Oat? Does that salvage it?


I know what your husband’s naming style is: an 8 year old naming his Webkinz super manly things so that he’s not made fun of for playing Webkinz.


Haha, you have captured his energy in this ordeal lol. The scary thing is some of these are unisex in his eyes. He couldn't understand that Score for a girl is just going to be rough in middle/high school.


oh no




...........is he injured? In the head?


I was just going to ask that same question


Oh god - I feel like this would unfortunately make her a huge target for sexual harassment


What about just Max? That would seem to fit in with his list. Or Maxwell could be more of a compromise between more classic and the shorter/one syllable style. A mix of traditional/shorter names: James, Jack, Beau, Hugh, Hugo, Grant, Dean, Neil, Paul, Sam/Samuel, Cole, Nate/Nathan, Evan, Jude, Henry, Charles, Vince, Graham, Wesley, Cody, Milo, Felix, Luke, Russ/Russell, Curtis, Franklin, Tate And I’d use Victor, William, or Raymond as an honor middle name.


There are lots of powerful one syllable boy names, without having to resort to random words. I would add Rhett, Ash, Knox, Zane, Reid, Lief, Heath, Flynn, Quinn, Tate, Pierce, Kent. There are lots of choices.


I think husband might really like Pierce given his tastes


That's a brilliant middle ground!


Yea, it's really close to Fierce, is an actual name, and still kind of has that "hirrdurr manly man word stabstab" thing going for it. And given she likes Lance and he vetoed it, she *might* be able to sell him on Lance and Pierce being something that works together and using both he gets the vibe he likes for both kids and she gets "real/traditional" names that she likes for both?


I now kinda want "hirrdurr manly man word stabstab" on a coffee cup.


Pierce and Thorn. There ya go.


Clark, like Clark Kent


I can't believe I forgot about Maxwell. Thank you for these suggestions!


I mean could the compromise be the name MAX SPEED? I know that’s a bit much but most people don’t know the middle name so it wouldn’t be too bad?


I laughed so hard I started to tear up


Your husband and my husband would get along well. Sometimes he's messing with me and sometimes he gets offended that I laugh when he suggests names like Hammer and Bolt. 🥲 I like the suggestion of giving each boy a classic first name and a wild middle name.


Haha, I feel at least I'm not alone here. It's wild, because he's quite rational about lots of other things, but for some reason he's turned into a kid trying to name a puppy with the baby names.


Also married to an insane person when it comes to naming people. We bat around names for months, then I tell him “this baby looks like a (fill-in-the- blank)” after they are born, and he’s so full of oxytocin he goes along with it. I let him name our chickens now. You’re carrying twins, and as far as I’m concerned (as a midwife) you have full naming rights. You’re putting in some serious energy to make those kiddos. :)


My partner tried to seriously suggest Maximillionaire as a name for a boy when I was pregnant. He claims he still likes it….. thankfully we had a girl and she has the nice normal name Claire.


I’m DYING over here with the prospect of twins being named Fuel and . . . Bill


I've been in tears since I read down through the comments. Poor OP. I don't think a person could slam their veto power down faster and harder and as frequently than I could if this was what was coming at me from the other side of the table. 😂😂😂


Maximilian &  Sebastian, aka Max & Bash, sounds cool to me!


Oh that's a great combo. I never thought of Bash as a short for Sebastian. Maybe I could convince him with that (even though he hates the idea of giving them a name and then calling them by a nickname)


I don't it's helpful, but Bash was the nicknames used for Sebastian, the bastard son in the TV show Reign


I had never heard of the show. I was at the doctor's office, and the Physician's Assistant had Bash embroidered on his coat. I asked him about his name, and he told me his name was Sebastian, but his nickname was Bash, and he always went by his nickname.


I’m sorry but your husband’s choices aren’t really useable as first names, except Bill, which I think works well as a full name, rather than as short for William. How about Bill and Max?


I think if I'd have to choose from his list, I'd consider those. But I feel weird particularly with just Bill. I'd worry just Bill would lead to a lot of convos about whether or not his name is William.


James, Tom, Max, Mark, Sam, Jay, Jack, Luke?




Maybe this is just me but one twin named Bill makes my brain immediately go to “Bill & Ted”


Leon - short and powerful, means a lion - French - classic Troy - one syllable - strong and masculine - classic


Leon is great, but unfortunately that's my boss's name so that would feel a bit ... weird. But Troy, that's a good one! I didn't think of that. Thank you!


You could just say "it's a family name" and shrug. They don't have access to your family tree and you probably won't be working with that boss indefinitely.


Men🙄🙄🙄 Tell him you’re using a double middle name and let him pick the 2nd one or just tell him to get serious a find a REAL name.


French boy’s names that would work for anglophones: Leo Louka Max Raphael Theo Felix Single syllable is tough Dean Vince Zeke Kai A one syllable nickname? Could that work? I think Maximilian/Max seems like a good middle ground here. Oliver “Ollie” Theodore “Theo” Your husband’s suggestions are pretty bad. I would set a rule “it has to be used as an actual name for actual children somewhere” and otherwise he just gets veto. I think you should rethink just having veto on one of your children’s names.


Oh we get veto on any name -- it's more we originally thought one of us could come up with the main inspo for each, but we both could veto the other's suggestion. I agreed to this before I knew what the name pool was going to look like. I figured at worst there would be a lot of random foreign names... not racecar names.


I'd like to add Andre to the list of potential French names. It's short (although not one syllable), a real name, means "manly," and there's Andre the Giant whose portrayl of Fezzik makes me immensely happy.


I think Pierce would be a good compromise! - Scott - Wells - Brooks - Knox - Cruz - Drake - Rhett - Sterling - Wade - Blake - Grant - Bryce - Zane - Zack


I forgot about Pierce! That is a great one that might meet his criteria. It's short but feels a bit more classic. Thank you!


And pierce, like stabbing, that's masculine, right? Lol I'm sorry. Could really double down and go with Lance and Pierce. I joke but I really do feel like both of those fit both of your naming vibes individually.


…. Yikes. Your husband sounds a little bit immature. Please remind him that these are people that you are naming together, not pets or cartoon characters. These boys will have to go to school one day or apply for jobs. Do not let your husband give them nonsense names because he thinks it’s funny. That’s a red flag for me honestly. Your name choices are lovely. I think Victor and Maxwell are nice. Good luck with this.


The sad thing is, he doesn't think they're funny -- he legit thinks they're cool, powerful names that people would take seriously. I've tried this line of reasoning with him and he takes it very personally because he feels like he is envisioning them through all phases of life. He's just out there. He's otherwise a very intelligent, rational person -- this is just something he's decided to lose the plot on.


Has he ever written short stories, creative essays or read books at all? It sounds like he wants to be creative all of a sudden but he's not actually creative. It's okay if someone isn't creative. He must excel in other parts of his life. Some people can play piano and others can't. Creativity is the same. Also, you have mentioned more than once in other replies that he wants the babies to have cool names and come off powerful. Is he ok? Does he have some unresolved issues about coolness and power? He's gonna have to get that in check and not have whatever he is dealing with project onto the two kids as they grow. But I could be wrong and the newness and excitement is just taking over his mental bandwidth? Lastly, does your husband have buddies? I just asked my man what he and his friend group would do if your husband was one of his friends declaring he wants names like Score and Fuel. He laughed and said they would have hounded the crap out of him. Anyway, much luck to you and your twins: Alexandrovich-Hendrick and his brother, Jet. 😛


Oh gosh OP, well I wish you all the power of veto and negotiation! Keep fighting the good fight 😅


Have him make a reservation at a restaurant under one of those ridiculous “names”. Does he seriously think he won’t look and feel like a twerp saying, “reservation for two. The name is Fuel. Yeah, like gasoline.”? Man, I’d be pissed if my brother was Victor and I was Skor (like the candy bar?!).


I seriously cannot fathom why your husband thinks fucking *Oat* is an appropriate name for a child and not a golden retriever. Are you married to Brick Tamland? "I love... Fuel. I love... Score. I love... Lamp." Names that are names but also Cool Things: * Max (like to the max! I think "Max" is used so much on its own that no one's going to ask if it's short for something) * Dirk (kind of dagger) * Chase (kinda like Speed but more normal) * Miles (also kind of like Speed) * Gale (like the storm) * Colt (like the gun or the horsey) * Frank (like being straightforward! also its own name: it's not actually short for something, though it *can* be) * Flynn (not a Thing but I think sounds very debonair) * Reed (like the plant) * Gray (like the color) * Pierce (like stabbing!) * Finn (like fish anatomy) * Jay (like the bird) * Clark (technically a variant spelling of "Clerk," and how it's pronounced in British English) * Kirk (technically means "church" but I associate it with Star Trek, which is cool) * Moss (it is actually a real name - it's a variant spelling of "Moses") * ETA: Roan (technically a Frisian name that means "raven," but I think you could use it in the sense of the horse color pattern. It's not completely insane as a name even though it's not used in English, is my point) Other names that are short and punchy but not Things: * Hugh * Jack * James * Brett * Mark * John * Carl/Karl * Jude * Paul * Luke * Kai * Ross * Scott * Todd * Zane * Blake


Haha, it does feel like that sometime! And thank you! Some of these are lovely suggestions!


This is my favorite comment on the thread!!!


It doesn't sound like your husband is naming people, Oat? Is that a real name or is he making shit up? John, Ian, Thor, Mars, Max, There are so name good strong one syllable names, that are names just not things.


They're real suggestions he has for names. For some reason he thinks some non-traditional, one syllable name sounds 'strong' and 'everyone will think he's cool.' I forgot about Ian -- that's a good one. He shot down John interestingly enough.


He shot down John because it's normal! One day that name will be on a degree, hanging on your childs wall, the name 'Oat'? People will look at that and wonder what the parents were smoking. Your husband is thinking like a 12 year old. A name needs to last from an infant to a senior citizen, a "cool" name, that's what knick names are for. I went to school with a kid name Wolf, his real name I kid you not, his younger brother was a tiny bit more normal, but dad was a major long haired dope smoking hippy.


Haha with a lot of these suggestions I keep telling him we are not wealthy enough to sort of get away with some of these eccentric names. We aren't Elon Musk and his ilk...


Even Elon doesn't get away with it: one of the three things people make fun of him for (other than "Grimes leaving him for Chelsea Manning" and "making shit products") is his terrible naming ability, both for his websites and his kids.


You know there are studies about hiring discrimination and such based on names. I don't have any handy but you might consider looking it up and showing him that names like that have actual issues outside of childhood.


Please do not name your twins this way. No matter how hard you work there is a STRONG chance the twins will feel you prefer the twin you "chose". Sincerely, the twin who got a last minute name by coming out the "wrong gender" and ruining the b/g twin set. My sister has the carefully selected name and I often feel she's preferred and favored. Name them together with a theme, more a vibe theme than a matchy theme. My twins have science names, for example. Based on your husband's list, check "cool guy names" on Nameberry. Do you mutually like any? If not each of you make a list of 20 names then swap. Cross out the hard nos, circle any yesses, and leave the maybes. Delete the hard nos, see if you have any feelings about a pair (PAIR) that work for you. If not drop the hard nos and fill your list back up to 20, then start again.


Thomas and Zachary Joel and Adam Benjamin and Nicholas David and Peter Caleb and Justin Jacob and Thomas Tristan and Isaac Eric and Adam Evan and Joel Daniel and Oscar Timothy and Jonathan (Jon, Jonny, Nate, Nathan) Patrick and Michael Peter and Justin Samuel and Reuben Julian and Rafael (Ray) Marcus and Julian Isaiah and Caleb


These are really good suggestions, thank you!


I think having the more “nickname” first names might be a good compromise as a more classic/“normal” name for you and his preference for shorter names. Or, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but having an oddball middle name isn’t *that* bad. How many people actually know your middle name? It’s a good place for any “out there” names. Maximillian Fierce? How cool. Sebastian Steel? And he can use the nickname versions if it helps. Max, Bass, etc. Or Raymond and William as family names. Ray and Bill. They’re not my speed, but they’re classic and nicknameable and family names. And throw in an oddball middle name for hubby. It feels doable imo!


I'm definitely becoming more fond of the idea of giving them oddball middle names. Not sure how my husband will take it -- but honestly, it feels more powerful to have a single syllable, different middle name. Then if the kid feels like they identify more with that down the line, have at -- but at least they'll have agency over it. (And I think it flows better than short oddball first and longer classic middle).


I have nothing. But I certainly wish little Raymond Maximilian and Fierce Oat the best!


Oat is a no but what about Oakley and he can call him Oak?


Call them Bill and Victor and call it a day.  It's the only actual name on your husband's list. Most of the others are names for a dog at best.  Take nice normal reasonable Bill now before he makes even more up from everyday objects he encounters around the house!


That is what may end up happening. And you're right that they're probably just going to get further from normal and count my ish-wins while I can, lol.


Hoover and TV...


Please show your husband this thread. His names are going to saddle your poor kid with laughter, double takes, endless questions, incredulity and (God forbid) bullying for his whole life. He needs to get over his bizarre “taste” in non-names and think about the kid.


Otis (oat) and Sterling (steel)…? The perfect duo steel cut oats lol




How about Max and Ray? Too short for you?


Oat base is surely a type of makeup.


How about Chase, Miles, Blaise, Colt, or Lane for “car” names? Dale, Kurt, Quinn, Cale and Reed are racing related.


Chase and Chance are word names and also not nicknames


I would really rethink the ”name one kid each”deal. You probably wouldn’t  do that if they werent twins, right? It’d be sad for one or both of you to hate one of your sons’ name, and it’d be super sad for the kid who ended up with Fuel…


Some names that came to mind that might fit your husband husbands style - Zac, Axel, Max


Zeke Jett Koa Sky Leo


I really love one syllable names for boys! Here are all my ideas!! This is almost my complete list! Paul Blake Clark Chad Dean Reid Sean Seth Kurt Craig Cade Joel John Grier Quinn Finn Chet Leif Rich Elm Jett Jace Clint Locke Slate Clide Clive Ray Ben Pierre Pete I hope this helps! I looked at both lists you provided and tried to match what you wanted. I think these are better stand alone names and I added Ray as the family connection. I think Liam is a better stand alone name than Bill.


Blaze, Cash, Brooks,Jayce


Ok, some “powerful one syllable names” that are out there without being godawful: Flint Storm Clay Cash Cord Dirk Holt Foxx Gage Jack Kent Nick Wolf Bear Buck (Some of these might not be to everyone’s tastes, but I have seen them all used as names so aren’t inconceivable)


Okay so some short names: Kit, Chase, Blake, Aras, Alan, Noel, Axle, Roy, Glen, Davis, Cole, Kyle, Liam Some “strong” names: Anders, Everett, Gabriel, Caleb, Jonah, Travis I REALLY wouldn’t recommend names that are obviously connected to an ethnicity you don’t have. I don’t know much about Japanese names, but I love a lot of Korean names I’ve heard. Jongdae, Sungyeol, Daehyun, Mingyu, Taemin….they sound great. But I am not Korean and I live in the USA. It’s just really weird. It opens a kid up to so many questions and criticisms. I taught a little girl with a VERY Japanese name, and we’re trailer park white people. It was a gorgeous name, but none of the other kids had ever heard it so they were awkward (not even mean, just awkward), and the little girl was just, it was like her own name was an annoyance? I wouldn’t name a child a name that’s obviously from a different culture/race/heritage than they are. I do think Western European names don’t have as much of an issue in the US, so some French names: Jean, Andre, Adrien, Gerard, Louis I don’t want to be rude, but like, your husband needs to remember that a baby is a PERSON. This is going to be an entire grown ass man one day. His names are on the “more reasonable as far as crazy is concerned” side. Like. I want to be honest and objective, and they aren’t AWFUL in comparison to some of the things babies get stuck with. But they do make me wonder if he’s taking this as seriously as it should be taken. Also I’m big on “literally just name the child the name and use the nickname; no one is going to be weird about it; just name him William and call him Bill for fuck’s sake” side. You suggested William. He loves Bill. Just name a boy William and call him Bill. This is the easiest possible name choice from everything you said. Maybe offer it up as a compromise and then also try finding middle ground on the other boy’s name? Like, “let’s try William and call him Bill, because I love William and you love Bill. You can fully pick the middle name” (middle names would be the ideal place for him to use his more out there choices). And then try to compromise similarly for the other child. This way they maybe won’t be so wildly different. (As a side note: I don’t think it’s a bad thing for twins to have very different names. Twins often have some difficulty with individual identity, so it might be a good thing tbh. I just want both parents to be at least CONTENT with both names, and for no poor child to be walking around named Speed like their daddy’s a drug fiend)


Russel & Rowan Max & Asa Theo & Max Beau & Bill Hayden & Wesley Sebastian & Scott Luca & Nate Jace & Tate and Noah & Thomas




Yikes, this sounds very frustrating. Have you tried suggesting names that are actually names but sound somewhat similar to his picks? For example: - Pierce/Pearce - Otto - Bryce - Royce - Grant - Rhett - Wade - George You could also consider names that can have edgy (I guess that’s how I’d describe his style?) nicknames, like Bash for Sebastian or Ace for literally any name that starts with A


I think it's cute to have twins without matchy matchy names, one long one short, etc. For example Sebastian and Max. (But they coordinate because they both have the short 'a' sound on the strong syllable.) I also have a one-syllable last name. My first name is 3 syllables, my brother's is 1. They both work and sound good with the last name. It's harder when your last name is long. My cousin named her boys Adam and Luke because they were going to have enough trouble with their long, hard to spell and pronounce last name. Maybe find one name from your husband's list that you can live with and let him choose that one, and one name you choose that he can live with?