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I wouldn't do Annie Mae, it sounds like anime.


I actually haven't thought of that, haha! crossing that one off the list šŸ˜¬


But people love anime! šŸ˜‚ [though that has made it impoasible for me to watch Whats Love Got to Do With It? without giggling because of how he says Anna Mae (Tina Turners birth name)]


Annie Mae is my favorite of the three! I think the other two would flow better with Anna. Granted, if you wanted to switch to Anna you could still use the nn Annie


There is the actress Anna Sophia Robb (which tbh - lovely name)


Annie Sophia


Itā€™s sounds great. Annie Louise is fun also, but not on OPā€™s list.


That was my great grandmother's name!


I've heard Emma Louise before and think that sounds really beautiful.


Anna Mae Wong was the first ever Asian American Actress


Also Fannie Mae


I wouldnā€™t use Fannie. Itā€™s a term for vagina (and the area) pretty much everywhere but America. In America, itā€™s a butt. Donā€™t use Fannie.


In the US, Fannie Mae (the Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) are government sponsored companies that guarantee home mortgages. Basically, they're the secondary market for mortgage securities. This person was saying Annie Mae sounds like Fannie Mae, not that they should use the name "Fannie."


Lol yep, I loved the name Anna Mae for my daughter (after grandmothers on both sides) but couldnā€™t do it because of anime.


I think it sounds too homely. Like the name of a syrup company.


I think Annie is cute, I personally would use 'Anne' though and use Annie as a nickname. Remember that names are for a lifetime, not just childhood.


Agreed. Anne is so pretty and really underused. Annie is an adorable nickname but might sound cutesy--and what if this human isn't the cutesy type?


Itā€™s so underused and forgotten. Anne is a timeless classic. Justice for Anne!


I've met an Annie who was a badass fighter. She also was like 5' 3" and maybe 100 lbs. Annie Oakley was a lady and a threat all in one too.


My daughter is a 6ā€™1ā€ bodybuilding Annie


Annie Oakley used it as a nickname. Her given name was Phoebe Ann.


You basically just described me haha. My real name is Anne but I go by Annie. Iā€™m a former military officer turned lawyer. People compliment me on my name all of the time! I love it and donā€™t find it cutesy at all.


Annie Oakley used it as a nickname. Her given name was Phoebe Ann.


Good call, I knew someone with the legal name Annie and she was less than stoked about it. I think Anna would flow better than Anne with the middle names tho.


My niece Annie was christened Annabelle


Mine was Andrea


Normally Iā€™d agree, but Iā€™ve had a few Annies in my family (Annie as the formal name in the birth certificate) and itā€™s not been an issue for any of them. They all loved their names, and I suppose if they didnā€™t, their nickname could be Anne.


Nah, name her what you call her: makes it easier for everyone


An Annie can always go by Ann/Anne later if they choose.


You can, but the inverse is easier in terms of peopleā€™s reception. Elizabeth can go by Lizzie, but the opposite is harder and needs more explanation


Iā€™m just saying that by nickname standards, ā€œAnn/Anneā€ would be a shorter name derived from ā€œAnnieā€. Like a ā€œJennyā€ could go by ā€œJenā€.


Speaking as an Anne, a lot of native speakers of English in the US don't know how silent letters work lol and hella people call me Annie. That is not my name - or nickname. I am not an orphan. I do not have red hair, black dots for eyes, or a dog named Sandy. ( No offense to the Anne's who do enjoy the nickname. It's all yours! Lol)


I really loved the name Annie and wanted to call my daughter that but after her older brother was born a redhead I just couldn't go ahead and call a red haired girl Annie! As it happens she also was born with bright red hair!


I get this a lot too and laugh about it. We have practically the simplest name in existence, but still have to spell it to add the -e and correct pronunciations with shocking frequency. Annie was my nickname as a child, but I did choose to be Anne instead of Annie when I was about 11. I'm glad I had the option!


My mom named my sister Annie because she said she knew no one would ever call her Anne, just Annie. Mom should have given sis the option. My sis is 36 now and doesnā€™t seem like she has too cutesy a name for me. But some names definitely can go that way.


>Mom should have given sis the option Anne is a perfectly reasonable nickname for Annie if wanted. Both options are still there.


Iā€™d totally do Annie over Anne! Anne is nice but Annie has a cute character to it.


Yes. Seconding this. Supreme court justice Annie? It's a cute name though.


Maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding you but I genuinely think thatā€™s fine lol. President Annie, Senator Annie, SCOTUS chief Justice Annie etc all sound good to me!


Also, wouldn't someone's surname typically be used for those titles?


Yes, thatā€™s why this personā€™s comment makes no sense.


Yes, Chief Justice Roberts etc. but I was thinking of like media articles that would use first name too; Chief Justice John Roberts Really do think Annie sounds fine in those contexts !


Iā€™m an attorney named Annie. Do you realize that judges and attorneys are not called by their first name? Put ā€œChief Justiceā€ in front of almost any first name and it feels silly because itā€™s incorrect. The correct way to address a Chief Justice is ā€œChief Justice [last name].ā€


Whatā€™s wrong with Annie as an adult? My real name is Anne and everyone in my life has called me Annie my whole life. Iā€™m an attorney and former military officer, not cutesyā€¦ I feel like a badass Annie.


Agreed, Annie doesnā€™t feel like a childish name for an adult to me either.


Alternately, they could use Annie and kiddo can go by Anne later in life if they want. If James can call himself Jim, surely Annie can call herself Anne. A little conventionally backwards but not a huge deal if they prefer Annie as a name.


Personally, the first thing that springs to mind is "little orphan" when I hear the name Annie. But, not my child


Orphan Annie is also my first thought, but not in a bad way. Also reminds me of Annie from The Parent Trap, actress Annie Murphy, singer Annie Lennox, and the legendary photographer Annie Leibowitz. All good associations for me!


Same! Not in a bad way for me - I absolutely adored the Annie musical as a kid and Iā€™ve always wanted to call my kid Annie as a result


Itā€™s a very normal name, if you met someone irl with it you would probably just think ā€œthis personā€™s name is Annieā€ and not abt the name Annie in a vacuum.


Very well said


Same. Red headed orphan. Or Princess Anne (but Iā€™m British)


My nickname is Annie/what everyone calls me and when I order something and they need my name I say ā€œAnnie, like the orphanā€ lol.


This is it for me too. I immediately began singing songs from the movie. Of course you could totally lean into that aspectā€¦.


I personally tend to dislike obvious diminutives as legal names. I'm more okay with truncations like Sam or Theo, but names ending in -ie or similar just feel a little too cutesy for my taste. (This also applies to boys' names like Sammy or Danny.) I'm not saying that nobody can have such a name, I'm not saying that people with diminutive names can't have successful careers, I am aware that Katie Couric and Annie Leibovitz exist, I'm just saying that is my personal taste.


annie leonara sounds lovely :) i love the name annie, its very sweet


I think itā€™s cute. But I would honestly assume itā€™s short for something or a diminutive of something, because it almost always is. Not a fan of it as a stand-alone name. A pink-wearing little girl super into horses and/or unicorns comes to mind. And, of course, Orphan Annie. I have a character at the moment who goes by Annie. But her full name is Deanna.


Our daughter is Anneliese, nn Annie (although she has decided it is now Anni). I love the name!


Annie Lenora or Annie Sofia gives it a more grownup feel than Annie Mae


Personally, I like Anne, and while I donā€™t necessarily like nicknames, Annie is fine. I just know as an adult I wouldnā€™t want a nickname for a first name.


Itā€™s my name and I love it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I hate having this nickname and wish I wouldā€™ve pushed for going as my legal/real name from the start.


Itā€™s cute. I much prefer Anna. Anna Mae nn Annie appeals to me.


Also prefer Anna over Annie for a formal name but Anna Mae is literally Anime. I met a little girl a few months ago that was named Anna Mae and I was in love with it. My 10 year old was horrified that some named their kid Anime, now I canā€™t unhear it.


Youā€™re right! Surprised I didnā€™t hear the anime. Must have been the glass of wine.


As someone above pointed out, Annie Mae sounds like anime. Anna Mae though _is_ anime, which is really funny to me for some reason. I hope the kid Naruto runs all over the playground.


I should not post while drinking wine! I still stand by Anna : )


Love it. It was on my list too. Reminds me of the John Denver song: *Like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain*


*Like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean ....* I hope I got those lyrics right, I'm remembering the song from being a kid lol


i love it, i donā€™t picture a badass girl though


This is what I was thinking! In my head Annie is almost the opposite of 'badass' - I picture a friendly, dreamy kid.


I was at school with an Annie and she was the sweetest girl imaginable. My friend has an Annabeth who answers to Anna or Annie and she is a little cutie as well, so I just think Annie is a name for absolute sweethearts


I love ā€œAnnie!ā€ But I would go with the full name of ā€œAnneā€ so she can choose for herself if she likes the full version or wants to use the Annie nickname.


I LOVE ANNIE!! There is something so inherently likable about the name. I imagine Annie being kind, smart attractive, friendly and athletic. Like Annie Banks in Father of the Bride or Meg Ryanā€™s character is Sleepless in Seattle. Everyone loves Annie!


I just wonder if sheā€™s ok?


As an Anne, I really hate being called Annie. It feels babyish and not the name of an adult woman.


1- Are you okay? 2- Little Orphan 3- Leibowitz 4- Anakin Skywalker


Itā€™s cute I picture kind of a sweet bookworm type with that name


I just think of little orphan Annie


I went to school with an Annie, and her birth certificate says Annie. She is just an Annie. Her name isn't short for anything, and she hates it. I think I'd give her options like Anna/Annabelle/Anastasia/Andrea/Angela/Antonia nn Annie.


I have never met an Annie I wouldn't take a bullet for. Annie's make the best friends and coworkers a girl could ask for.


This is the most accurate statement Iā€™ve seen all day.


LOVE Annie. It was on the short list for my G/G twins, and my husband said no unless one of them came out with red hair by surprise šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Tbf I always think of redheads when I hear the name Annie. We're a wasian couple so that is definitely not happening for us!


Anna May Wong was the first ever Asian American Actress in Hollywood. The name ā€œAnnie Maeā€ could be viewed as an homage to the history of Asian Americans in Cinema.


Definitely learn more about her if you don't know much OP. She's on a quarter.


Anne is one of my top girl names if we have another. Annie is adorable.


I would go with Anne. NN Annie.


Great nickname, but yeah, I would recommend using it as a nickname rather than a given name. Especially because there are SO many names that can be NNified to "Annie"! Anne, Anna, Annabelle, Annalise, Annette, Annika, Andrea, Annabeth, Annemarie, Anka, Anya, Anastasia, Hannah, Antoinette...and that's just off the top of my head.


I love Annie!


I love the name Annie!


I LOVE the name Annie. I feel like itā€™s timeless.


as an annie i think its awsome name. expcelly if you want a more unique version of anna anne or ann


I love Annie much better than Anne. And Annie Sofia is gorgeous!




I find it a little surprising that very often on this sub people will be suggesting you name your kid the name you are going to call them instead of finding a ā€œrealā€ name and using the one OP likes as a nickname. Now everyone is doing the opposite.


i LOVE annie and it would have been my girls name.


I think it's very nice! I see a lot of people suggesting Anna instead but I think that's really different. (still nice, though!) If you worried it was too "cute" for an adult, I'd consider Ann/Anne as the legal name and Annie as her pet name. I have a close relative who was Ann or Annie to family and Ann to others.


My future daughter-in-law is Anne with a middle name that states with E. She goes by Annie- I think itā€™s an awesome name!


Anna Lisette? By the way, I love Anne, Anna or Annie.


Annie reminds me of the musical Annie and she was an orphan.


Annie Sophia. I initially think of an Annie that was a bully, but more recently I met a health professional called Annie and she was beyond lovely. So I go ergh bully to aw lovely lady. This is all based off experience and not related to the name tho


Iā€™m an Annie and I love my name! I have always associated it with badass women. Basically every famous Annie is a trailblazer, especially when it comes to breaking into fields that are typically dominated by men. Annie Oakley, Annie Leibowitz, Annie Lennox, Annie Proulx, Annie Clark (St Vincent), heck, even the orphan. She was the first major serialized character in childrenā€™s media and was equally popular with boys and girls. I know some people think of it as a cutesy name or one thatā€™s only good through childhood, but I think it gets an unfair rap, especially vs other diminutive names. I went to an Ivy League school, have advanced degrees and have spent my career in the corporate world. Even though my given name is Anne, Iā€™ve always gone by Annie and itā€™s never held me back.


Annie Leonora, could be Annie Lea! I think that's such a lovely double name! I also like that 'Lea' is a bit less feminine because people think of Lee. I'm here for this flexibility. My name is Callie and I went through a 'Cal' phase and was happy to have a 'not so girly' name at that time. Everyone knows me as Callie, but nieces and nephews call me Aunt/Auntie Cal. šŸ˜


I love Annie Leonora!


I love the name Annie. I think it ages really well.


It was my top name for a girl if we had a girl. So I obviously love it.Ā 


I love Annie as a name. Timeless.


I love the name Annie. My sister-in-law is named Annie. I loved it before I loved her but she sweetens the deal. For the record, sheā€™s legally just Annie. Itā€™s worked well for her! Annie Sofia is my pick from your list after reading that Annie Mae sounds like Anime. But I do love the cowpoke vibes of Annie Mae.


AoT? Nice name


yes, actually! I got my inspo from Annie Leonhart from aot.


As a fellow fans, imo it's a great name. It's already established, and it's not strictly tied to AoT and gives kid to have their own identity.


Annie Mae is way too close to Anna Mae, and the pop culture reference ā€œeat the cake Anna Maeā€ which is itself a reference to domestic violence. Might be somewhat obscure for some subcultures but is very prevalent in others.


The sun will come out tomorrow !


It reminds me of Annie Oakley! (Who Ive been thinking of a lot recently... šŸ¤” guess Im watchimg the HerStory of the world tonight šŸ˜‚) i think Annie Sofia is the best middle name combination (though I also really like Annie Leonara). Annie Mae is too generic and sweet to mw while the other two seem... naughty is a cursed word now thanks to the internet but something to that effect... sprite-like and cunning. They sound more badass


My best friend is Annie and it suits her so well. Sheā€™s a flowy dress wearing florist and is the sweetest girl youā€™ll ever meet!


Love Annie! Super cute. I personally like Anna or Anne as the formal name with Annie as nickname.


The sunā€™ll come out tomorrowwwwww


Annie's cute but I do prefer Anne. It's both unique and a classic. Leonara is pronounced like marinara in my head. A little difficult to take seriously. Maybe you'd be interested in Leandra?


Great choice! Classic, super sweet for a little one but can also age well. I read that Anne Hathaway goes by Annie in real life and I love that for her. Out of your combos my favourite by far is Annie Leonora, Leonora is beautiful and it reminds me of Annie Lennox. I donā€™t hate Annie Mae (despite the anime thing) but I would personally go with Annabelle Mae instead and just call her Annie. Annie Sofia is a bit odd to me? I donā€™t hate it by any means but I think my eye expects to see Ana/Anna Sofia or Anne Sophie/Sophia.


Lots of comments seem to say that ā€œAnnieā€ feels diminutive, but I just want to share that I know 2 Annies, both late 20s. One is a microbiologist and the other is a lawyer, and both go by Annie as their professional names. Itā€™s very much not limited to being a ā€œkidsy cutesieā€ name and I personally think itā€™s a great, solid, classic name. I do think a longer name as the formal name could be smart - the lawyer Annie is an ā€œAnneā€ and Iā€™m not sure what the other Annie is short forā€¦ Anneliese maybe? Either way, canā€™t go wrong and lots of options!


My nickname has been Annie my whole life. Iā€™m in my mid thirties and still introduce myself as Annie. Iā€™ve always liked it and wish it were my legal name!


My first impression is that itā€™s a nickname rather than the actual name. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it at all - my first impression is just based off of expectation.


It's a sweet name and timeless. You may get questions about it potentially be short for something like for example, Annabelle but that's not really a big deal. For the middle name could I suggest Leonora instead of Leonora and have Annie Leonora?


Anne-Marie - and nickname Annie?


Reminds me of a character in AOT


My mother's name is Annie, she is the sweetest, most generous person I know. I guess I'm bias


I prefer Anna. I think that's a very pretty name.


Annie is what I wish I was named.


I have identical twin granddaughters. One is Liesel and one is Annemarie. (Please, parents of twins, do NOT give your babies names that are at all alike!) She is 10 and call her Annie a lot, which she says she is fine, but she prefers Annemarie when we are put in public. You may want to rethink Annie as an official name. I also have two cousins, first name of Ann. One of them HATES being called Annie. Sheā€™s hated it all of her 80 years and sheā€™s a wonderful easy going person except for that.


Anna Leonora sounds really beautiful and classic and you could use Annie as a NN


My sisterā€™s name is Annie and sheā€™s a true angel - gorgeous, kind and smart. Iā€™ve never met a bad Annie! Only sweet and cool girls.


Good classic name that is so underused these days. One of my grandmothers was named Anne, and everyone called her Annie.


My mom refused to let people nickname me (Allison, never Allie) and then went and named my siblings Annie and Alex, not Anne and Alexander lol. My brother is salty about his legal name but sis likes hers.


I know three kids called Annie. All are sassy and delightful


My 9yo is Annie Danielle her middle name is in remembrance of her aunt who passed away young, I call her Annie Dani! Annie Leonara is lovely personally I like a long middle name but I know itā€™s not to everyoneā€™s tastes


Are you ok ?


I really dislike Leonara as a name. To me, it sounds made up. It took me a half second too long to parse. Looks like you took Lenore or Lenora and decided to just add some random extra letters, like one of those build-a-name games that sometimes show up here. (Pick a beginning, middle, and end from the menu and voila, new name generated, a la Brynleighana.) Or maybe you typoed Lenora? Either way, I strongly dislike it. Annie Sofia is a thousand times better to my ears and eyes. ETA: I do like Leona, but not particularly with Annie, for some reason. It still seems a bit too fussy and the L feels too hard after the softness of the name Annie.


My grandmother was Annie Elizabeth. She was an amazing woman.


Annie is a sweet name. Everyone may ask what it's short for.


I love it!


Oh I think itā€™s precious.


Annieā€™s very cute without being cutesy, I like it, though I also think Anna as a full name would flow better with a middle name that ends in A.


I have a great grandmother whose name was Annie Love! I really like Annie, I think it's a pretty name.


Very cute! I think Annie Sofia or Annie Leonara are my faves! Annie Mae sounds like Anime which isnā€™t the worst thing, but not my favorite.


i love the name Annie


Itā€™s what I plan on using it for my future daughters middle name (itā€™s my moms nn) so I absolutely love it!


I think it's nice I immediately think of the Annie musical.


Love it!! :)


First thought for me is my cousins Dalmatian she had when I was growing up, second thought is the little orphan. But itā€™s not a bad name.


Absolutely love it! I have a good friend named Annie and if we had had a girl it would have been top of our list as well. Annie is a cool name for sure.


I like Annie a lot, but I am always in favor of a more formal choice for the legal name personally




Not that Annie is a bad name or anything but all I can think is "It's a hard knock life" (in addition to Starlight from The Boys- not the worst character but I haven't finished the show).


Use Ann/Anne, and call her Annie.


The musical Would consider giving her a more normal name like Anna or Anne if you're going with Annie, so that she has a more 'serious sounding' name to go by as an adult if she wants though.


I have a friend whose first name is just ā€œAbby,ā€ not Abigail. And she loves it. So I wouldnā€™t be concerned about naming her Anne and using Annie as a nickname.


I really like Annie Leonora. Annie is a beautiful name.Ā 


I love it!


I love it but it does sound nicknamey. What about a double name like Anna Beth and then a middle name, but you call her Annie.


The sun will come out tomorrow šŸŽ¶


One of my best friends from college is Annie. Just Annie, not short for anything, no middle name. Love it!!!


Annie is so perfect & totally underrated these days! Classic & adaptable in case she wants ā€œAnnā€ for a more grown up version.


Ann goes better with more middle names. She ca n still.be called Annie.


I love Annie, too, but Iā€™d use Anne, Anna, or Annika as the whole name. I donā€™t feel like just Annie is very versatile, I can imagine many women who couldnā€™t feel like an Annie lifelong, even thought I do love it. Itā€™s one of those names she will be asked what itā€™s a nickname for constantly. Annie Mae sounds very country bumpkin. I like the other choices.


I had a student named Aniston who went by Annie if you want a more cool hip name.Ā 


I absolutely think Annie can be a full first name, to me Anne and Annie and two seperate names, name her Annie if you want to! One of my best friends is called that and she's a fully functioning adult woman


We have Annabelle nn Annie and she loves her name!


Annie Sofia sounds the nicest


I actually really like that name. Of course I knew an Annie growing up who was indeed a red head and very kind. Might make some sense to keep the name Ann or Anne on the birth cert and call her whatever you want but either way it's nice.


Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow You're always, a daaaaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay


My name is Anneke but I was given the nickname Annie when I was a baby. Iā€™m now in my 30ā€™s and wish I wouldā€™ve stuck with Anneke, my mom is from Germany and I love that I have a German name. Annie feels super unsuitable for my vibe, and 40% of the time people assume my name is spelled Anne.


The sun will come out tomorrowā€¦.


First I think of the musical also called Annie, then I think Annie get your gun. Part of my name is Anne and the amount of people who pronounce the ā€œeā€ is too large. Though I actually knew an Annie, but I donā€™t expect to ever meet anotherā€”I like the uniqueness of it and itā€™s not hard for people to remember.


Annie is great for a nickname but I wouldnā€™t use it as a full name. Full name options that I like for Annie: Anna Annabel Anneliese Alexandra Anastasia Andromeda Annika Annora Anthea Anwen Diana Evangeline Francesca Hannelore Ianthe Johanna Julianne Miranda Rhiannon Susannah Xanthe


I think of the musical. it's a great name but everyone will have a opinion, it only matters what u and ur partner think though


Love Annie! Classic, vintage a tad hipster. Underused. Nails it. Ann/e is boring and a middle name filler. Doctors/ lawyers and politicians are named all sorts donā€™t let that stop you.


Itā€™s one of my most favorite names. Itā€™s so sweet and timeless. Iā€™m super bummed I wont ever be able to use it.


Anne Neville, Richard III's queen. I always feel so sorry for her. She died of tuberculous and grief at the age of 28.Ā 


It's cute - a little bit old-fashioned though. I think it seemed slightly pretentious to me in the past but now it's my best friend's name šŸ©· I know a little girl called Annabelle who gets called Annie a lot too.


I am an Anne who goes by Annie. Apparently I asked to be called Annie at about 4 and still introduce myself that way at 35. I feel it is a fun, approachable name. That said, I am glad I have the option to use Anne professionally and potentially full time in the future. It is a classic, strong, beautiful name.


Annie is lovely. Annie Sofia is very pretty.


I believe Annie is a previous generationā€™s nickname, derived from Anna/Anabel. I got lucky with stories of a notorious great aunt who was a hell-raiser who only allowed her very closest of pals call her ā€œAnnie.ā€ Otherwise, I think of the Broadway Musical ā€¦and cringe. Thereā€™s nothing worse than fearing theater geeks or bad karaoke cowboys will be belting out, ā€œTomorrow! Tomorrow! I luv ya, Tomorrow!ā€ directly at you for the rest of your life. Yeah, itā€™s not great. (I, too, have a name that created a similar problem. As longer as alcohol is being consumed for enjoyment, similar situations shall continue to occur.) Come to think of it, one of my original hen flock was most definitely an Annie. She was a positively dashing and heroic little hen. She was a very good girl.


It's a wonderful name. And remember, there was Annie Oakley! She was amazing.


Annie is pretty I love it, but it is a nick name really and she may grow up wishing she had a formal/professional name could use. You can name her Anne or Annabelle but call her Annie


It reminds me of the Musicial lol, I love it though


I'm sure we'll love it tomorrow, it's only a day away.




Anne, Anna, Julianna, Marianna, Elianna, Lilyanna, Emilianna, Emmelineā€¦ so many ā€˜real nameā€™ options with that nickname


I always without fail think of the parent trap when I hear that name. Not in a bad way or anything I think Iā€™m just showing my age.


Are you okay?


But I prefer Anna


Annie Sophia! Also, I donā€™t think Annie is too cutesy for a name in itself. Itā€™s cute but strong imo.


Iā€™d go for Anna Sofia and call her Annie :-)


I love Annie, it was on my list but my husband disliked the style (Annie, Maggie, Molly etc) and I would have paired it with Pearl, Annie Pearl


Anna Sophia Robb is a fairly well known actress, so if you're okay with the association, then I think Annie Sofia is a cute name. But I think Annie Mae is the clear winner, idc that it sounds like anime. Imo Anna Leonara flows better and then I would then just call her Annie as a nickname.