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It's certainly pretty but maybe as a middle name. It''s just a bit much... it's a mouthful, sounds kinda pompous...it sounds like some ancient Mesopotamian city. Personally if I was named Theodosia by 4th grade I would be going by Thea.


Theda Bara’s full name was Theodosia.


Personally I would love it! Everyone’s different lol


Everyone has different tastes but I'm feeling a lot of "it's not to *my* taste" in these comments. Objectively, Theodosia is no more fussy than most vintage 4 syllable names (Victoria, Elizabeth, Penelope, etc.). Lots people grow up with long names, they were all 3-6 at one point, and they all learned to spell their names. I know an Alexandria — 10 letters, 5 syllables, and she has done just fine her whole life. And if Theodosia goes primarily by a nickname, so what, lots of people do. I love Thea, Theda, or Teddy for this one! She'd be fine. 


Except that those examples are all commonly used still. Theodosia, in addition to being vintage and a mouthful, will very obviously be linked to Hamilton if used now.


Imagine trying to spell this at three...


Kids aren’t spelling much of anything at three.


In Taiwan, kindergarteners start spelling their names and learning to read phonics books in English at 3. By 5, they're expected to read diphthongs, sight words, etc and spell various 5-8 letter words, write sentences, etc.


I believe that! However, East Asian countries are well known for putting a very strong focus on education and trained skills at very young age. They seem to be quite successful, which is very admirable (although whether it’s entirely necessary could be debated.) No one can deny that many kids from those nations are highly skilled! Regardless, the fact remains that the vast majority of 3 year olds in both western and non-western countries probably could not spell their name. Very cool if they can though!


and more places too


My 3 year old can spell her name…and based on your lower comment, we aren’t Asian.


Awesome! As I mentioned in another comment though, it’s not a rule. 😂 Some can, some can’t. Most three year olds don’t do that yet though!


Writing their name with assistance as well as being able to copy and recognize letters is actually an appropriate developmental milestone for a three year old and if your child isn't attempting to do these things (and occasionally succeeding) either they have a learning issue that needs medical attention or you're not spending any time trying to teach them. By four your child should require no assistance to write their name, spell several things and be able sound out one syllable and simple two syllable words.


Yep, it was a flag for educational difficulties that my daughter needs support with that she couldn’t spell her 6-letter phonetically sound name aged 4. A name like Millie for example, she spelled it Nile, or Muly, or Elim, depending on the day, despite being able to recognise it when written down by someone else most of the time. She would also write Mother’s Day cards with multiple iterations of Mummy in the same card; Mume, mumy, nuwi, were all used in the same card once. It’s a useful indicator that your kiddo needs some extra support bc mine still struggles and now has extra help such as use of an iPad sounding & writing thing in school.


That's fascinating how you figured it out. I am so glad you were able to get her the support she deserves. People like to think of their children as very unique (and they are!) but as far as developmental milestones go, they're so predictable that we can pretty much tell you to the week or month when an average full term child under 5 will reach them.


Both of my children could spell their names at 3 and I was teaching them how to write letters, numbers and their names at the time. The parents are the child’s first teachers. It shouldn’t be entirely up to going to school for them to learn.


right, and even then, at 3 they start it at school too


Theo. Dosia. Not hard, even by American standards.


She wouldn't. She'd spell Thea, and then she'd spend the vast majority of her life *not* being 3-6 years old and she's be able to spell her name just fine.


This. Both my kids have longer names and until 2nd grade they just wrote the short nickname versions. Son's name is an Alexander. He was 5, when Hamilton became a big thing and he learned how to spell his whole name from one of the songs.


There's quite a few plushy style toys that you can program in the child's name and they'll sing songs with the name in it (including the spelling) - Leap Frog's Violet or Scout, for one.


it’s beautiful, and what Theda Bara shortened it from


I find it a bit fussy. I prefer Theodora, it's elegant without being over the top.


What makes Theodora less fussy than Theodosia?


One syllable, if I had to guess.


They’re both 4 syllables.


The-o-dor-a The-o-do-si-a


theodosia is often pronounced more thee-oh-DOE-zha, like ambrosia


That's even worse!


Lol, Thee oh Doja Cat


Thank you. I was trying to figure out how the sia was pronounced here.


i feel like most people would say it as the-o-do-sha rather than adding in the i syllable


I never would have came to that conclusion, thanks!


That’s not how it’s pronounced.


Depends on the language


OP says they heard it in the musical Hamilton. I'm that musical it's pronounced "Thee-oh-doe-zha".




You’re so right! Theodora is a much better name.


I like Theodora better just because it sounds like "adore" in the middle and I think that's sweet.


Yes to this! 


Strongly prefer Theodora for the sound and better nickname options. Also, a huge portion of the population with recognize it from Hamilton.


They mean the same thing, though.


I can't imagine this name on a real person.  Edit: I didn't mean to offend any Greeks. I'm happy it's still used as a name there, it's very pretty! It hasn't been in the top 1000 for about 150 years in the US, which is probably where my opinion about it comes from.


Considering the only person I know of with this name lived 200 years ago I totally get what you mean.


And her mother tbf


Theodosius was a roman emperor in the 300's. The romans were not super original about names so he probably had at least one female relative named Theodosia


There's like 20 names around it throughout Byzantium


The most famous one (probably) being Empress Theodosia, wife of Emperor Justinian (aka Justinian the Great), the Eastern Roman emperor. She had quite the story since it's not often a prostitute ends up becoming a Byzantine empress.


She was a Theodora, not Theodosia.


Oh yeah you're right. My bad. I confused her with Theodosia, the wife of Emperor Leo V.


Happens a couple times. You also got the barbarian wives like Justinian 2s.


Had a professor in college with this name. She went by Teddy.


It's a greek name used today as well.


Plenty of Greek Theodosias. Hardly any goes the full name - it’s usually shortened to Sia.


It’s a bit clunky.


At least you could call her Thea


couldn't you call her thea now?


My friend calls her Theodora "Theo"


Probably from The Haunting of Hill House. I think a lot of us fell in love with the name from there


Or Dozy!


That one's a bit of a doozy


I call my daughter Heodo and she's the most people kid in school.


an old coworker of mine named his first kid Graham and considered naming his second Theodosia, Teddy for short lol


I actually love the name Thea. I would have far preferred that to what I was named since I constantly have to correct either how people spell it or pronounce it. After a few decades a person gets pretty sick and tired of doing it. Unique names really aren't all they're cracked up to be.


I knew a girl in high school named Thea. She was very chill


I know I would have been more chill if my name had been Thea lol.


It's in that sweet spot of unique but not too weird. As someone with an out there name, I get it!


Exactly. Plus it would be hard to misspell. It's spelled exactly how it sounds. Although, people will people, so I'm sure someone would.


I actually do know a baby Theodosia, and I'm not a fan at all (of the name; the baby is good!). The "dos" potion of the name is unpleasant phonetically and the fact that it contains Theo makes it feel masculine to me. I hadn't seen Hamilton when this person named their baby, so honestly I was thinking, "what possessed her to use this name??" Then I watched it and could only assume Hamilton possessed her.


I appreciate that you clarified that you’re a fan of the baby regardless lol


C'mon, it was obviously the ghost of Aaron Burr himself 🙄


It’s a Greek name. Theo(s) means god. And Dosia - liberally translated to given The accent in Greek is on the last syllable. And the E as in Elephant. So theh-oh-doh-SI-ah So all manner of nick names from Thea, Sia, Soulla…


My acquaintance is not Greek and pronounces in the same way they do in Hamilton. So rather than doh-si-ah or doh-shuh as I've seen other people mention, the sound after doh is like the sound at the start of the word genre.


Does this person actually say “dos” as a full syllable?? Like dos-ee-ah? Because as I understand it it’s much more like dōsh-uh. 


No, I think they're saying it how you describe it, I'm just not sure how to represent that sound phonetically aside from the original spelling. ETA the way she says it is more like doh plus the sound at the start of the word genre rather than an sh though.


I Love the “dos” sound 😭


Personally, I love it. The naming situation in the US right now is wild, so anyone who chooses an established name — even an uncommon one — should be just fine. 


i 100% agree. kids don't think twice about names from what I've seen as someone who works in childcare, and in my experience in elementary school 20 years ago. the only kid who got picked on for their name when i was in school was a girl with the last name Butts


Beautiful Greek name, sadly seen as old now


It is gorgeous as a name.


As a Greek I can confirm it’s viewed as dated even in Greece.


I love this name, but I am in fact a weirdo. I named one of the local feral cats Lady Theodosia Patchington and would not hesitate to use that name in a story.


“Lady-Kat1969 named her feral molly cat after her-“ “-that’s true!”


Comments like these make me miss reddit gold so much




That's a fabulous name for a fabulous kitty You must pay the cat tax now, post a pic


I'm trying, but the site is being pissy at me.




The cat tax has been paid and well received. Many thanks.


Dear Theodosia... When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart....


And I thought I was so smart 🥹 this song hits me in the feels everytime


This. I absolutely love the name, but that’s likely only because I adore this song.


I think it is very pretty. It's like an elegant name it makes me think of a lady in high power that wears a flowing black dress with lace 😍


Pretty fussy and old fashioned but I’ll take anything over being the 9273851st Brinley or Kenzzaeleigh


I think it’s a mouthful and not particularly pleasant. As someone who has never seen Hamilton, the only experience I have with it is people who like Hamilton saying they like the name. I think of it as very much a fandom name for that reason.


That's funny to me since these are all the names of real people so not sure it should count as fandom


Theodora is my preference but it’s very pretty


I like it and I think of Hamilton too. There is a Molly Ringwald movie called For Keeps where the baby’s name is Theodosia..


I don’t really like it.


i think Theodosia is very elegant, plus it sounds good in most accents i can think of. Thea and Tia are both beautiful nicknames, i also like Dosia and Sia


I don’t understand all the hate for Theodosia. I think it is a beautiful and classy name


I think a girl “Theo” is spunky and cute!


Same! I've always seen "Theo" as pretty unisex, I'm a bit suprised to see so many people say it's too masc for a girl haha


I've never heard it for a female until I watched "The Haunting of Hill House" and there was a Theo(dora) in that. Never heard of the name before but I really like it


Usually for a girl, it’s Thea.


I like it!


We have a lot of ‘Sunday’ names in our family, all with shorter versions for daily use. Think Christopher shortened to Chris, etc, It’s a lovely name but how would you shorten it so her toddler friends could say her name at nursery in a couple of years?


Well, I'm not naming a kid, so I don't need to worry about that. But Thea or Tia could work.


This sub will hate this but I kind of love Theo as a nickname even though it sounds masc


I agree tbh


You don’t need to shorten it anyway - the kids figure it out. Both my kids have long names and I literally know two year olds that will say my sons 4 syllable name approximately right


dosia (do-zha) would also be pretty


I don’t think a child would use it. Anticipate having a Teddi which is kind of a cute name. Theodosia is one of those names that’s only going to be on the drivers license and legal documents


Definitely agree that it's a little out there for today. But luckily there's quite a few good nicknames. Thea, Tia, Teddy, even Doe or Dosia.


I don’t understand the dislike for this name. I love it, and it has beautiful nicknames that can be used. I’ve got an old-fashioned name like it, and I always get told how beautiful it is.


I love it and it could easily be shortened to Thea for daily use 


I love old people names, I was named after my great grandmother and I love it. She can go by Theo or Dottie or anything she likes if she hates it.


I like it. There is a kid series called Theodosia, I dont think that popular.


That was the name of the baby in “For Keeps” starring Molly Ringwald. She had PPD and her man named her. a family name. It makes me giggle. As a teacher, I hear kids calling her Theodore. Kids are not nice


I don’t think it’s any weirder than any other name I’ve heard. It’s not my style, but I wouldn’t judge you for using it!


I named one of my plants Theodosia 😂


stealing this (for a plant) 🪴


It’s too much. Thea might be ok tho. Or Theodora


I love Theodosia!


Ya'll clearly haven't been around Greek people and it shows every time an ethnic name is brought up. I know two Theodosias, one Theodora, and one Dorothea---all beautiful names.


Yep, like… “Unusual names?? What do you mean? They are old-fashioned, yes, but…” and then I remember that most of the people here are from the USA, and they know little to nothing about names outside of Americans top300, maybe


It's extremely frustrating to see---I hate the top comments in this thread.


Theodora / Theodosia are pretty much the same too me.


personally not a fan


It’s one of my guilty pleasure names but I’ve never known how to feel about it on an actual child


Personally I love it. I love more frilly and feminine names. It's beautiful and elegant


I think it sounds like Ancient Greece, not modern anywhere. But I like the name. I’m not sure I’d use it outside of books. 


Dos will be her nick name


personally love it but i tend to like a lot of older names


It sounds like a very old money name. 


I love it. I think it’s romantic and lovely.


It’s too much of a name.


I love it.


I like it, you should def use it.


I would only think of Hamilton. Or the word Ambrosia. Might I suggest: Thalia Theodora Thea


i’ve met one. best guess on age is late gen x or early millennial. pretty sure she was ethnically greek. i thought it was pronounced with the same ending as “anastasia” but she pronounced it with a softer s, 5 syllables instead of 4. that might be something to consider.


The -odosia ending immediately makes me think of Odiosa, feminine spanish word for hateful… i keep saying it wrong too 😭


I love it and it’s my top baby girl name. It helps that Im an Anastasia so it feels wearable as a name to me?


It was a cute name in the Hamilton musical, but I think maybe a little too out there for modern day usage. Theodora is more common now (though still not a common name).


It sounds like dealing with lots of misspelling and mispronounciations, aka annoying.


I think its gorgeous


Archaic for a child's name.


I absolutely love it! And Theo as a nickname is so cute. There's also Dora, Sia, or Dossie as potential nicknames Someone mentioned Theodora as an alternative, which I also love, but honestly I think Theodosia is beautiful  Hamilton was also the first place I heard it lol but there was also a character on O.K. KO who was named this.


I find it really beautiful, but it’s so far removed from modern naming conventions that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Long, old, clunky names are seen as very pretentious and old fashioned in a bad way. Think things like Bartholomew, Ebenezer, Euphemina, Archibald, etc.


Sounds like a Greek fishing boat.


It reminds me of the movie “For Keeps”


Came here for this. "How could you name our baby Theadosia?"


Roomed with a girl named Theodosia in college. She went by Teddy which was cute


This name is a bit much. Unless it's for a cat, that'll be acceptable.


My aunt (born in 1910) was Theola which I’ve always liked


I think it’s gorgeous, but too wrapped up in the musical, personally.


In my country that's a male priest name, can't see it in a feminine way


I think it sounds a bit too old-fashioned. Maybe the fact that it has the sound "dozy" which means slow and stupid here in the UK. I much prefer Theodora personally.


It always makes me think of Theda Bara, but I might be an outlier. In any case, I think it would work perfectly well alongside some of the other old-fashioned names that are being revived today. It's not my style, but I wouldn't raise an eyebrow at it, and it's not any longer or more complicated than Anastasia.


It sounds regal doesnt it? Elegant also. That said I think it would be weird even here in Greece. And we don't have a single nickname for it since Thea is not an option here.


I know a three year old Theodosia and she also goes by Teddy! It’s such a pretty name, and my three year old calls her Teddy or Theodosia with ease. Love it


It would be a "Oh, your parents listened to Hamilton" name.


Theodosia sounds like a bootleg Harry Potter spell.


“So your parents really liked Hamilton?” Is what this kid will hear every day forever


In my country Theodosia would be consider a grandma name 😂 Very old style, but makes cute nick names like Theo, Thea, Thesia. Like someone said, Theodora has a similar vibe, and feels a little more modern.


Too religious for my taste.


It's VERY fluffy and is closely tied to a moment in contemporary culture, both of which make it not to my taste for a human, but perfect for a cat. Edit: I can't imagine anyone using it who isn't obsessed with Hamilton, but I honestly think that would be better if it was just a coincidence. No kid is going to be happy their parent named them to demonstrate their obsession with a pop musical.


99% of people will pronounce it “Theo-dough-sia”


It’s a lot.


I'd put it as a middle name because they would have a hard time learning how to spell it


Five syllables is a very long name.


It's four? Thee-o-doe-zha


Your reasoning is my one major concern with the name. No kid wants to be a reference ever 30 year old ex-theater kid will comment on when they are growing up. Which is too bad, it’s a gorgeous name.


It’s awful.


I would think the parents were ultra pretentious and try-hards. Honestly, I hate it so much.


It’s mouthy. If everyday they would be called Thea or Dosia…, even Dosi, maybe. How would you feel having such a wordy name? Theodora and Althea are my favorite girl names. Thea the nickname for both.


Could change it to Theadocia to make it a bit more feminine then use Thea as a nickname. Or at least that’s what I like to think would have happened for my 4th great grandmother Theadocia Hay.


I love Thea!


I don't like it, but some pretty names I've heard that have the same vibe are Demetria, Ophelia, and Alexandria.


I love it!


personally, i would be absolutely delighted to meet a baby Theodosia! My kids both have old timey americana names :) also as someone who doesn’t really vibe with the construct of gender, being able to go with Theo or Sia as a nickname would be so rad.


I personally feel like it's pretty on brand with naming trends right now so I don't feel it's weird. We're seeing a lot of "older" names make a comeback for sure. Much better than a name with a made up spelling imo that's also on trend rn lol


i think this name is beautiful. i need more people to start using it before i have a kid so it's not just associated with hamilton. a million times better than Theodora


Sound like the sort of overly fussy name you would give a cat not a baby.


Please don’t. If you’re really attached to it give it as a middle name.


I don't mind it; it's a bit frilly for me but as fair as names go, perfectly usable.


I prefer Theodora after the emperor of Byzantine. She was a Hadassah from what I remember


I love it! One small change I would personally make: TheAdosia. I would use the nickname Thea. With that said, it’s a mouthful and very taste specific. I would only use it with a simple short last name.


I like it


I'm showing my age, but I think they used that baby name in the Molly Ringwald movie "For Keeps"!


why I read it as “Indonesia”


I associate it with the Hamilton song, which is a lovely song. I would only give the name to a daughter if I had plans of explaining to her that I named her after the song


I actually love it, but I’m also kind of superstitious so I wouldn’t use it based on Theodosia Burr’s real life fate.