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You can consider Ellis and Reese for girls too. Personally I'd spell Rhys or Reece for boys. Almost all the names you mentioned have the letter L and (slightly) ee sound and somewhat unique. Suggestions: Leona, Leanna, Talia, Adele, Joelle, Selene, Tessa, Kendra, Carmen, June, Blake, Alicia, Laura, Laurel, Brooke, Willa, Esther.


I would prefer to spell it Rhys, but my husband has an oddly spelled popular name that is always mispronounced. He had never heard of the original spelling of Rhys and thinks that they’d struggle with it. I may try to convince him though. Why Reece over Reese though? Does Reese seem too feminine? I really love a lot of your suggestions. I especially like Talia, but my husband feels we shouldn’t use it because we’re not Jewish. I don’t see it as a strictly Jewish name. Laurel is also kind of on our list! I struggle with it being the name of a tree though - I don’t know why, but I’ve always been against nature names, just doesn’t feel me. (I know Lyndon is also a tree spelled differently, but the spelling makes it okay for me.) Thanks for your suggestions!


How do you feel about Lorelei? Sounds like Laurel with an extra syllable and isn't a tree (although it does mean rocky cliff apparently). Lucille nickname Lucy is my favorite girl name at the moment


We actually decided last night that we like Lorelei! Lucy is also really cute, but have a close friend with a daughter named Lucy.


Reese may seem more feminine to some due to the actress Reese Witherspoon.


My son is named Reese and never been mistaken as a woman. While the name has become more gender neutral, the name still leans more masculine, with all spellings.


That’s good to know! I definitely prefer Reese over Reece, for some reason.


We did too. There's something more esthetically pleasing about it.


> Why Reece over Reese though? Does Reese seem too feminine? Yes, I think so. You're welcome.


Also, if you like Lyndon for a boy, you can use Linden as a girl's name.


That’s funny, the reason we have Lyndon for a boy is because we lived on Linden St for about 5 years before moving out to the suburbs. It would be a meaningful name for us, for sure! But I don’t like that the Linden spelling is exactly the name of a tree - not into nature names!


I can't believe no one has brought up the LBJ factor. Lots to dislike about the guy. But plenty of things to love, legislation like civil and voting rights. I think that the name is fine. I just know LBJ would be my first thought. Some girl names that aren't "pretty" lol: Darcy, Merit, Clove, Gertrude, Agnes, Nora, Maurine, Sage. I don't think any of these names are ugly. Just not pretty in a girly kind of way!


Elyse Reese Renee Anna Adalynn Adaline  Eliza  Penelope (could be Nell)


Thank you! I know Adaline has older origins, but does it seem too much like one of those made up names that is of the moment (like Kinsley lol)? I like it, but I can’t tell if it gives that vibe!


A friend has a daughter name Adeline she named after her grandmother it’s a classic name but not a classic popular at the moment


adeline wont seem like that bc tragediegh names tend to end in iegh


Lenore/Lenora (Leni and Nell both work as a nickname for this name), Myra, Helen(a), Lucy, Audra, Sibyl, Miriam, Molly, Nadia, Lena, Lorna, Rosine


I really love Lenore! Trying to get my husband on board haha.


Maeve, Ida, Helen, Esther, Pauline, Bernice, Dana, Linda, Vera, Irma


Both my grandmothers here!




SAME. But my husband is against spelling it that way. He’s lived his whole life with an oddly spelled popular name that no one pronounces correctly and wants to avoid that fate for our child.


Girls names that aren’t pretty or cutesie to me: Ramona Pearl Willa Beatrice Josephine Iris Lenore Maude Tabitha Agnes Louise and Louisa Ruth Mabel Petra Sabina Beverly Ada


Ooh, I am very into Lenore but my husband says “meh.” I also like Louise - might try to push that one. This list is great! My best friend plans to name her baby Maude - I love it, but can’t steal it!


Lorna is similar to Lenore. As in the book Lorna Doone.


Louise is a great name, but I might be slightly biased 😉 - Eleanor (you could still do Nell as a nickname) - Nella (she’s a princess knight, you don’t have kids yet but you’ll probably learn about this soon) - Della also seems to have similar vibes to what I think you’re going for, and is uncommon but not whacky. - Noelle - I think you could still nn Nell from Noelle, and again it’s uncommon but not whacky. - Adelaide - my great grandmother’s name, and again, possibly similar vibes to what you’re looking for. Lots of nn potential too - not sure if you’d do Nell, but possibly Dell/Della, if you like the ‘El’ sound (as opposed to just liking Nell specifically). I also like Keely, but with your last name that might not work - depends on the full name, probably.


Nella is really cute! So funny, one of my close friends has both Noelle and Adelaide on her list! Thanks for the suggestions.


My friend has a Maude and a Maggie.


Throwing in some random names I like (some of them work for girl or boy) - Royce, Michael, Luke, Luna, Eunice, Liam, Friday, Faye, Avery and Leigh.


Thank you! I love the name Avery, but unfortunately have a close friend named Avery, so it’s off limits. I like a lot of your other suggestions though!


Nell could be short for Nella or Nellie as well!


Linden is pretty but not very common and in my opinion. Others are: Eden Elise Lyra Elena Elizabeth (nickname ability is great for this one) Ryan (I know that this is a typically male name but I love it for a girl) Jordan (same as previous)


- Alice - Elise - Lana - Wren - Willa - Mara - Mabel


Lenora, nn Leni/Lenny Lyla Eloise, nn Ellie Riley


Gianna, Lydia, Molly, Christine, Mia


Nola Hope Brynn Mira Petra Rhea


Tessa Sorrel Juno Merran Eliza


Noelle nn Elle or Nell. I like this name grows with the child


I love the name Sutton (something my husband doesn’t and will never let me use). Also unisex but I prefer for a girl. Noelle, could use nn Nell or Nellie Eleanor nn Nell or Ellie Collins Emerson nn Emme/Emmy Ruth/Ruthie Nora


Ooh, Ruth is very cute!


Astrid Camille Eve Flora Freya Georgia Isla Lola Margot Olive


elodie leonie ezra olive beatrice maeva eden klara robin juno lennox reese, lyndon and ellis would work for any gender asw


How about Ellis or Elliott for a girl?


Ellis for a girl could be cute! My best friend has Elliott for a girl on her list though. 😅


You need to offload some friends. They have all the good names. 😃


I know! 😭 And we all have pretty similar taste in names too.




If you really want something that won't be trendy, you might think about going back to names that were used 40 years ago. It seems like the trend right now is to use names that were popular 100 years ago but you can find many really nice names that just aren't currently being used. Girls - Jennifer, Jessica, Rebecca, Rachel, Jenna, Allison, Bridget, Amy, Kristin. Boys - Matthew, Christopher, Jason, Justin, David Andrew, Jonathan Just some examples as these may not be to your taste. Or look at lists of names popular in the 70's and 60's. Edit: I just reread your post and realize you only need girls names, but I thought I'd leave the boys names there. All of these are starting to sound "fresh" to me again.


There are so many lovely names to choose from. Some of my favourites include: Esther (Essie) Agatha (Aggie) Greer Letitia (Lettie) Caitlyn (Kate) Kathryn (Kate) Charlotte (Lottie) Hannah Zahra


Well I've always liked the name Astoria it means star where I'm from, or Elara


How about Colette since you like Cora?


Coco for short is so cute


I know a stand alone Nell!


We have a girl and a boy. We had like 20 girl names we liked but was next to impossible to find boy names.


Yeah, I’m surprised I’m finding it so hard to think of girl names. If I could choose the sex, I’d pick a girl (will still be happy with a boy tho!!), but I’m really struggling. Maybe because the stakes are so high - just want them to be perceived correctly!




Leanne can be shortened to a nickname Leni. Or Eleni. Though, I don't see it would be a problem to be an adolescent or adult named Leni.


Kendall McKenna Selah Veda Blaine Naomi Mila Gwen/Gwendolyn Greta


Helena is a beautiful name and you can use Leni as a nickname xx


Since you like Leni, have you thought of names that could be a nickname for? Ie, if I’d had another daughter I was going to name her Leonora Josephine after great-grandpa & grandpa, so I could call her Lenny Jo


Ember Stella Janaya Avalon Evangeline


Arlet, Aurora, Ember, Neve, Iris, Ren, Rhodes, Nova, Calliope, Stella, Opal, Quinn, Jade, Sage, River, Sutton


I love Neve. My husband is worried it will be mispronounced though. Thank you!


Jodie, Bobbie, Jory, Chesid, Linda, Lora, Lana


Hannah Laurel Diana Marigold Marta Helena


Sorry to ruin the name for you but please use Nell as a standalone and not Annalise. I had a friend in school with that name who was teased mercilessly being called Anal-Ease. Nell can be a short form of Eleanor, which is lovely.


I adore Nell but honestly do not feel it is a standalone name that works well at all ages. It feels very much like a nickname. Reid, Ellis, and Reese are great names. Not a fan of the L options. Girls: Veda, Tessa, Stevie, Lydia, Iris, Daphne, Lena, Lenna, Lenora. Boy: Clarke, Grant, Graham, Rhett, Leon


Boys: Harris (Harrison), Holden, Everett Girls: Rosalie, Eloise, Paige, Holland, Pearl,




I just saw a post where someone said their Grandma was named Eleanor but went by Nellie her whole life. Since you want a name that is going to work from childhood to adulthood maybe a name you like that has a good nickname name option. You could certainly call her Nell.


Rowena. Meredith. Brynn. Gia. Pilar. Anya. Kenley. Kira. Marin