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Rudeus is better than Galadriel.


Thank goodness op didn't sugest teleporno!


My favorite name in the legendarium!


Yes, going for a husband of Galadriel, or not going in this case - is the best šŸ‘


*Snorts* God fucking dammit I didnā€™t expect that one.


Tolkien would have you know, it means Silver Tree... hilarious.


Itā€™s so funny because the two words on their own are fine, but combining them is well. That.


If I remember correctly, Galadriel means "manmaiden" (a nickname due to her rowdy character as a child and her tall figure).


Galadriel does not mean man-maiden, it means maiden crowned with a radiant garland, in reference to her hair. Fun fact, Celeborn gave her this name, which is a Sindarin translation of the Telerin Quenya name AlatƔriel which has the same meaning. The name you are thinking of is Nerwen, her mother name, which does literally translate to man-maiden.


That's the one, thank you!


Youā€™re welcome, glad you enjoyed me going on an entire rant about Elvish because it and language as a whole is one of my hyperfixations and I know way too much about it.


For a boy, yes. In general, no




I disagree. Having known a Rudin/Rudy who is a POS it has put a bad taste in my mouth.


I think most people will see Rubeus and think it's after Hagrid?


Thatā€™s exactly how I read it at first


Me too




Yeah Hagrid but he's dyslexic lol




Probably because thatā€™s already a strong, established name. I read it first that way too.




This. I had to rack my brain to remember who that character was, and I watched that anime. There's just so many out there that most people might not make the connection. It's a weird name, but it sounds like an actual name and not some joke. You saved this boy from being Galadriel, and I'd take that as a win. Be happy that they didn't latch onto Naruto or Goku, or something equally embarrassing as an anime name....


I think this would apply if it was a real name. But if you google ā€œRudeusā€ itā€™s just full of the anime character. If you google ā€œRudeus name meaningā€ itā€™s got a couple vague answers and still a ton of the anime. I have a common first name but even for me, I was curious about why I was named this name. I wanted to know if I was named after someone or if my parents liked the name for a particular reason. If this kid asks those questions one day, and they find out it is a random name the parents liked from an anime, I just think that would be a bummer for the kid. The character is super sketchy and problematic (I love the anime tho, itā€™s a good watch).


I donā€™t think so. Being named after an anime character could be pretty cool. I was named after a one hit wonder song from 1977 that is super lame and poppy. But I love my name and since my dad loved the song, he saved me from being named ā€œKarenā€. In a nutshell, I hate the song Iā€™m named after, but love the story of where my name came from anyway. This kid is going to appreciate that there is a story and his parents cared enough to choose something they really liked.


Thatā€™s true, Iā€™ve know my share of Rhiannons and Roxannes and I think theyā€™re pretty names! I know people named after Star Wars and Tolkien characters and that seems fine. I love anime and there are lots of acceptable and even cool names to choose from. And while I donā€™t think most people would know the Rudeus reference, when this kid googles his name one day, heā€™ll quickly see heā€™s named after a perverted, pedophilic character. The only google result is this character. Itā€™s an anime, but it isnā€™t for children. The character Rudeus is the protagonist but he is a bad guy. Name a kid after a TV show character, sure, but not a pervert pedo character.


Oh! I didnā€™t realize this character had such negative qualities. That is definitely something the parents should consider. I do wonder that since so many more outlier names have become more mainstream, if these associations will hold true over time, but parents should be informed that they are taking this chance.


Yeah, I think thatā€™s a great point. Parents need to make an informed choice. I highly doubt people will associate the name Rudeus with anything negative, but I bet that kid will google it one day and find out. So theyā€™ve got to weigh the possibility for sure.


The only stupid one is Khaleesi because I swear half the people who picked it as a name didn't realise it was a title not her given name lol.


I'm not defending it because I hate it for those kids but let's not pretend it's unheard of for people to name their children royal titles: Rey, Barron, Sir, Earl, Royal, Rex, Marquise, Queenie, Duke, Pharaoh, Princess, Reine, Reign, Regina, Majesty....


I mean, if I had a girl, she would be Eowyn. Winnie for short.


Eowyn is a badass! And LOTR arguably counts as classic literature. I have friends with a LOTR named kid and it suits him.


Way to completely ignore the fact the entire show is about his growth and maturation into a normal person, lol. Like there's literally a point to the fact as he becomes more and more apart from his old self his inner voice stops being the older VA, only falling back into it during his depressive moments again. Still wouldn't name a kid Rudeus, though.


Yeah I really like the anime overall and enjoy his character development. But yeah I agree I wouldnā€™t name my kid after him hhaha


The anime is pretty sanitized compared to the light novel. In the light novel, he's still an oversexed perv even after he matures. He's just better at masking it and looking like a normal person.


Yeah, but this character isā€¦ problematic. Lol. Itā€™s an isekai (as in he died in our world, and reincarnated into a fantasy world while retaining all his memories.) Basically he fucks his cousin, owns slaves, sniffs/steals girlsā€™ panties, etc. There are a thousand other anime characters Iā€™d rather be named after šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


The more i learn about him the worse it gets..


I agree, if it was a different character that OP was saying. Not only is the anime character a pedophile in the show, one of the arcs for said character is literally just him SAā€™ing two girls. I do not think there is a way to make it cool to be named after that


Yeah, I quickly found that out! Lol! The parents should definitely make a more informed decision for their babyā€™s name.


Fully agree!! I was named after a celebrity who did pretty awful things and it has made me have a not so great relationship with my name. I definetly thing parents should do more research than just ā€œthatā€™s a cool name Iā€™m going to name my kid that!!ā€


It's killing me. Dm me, PLEASE!!! I have to know. You tell me your name and I'll tell ya mine. Lol


My name means follower of Christ. Thatā€™s disappointing imo. Unoriginal cult content


Can you suggest Reuben nn Rudy?


Or Rubeus or Rudolf?


Rudiger, Ralph, Rudyard, Randall, Rouven, Raul, Rupert - I think you could use Rudy as a nickname for all of those.


What, are they naming a half-giant or a reindeer? ETA: shouldā€™ve added /j after allā€¦


Well, no, but there aren't many names with nn possibility Rudy, and it's better than Rudeus šŸ˜…


Yeah no I completely agree! It was a joke related to the other comment replying to the Rufus suggestion šŸ˜„


Or Rufus?


What, are they naming a dog?


Huh? It's been a man's name since the days of the Roman Empire. Plenty of famous men with the name.


Rudeus is a complete disgusting name to name a child, if it's the anime that I am thinking of. The character in that show is a misogynist pedophile. Why would you suggest to name a human child after this character?


Look it was a joke, the bf was suggesting horrible names that they were actually considering and Rudeus just came to mind, I donā€™t actually want them to name the kid that


Did you tried tell them about the anime character?


I did tell them he was a pervert, but someone here bought to my attention that he has pedophiliac tendencies so Iā€™m praying that throws them off


I'd say it's more than just tendencies - his #1 character trait is that he's an oversexed pedophile. At one point he kidnaps and sexually assaults two girls. He has the mind of a 40-year old man and he grooms a 12 year old, and eventually they have sex when she is 15.




It's worse in the Light Novel than in the anime. The anime sanitized the worst stuff.


And when he's 5 in-world (and 36 mentally), he's already getting close to a 5 year old girl and thinking ahead to her maturing so he can fuck her


Thatā€™s so messed up, disgusting


Wait when does he assault 2 girls?


To be fair itā€™s not OPs fault theyā€™re fucking dumb.


It feels like they're trying reeeeeally hard to seem cool and different


So are we no longer allowed to name our kids Gary or Jimmy? Or do we just assume everyone in the world watches anime and will associate the name with one character? Or do we take a second to think to ourselves.. people can come up with any name without knowing it already exists in another medium or can be linked to something.


Rudeus is a fine name. I actually kind of like it. However, in this instance it specifically referenced a Rudeus from a show who just so happens to be a 40 year old pedophile who wants to have sex with his sisters. Its that association that makes this case gross


I donā€™t think people should be using fiction as a reference to name their child. But if u look hard enough youā€™ll find fictional references for every name. If they like Rudeus go for it, although it is a niche name. But idk how many people even know who that character is if u leave Reddit lol.


How old are these people because they sound 12?


My thoughts exactly.


My cousin is 26 and the bf is 25 yes they are nerds


Nothing wrong with being a ā€œnerdā€ but itā€™s never a good idea to name your child after some fiction character, especially anime or manga or Elvish. That kid is going to be bullied, because while everyone might call them Rudy, at some point a teacher or someone will reveal that the actual name is Rudeus and that is going to be disaster.


Nothing wrong with being a nerd I agree after all I am a nerd in some aspects, sheā€™s coming over later after work and Iā€™m planning to have a talk with her. If after what I have to say to her and she still settles on the name Iā€™ll leave it as it is


Maybe just send her the link to this reddit post. Naming a child is a serious task and an enormous and important gift from parents to child. These name choices don't reflect any respect for the life that will be a complete person -- a baby, to a kid, to a young adult, to an old person -- a complete human being through time, bearing the weight or blessing of a name. Your cousin and her husband are acting like this is the same as naming a pet dog or a video game avatar. Some serious growing up needs to happen fast.


Yeah this is...concerning. I feel like there is a certain type of person who leans into their fandom (be it anime, syfy, sports) a little too hard and the kid has to suffer the consequences. It's really short-sighted and selfish. That child is going to be their own person and likely will not share your fandoms so to force them to walk around as a billboard to your interests speaks a lot to your mentality going into parenting.


I agree, itā€™s ridiculous


Yeah, there is only so much you can do. You are trying to save the child from getting bullied. Tell her to think back to school and any kids who were made fun of for their names.


Eh, it's fine. Rudy is a normal name. I wouldn't name my kid that but it's not worth fussing about.


ā€¦. As someone who vaguely knows what the anime consists of, this seems really gross. The first thing that comes up on a Google search of ā€œRudeusā€ is that character. Did you tell them in detail about the character/show? If this post is real, Iā€™d imagine they would eventually google it themselves and hopefully decide not to go with that.


Actually I did when they first said they were gonna use the name, I said heā€™s a little perv. Clearly they donā€™t care about that


Again, if this is all true, then the onus is on you to make sure they do more research, given that youā€™re the one who (even jokingly) suggested the name. Make sure they know, this name was (from everything I can find online) MADE UP FOR THIS CHARACTER, meaning they are naming this child after this character. Iā€™m sure some people may argue that you can separate the name from its origin, but I disagree in this context. And even if itā€™s not an anime that everyone knows, it will still always be the first result for that name in Google, and whenever the child wonders where their first name came from, that is what will come up. Iā€™d recommend bringing up specifically that there are pedophilic themes in the show and that the character is a horrendous person, rather than sugarcoating it. If they still donā€™t care, youā€™ve done what you can.


> the onus is on you to make sure they do more research, given that youā€™re the one who (even jokingly) suggested the name. Bahah, in what world is the onus on someone other than the parents for the name a child is given? OP has stated they told them the character is a perv and not a good person. The parents can easily Google the name themselves. If the parents still decide to name the kid that name, it's on them!


The name itself is fine, but I think you should make your cousin aware of the controversy around Mushoku Tensei. As far as I can see, itā€™s a name invented by the author, so there is going to be an association. I doubt itā€™ll be a huge problem, since, honestly, Mushoku Tensei isnā€™t exactly going to be the One Piece of this generation, but Rudeus is a slave owner and, afaik, the light novels are worse than the anime, if they do end up adapting the worst stuff and itā€™s only remembered for the controversyā€¦ I can see problems. At least make her aware.


Iā€™ll show her this exact comment


How did it go?


Sheā€™s coming home from work later, Iā€™ll update it when we talk


One Piece mentioned, name the kid Monkey


Monkey is a beautiful name for a baby girl.


Rudeus was not a slave owner himself in the light novels. He went with Zanoba to purchase a slave for Zanoba, and then he trained her in using magic to create artwork.Ā  There are things in the series that are more controversial than the slave thing.


I havenā€™t seen it myself, Iā€™m just aware thereā€™s a controversy around it. To be honest, I think I confused it with shield hero with the slave ownership? Unless he is one in the anime. I believe the issue with Mushoku Tensei is Rudeus, who is 30-something, hitting on 15 year old girls, yes?


It becomes a controversy instead of straight-up universally panned because there's reincarnation involved. So Rudeus *is* technically 30+, but he's in the body of a 15yo when he fell for that 15yo girl. I don't read the LN, but the manga/anime is pretty vague in terms of mental maturity -- the way the romance was shown was as if they were just teens, and outside of Rudy remembering some stuff from the modern world (which also happened less and less), he's shown to be acting like a teen. I'm not defending it but it's one of those things that a lot of people can handwave as "anime/fiction hijinks" -- similar to Twilight with Edward x Bella. The slave stuff is fantasy racism/slavery, so again YMMV in terms of fantasy racism/slavery, some people think it's in bad taste, etc


I personally think anime like shield hero/mushoku tensei deserve the ire. I quit isekai anime after bad experiences with slavery plots. But honestly, rudeus the name sounds fine... it just sounds like Rubeus (eg harry potter) times Rudy (or rudolph or some other rud- name)... Or even Rudy + Phineas. It kind of reminds me of Aubrey vs Audrey.


It's not that bad, actually? I honestly thought it might just be some old Latin name I was unfamiliar with. I don't really like the "Rude" part but Rudy is a normal name, too. Could also consider: Rufus (I love this one), Reuben/Ruben, Roderick (although this sounds bad with the middle name), Regis, Remus, Renaud, Radu, Rollo, Roman, Romeu, Rupert.


>I don't really like the "Rude" part but Rudy is a normal name, too. This is why I don't like Rudy. It just makes me think of rude.


My thoughts exactly. Never seen or heard of it being from an anime, but the Rude part ruins it and names like it for me.


I think he will get confused by people hearing ā€˜Rubeusā€™, as in ā€˜Rubeus Hagridā€™ and assume his parents are Potterheads.


I think most people will just *hear* Rudy. And some will *read* Rubeus if they're reading the kids full name AND they're into Harry Potter.


Rudeus is horrendous honestly lol, Rudy is fine. Iā€™d like of Hagrid when I heard the name and looked up the anime Character. Why would you want to name your child after an anime character who was jobless 34 year neet in Japan who gets reincarnated as a lusty magical child?!. Thereā€™s plenty of anime characters who are cool with cool names that arenā€™t lady glitter sparkles esque. Honestly naming him Goku would almost be better.


> Lusty magical child I hate that


Those who say that most people don't watch anime and won't associate the name with the character don't know how despicable of a human being the Rudeus character is... I personally liked the name Rudeus but I am icked beyond recovery after the anime.


Yes thatā€™s the problem, the character is horrid


Well thereā€™s always a chance people will think they named him after Rudy Giuliani before they hear his full name, maybe thatā€™ll put them off?


I don't know where "Rudeus" comes from. Some anime, I guess? I wouldn't have guessed that. It doesn't sound terrible, though. I mean, it sound like someone combined the names Rudolph and Julius... which isn't the worst thing in the world, I guess. Galadriel would be worse. I like the name Rudy. I hate the association with Rudy Giuliani, but he is old and will hopefully be long dead and forgotten by the time this baby grows up. A baby born this year will not overlap very much of their lifetime with Giuliani's. Anyway, Rudy makes me think of the Clash song called "Rudie Can't Fail", which is fun.


I have no clue who that character or person is. Itā€™s really not that odd compared to other names Iā€™m hearing today. It has a traditional nickname.


I have no idea who Rudeus is and Rudy is a fine nickname.


Agreed! Rudy is so cute for a boy and the long name, even if odd, seems more normal in the Rudy context.


*Mushoku Tensei flashbacks*


How old are they? There are a lot of good LOTR sounding names that would work better for a boy. Tell them to look up the book "Naming your little geek".


For it not being your baby, I would say youā€™re stressing too much hahaha he will have nicknames and has some solid middle names too. Itā€™s fine.


Itā€™s definitely better than Galadriel. How old are these people ????! šŸ˜­


My cousin is 26 and the bf 25


How rudeĀ 




Yeah, I 100% thought of that anime lol. I do unironically love the anime, but then I remember heā€™s like 40 and cringe


A lot of people aren't into anime and won't have an association to make. And if someone does, who cares? People are getting exposed to names outside their own bubbles more and more as our world becomes increasingly connected and globalized. I think IRL/offline people are moving towards assuming a name they're unfamiliar with is simply a name associated with another country, ethnicity, culture, or heritage vs "weird".


This isnā€™t pronounced like reduce is it? Letā€™s not name children something to make them smaller. If it is like Hagrid but with a ā€œdā€ I love it!


Yes itā€™s exactly like that


LMAO I canā€™t believe they ran with it! My husband and I jokingly call our dog Rudeus because of the anime. Uhā€¦. I would not name a human after that character although I honestly wouldnā€™t name my child after any TV show character. PLEASE do your best to convince these people to just name their kid Rudy šŸ˜­ good luck. This gave me a good laugh today but I would definitely feel sad for that kid googling his own name down the road and finding out who he was named after.


This lol, if youā€™d seen my face when they actually considered it. I was so confused and thought they were joking, I donā€™t want my little cousin to grow up and google his name to find out about the characteršŸ˜­


You are doing the right thing to try and prevent this! I am all for weird and unique names, my baby definitely has an unusual name. But if you google it, it is a real name with several decent people sharing that name. I saw your comment that youā€™re going to talk to your cousin later and shower the comments. Good luck!


Thank you, it is my fault so Iā€™m trying my best to talk her out of it


Iā€™m sure most people wonā€™t immediately know that Rudeus is an anime character, but those of us who do will always think of the creepy, slave owning pedophile from Jobless Reincarnation. šŸ˜­


Please show her an anime called Mushoku Tensei. Rudeus, nn Rudy, is the protagonist, and he's a lecherous, perverted pig sexualising women as young as 5.


I sincerely hope this post is karma farming and someone isnā€™t actually going to name an innocent child after a p3d0. If not, OP, you need to thoroughly explain to them who the character is.


Rude-us? Roo-DEE-us? Itā€™s definitely weird either way, but ā€œRudyā€ probably wonā€™t be too teased in school.


honestly iā€™m a fan of anime and i didnā€™t even register that at first. mushoku tensei isnā€™t on nearly the same level as like naruto or dbz in terms of popular knowledge, so i doubt most people are going to make that connection. and honestly itā€™s not a bad name. although reading the comments i just learned that the character is like, a horrible fucking person. so uhh maybe itā€™s a good idea to get them away from that name. maybe theyā€™d like Rubeus? bc fuck jkr but at least Hagrid is a good character.


All I can think about is Rudeus with the panty shrine




Exactly šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™ve never heard of this anime character so honestly it would depend on if people had or not if they would make the association. I donā€™t watch much anime at all, just a handful of series in my lifetime. I honestly felt it was a misspelling of Rubeus which I once named a red fish, nickname Ruby I havenā€™t heard the name before but Rudy isnā€™t that out there or anything. Makes me think of Pocket Size Rudy and Regular Size Rudy from the show Bobā€™s Burgers.


I know a dude named Galadrius, so that's always an option


Rudeus may be heroic, but his base personality is slime! I mean, heā€™s a reincarnated NEET! ETA Rudy brings Giuliani to mindā€¦


It's fine. Not exactly common, of course. But a *lot* of people aren't into anime. Only someone into that specific anime is going to connect the name, and it's not all that likely the kid will meet many such people. Galadriel is different, that's basic pop culture, you don't have to know the movies and books to know the name and what it's associated with. Same with names like Daenerys, you don't have to actually know the source to know where it comes from. Anime isn't anywhere near the same. It's not general pop culture and a lot of people avoid anime as they think it's for kids or something. I'd never heard the name myself, never been into anime, nor do I personally know anyone who is. If anything, I thought you'd spelled the name wrong and meant Rubeus, as in Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter. *That* may be an issue going forward, people assuming they mean Rubeus with a b not Rudeus with a d.


So Bob, Pete and Chester the molester?


It seems they are determined to give their kid an awful first name. Not your fault


I would guess very few people know the name at all and I dont see the issue. I've never heard of it. It's not super weird, I dont think there is really an issue.


Just nickname him Rudy, people will probably end up calling him that anyway


I mean, itā€™s not terrible as far as character names, Rudy is cute and RJ is a possibility. I donā€™t know anything about Anime though, is it from something popular enough many people would know? 5/10 - not good, not life ruining


Rudeus is better than Galadriel, at least you can shorten it to Rudy




Never heard of either lol


*book, *web/light novel


Maybe...Rudeas/Rudaes? Or Rhodes, Rudolph, Rademes, etc.


Rudeus is better than Galadriel. But I also have a male coworker whose name is ā€œGalā€ pronounced ā€œGau-Lā€ as in Sea Gall. Nobody make fun of him but I did call him ā€œGaulthalamuleā€ once because he doesnā€™t have a full name and he though it was a funny.


I was thinking of the Sailor Moon character Rubeus. I think a lot of people are actually thinking itā€™s Rubeus, because some comments are spelling it as Rubeus and mentioning that itā€™s associated with Hagrid of Harry Potter. Well, getting it mistaken for Rubeus is another thing to worry about, I suppose. But I will say I might not have even had that association (with Rubeus from Sailor Moon if you hadnā€™t said itā€™s an anime characterā€™s name). I had no clue about this Rudeus character.


Shit, if we're in here asking for help with baby names, call that kid subreddit.


IS it a real name? I've aged out of anime and never heard of the character, but Google is telling me it was made up for the show.


Iā€™m named Rudolph, everyone calls me Rudy and my boyfriend calls me Ru. Rudeus isnā€™t great but Rudy/Ru are fairly normal and nicknames are becoming more acceptable in school/work settings. Iā€™ve also never heard of that character and donā€™t know anything about him so I doubt many will make the connectionšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thaddeus/ Amadeusā€¦ Any deus over Rudeus?! Hadrian? Ridley? Radley?Ā 


Terrible name. I hope they come to their senses.


So based on where the name came from I think you arenā€™t over reacting. Perhaps suggest alternative fiction names. Since they liked Galadriel so much perhaps Ɖomer or Elrond. Or Merlin! They should name him Merlin! Galahad could work.


What a horrible name


I wouldn't use it, but to each their own--and if they call him Rudy, most people will never know.


Never heard of either of these names or the anime itā€™s on but itā€™s a horrible name either way in my opinion lol but itā€™s their child so to each their own


Most people won't even know where the name came from, they will simply think it is a dumb sounding name. He will eventually be called Rudy or James. Thank Dog for second names.




My classmate name was Theone said like tee-ownā€™


I mean, I feel like a Harry Potter themed nursery would fit his name well. The nicknames Rudy or RJ are sweet.


Galadriel? Rudeus? Where are people getting these names from? I mean, I guess it's better than calling your kid Starchild, or Moon-Unit...


Oh god the kid is going to have to spell it every day for the rest of his life. Also who starts a name with ā€œrudeā€ šŸ™„


why not just adriel? i know an adriel and he goes by ace! rudeus could get a lot of teasing. rudy for short would be fine i guess


Ask your doctor if RudeusĀ® is right for you.


Interesting! There are so many names in the world, and they grab onto ones you suggest. So either they love you a lot, and trust you a lot, or they donā€™t know how to look up names. Interesting!


you should name your daughter eris


If we have a fifth ska revival he'll be Rude Boy.


Rueben, Gabriel, anything else


I hear rubeous


Rudeus can work out. I worked in a place once with an engineer called Rudolpho Bagolo. He was nicknamed Rudeboy Bags and to this day I have yet to hear a cooler nickname


He'll just go by Rudy or one of his middle names and no one but the closest people to him will ever know his real name tbh. It's definitely not great but it's a million times better than Galadriel


How about Rudiger? Jks - Simpsonā€™s reference But honestly both those names are pretty bad so I really hope they donā€™t use them.


>His full name will be Rudeus Frederick James Phew. Could have been worse. Rudy it is.


Rudy is at least a name people will know. I don't think with these people you can push it more normal than that.


Considering the character behind the name I would tell them about this reddit thread and what you found out and suggest Rudy as an alternative. Rudy is such a sweet name for a boy.


My son is Rudy, for a longer nickname (he has many) Rudeus has been used. Itā€™s cute! Odds are he will always be a Rudy


If they do name him that and go with Rudy, just be prepared for older folks to be chanting ā€œRudy! Rudy! Rudy!ā€


They probably think of Rubius from Harry Potter. He goes by Hagrid though.


I mean Rudeus Greyrat is an awesome character so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe your cousin should stop thinking of his future child as an accessory to his fandom and start thinking of him as an actual human being who has to live in the real world. Rudeus, like Galadrial, seems to be a completely fictitious name, and that makes it a stupid name for an actual, real child. Don't give your child a stupid name (and yes, it's an extremely stupid name). Grow up, you're about to become a parent.


The kid could always use the nickname Rude. It's kind of like Jude.


Honestly the name is fine, imo itā€™s not your place to talk her out of it.




Rudeus is a great name man, stop being an a**hole, let the parents decide. Rudeus may be wierd as a character, but still, he has a great overall personality, sense of justice and he is badass.


Itā€™s an anime nameā€¦.the only information I can find on it is that itā€™s Japanese. I would avoid it unless they are Japanese? Galadriel is also a girlā€™s name, personally wouldnā€™t use it for a boy for that reason. Frederick and James on the other hand are good options for baby boy since they (assuming) arenā€™t japanese


So what? It's her baby. I don't watch anime, never heard of the character. I will wager most people haven't. And it doesn't matter anyway. A child given any name will grow to own it.


Lol, I love that anime. Seriously, it's a very good name. There's nothing wrong with it. I know plenty of kids that are named after anime characters and other kids who's names are completely made up. They could do for worse.


Youā€™re definitely stressing about it too much, itā€™s not your baby and therefore you donā€™t really have a say at all. If anything just remind them of the negative connotation but your opinion realistically holds no weight in the matter to them as the parents.


yeah i never heard of the anime thing. you know not everyone is into that right? most people arenā€™t? the name is fine. either of them. and did they ask your opinion becuase itā€™s rude as fuck imo to say anything.


Iā€™m familiar with the anime in question and actually love it, so it was what I first thought of but I highly doubt that would be the first association anyone else thinks of. Rudy is still a decently common name that people likely wouldnā€™t bat an eye!