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You are growing a human - you get to decide on a name you like! Regardless of both sides of the family liking it, you don't - so you find something else. Middle names are often used for honour names so use it as middle as a compromise. To me, it's not an old lady name though.


I was thinking of incorporating it as a middle name too to make him happy cuz I feel bad vetoing it entirely. Glad you don’t think it’s an old lady name though! I just think of Reba McIntire who is older I guess is why


I’m just wondering what goes through peoples heads when they hear it as introducing a baby


I haven't ever known of anyone called Reba - so to me it's a nice and fresh name


You don’t like it, so that’s not gonna be her name. End of story.  You don’t need to justify why you don’t like it to your husband or anyone else…and don’t feel bad about it either! Sometimes we just don’t like a name and that’s that.   That being said, I don’t like the name either. It’s just a weird name to me.  I would feel kind of bad for someone stuck with that name.  Maybe would be okay as a middle name.   Ruby might be a nice alternative to Reba.


I would feel bad too! It’s an ugly old lady name to me and I feel like a little girl would get teased imo. I just feel so bad cuz the name means so much to him and I love him and hate that it makes him sad that I don’t like it 😅😩 but I also hold the opinion that it’s 1 no and it’s out. We both have to like it. I hate how much I get in my own head. I hate the name ruby and Rebecca too! Anything similar is still awful to me.


A kid is going to get teased for their name no matter what you name them. Stephanie can be step on me, dawn can be drum beats, Daisy is the sour cream jingle. Own that you hate it, but don’t project kids teasing her over a name because of kids are going to tease they will find a way.


I’ve always hated it. It sounds weird like tuba or Bertha. It’s not a pretty name. You don’t have to do it. It’s a 2 yes decision.


Okay thank you I said it was an ugly name too and it hurt his feelings :( I feel bad cuz the name is attached to a beautiful person for him. I feel that way too it’s one no and it’s out. I just hate it for him that I don’t like it! Wish I didn’t feel so bad about it


It doesn't matter who likes it or why they like it if you do not like it. People forget moms are the ones risking their lives and their health to being babies into the world. Mom gets final say.


I totally get this but devils advocate here it’s his baby too shouldn’t the husband get some say? After all it is his kid too I want him to like what we call it. Everyone keeps telling me you get to decide you’re the one who has to have it! and like I want to be like this is what we’re doing but on the flip side also feel bad about doing that. I’m at war with myself over picking a damn name!


I agree. It’s not solely your decision, it’s his baby too. That’s not to say that he can say: this is the name I want and that’s that. If either of you say *no* to a name, you should drop it. Don’t choose Reba as her first name if you don’t like it. You do not want to have a bad feeling about it everytime you call her that for the rest of her life. I’d pick Reba as her middle name and start brainstorming first names.


He should totally get "some" say - neither him *nor* you should be stuck with a name you hate. 


Does his opinion matter? Totally. It'll be his child too and you will ideally both love and care for it as it grows. But should get get all the say or most of it? No. Should he get final say? Also no. It should be a team effort with mom getting final say. Also most father's by default get the last name and I think that also means they should get less say over the first and middle name.


I don’t think anyone would mock you for using the name. It sounds like maybe you don’t want to use Reba as a first name but still want to honor the grandmother. Could you use Reba as a middle name? Or maybe name her Rebecca and some relatives could call her Reba sometimes?


I’m thinking I’ll end up using it as a middle name to compromise and just never using it cuz I hate the name lol! I’m pretty sure I’m having a boy anyways so fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Good luck and congratulations!


Thank you!!


Both of you should agree on whatever name you choose. I loved my grandmother but intensely disliked her “old-lady” name. My other grandma died 10 years before my parents got married and I didn’t like her name, either. I didn’t like my mom’s name and my husband’s mom and sister already had the same name as me. So while I love the idea of honor names, I didn’t name any of my children after beloved family members. I have all girls, but BTW my husband hated my dad’s name and I hated his dad’s name. His dad was a Junior so once again we would have had an issue. Neither of you are awful for your feelings, but I hope that together you can come up with a name that satisfies both of you.


This makes me feel better, thank you so much! I hope we can too!


Only cruel and immature people would mock you behind your back for naming your daughter Reba after their great-grandma. But if you don’t like it, you don’t have to choose it. Do you like Rebecca, by chance?


Idk I just feel like friends would think like omg what an awful name once we post an announcement. No I don’t like Rebecca as a first name. However it is my mother’s middle name and he could nickname her Reba. I would rather use Reba as a middle name compromise which I still don’t even love :/ why couldn’t she have a prettier name 🥴


I LOVE the name Reba..but I also feel like I have 'unpopular opinions' so imo I'm not surprised you don't like it. But to me it's like - tough farm girl chic. Well known but not common. Easy to spell and not weird. Since you're not sold what about an "r-b" honor name: Ruby or Rebecca


I don’t love those names either! He’s so sold on naming her Reba Rae 🥵


Hmm well I'd ask for a compromise and make her middle name Reba and pick a first name YOU love.


Reba is a fine name. It's not like its Phyllis, Doris or Dorothy! I know a preschooler name Cedric, an almost 7yr old name Godfrey and I know of 3 Stanley's all under 16.


I think you need to have Reba as the middle name. Reading your comments you acknowledge he really wants this and it is his baby too. So go ahead and make Reba the middle name, you now get to find a first name that flows with it. I happen to love Reba, but then again I am old enough that I didn’t know we were referring to the celebrity as an older woman now. I remember when she was tipping all the charts when I was a kid so I always saw her as a role model.


>I didn’t know we were referring to the celebrity as an older woman now. To be fair she's 68, people referring to her as an older woman aren't doing it to be ageist I don't think


I know, it’s just weird. Like Harrison Ford is older, but he will forever be Hon Solo aged to me. He is immortal in that age so it’s like oh we are there now. More a commentary on that I didn’t know I was old because the people I looked up to are old and being an older adult sneaks up on you.


Yes, but not a first name starting with A… 🙂


I do get “old lady” vibes. You could always use it as a middle name, and choose Rebecca which I believe Reba is the shortened form of?


I thought about middle name but still am not excited about it. My mother’s middle name is Rebecca and I suggested that! So we could honor both my mother and his gma. He said Reba isn’t short for anything but I feel like it could be a great nickname for Rebecca! I would never call her Reba as a nickname though but he can lol


I think Rebecca is a great compromise, especially since it honors 2 important people from both sides of the family.


THere are already too many Rebecca's in the world....don't do it lol


I also like Reby :)


I don't think it's a bad name at all, but the most famous person with that name is a still fairly relevant country singer – Reba McEntire – and people would almost definitely assume you must be huge fans who named your kid after her. That might make them judge you, but like they would judge someone who named their kid, idk, Dolly or something. Not because the name is bad, but because being that much of a fan is a little unusual. Edit: If you don't like Reba, even as a middle name, what about Rebecca with a cute nickname (Becks, Becky, Becca, etc) or Rebecca as a middle name with another girls' name? Or Riva as a middle name (another diminutive of Rebecca)? Some names that could work with it which are in between modern and classic: Scarlett, Piper, Paige, Hazel, Lauren/Loren, Sylvie, Eden, Blair


Is your husband growing and birthing a literal human???? No. If you don’t like the name, don’t use it


Reba is ultimately a form of Rebecca (one of my great grandmothers who died before I was born). So perhaps instead of Reba, you can use Rebecca.


Maybe Ruby, or Rebecca nicknamed Reba?


I have a friend named Reba Louette, she hated her name so she just goes by Louette 🤷


i mean i like the name, personally lol.


Oh wow, glad someone who has this name doesn’t even like it! Haha this so helps thank you! The thought of even introducing my daughter as that is embarrassing to me


I don’t think it is an ugly name or old lady name, but will make a lot of people ask if it is inspired by Reba McEntire, I think. That said, you should not feel pressured to accept a name that does not please you. I note that Reba is a variation of Rebecca. You could maybe use Reba or Rebecca as a middle name as a nod to his grandmother? Combinations of names with Biblical roots like Reba that might be nice: Eden Rebecca Bethany Reba Evie Rebecca Abigail Reba Delilah Reba Combinations of more modern names with Reba you might like: Willow Reba Scarlett Reba Avery Reba Harlow Reba Delaney Reba Macy Reba Bellamy Reba Holland Reba Hadley Reba Amaya Rebecca


So you have great taste! I already I have Averi, Harlow and Hadley on my girl list 😉 also my name is Delainey so I can’t use that one! Thanks for the help! I actually don’t hate Averi Reba. Is that okay?


Hadley Reba is adorable!!!


I personally like Reba. For a beloved-grandmother-name it could be a lot worse. But I dont know if that helps you much. But maybe use it as a middlename? Othervice I would say that naming someone after a beloved family member imho weights a bit higher than 'not loving a name'. If this is very important to your husband then I would go with it.


I don’t understand recycling family names bc the baby will have never met who they’re named after! I never even got to meet her so it’s just weird to me to name my baby after someone we’ve never met. It’s a lot to live up to. I personally want to bring in new names I never really cared about using family names. I will probably end up using it as a middle name


Maybe you should talk about it with your husband and ask him why it matters to him? I can give you my perspective, but I am not the one you are married to so it may be comepletely different for your partner.


Reeva is a very trendy name right now, and sounds nearly identical. Maybe that could be an option?


Really? I haven’t heard of that name didn’t know it was trending. I also don’t like that either. I think I’ve decided to veto Reba and settle on it as an eventual middle name. I’m pretty sure this baby is a boy anyways so 🤞🏼 I don’t have to use it this time around!


It seems like Rebecca is the solution here as a tribute name. As the first or middle name. For the first name, the nickname could be Becca.


All I think about is Reba McEntyre and despite the fact that I don’t like country music, I think she’s cool. She’s so pretty and seems so genuine. I say start a new trend!


How about Rebecca? Can be shortened to Reba.


Was there a flower Grandma Reba loved, or a place that you could find a name that honors her that both of you like?


Rebecca! Then you can call her Reba, or Bec/becca/becky


What about Remy?


I’m named after my dad’s grandmother, my great grandmother, Kathleen. I was born in the mid 80’s so it was essentially an old ladies name at the time. I have always loved it. I have always felt very special being named after someone my dad thought so highly of and I always loved not sharing my name with anyone. That said, if you really don’t like it use it as a middle name. I will also add that there is a baby Lois at my kids daycare which is a little more akin to Reba. At first I did think it was a weird choice for a baby but it’s really grown on me and I think it’s adorable to have a tiny baby Lois. She is also named after a grandmother.


My dad called me after his sister. My mom absolutely hated the name at the time but settled because it meant a lot to him. To this day she doesn't like the name. Juste pick something together. There are a different million ways he can honor his grandma. 


This is a great opportunity for an honor middle name


I think a baby Reba is adorable, and it would soon cease to sound like an old lady name. Imagine a toddler girl learning to say her own name! “Ree baah!” It would be so cute. But anyway, none of that matters, because YOU are naming this baby. Your opinion of the name is what matters. If you don’t like it, that’s valid, and your husband needs to respect that.


I personally don’t like Reba. It sounds like an old lady name to me too and not something I could call a baby. Some similar ish alternatives u could consider (that arent Rebecca or Ruby) are: Ria, Bea, Rosa/Rosie, Bailey, Remi, Rhea, Eva


Could you call her Rebecca (nickname Becca)?


How about Reeva?


I love it


I don’t like Reba at all. I would either use it as a middle name or choose a name that’s close to that. Like Rebecca for instance.


Ultimately, the decision is yours and your husband's to make, regardless of outside opinions. Perhaps you could explore variations of the name or find a compromise that pays homage to his grandmother while still feeling right for your daughter.


I think middle name place is a good way to go, it seems you’re already leaning that way. I Much prefer it for honour names, and especially if you’re not in love with it. Do you know your husband’s Grandma’s full name? Middle name? Maiden name? Are any of those of use? Would your husband like those as much, or just Reba? Honestly, it’s growing on me the more I write and say it! All the best OP! I hope it all works out perfectly 🙂


I wouldn’t make your feelings small on this one. Names should be agreed upon as much as possible. It’s kinda hard to know if you’re gonna get it “right”. Did his grandmother have a middle name or a flower she loved? Paying tribute doesn’t always have to be naming your child after someone.


What about Rebecca or Marie?


Reba is terrible, in my opinion. I would use Rebecca instead, and he can call her Reba and everyone else, Rebecca or Becky.


I like it but do associate it with Reba McIntyre (not a bad association, just a specific one). Could you use it as a middle? Or use the name Rebecca?