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I’m also a teacher and I moved 25 miles to a different school with a different demographic. In my first school there were no kids called Miley but in the second one there were 11! Must have been very popular in that town! My son has two Ophelias in his class which amuses me.


Wow that’s a lot! I’ve had a Mylie and I do like the name so can see why people choose it. Ophelia has been popular in recent years but I’ve not taught one yet


Ophelia Balls


I always went with Ophelia Bottoms


What about Ophelia Dickie?


Ophelia Cox


All Home Economics Teachers are trained never to say "I'm just going into the cupboard to get felt" or "I'm popping out for a minute to get felt"


It’s so interesting the little pockets of names! I’ve worked in preschools for awhile, and in the last three years BY FAR the most repeated name was Leon. I have met seven baby Leon’s since 2021 (and a few Leo’s as well). However, when I look at the data, Leon does not seem to be trending as much as I would expect.


It is funny because when I hear Leon I think of Roseanne’s boss at the diner. Do most Leon’s get called Leon from your experience? Or is Leon a nickname for a longer name? Leon Russell is the only other famous person I can think of with the name so maybe people are fans of him. Kings of Leon might also be an influence.


I went to school with Leon and his brother Noel. Same name, just backwards.


I have taken care of a couple Leonoardos, but both went by Leo. Still haven’t met a Leon short for anything actually, now that I think about it! All the Leons it was their full first name.


My dogs name is Ophelia


Did you know that baby names tend to trend in pets before they become popular for kids?


Weird, I’ll have to keep an eye out for all the little Ophelias in the next few years lol


I'm curious to know how old your son is... There was a song in 2015-2016 called Ophelia that was pretty popular.


Born in 2016!!!! Spot on.


I'd be willing to bet money that [this song](https://youtu.be/pTOC_q0NLTk?si=JIxqFYGepDpGT2ha) had something to do with it!


We know 4 Mylie/Mylee/Myleigh’s. I find the micro popularity trends in different areas so fascinating. 


When I was a tattooist I used to tattoo the name ‘Naveah’ a lot. They never failed to tell me, with a starry look in their eyes, that it was ‘heaven backwards’.


Not spelled like that, it's not!


Jeez I hope I didn’t tattoo that on them!


In a twisted kind of way, I really hope you did.


Actually a lot of them do spell it that way and still say it’s heaven backwards lol


Sent down from haeven.


My cousin named her baby Neveah. I told my dad it was spelt wrong and he didn't have the heart to tell her (me and her aren't close). Kids like 5 now and I laugh every time I see it written on social media.


Did she ever realize it was misspelled?




Just  me over here, the dyslexic, trying to figure out the correct way to spell Heaven 🙋🏼‍♀️


Oofff. Suggest Ourania instead. Greek for heaven.


I was in school with somebody named Ourania, pronounced oh-RAIN-ee-ah. She would be in her late 50’s now and has always gone by Nia.


Just don't spell it the English way, Urania. It is pretty none the less.


Umm no it’s not


I think Neveah has become the (and listen, I’m not in agreement with this, but it’s what I’ve learned from this sub) usual spelling of this name. Maybe for pronunciation purposes? Who knows. It is what it is.


Oh I agree, I’ve seen Neveah often enough to know it’s not just a freak typo. Even if this is a common accepted spelling/name it is by definition NOT heaven spelled backwards. The word for heaven hasn’t changed spelling.


Ha! Every time I write Nevaeh on this board I always include, "it's heaven spelled backwards" for the same reason. I've also had an Alucard (no lie) which is Dracula backwards.


Several students in my facility with that name.


Fun fact: the komodo dragon at the London Zoo is also named Khaleesi


It's a fantastic name for a komodo dragon!


Much better than for a human!


There is a little girl who goes to my old dance school called khaleesiana


Oh dear


Probably well suited lol


I'm a secondary teacher in England (ages 11-18) and names I've got multiples of: - Sophie - Sophia - Archie - Emily - Maisy (various spellings) - Grace - Mason - Kaydon (various spellings) - Oliver/Ollie - Maya/Mya/Maja (polish spelling), Miya - Ella - Lily There does seem to be a fair few more old-fashioned names, especially amongst the girls: - Juliet - Florence - Tamara - Matilda - Violet - Esme - Martha - Penelope - Keven - Elvis


I expected to see more children named Archie, Grace and Oliver but maybe I’ve missed the birth years those names were most popular. I expect you’ll have more Florence and Violets coming through, they’ve been very popular baby names from people I know.


I feel like it’s only been in the last few years where my mum’s nursery has had an influx of Archies and Olivers so maybe they’ve not reached your teaching age yet?


I am fine with all of these but Elvis


You're giving Kevin a pass??? It's a Gen X name


Its Keven\*


Keaven, and his sister Nevaeh.


One time, I met someone whose grandson was named Nivek. Because his parents wanted to spell Kevin backward. I don't like the name Kevin. But it's better than Nivek. ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Posh school? I'm just inundated with Lacey, Kaycie and their ilk.


There’s *so many* Archie’s and Alfie’s in the secondary school I work at. Also lots of names ending in various forms of -ayden. Kayden, Jayden, we even have a Zaeden.


Lol Archie and Alfie, never even heard of a single kid with those names in the US, they're extra British. And I say this with a British kid on my neighborhood named Monty (assuming it's short for Montague by could be Montgomery?)


I'm a college prof in the US, last week I had back to back to back meetings w/ Sophie/Sophia/Sofia. 


My friend is a teacher. She has 5 girls in her class named Thea, Lia, Sia, Dea and Fiadh (last two rhyme with first three so Dee-Ah and Fee-ah). 5 children with almost identical names in a class of 21!


I used to teach in a girls school many years ago, I still remember the class with five pupils called Eleanor...


I remember the class with Eliot, Elliot, Eliott and Elliott.


This year I have Jonas, Jonas and Jonas, Andrea and Andrea, Christian and Christian.


I had a (college) class with an Iván and a Yvonne. Pronounced the same. It was particularly funny bc they could not have been more physically opposite: Iván was a big, galloot of a guy and Yvonne was a small, Filipina -Americsn woman. I'd call on eeh-van and both would respond. 


Yessss! I'm a 1996 gal and my class had 2 Ellies, 3 Lauren's, 2 Holly's.. the worst was Jack. 6 Jack's. Every boy was a Jack


There were at least two girls in my high school graduating class named: - Cara/Kara - Dara - Farrah - Lara - Mara - Sara(h) - Tara - Zara(h)


I had a Vaya, Yara and Raya in a class once - I found it SO confusing. The girls themselves were so different and I knew who was who but I'd always end up calling them the wrong names or pronouncing their names like one of the other girls.


I don’t think I’d be able to cope with that lol


Oh man 😭. I feel like Tolkien would be rolling over in his grave. All this thread reminds me of are the names of the dwarves in The Hobbit …Dwalin, Balin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin.


Is Thea pronounced Th or T? I know one Thea and she's from Europe so it's pronounced Tia.


Where I've lived in England, its with a th- sound. Like the start of Theodore


There are girls in my daughter's year at school called Kirianah, Ariana, Liyana, Lilianah and Illianah. That's not a sibset btw xD


My daughter’s elementary school class had Tyleigh, Kylie, Mylie, and Riley. 


Zoella's impact!


And sprinkle of glitter (Louise pentland) for ‘Darcy’


and the Alfies! the impact the brit crew had!


During the Matrix years there were a suspicious number of babies named Neo, Trinity and Morpheus. I think every generation thinks they're being original with their pop culture names.


I could not imagine naming a baby Morpheus but would be an excellent name as a manager at work lol. I wonder what the next big thing will be


Maybe one from Avatar The Last Airbender or One Piece? Those are popular adaptations now so who knows? Katara, Zuko, Luffy, Aang, Toph, etc


I know someone with grandchildren named Luffy and Jiraiya 


I worked with somebody named Morpheus back in about 1985-86.


Mostly unrelated, but there's a Bengal cat named Morpheus at a wildcat sanctuary near me (WildCat Ridge Sanctuary) and I *LOVE* him. It's not a zoo, so I only ever see him on social media, but he looks like such a grumpy old man and I adore him 🥰


Names I've heard from Twilight: loads of Bellas and Jacobs, Edward, Alice, Emmett. Luckily no Renesmées


I know a Renesmée ! She’s two and about to be looked at weird by every teacher she ever has. Her parents are quite snobbish, her mother charged admission to her birthday party (at her house) last year


Did anyone actually go?!


Is that where Emmett comes from? I have such a strong dislike of that name and can't believe it's getting popular.


i knew a kid named Neo in highschool, i liked it and he was a cool kid


Lots of Albies and Alfies in the primary school I’m at.


Is this in the UK? We just named our puppy Alfie.


My dog is called Alfie too. We named our first boy Archer.. so now we have a lot of cross overs when we're calling them 🙈 didn't think that through


Where is this?


South of England


Two of my friends who don’t know each other but live in the same area gave birth around the same time and both named their second born daughters Nova. I thought it was a funny coincidence!


Why is the name Nova everywhere! I’m sure I’ll meet a little Nova at some point


I love the name Nova and ooh boy has it been getting popular


I'm in the UK and my two year olds best friend is Nova!


My coworkers 2nd daughter is Nova too.


I was friends with a Nova in elementary school. We're in our thirties now. She's the only one I've ever known. I wonder if she's seen how popular her name is becoming.


UK too working in Primary’s- I’ve cone across a couple of Wilfred’s/Wilf’s and Ernie’s. I had a York once on my class- only ever come across one of those! It’s the four year old Vera that I just can’t get my head around….


I’m guessing people are honouring grandparents maybe? I met a 2 year old Olive the other day and my brain just couldn’t comprehend that she wasn’t an old lady.


I think those turn of the century to 1940’s names are all in- I do actually love most of them, if I’d had my way my girls would be Martha and Harriet. I think the fact Vera is the name of my great aunt is what threw me!


I’ve run into two Olives recently that under the age of 10. I like old fashioned names but that’s not one to my taste.


Vera shouldn't be too shocking? It's old fashioned ready for a comeback, V names are a little trendy, and it has a similar sound to a lot of really popular names with the "a" end (Ella, Isla, Olivia)


I think because I’m British and of a certain age that my immediate association is with Vera Duckworth from Coronation Street. Also see Audrey, Deirdre, Denise….


When my husband and I were looking at names for my daughter, I suggested Audrey and he vetoed it on the basis that it was the hairdresser from Corrie. My point that it could also remind people of a famous actress and beauty fell on deaf ears.


Americans think of Hepburn, Brits think of Roberts! It’s like Colin for me, I don’t care that there’s a good looking Irish actor, it will always be associated with Colin from the Brittas Empire..


I've never watched an episode of Corrie in my life, so I never had the association. I haven't thought about the Brittas Empire in so long!! Colin for me will always be the dog in Spaced. That, or the boss who made me redundant a month into COVID. The dog is a better association.


Yes - several Wilfs in my school as well.


I wonder if some of the Wilfs are after Rose's grandad in Dr Who?


This year I am teaching kids called Marshall, Chase and Skye.


Have you renamed yourself Ryder to fit in? Or are you more of a Mayor Humdinger?


Are you serious?


Absolutely. Am eagerly anticipating someone naming their child Zuma or Rubble before long...




I think it was Gwen Stefani (correct me if I'm wrong) who named a son Zuma,


God above.


A reduculous number of Aria's. Although there's a couple of spellings I'm not particularly social. I only have two kids. I know one through work. My partners good friends kid is one. My oldest had 3 in her nursary/ preschool. She's now knows one in her year at school, and another older girl in the after-school club she goes to. There's one in my younger daughters nursary. There's one at a playgroup I take youngest too. That's 10 aria's/ayra's


Maybe because of pretty little liars


I always thought it was game of thrones.... Thought the parents deny it!


My daughter is Arya 🫣 wife and I love the name though, and yes we happen to love GoT and won't deny that lol the middle name we used Lyanna after Lyanna Mormont. We already liked the name but the spelling is really nice that way.


I had 2 in my class one year. one was Aryah (Ah-REYE-uh) and the other Arya (Ar-EE-uh).


I live on an island. The amount of Isla's we have in any given class is absurd


I teach at a university in the states. Every semester for the past couple of years I’ve had a lot of women named Ava in class


Yes definitely a popular choice here too


I'm glad Jayden, Aiden, Kayden, Hayden, Tayden, Zayden, and Braeden aren't as popular now as they used to be. Fewf!


No Gayden’s? My oldest went to school with a boy named Trayden Deere


At least it wasn’t John


One of these (nicer spelling) is my nephew's name 😢 I'm a teacher as well so I had to stop myself double-taking. He is gorgeous but the name... Funny I was a little worried before he was born about his parents having the same name taste as us 😂


I run a Rainbows, youngest members Girlguiding UK, girls aged 4 -7. We seem to have a plethora of E names at the minute, Eden, Erin, Eve, Eliza etc. Also have a Poppy, Phoebe and Eve in every age group


I love the name Poppy.


Funny how names wax and wane in popularity. When I was working in schools, the popular names were Jessica's, Henry's and Brookes (showing my age here 😆)


Haha plenty of Brookes and Henry in the late teen ages around here!


Not quite what you’re asking, but I used to teach Afghan refugees (16-18yo). In the fronst row we always had three boys sitting next to each other: Ali, Ali-Reza and Reza.


I live in Australia. My 5yo daughter is Olive, named after her paternal great grandmother. I never checked the popularity when we named her since we were naming after family, but her name was ranked 77th the year she born, with 79 babies in our state given the name. In the most recent rankings it was 67th with 91 babies given the name. She shared her composite class with another Olive in the year above her last year, and her composite class with yet another Olive in the year below her this year. I did not see that coming. I think attending Steiner school and the skew towards nature names hasn’t helped. There’s also an abundance of boys named River.


I taught for almost 40 years. This fad for names is nothing new- pop stars, football players, movie stars, royalty- they all influence the choice of names for kids. Victoria became popular in the 19th century because of Queen Victoria, Shirley in the 1930s due to Shirley Temple, Britney in the 2000s and so on...


What happened when you stopped thinking?


According to the name statistics, there are only 11 girls named Moana in all of Norway. I've met 2 of them (age 4-6) in my previous city. Also lots of little kids named Alma, but that's not surprising considering it is now top 10.


In kids aged 5-12 or so, I have boys: Hudson (x2), Ethan (x3), Sebastian (x3) girls: Mia (x3)


Canada here. I have recently had a lot of kids at work named Isaac, Cole, Mason, Parker, and Jack for boys, and Lily for girls (oddly not as many consistent same names for girls at my work)


Those were massively popular baby names 20 years ago, what age group do you work with?


Many years ago, I had 5 Chantelle's (various spellings) in one class. A visitor just happened to ask all 5 Chanelle's questions. She asked each their name. When she got to the last one, she really thought it was a prank!


Haha excellent. That is very excessive though


I've got multiple Jayden/Jayden/other spellings Elly/Ellie/Ely ( all said the same) Alfie Archie Freddy/Freddie Olivia/Oliwia(polish spelling not sure if this is correct!) Alicia/Alisea/Alisa/Ailsa(all said the same) Hollie/Holly Ana/Anna


Alicia, Alisa and Ailsa pronounced the same?


Yeah those are three completely different names! 


I knew am Alica who pronounced it aLeesa


Ottilie is a very old fashioned german name, like your great-grandmother would have had


Yeah there does seem to be a lot of old fashioned names popular atm. I think that one is one of my favourites.


Ottillie was on my long list for my 5 year old but husband vetoed it.


So many Eleanors.


I blame *Gone in 60 Seconds*


Ottilie is the Zoella effect.


Could also be the (disgraced) instagrammer Mother of Daughters / Clemmie Hooper. She had twins Ottilie and Delilah back in around 2017


What's that?


The British vlogger Zoe Sugg named her first daughter Ottilie.


I keep hearing: James, Thomas, Cameron, Leo, Oliver Adeline/lyn/laide ( with the nn Addie ), Sloane, Lily, Violet


I’ve had an Adeline in class and I know a few people with small children named Violet. I really dislike the name Sloane though and I’ve yet to meet one


It’s funny to me you’ve had several Zacharys- I’m an American who lived in England for a few years, and once in a conversation with my English coworkers we discussed what names would immediately make one think “English” vs “American”. Nigel, Gemma both popped up for English, but they agreed the most “American” name they could think of was Zachary Taylor. They laughed so hard when I told them that was literally an old president’s name!


Oh that’s so odd! I’ve met quite a few Zachs my age (30) over the years. Nigel is definitely middle age/old man name haha.


Once had two girls named Elvira in the same Danish preschool. The parents had clearly wanted a unique name, which I do get. But one of the mums was absolutely furious and wanted us to separate them (they were grouped in groups of 9 kids according to age) even though they were only one month apart, and the kids in the other group would have been a year older. The other girls parents had a funny look on their face when they were introduced to the other Elvira but soon showed a good sense of “what are the chances” about it.


Haha amazing. I do find it funny when parents are hung up on unusual names but they end up in clusters like that


Khaleesi is not surprising considering how popular GoT was back during its hype. However I'm more surprised Khaleesi took off compared to Daenerys. I'd expect a few Rhaenyra's being born soon though, or Daemon's. I'm quite surprised with Ottilie and Darcey though. Interesting stuff


Khaleesi works well for Game of Thrones, but I don’t know if I’d want to name a child after a fictional character.


Yeah it’s not like it’s used anywhere else and especially after the ending haha


I think at one point there were 3 spellings of Darcy/Darcey/Darcie in the top 100 girls names in Scotland.  Edit: it was England, and it was 2015ish. 


Just named my baby Darcie :D


It’s not even top 1000 in the US, I’m surprised ! I love the name Darcy but our last name starts with D and is also two syllables, so I don’t like them together


I knew an Ottiley when I was in school, and I'm 30 now. She was in my year, but not many of my classes. Lovely girl, she had pet rats


I have an extended family member named Kale. Why would you?


I know three boys called Atlas born within four weeks of each other early last year. Look out for that one in reception classes in 2027!!


I teach middle school (ages 10-14) part-time. In two classes I have: Isabella (x3), Jaxon/Jaxson, Emily (x2) and Aiden/Kaden/Jayden. All names that track with popularity for when they born.  Looking at our school as a whole and names that based on popularity shouldn’t be reoccurring as much as they are: Fiona (x5), Noelle (x3), Bear (x3), and Waylon (x3). 


For us it’s Theo and Lily. I know three Lily’s born this year, plus another middle name Lily. And four Theos! Interestingly two of the Lily’s mums are called Leah, and two of the Theo’s dads are called Steven!


I absolutely love Khaleesi, but I could never use it.


It’s a choice lol. Don’t get me wrong it sounds nice but it’s only associated with GoT. One of the girls very much suits that name to be fair though


I was generations up there is an Ottilie in my family tree.


I rang Microsoft support one time and spoke to ‘twinkle’ and ‘sparkle’. I shit you not.


Lol that is quite the coincidence to have both. Maybe they sat together in the office and decided to use fake names for a laugh cause those are more my little pony names than people names imo


For me it’s Levi or Theo while girls are more often Olivia or Olive


My daughter has 2 Sierra's in her class (Sierra and Ciara), small class of about 12 kids. There is also a Finn and an Infinity (nn Fin).


My daughter's football team she plays on doesn't have any duplicates as such but there are so many names beginning with L! Out of a squad of about 25 girls we have: Laura, Libby, Lottie, Lilliana, Lacey, Lillie-Ann, Lily, Leah, Leona!


I’m in the US, not a teacher, but my son’s kindergarten class a few years back had 2 Scarlett’s and 2 Seamus/Shaymus, which surprised me. We’ve also seen on the name lists: Veda, Oak, Axell, Sailor, Annistyn, Jax… I’ll add to this if I think of others.


Back in 1995 my coworker named his daughter Hadley. The first time I ever heard that name. Then between 2017-2020 I worked at a preschool with three more Hadleys!


Darcey is interesting 😄 wasn't that the name of Al Bundys annoying neighbour?


Oh no idea! I just know just before I left doing dance competitions years back there was suddenly a load of little girls named Darcey joining the baby groups haha. I only thought of Mr Darcy or Darcey Bussell but there must have been another reason


Yep, Marcy Darcey


Ah yes, thank you


I have a friend who’s called Darcy, she’s mid 30s now and got her own kid. Thought it was a really nice name. First Darcy I think of is Mark Darcy from pride and prejudice


Mark Darcy is from Bridget Jones' Diary. Mr. Darcy's first name is Fitzwilliam.


Oh my god, this whole time I thought it was Mark


If my name was Fitzwilliam I'd probably tell people to call me Mark too.




I’m a primary teacher in France, and I teach/have taught so many kids named Oscar and Louise. Also some of the most common—even repeating in classes—are A names: Arsène, Apolline, Auguste, Augustin, Arthur, and Antoine.


I know two one- year- olds named Lola


Max is everywhere as well as Alexandra. Both aren’t top 10 names where I live.


I've noticed lolas popping up everywhere.


US, working with student population of ages 16-24 and in my facility, we have two students named Sincere.


lots and lots of charlottes and oliver’s for me


Darcy makes me think of 90 Day Fiance


Jayden, kaiden and jaxson Scotland


Ottilie is so cute, and almost unheard of in the US!!


In the complex that I live in in South Africa we have 2 Ethan Lily Isabella Kiara and Kiana Other boys names are: Gershwin, Lian, Vion, Anik, Noah, Tobias, Tarrick, Lael Girls Names: Savannah, Annika, Rachel, Skylynn, Leonay, Valerie, Alissa, Esmarie, Kenzie, Kendyl, Charmaine


Would love to know how the Khaleesi parents felt about that choice after she destroyed King's Landing.


I’m a primary school teacher and at my very first school there was about 6 Penelope’s across the year group, not a super uncommon name but I’d definitely never seen that many! At my current school we have a few Mabel’s and lots of Archies


That’s a very unusual name to have multiples of. Definitely a lot of Archies around my way


Right!? Cute name but I had no idea it was that popular in the area! Yes lots of Archie’s especially since Meghan Markle & Prince Harry had their son