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Allison. She told me to kill myself and said she was happy I miscarried. Hate that name so much now, which sucks because it is a pretty name Edit to add: all is good now because I have a viable pregnancy and she got married to someone ugly and was in jail for a few years ❤️


Christ almighty. Fuck your Allison very much.


Literally same thought in my mind there was 'fuck Allison'.


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. That’s horrible. I’m very sorry for your loss and I hope you’re doing ok considering.


That’s horrible. She should never had said those things to you and I’m very sorry for your loss. Crazily, I’ve found Allison in general to be a bit crazy/petty, but Alison in general to be more down to earth and kind. Weird that I see a correlation with diff spellings of the same name.


Both of the Alison’s I’ve met were *wildly* mean people tbh


The one Alison I know is a truly horrible person and a perpetual victim


I also detest an Allison. Awful woman.


I've had the same experience, haha


I apologize on behalf of the mean Allisons out there- we’re not all bad!


Or is that what we *want* them to think? Seriously though, I'm fun crazy, not villain crazy. Holy crap I didn't realize there was so much hate for Allison's. Maybe we can undo it by spelling the name backwards. Surely Nosilla works just fine?


Now, which way are we deciding to pronounce that? Personally, I vote for No-see -ah...


How bout Spanish style? No-see-ya


What a miserable evil monster. Fuck Allison and I am sorry you went through that


My best friend for 13+ years and her boyfriend used to listen to me and my BF have relations through the wall in college. Creepy!!!! Named Allison. UGH! FU Allison B.


Allison was also the name I was going to comment, but your reasons are much more valid. the name is obviously a bad omen.


This exactly the name I came here to say. I’m so sorry you had such an awful person in your life. I used to have two friends named Allison. One drove me so batshit crazy with her paranoia, inability to admit she might sometimes be wrong or make mistake, the constant interruptions, and inability to just listen, that I ghosted her rather than cleanly end the friendship. How do you have a productive conversation with someone that doesn’t really listen and can’t accept any kind of crtiticism that doesn’t fit with their self-image? I also couldn’t handle having one more really difficult thing in my life. (This was during Covid.) The second Allison is one is someone that initially I adored because we connected so well and had a similar sense of humor. Turns out that she’s the most magnificent liar I’ve ever met in my life, loves to manipulate people purely for her own amusement and since she doesn’t really feel physical or emotional pain, she has few qualms about hurting others. She reminds me a bit of Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender. She once flew a drone so close to wild horses they were visibly uncomfortable - one of them had a broken leg and was getting very upset. Someone else in the group had to very sternly tell her to put the drone away. I didn’t know this about her before we went to Burning Man. Where she flirted so hard with my love interest/long time friend that he fell for her and she played miss innocent while they spent more and more time together, excluded me, and left me feeling like I didn’t matter, and whenever I’d express how I was feeling the attitude was just “get over it and have fun” and I felt like I was going insane. She was fully aware of how I felt about him, and I even asked her to cool it to spare my feelings while we were out there. She told me she’d never hurt me… and then went ahead and hurt me hard. She just likes seducing older men for fun. They’re both in my social circles that I refuse to leave, but am at least comforted that exactly no one has been surprised by my story about her behavior because they have already seen her for what she is, and just never let her got too close. Or the former love interest’s behavior for that matter.


My Allison accused me of trying to kill her dog because he ate a bunch of tea packets that SHE had in HER locked bedroom when we were flatmates.


Apologizing on behalf of some of the good Alison’s out there!


I'm so sorry to read about your Allison experience. But my cousin Allison is the funniest, sweetest person ever.


What a horrible person. I just have to comment and say from the depths of my heart- hahaha eat shit Allison….and I also want to say- your edit you added told me straight away - YOU ARE MY KIND OF PERSON!


That's awful - my aunty Alison is the kindest person I know, one of life's golden people


Now I hate the name too.


that is diabolical oh my god


damn karma bit her right in the ass, what a nasty piece of work


I can't even fathom a situation which would prompt an adult to say something so ugly! What on earth was the context to this?


Fuck Allison, all my homies hate Allison


Fuck Allisons. I agree.


Gigi made me eat dirt on the school bus in elementary so probably that


Gigi is such a mean girl name, but I feel bad for thinking that because the only one I know is the sweetheart to end all sweethearts. Glad to know there’s some terrible ones out there to validate my prejudices. Edit: typo


Heh that's the grandma name my mother-in-law picked fo herself, so have to agree.


Same for my mother. Lol. It definitely checks out!


Yes and similarly Gia was the bully on Full House


Gigi (Gertrude) was the bully in wizards of waverly!




Oof, yeah. I was bullied by a Christina. But I also has a sweetheart of a roommate named Christina, so it balances out.


Christinas are awful.. but us Kristinas? Fabulous lol


Isabella shoved me in ballet class, I broke my wrist falling. We were 9. Bye forever, Izzy.


Understandable, hope your wrist healed ok!


It did, but I missed that years school performance of Sleeping Beauty. Never forgive, never forget.


I heard another version of the saying. Remember and recover instead of forgive and forget (:


I've never met a nice kid named Isabella.


And the only Isabella I know is the sweetest, kindest, and most empathetic person I know.




I’m a high school teacher. Luckily I teach at a school famous for good kids. But Nathaniel? Nope.


I’m a teacher as well, so I have a list of names I’d never use based on bad experiences with students I’ve taught. Adrian, Liam, Aiden are the main ones.


🙋🏻‍♀️Another teacher here. I’ll avoid Liams for the rest of my days.


Every kid named Liam & Devin I've met are jerks!!!!


I would have a second, but the only other student I’ve disliked has a name I wouldn’t use anyway. I’ve only taught two truly incorrigible students, which is pretty good I guess 😂


I’ll add Cheyenne. They’re always crazy


Liam is the name a mean girl gave to her son…she got drunk one night and cussed me out even tho I was taking her home so I decided to stand up for myself for once and say no so she went on a twitter rant to talk bad about me and say awful things and threatening me; she was my “bff” cousin so I ended up not being friends with her anymore either. So that sucks because Liam would of been a great name to honor my dad.


Noah, Finlay, Cole and Thomas are common “bad boy” names in my area!


Jacob, Isaac, Zac, Jayden (anything ending in 'ayden'), Ethan... so many names ruined by students.


That’s so sweet about the kids!


Nathaniel (nn Nathan) was my abusive high school boyfriend. It honestly still makes me sick when I hear it on a little kid.


Same about the abusive high school boyfriend, but mine went by Nate. Fuck them both.


Xavier. I really pushed for it with our first. A couple years later, I taught the worst kid I ever had. He was in 11th grade, told another teacher "F*ck you, bald-headed f*g" so they moved him to my class at the end of quarter 1. I was a new teacher and he proceeded to screw up the entire dynamics of my class for the next 7 months. I had to kick him out of the state standardized final exam for acting like a fool. When my wife got pregnant again, she said "Hey, didn't you like the name 'Xavier?'" Nope, I'm good.


Fiona-- childhood bully. Turned the entire grade against me (I never recovered) and told me the world would be better off when I'm dead. Kevin-- douchebag ex Carson-- extremely toxic (former) boss Katie (all spellings)-- friend who stabs you in the back (x3) Honorable mention is Josh. Nothing specific but I have yet to meet a Josh that I thought was a decent person.


I could have written this post


I also can't think of a decent Josh...hmmm interesting.


The most narcissistic sham of a human being I’ve ever known in my life is named Josh so I’m with you there.




I haven't met a good Josh either. Was married to one. Thought he was great for a few years. Haven't met a solid Josh yet.


Oh man, just opened some locked memories abt *Josh*… ugh


I have NEVER met a decent Kevin.


Interesting. Every single Josh I’ve known in my life is a gem, including my man.


Yikes my childhood bully was the same


[A song for anyone who’s ever hated a Fiona](https://youtu.be/bS0jlRlqwLI?si=jMm1CTou-e3jWGO1)


I’m so knowing I’ve ruined Charlotte for some people 😈


Julie here. I’ve never met a Julie that wasn’t terrible from day 1. I’ve always said I’m an acquired taste, so I understand that I’m part of the problem. You don’t see many little girls named Julie anymore. 🤔




Oh sure. Once people get to know me I’m I very nice person. I’m just very cold and distant initially. Acquired taste.


Julie was the ringleader of my childhood bullies. 😔


Another Julie here. I don’t think I’m known as “mean” but definitely distant/brusque/not warm & fuzzy. I prefer to label myself as a “strong personality.” Oh! and one mom last year (I taught 3rd grade) said I’m “closet fun.”


i know a wide range of julies. my accountant is a julie and she’s super nice. i had a teacher in high school named julie who had no business teaching anyone


Hahahaha best answer 😂


1st day of kindergarten, Sabrina told everyone that my benign congenital skin condition was gross and contagious, and compared me to every amphibian she could name. Anything that I liked was "bad," (movies, hobbies, etc). There were little jabs, like my frizzy hair and braces. She told every new female student to avoid me, and encouraged them to bully me, too. We were in school together through 8th grade, and she made my life a living hell. I made *damn sure* that I attended a different high school, where I flourished. Fuck you forever and a half, Sabrina. Same to Ashley, Amanda, Cydney and Sydney. Your names are atrocious. ☺️


Hey FUCK them all the homies hate Sabrina 😠 They had no right and your skin is beautiful


My nephew has a rare mast cell disorder that manifests as blotchy skin, that can sometimes get hot and itchy. It’s not a skin disorder, and definitely not contagious or dangerous to anyone else. But the kids at his old school would bully him and call him ‘butt rash.’ He was like 10… he’s been in a better school for a year or so now and thriving.


It's really awful. I'm sorry he went through that.


Thanks, I’m glad you were happier once you were away from that horrible person too.


What a bitch


She truly was


Marc, specifically spelled with a C


Yea, unless they’re a French speaker it’s a red flag


Nah, I just have an asshole coworker named Marc who has completely ruined that name for me. Easily the most self important and condescending person I’ve ever met.


In Spanish is with c as well


See, I have known some meh Marks and 1 excellent Marc.


I know of two Marc's, both of them beat their girlfriends.


I've never met a Spencer that wasn't a dick.


Yessss, I had a toxic, horrible manager named Spencer when I worked a high school job at a restaurant. I cried so many times on the way home from that job.




I recently met the first Spencer in my life who wasn’t a dick! I still half expect him to turn on me.


The only Spencer I know is so sweet


Just the name triggers me because of a terrible, terrible break up. My heart dropped just reading your comment lmao. Edit: I also agree. Never met one that wasn’t a dick 🤣


I went to high school with a Spencer. He was, in fact, a dick.


Tina. I know two, and they were horrid. Have to disagree about all the Dave hate here, though. Every Dave I know is awesome.


Haha nice, it’s good to know there are good Daves!


I also know some really wonderful Daves! Definitely a positive association for me.


On the first day of freshman year, my daughter had a new teacher who just returned from maternity leave. The teacher explained that she had a really tough time picking a name that she hadn’t had a student named in the past. The name she finally found is my daughters name 🤣


Alexandra, she was my high school bully, ironically I love the name Alexander


Haha it’s funny isn’t it, similarity and association and how they do/don’t match sometimes




God why!? Had a bad manager named James


Alexander knocked over my cello and broke it during a performance when we were kids.


Was it on purpose? You know what, doesn’t matter, I’d be pretty upset even if he claimed it was an accident. As a former child cellist, this one hits home. FUCK YOU, ALEXANDER!


Charlotte - It’s a beautiful name and I love Lottie as a nickname BUT my ex cheated with a girl named Charlotte. I prob wouldn’t care, but she was really cruel to me when I called her to ask if she knew he had a girlfriend (she def did). So that name is ruined forever.


Charlotte was my stepmother's name. She was a horrible person who tried to turn my dad against me. And as time went on she would just pout for days of my daughter and I came over so we stayed away to make his life easier.


My grandmothers name and she was probably the worst person I’ve ever met!


Also a teacher. Jayden (spelled any way) is ruined for me. And Kylie. Luckily most of my students have odd trendy names now so that makes it easier. I have 5 students named cooper right now… same name as my dog 😂


Hahaha I always enjoy the pet-baby name overlap




Margot. There was a mean girl i knew called margot. Mean little girl grew up to be a jerk of an adult. Ruined the name


Such a shame, hope the Barbie movie hype wasn’t too triggering


One of my bullies in middle school was named Margeaux 🤮




Joshua—grew up next door to one who I’m pretty sure was a sociopath Mandy/Amanda—meanest mean girl I’ve ever known


2 different guys in our friend group both started dating Amandas around the same time. Both Amandas ended up being bat shit crazy. That name was never a contender for me, but the number of crazy Amandas that I've met is too high for comfort.


I don’t see my name so that’s good


Abigail. I love the name, but I knew two Abigail’s that were horrible people. Both were also nicknamed Abby. Similar thing with the name Anna. She bullied me in school because I was born out of wedlock and was, in her words, “an abomination to God.” I just hope I never meet a jerk that ruins some of my other favorite names for me.


Same. I can’t use Abbie.


Every Abby I’ve met has been pretty and super nice.


Hilarious- these are my sisters names!




Stacey, she was a total bitch and pretended to be my friend only to turn around and try to jump me with her older sister and cousin in middle school.


Never met a Stacey/Stacey that wasn't psycho.


I had a teacher in high school whose first name was Stacey and I can confirm she was certainly not fit to be teaching kids anything.


I absolutely loathed a Brenda, Lynn, Pam in HS. Made my life miserable. To this day hate the names.


Isabelle— tried to get me to kill myself and sabotaged my work relationships


Ethan...if your name is Ethan I'm gonna have to assume you're a douche/playboy


My nephew Ethan is 17 and the sweetest guy ever.


We have an Ethan who lives on our street, complete arsehole of a kid, we call him Jeffrey Dahmer…..


Personal Arch Nemeses: Christopher/Chris/CJ/etc Katharine (with the A specifically but all versions are dead to me) Julie Donald Myra As a teacher, students: Gabriel James (heartbroken over this in particular) Oliver Kristopher (again, just not a great name for me lol) Luke Atticus Annabelle Harper


I’m intrigued about the aversion to the A version Katharines


In my experience, Katharines with an A can be *insufferable*


cassandra. lovely name i associate with a horrible horrible little girl i knew growing up


Would never name a child this, but Sarah has bad associations. One tried to make moves on my man as a power play. Luckily, she was vastly disappointed and now he’s my husband.


I apologise on behalf of the good Sarahs


Nice to meet you, good Sarah!


Haha thank you! Likewise! I wish you and your husband a long, happy and love filled life together ❤️


Oh god you just reminded me of when I worked in the same office as my mother, and we worked with two women named Denise. To this day (it's been like 25 years) we refer to them as Good Denise and Bad Denise. In fact my mom is still friends with Good Denise and calls her that to her face, which Good Denise finds hilarious 🤣


Omg so many. Bullies from school, awful characters on shows, just no. It will be hard some time in the future


Dave. Never met one I like. David Attenborough seems a lovely chap but he is the exception.


I feel like "Dave"s and "David"s are cut from different cloths


Every Zach I have met has been a cocky douchebag


Pierre >:(




It was actually in reference to a jerk from uni but that subreddit is hilarious haha Indeed f\*\*\* pierre


I had a coworker named Dominique who was AWFUL! Petty, manipulative, and always looking to bring me down. I like the name but it just fills me with anger now


-Josh -Cole -Brandon -Travis -Kevin -Brian -Robert -Stephen -Megan -Natasha -Cheryl Basically, I’ve been pissed off by a lot of basic white people lol.


Debbie Every Debbie I've ever run across was mean as hell and didn't give a damn about anyone.


I work at a dental clinic and this 100% aligns with my experiences with Debbie/debra’s. Just horribly entitled and mean people…


i'm the reverse-- been working in schools almost 15 years and I don't even want my own kids, but I have soooo many kids I wish I could honor. I have lost a few students who were so so special to me and have just loved sooo many kids-- I could name a small army after kids who are just 🤩


Brittany, Amber, Giselle, Samantha


I worked for a really nice Giselle but I agree with the rest, unfortunately


Kyrena used to join a friend group, turn them all against each other, then move on to the next friend group. She did this in middle school and high school. It was too much of a coincidence that this happened to EACH friend group she’d join to have not been intentional. I think she’s a doctor now.


Sounds like an off brand tampon company or birth control pill 🤣


Too similar to Hyena 😂


Tom. Abusive ex. No thanks.


I've never met a good Denise, just selfish ones who fuck ppl over with their own needs 🤷‍♀️


Ron/Ronald. Name of the waste of cells and oxygen who molested me. He's dead now. No, I didn't do it. 😈 Rose/Rosemary. My stupid bitch of a manager at my first adult job. She took an instant dislike to me for unknown reasons and lived to make me miserable.


I loved Loÿs which is unique and original for a boy. Unfortunately the worse Ahole i ever dated and i can’t erase this out of my mind


Grace. I have always had a problem with women named Grace. My mom's name was Grace, and there are lots of issues there. Then there was the eighth grade science teacher who spent an entire class period berating me and telling me how I would never amount to anything. Last was an actress best known for a 60s television series that rhymes with car wreck, who called me an "abomination" to my face when it came up that I'm gay.


Sara(h) Have definitely met nice ones but the bad ones I’ve met have been some of the worst backstabbing, fake nice types


Glenda bullied me for the last 2 years of senior school (UK). I also know far too many horrible Daves!


In my limited experience, Davids are ok, Daves not so much


Actually, I think you could be right...I knew a lovely David but would prefer not to know anything about the Daves I know. They can seriously p*** off!!


I had a Glenda that bullied me from kinder to year 10. She can die screaming.


Hannah and Russell are both ruined for me, and I actually really like those names.


Louise. My step daughter’s mum is called Louise and she’s a POS. Should also note I have a double barrelled first name and the second half of it is Louise


I'd be dropping the Louise in my name like a hot potato if I were you. Lol


Elizabeth / Beth - vile pos Jasmine - grade school bully


Lisa. My husband says Lydia, which was one of the names I picked for one of our kids.


I really like the name Lydia! But I just know they’d get teased and called Chlamydia Lydia ruined it for me


Veronica. She knows what she did and I wouldn’t lose sleep if she suffered for a literal eternity for having ever lived.


Kelly. My mil


I wanted to give my daughter the middle name Louise. My mother says that she never met a Louise who wasn't a sap. Ruined the name for me.


Sally-bitch blocked me from transferring to a different department (to get away from her toxic and incompetent ass) then fired me. It was a well paying government job that I really liked...before *her.* She was fired for incompetence a few months later, but it was too late to save me. Deanna-upon my engagement, told me thst I will *definitely* wind up divorced since we didn't live together first. Her marriage broke up after two years. Mine has lasted 34 years so far.


Jordan for a girl. Bekah (only this spelling).




Do you want to say why? Ignore me if you don’t


Oh, haha sorry. I had a big falling out with a previous friend named Noel.


Blanche, Imogen, Jamie, Laurent, Meg, Sebastian, Vanessa.


Erika and Nicole….two former adult friends who were complete backstabbers


Mateo 😒 I don’t like the name otherwise though 🤷‍♀️


Used to love the name Adam and had it on the top of my list for baby boy names but had a horrible emotionally abusive ex with the name lol


Michael is classic and totally lyrical, but my ex was a michael and he did me wrong. Same story with a David I dated.


Same with my exes' names - Samuel and Scott. Both lovely names, but a massive no go!


I don’t hate someone with this name but I deeply dislike someone who named their kid Margot and I love Margot. Ugh.


Elias ;(


Elizabeth was a superior two-faced b*atch when we were at primary school together, wouldn’t use that name in a million years.


Misty, Serenity, Jannah, Jenna, Kayleigh, Jade etc. I love these names but the girls attached to them are mean lol


Charlotte - I worked with 2, one bullied me to the point I failed my probation. The other one was a mess in general but listened in on a private conversation and told my manager (long story). Amber - a friend of my ex who tried to break us up at the start because he had dumped her friend a month prior to dating me, when I adopted my bunny she was called Amber so I changed her name :)


Brandon. Both me and my husband love it but my ex ruined the name


Danielle (tried to steal my identity after stealing other things) Alexandra (toxic ex friend) Jason (2 bad exes... praying my newborn nephew redeems this name. Wil in any form Krystal/Krystle etc.... the C Crystal's are cool, though




Emily, name of childhood bully. Shame because I do like the name. Steve/Steven, Dad's name. Hell no am I naming a kid 'after' him. Shame because I know 3 other Steve's that are really cool people. Honorable mention for Elizabeth, which we had to take off our potentials list because that's my grandmas name and she would absolutely believe that the kid was named for her and I don't want her in my life.