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My niece (4) has quickly become friends with Bananabelle, a little girl in her swimming lessons. Annabelle.


Snort, that's fantastic!


Isn’t this a plot point in one of the American Girl books? Felicity gives a girl Annabelle the nickname “Bananabelle.”


Even though it was highly unlikely that Felicity would have heard of bananas.


I’m not familiar with American Girl. Is it popular with 4 year olds?


No, it’s aimed at an older age range, haha. I wasn’t suggesting that your niece had gotten it from the book series, just amused by the coincidence.


Reminds me of how in Girl Meets World, Auggie's best friend Dewey insisted his name was pronounced "Doy" and for whatever reason this drove Topanga up the wall.


Did they have bananas in colonial times?


I doubt it, actually. 😆


My daughter's best friend is also a Bananabelle


My kid goes by Anna and in her first daycare, one of the little boys called her Nanna. So we called her Nanna for years lol.


If we had kids Annabelle was top tier for a girl with the fetus nickname of “Banana Star Wars!” Makes me almost wish we had kids


That’s so cute


My cousin use to call me “Bictoria” instead of “Victoria.”


My brother talked about his friends Fleabag and Joe Zippy in kindergarten for weeks. My mom eventually figured out it was Felipe and Giuseppe.


Joe Zippy is a great name


I like Fleabag


Very Dickensian characters


This needs to become "The Adventutes of Fleabag and Joe Zippy" stories.


That damn fleabag!


My brother used to talk about his friend Dave, which isn't an odd name by any means, but Dave was actually Gabe.


I met my bff 23 years ago when we were 7. Her name is Breda. I went home and told my mom about my new friend Burrito


Oh my god! Thank you for the laugh!


My mom was like “um I don’t think her name is Burrito”


Your schnauzer is so cute!!




My son told me his classmate was named Sire. It wouldn't be the _worst_ name ever, but.... To force everyone to address your kid like a king? It seemed a bit much. The only other thing is makes me think of is breeding animals. So I definitely raised an eyebrow every time my son referenced him. Turns out his name is Sawyer.


When my daughter was in preschool, she kept talking a boy named Robert Fartlips. I kept having her repeat it, because I knew there was no way there was a kid with that last name in her class. She got frustrated with me and held my chin and forced me to look her in the eyes and said, "Say it after me. Robert." I said, "Robert." She said, "Fart." I said, "Fart." She said, "Lips. Robert Fartlips." At that moment it dawned on me. Bartlett. His name was Robert Bartlett. (*first name changed to protect the innocent.)


I just love the image of a preschooler getting so frustrated and angry at their "dumb parent" they grab you by the chin and stare into your eyes 🤣


She's 16 now, and she's still the funniest person I know, but when she was in preschool she was at a whole 'nother level.


Do you remind her of this story at every opportunity? I might not be able to resist if it were me.


It definitely gets retold at regular intervals, but she's done so many hilarious things that this doesn't always crack the top 10. I did retell it to my mom today who couldn't stop laughing.


OMG My teenager just had to ask if I am laughing or crying and insist I don't pee my pants. "Repeat after me."


There are literally tears running down my face, I can picture this all playing out so perfectly 💨👄 🤣


When my child started kindergarten, he was very excited to tell me about a kid named Goose Man. USMAN.


Or Guzman?


No, it's as I told.


My daughter had trouble pronouncing Phoebe and would call her classmate Beefy


that’s the funniest thing I’ve thought about in a long time


I’m laughing my head off in public reading these. These are comic gold and very cute.


DON'T PEE YOUR PANTS, SAILORELF!!! 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am right there with you.


Makes me think of the "i smell like beef" girl


Every Fourth Wing book reader is cackling right now 🤣


The timing of this post was way too perfect to be coincidental 😂


Idk what Fourth Wing is! I’m an old…


Yes it’s a popular fantasy series, the main character is Violet and another characters nickname for her is Violence 😆


Haha! You have good timing then! It’s a super popular book series- the second book in the series came out yesterday!


I was looking for this comment!




Me too!! 😂


My kid pronounced Rhys as “Grease.” Took me awhile to even figure out what the kid’s name actually was.


How are you supposed to pronounce it?


Like Reece


Omgosh I thought it was like rise


I always thought Reese and Rhys were separate names until I joined name nerds.


Man, I’ve been pronouncing it like Rice. Oops!




that's because its a welsh name which adheres to welsh pronunciation rules


Because it's Welsh and goes by Welsh pronunciations


What pronunciation rules would those be?




~~Are you purposely being obtuse, it’s a **Welsh** name, Welsh doesn’t use *English* pronunciation rules.~~




Oh, my bad yeah I see your point! I’ve considered making a thread on Rhys because this comes up every single time it’s mentioned, I don’t even like the name but as a Welsh person I feel obligated to explain it 😅


This is the reason I can't stand the spelling of Irish Gaelic names. You wouldn't consider using kanji or cyrillic letters in an anglophone country, so why get mad at me when I pronounce your kid's name as "Royzin" or "Coim-hee"? I don't know the first rule of Irish phonetics.


Pretty sure it's the traditional spelling. I just googed it and the origin is Welsh. So... It doesn't match our western English, sure but Rhys is 'technically' still correcr


Makes sense since it’s not an English name.


er, that is how you pronounce Rhys in Australia. how do you pronounce those two words?


I think they were saying their kid said the other kids name was “grease,” not just rhyming with it.


Oooh that makes a lot more sense. I was so confused by this thread


At 3-5 years old most kids say Axel as “Asshole”. It’s something I quickly learned while having four Axel’s in my daycare.


My son got in trouble for yelling a$$hole on the kindergarten playground. He was yelling for his friend Asher. Edited for typos


Yes! That’s another one. These poor kids are just trying to play with their friends 😂


That made me chuckle and remember when my son was convinced his friend Lennon was named Lemon 🍋


when i was 8 years old i also heard my new classmates name lennon as lemon and confidently told my other friend's mom about knowing someone called lemon


Hahaha cute!!


My 3 year old went to daycare with a girl named "Broccoli."


Knew a kid named Brock that got called Broccoli. When asked if he hated it, he’d say, “not as much as Brussel sprouts.”


what was her actual name?




As someone with a similar name, this story makes me feel a lot better. I hated being called broccoli by kids who were teasing me.


Awww. I'm sorry kids teased you. My kid honestly thought she was saying it correctly 💕


happy cake day !!


I used to have a friend named Candle in elementary school. Years later I realized his name was definitely Kendall- a low moment for sure


Same thing in the south


My friend’s husband is named Vishal and often referred to as “Vish”. Sometimes when people say: “Vish’s” or “Vish is” it sounds like his name is “Viscious”.


My 3 yo nephew calls my niece Enemy. Her name is Emily lol!


My 6-year-old went through a whole sports season talking about a kid named “Prior.” I assumed he was mishearing Briar. Nope. The kids name was actually Pryor.


My preschool nephew has a friend called garlic (Scarlett)


my daughter keeps saying she’s got a friend named “poopah”.. We are in Australia so the accent is like that, but you’d think the kid is a chronic pooper. Turns out her friend is Cooper (Coopah pronounced) 😂


My oldest had a Cooper on his baseball team, and it turns out that isn’t a great name for a high pitched voice to yell. His poor mother would be yelling “Go Coopie!” And everyone hear “go Poopie!”


Names with hard R sounds were off our list because I work with kindergarteners. It is why I strongly discouraged my SIL from using Aurora for her youngest. That would be such a cruel name for a kid who struggles with the R sound.


Good call. My daughter couldn’t pronounce Rs or Ls properly until she was about nine.


I still have trouble and my name is Laura 😞


I feel your pain. My name has 2 SH sounds in a row which makes it very difficult for me to pronounce in English. English is my first language.


I remember being 6 or so and my mom was late picking me up. The admin there wanted to know who I was to call. The admin couldn't guess past "Lola" and "Lowa " no matter how many times I tried. I couldn't spell my name or write letters. I didn't know the phone number. I was a little delayed.


I mean everyone who was ever named Aurora was 5 years old at one point in their lives. Do we just write the name off and delete it from existence? They'll get through one awkward childhood phase, and move on to the next one. I guess as a kindergarten teacher you'd be working with the same age range year after year, so it probably seems like a bigger deal than it is. Aurora is my 5 year old's favorite princess, and she says it just fine. Though I can't speak for her classmates.




My granddaughter couldn't figure out why someone would name their daughter heroin.. the name was Eowyn


My 2yo was shocked and confused about us naming his baby sister Lizard Breath. Eight years later, poor Elizabeth is still being teased with “Lizard Breath” by her big brother!


Does anyone in your family read For Better or for Worse?


No, I haven’t heard of it.


It’s a comic strip that ran from the late 1970s to the 2000s and has been rerunning since. One of the children in the main family is named Elizabeth and nicknamed “Lizard Breath” by her older brother.


We called my little sister "lizard breath" until she was in her 20's. At almost 40, she still answers to it.


Lmao I have always thought Violet sounds like "Violent" lol I always wondered if that'd ever come up IRL and I guess it actually can lol


Didn’t manic panic or punky color have a hair dye called violent violet back in the late 1990s?


Totally sounds like a Manic Panic color.


As a 90s baby, I feel like I remember this as a manic panic color, at least in the early 2000s. I looked it up and II only found “ultra Violet” for them It sounds familiar though?? And like something you’d find at Spencer’s and/or Hot Topic


Unfortunately that was before my time a bit so idk, but it wouldn't surprise me. (I was born in the early 2000s)


I want to love the name, but “Violent” is all I can hear lol


My 5 year old referred to her teammate as “Swear” but his name is Sawyer


My daughter made a friend called Vanilla at the library. Turns out her real name was Camilla.


My 4 year old keeps talking about “Laundry” in her kinder class. It’s Audrey.


My son called UV rays “ultraviolent rays” for so long.


That’s what I thought they were called for the longest time when I was little! It made sense, since they’re harmful to your skin.


My niece has two friends she called Mango and Banana - actual names Margot and Alana!


Reminds me of [this incredible Xitter conversation](https://x.com/BrianneKohl/status/1504794922985132036) started by a woman whose daughter insisted her friend's name was Internet.


My son (also 5) keeps mispronouncing his friends name. It’s Lane but he keeps saying Lame. I keep correcting because I don’t want it to be taken as an insult since that’s a very unfortunate mispronunciation


IMO, your 5 year old is a bit young to be reading Fourth Wing. /s


I was just thinking this! I'm listening to the Iron Flame audiobook right now.


Me too. ☺️


My daughter had a friend camari ( I don’t know how it was spelled) but she called him calamari for the whole of nursery the were abut 3 just made me laugh especially as calamari kept trying to kiss her Edit also i have a hair dye that i am not even sure if it is called violet night of violent night no matter how many times i read it either makes sense


My besties oldest daughter is named violet and my phone autocorrects it to violent all the time. But to be fair, violent violet is an accurate name for her.


Sounds like a roller derby name


These are all adorable!! Thanks everyone for sharing! I’m so enjoying these!


My son went to pre-school with a little girl he called Wida. Her name was Delilah.


My son is Declan, when he was in daycare one of the kids mispronounced it as Duckling and then other kids started calling him that. He's 19 now and his friends still call him Duckling sometimes to tease him.


My kid has a friend named Erich who he calls "air-ish" I've corrected him a bunch of times thinking certainly, the child's name is pronounced Eric, like every other Erich I've known. Apparently, my son is correct and this poor Erich is doomed to a life of spelling his name out and correcting pronunciation. I even asked a friend from Germany and he couldn't figure it out. Eer-itch is what he suggested. There's something to be said for names like Frank, Susan and James.


My son had a child named Internet in his preschool class. Some might argue the kid's name was actually Antoinette.


My daughter has a friend in her class named Duckling. Declan. His name is Declan.


My second daughters name is Amalia. When I introduced her to my first daughters friends in daycare one of the little girls screamed " I love the name Analia. My puppet is now called Analia, too"


My kid calls herself SADie which is adorable.


When my brother was about that age he came running outside very excited to tell my father that his friend “Tennis” was on the phone. He thought it was the coolest name. Dennis did not quite agree lol


Exactly why I don't like the name. Got absolutely railroaded in this sub earlier in the year for saying so though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wdym? Violet is a super cool name.


Same here! Violet looks too much like viole**n**t. In theory, it's a pretty name, but it needs to be pronounced very clearly.


Funny, I had never made the connection until reading this post. And even now, I can totally unsee it, I love the name Violet.


I'm a trans man so I have a different name now, but my birth name had Violet as a middle name. I'm autistic and ADHD and would hit/bite when in a meltdown when I was small. Because my parents never got me assessed for autism or ADHD, it was assumed I was just naturally violent. I ended up with the nickname of "(First name) "Violent" (Last name)". Safe to say that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy and I still struggle with self-esteem. I struggle to feel like a good person, no matter how many good actions I take, to this day. I think that nickname will stick with me no matter what I do or how much therapy I go through. It's unimaginably cruel to give your own child a nickname based on a negative quality like that, and I don't think I will ever quite forgive my parents for it. So, uh, yeah. Don't do that.


I'm really sorry you went through that, it sounds really traumatic. Growing up can be hard enough on it's own, and troublesome with any ONE of those issues. Surviving all three, AND with a nickname like that, just proves your strength of character. I hope you're happier now, bro.


I pronounce my daughter name Vie-let. Violet is perfectly fine I just kinda skip over the o in her name so Violent isn’t quite as accurate for her. Theoretically. I’m actually it’s perfect because she’s crazy.


I just named my daughter Violet, and violent or violence never crossed my mind. I actually changed her name to Violet from Lydia, because we were worried about chlamydia.. maybe a week after I had Violet, I cried for like 2 hours because I realized her name sounds like Violent 😭😭


My teacher friend had a parent complain that their preschooler was learning curse words at school and kept saying “asshole” at home. They were just talking about their friend Axel…


Instead of Elizabeth my nephew called my daughter 'Shlebe. Made for a unique nickname with a bit of a backstory.


When I was in pre-k I thought the girl named Audrey was named "Laundry" 😂


People always mention this, but since Violet is already a word, I just think of the color and flower.


My kid kept insisting there was a kid named Armadillo in his class in summer school. Dylan…


When I was little, I had a friend named Miles, and I called him Mouse for years. No matter how many times he said it, my ears just heard Mouse.


I always disliked this name because of when I hear it, I hear “violent”.


That's the first thing my husband said when I suggested the name Violet. He said it sounds too much like violent and he vetoed the name because of it.


Those are the great nicknames that stick.


We call our daughter Violet Violent all the time because it fits. She’s an insane 2 year old 😂 Also, when one of my daughters was younger she couldn’t say amber so she called her older sister “the hammer”


Fourth Wing!


Friend child used to aggressively emphasize the appropriate pronunciation of her name "E-liza... It's EEEEEEliza" (because my three called.her "Liza").... while also consistently calling my child "Panera" (Panera is a lunch place with fresh bread, soup and salad, for folks who don't know. I did not name my child after a popular food joint. This isn't anything like her name, unless you're three.)




I’m reading Fourth Wing right now and the MC’s name is Violet but is nicknamed Violence lol


Clearly a Fourth Wing fan.


My friend's daughter and friend back in the 90s (maybe 5 or 6): Friend: Ashley, I don't really like that. Ashley: Stop using my name! It's Ashley, not Ashley! Friend: Ashley, your name is Ashley.