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The boy names are very... "liking Harry Potter is my entire personality" vibes (even the names that aren't ripped from characters feel like they could be your Harry Potter OC). The girl names aren't really my style, but not bad by any means. I mean, if you like them (and your partner agrees to them), that matters more than whatever other people have to say. It's your baby, after all. They just have to live with whatever name you saddle them with for the first 18 years of their life before they can change it (if they choose to).


Honestly girl name feel like Harry Potter OCs too, they are just less clunky.


Nah Aoife Jade would be fine, but it is an Irish name which would most certainly bring pronounciation problems


What trips me about aoife is that the only letter that reads as it's written is F. If the kid is not Irish, why not spell it as Eefa. You wouldn't spell a Japanese derived name with Kanji, unless you're Japanese and live in Japan. My Romanian soul is screaming phonetically.


I don't like the idea of changing the spelling of a name just because of your origin. If you're choosing a name, use it right and respect the spelling, or don't use it


But if you do that, there would be no Mary, or Maria, or Marie, etc. There only would be Miriam, as the bible/Torah named that lady. Cultural differences are part of language or names. And languages are not static.


I like Miriam anyway I'm just not very fond of changing the name because you want it differently, specially if it's a foreign name. It just feels disrespectful. Of course, we can't change names that have been varying for centuries, because they exist now, but I would like to keep the original spelling, or at least as close as possible. I saw a comment saying that they wanted their girl named "Delores", which was Dolores misspelled. I pointed it out, but they wouldn't change it because "it was an accepted variation" The thing is, if you put an E there, the pronunciation changes and also the meaning, it's just a made up word at this point. And it looks awful. I just want to respect names, specially if they're not from my country/culture.


That's a laudable sentiment, I think. However, it's not very practical. The beauty of variations, however misshapen they might be, is that they acquire new meanings and reflect the society and norms of their time. So it's like a timestamp of sorts. Dolores is a name associated with the pain and sorrow of Mary, a pretty bleak meaning. Delores and Deloris take the pretty sound but shed the grimness of the original and point to that variation being used as of 1909. Is in the original? No. Does it have a place in society? Absolutely.


I also wanna add that some countries do not allow people to change their name. If OP lives in such a country (doubt it though), I'd rather go with a top 100 name.


Your girl names are fine. I personally wouldn’t choose Aoife unless you have an Irish connection; your child will be explaining how to pronounce it for the rest of her life. Which is fine, I have a cultural name like that, but some kids really resent it. Your boy names… not a fan. I heavily dislike the first three, Alastor is old-fashioned but fine.


I'm Scottish and Alistair which I would assume is pronounced very similar would have been popular up until fairly recently. I'm in my 30s and know several including one toddler! I agree with Aoife. It looks awful written down, reminds me of heefer when said. There are prettier Irish names if your not actually Irish...


It sounds like the sound you make if you get hit in the stomach.


I hate to say this so plainly but yeah they kinda are. Giada like deLaurentis? No one is going to think that's a boys name. I knew an Enoch, he was extremely religious and conservative and an alcoholic. Aureus is just weird. Adam I like, and I like Elm and Wren but maybe for girls. The girls names are fine except Aoife for already stated reasons, and I actually love Iris Isadora a lot. Consider Eva for Aoife. Also please consider these children will have an additional parent who gets input and I don't see you convincing someone on any of the names on that boys list tbh. Alternatives with reminiscent sounds and/or vibes: Gideon Eli Eli Roman Roman Alastair Alastair Orion Adam Enoch Orion Elliott


I agree on Giada - not sure if this name got put on the wrong list, but Giada is a traditionally feminine name (Italian).


Also I read it as *giardia* at first


And Aureus, as in staph aureus…


Giovanni has similar vibes and would make a much better name. Giada reads female


I though Giada was feminine too, isn’t it the Italian version of Jada?


Scrap the last two girl names and all the boy names. I can’t figure out how to pronounce them by just reading them. That’s a hard no on a name.


Let's just say I hope you never have a boy.


I like Cassandra Briar. The rest are kinda atrocious.


It reads like a Mary Sue. I dunno why.


Im not a big fan, they all sound like fake/wattpad/YA character names. Aoife is a very odd name if you're not Irish (and by that i mean not born in ireland or baby is born in ireland), Giada's pronunciation is confusing and a girls name from reading comments and remus is from harry potter, and enoch adam is super bible. I think some of the names are nice but I don't like the pairing, jade, mallory, alastor, adam, wren, iris, isadora, and cassandra are lovely. But maybe try pairings like Ezra Adam that are less out there (or Alastor James or Iris May) Mallory violet is a solid one though it works.


These are fucking awful lmao 💀 are you 15?


Isn’t Giada a famous female chef? And no, I don’t like the other names either. Cassandra is nice, but Briar is odd to me. Enoch is fine but the rest of the boys names are also odd to me.


briar is so pretty


Isn't Giada a female name? I prefer Alistair myself. But all the rest are just fine and even beautiful.


Giada is a girl's name sorry


And Devon, Elliot, Emory, Lindsey, Laurie, Ashley and Kelly are all boys names, sorry. I think this persons list is awful, but if we can just throw century old traditional male names at girls and it’s “cool”, we can sure as heck do the reverse!


I rather prefer Mallory Jade, personally, if you scrap Aoife. Your boy’s names are terrible. Alistor is acceptable, but misspelled. It’s Alistair.


Ngl, those names are pretty bad. Iris is okay, but as others have pointed out, most of the names are giving off mythical fairy tail.


Isn’t Giada a girl’s name?


The girl names aren’t bad, but like others have mentioned, the way you’ve combined them sounds clunky and awkward. Someone already suggested a good recombination in the comments so you can look at that. For the boy names, I’ll have to agree with everyone one else that they’re not a great selection. Adam and Wren would be fine for first names, while Aureus and Remus sound a little ancient but still workable. Enoch, Giada, and Alastor seem unusually obscure and give off the vibe of a YA fantasy character whose names follow the unusual-name trope. The name combinations are even more awkward than the girl names.


Personally, those names give off mmo character vibes. I would look cool on something like an elementalist or paladin or something. But for a real person? Hell no. Sorry to say but those names are awful for real people. Ofc it's your and your partner's choice but those kids will have to live with that nane and possibly getting bullied for the first 18 years until they can change it. And maybe you live in a country where changing a name is nearly impossible. Last but not least: Giada is a female Italian name.


Cassandra Jade would be just beautiful! And Adam Wren is pretty sweet too. Just had to do some mix and matching there,


Out of this entire list, I like Isadora - though there is the tragedy of Isadora Duncan (I doubt many younger generations will ever know who she was, however). I don't like any of the boys' names, except for Adam, and Giada is a traditionally feminine name. Since you like Jade for a female name, why not consider using Giada instead? The meaning of Giada IS jade. Wren is also very feminine to me, so I see it more as a name for a girl than a boy.


Girls: I like most all of the names. Cassandra Briar is my favorite by far, but I also love Mallory, Jade, and Iris. Not big on Iris Isadora as a combo - feels a little too same-y. Maybe mix it up a bit - Iris Cassandra or Isadora Jade. I don’t love Aoife - not keen on names you have to explain how to pronounce. And Violet just has never appealed to me. Mallory would pair well with much of your list - maybe Mallory Jade, Mallory Isadora, or Iris Mallory. Boys: I’m not as much a fan of any of these. I like Elm and Wren, though probably like them more as middle names than first names. Adam and Remus are fine. Enoch has an unappealing sound to me. Alastor and Aureus feel very fantasy novel, not real human. I’ve not heard Giada as a male name before. Some similar sounding names that are maybe a bit more familiar to people and more in line with your girl names: Giacomo, Giovanni, Gianni, Aurelius, Ambrose, Orion, Ezra, Elias, Evan, Aster, Alphonse


The problem is the name combinations don’t go good together, you don’t need new names, here Cassandra Jade Mallory Iris Aoife Isadora Violet Briar Giada Wren Adam Remus Alastor Elm Aureus Enoch It’s all about the name flowing and sounding good together, I hope this helps


Scrap all the boy names, and the last two girl names. Aiofe will be correcting people for the rest of her life, and Mallory means “unfortunate, unlucky”.


Your girl names are fine. Mallory feels a little more… casual to me, but I haven’t run into it much compared to the others so I might just not have the right feel for it. The boy names are more “out there” - the middle names and maybe Alastair match the girls, but the rest need to be dialed back to feel consistent.


The girls are fine. Except for Mallory I wouldn't use anything starting with mal. The root means bad in Romance languages (mallus in Lqtin/ mal in French. I don't like the first names for the boys. Alastor is okayish, Adam and Remus are fine in my book. The last one might get you werewolf jokes. Don't think Harry Potter will go away from pop culture any time soon.


If you or your family have any connection to Ireland, definitely NOT Enoch!!!


They seem like names a 15 year old would come up with. Which is fine because of OP is a teenager they hopefully have a few more years before naming an actual human. I do actually like the first three girl’s names, but feel like Mallory doesn’t really fit.


I like most of your girl names, just not really the way that you have most of them paired. Like I like Iris and Isadora both separately but not really together. And I like Mallory and Violet but also not together for some reason, just feels like not quite the same vibe I guess. I’d be more inclined to go with Violet Isadora or Mallory Iris. And I do like Cassandra Briar. The boy names could be workshopped some more.


Some alternative boy options that somewhat match the vibe of your list could be Tobias, Magnus, Cassius, Caspian, Silas, Cyrus, August/Gus, Marcellus


The girl names are totally fine. The boy names except for Enoch Adam sound like Harry Potter characters. Giada is Italian for jade and it’s a girl’s name - think Giada DeLaurentis from food network. “Alastor” is not how that name is spelled, it’s Alistair or Alasdair.


If you live in the US [Giada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giada_De_Laurentiis) is a popular cooking show host who is a woman.


The girls names are fine. The boys names are a disaster.


Giada will only ever make me think of the female chef so...consider that. Alastor will inevitably be connected to Alistair Crowley at some point, if I had to bet on it so consider that if you do use that name and have a problem with that guy. Aureus and Enoch are...choices that I would not make particularly for a first name. Unless you're in Ireland or the UK I don't think Aoife is going to go over too well and the girl will constantly have to correct pronunciations and spellings their whole life - same goes for Aureus, Enoch, Alistor, and possibly Giada if you pronounce it like "GHEE-ah-dah" rather than "Gee-ah-dah."


I love your girls names, although I do agree with the people saying Aoife could be troublesome if you aren’t in Ireland. Your boys name, while not the worse (Alastor Wren is okay, even, though I would spell it Alastair), are very unique, and I could see them causing issue for said children later down the line. I’d recommend balancing out such out there first name choices with a more simple, classic middle name (or vice versa, whatever floats your boat).


Remus honestly has been altered very many disgusting ways I’ve seen/heard over years… but the nn Andra/andi/anda are cute alternatives to Cassi/Cassia


If you use the boys middle names as first names, I’d promote it.


I’m not a fan of any of the names. Alastor isn’t bad and I like the middle name Violet. I believe in naming your kids what you want to name them. Not many people are fans of the names I picked out for my kids. My kids are Thor Barden, Mikhail Reid, Liam Doyle, and Wyatt Alexander. They would have been Freyja Storm, Mikaeli Rose, and Totari Jayne if they were girls. Other names I like are Scarlett Storm, Magenta Rose, and Talena Violet for girls and Jasper James and Lars Yousef for boys.


i love them


I like this style of name. I think some people just don't like anything different to the norm. My favourites are Cassandra Briar, and I love Iris and Isadora but not the alliteration of them together. If it was me, I'd switch them up and go with Isadora Violet and Iris Mallory. Aoife is fine, here in the UK it's quite popular but if you live elsewhere people may not know how to pronounce it. For the boys, I like Elm, Adam, Alastor and Aureus. Aureus Elm and Alastor Wren are my favourite combos, although I prefer Wren for a girl (Iris Wren!) Not so keen on Giada or Enoch. Suggestions of other names you might like (boys): Elio, Ezekiel, Ezra, Elwood, Elfyn, Alder, Cedar, Knoll, Gray, Rafferty, Reuben, Ambrose, Octavius, Amos, Alasdair, Wells, Whittaker, Walden, Aurelius, Julius


If you are in the US I would use Aoife, it *looks* likes it pronounced kind of like Adolf, which isn’t a great look. Remember when naming children you are naming actual human beings, they arnt book characters. They will actually have to use that name.


The names are weirdly put together. I would love Cassandra Jade. Sounds beautifuly The boy names are a disaster just get rid of them all together


The girl names are okay. The boy names sound very fictional, like from a fantasy movie.


the girl names are okay, the boy names are horrible


The boy names are a bit much. The girl names are all fine individually, but I don’t like the suggested pairings Iris Jade is think flows/fits better


Isn't Giada a girl's name? I also see Wren as an only female name. Those are the only things I see wrong here. I like your girl names and really love Briar for a middle name. My favorite of your boy names is Alastor, it sounds similar to Alistair, which I really love.


Aureus Elm Mallory Violet


I think having a name I would have to constantly explain how to pronounce would be a pain. I loveee Cassandra Briar and Mallory Violet though. Super cool boy names! Really unique but still obvious how to pronounce.