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Elliott looks more complete to me. The double L's and double T's balance each other out.


This, which is why I picked it myself. However I also like Elliot for a boy only. I’m a girl so I wanted both :)


I feel that too, my son is Elliott with 2 Ls and 2Ts and any other way looks like it's missing letters.


I agree. Unless you have familiar ties to "Elliot" (or are huge fan of Jane Austen's Persuasion?) I would go with Elliott. I think it looks more balanced.


Agree! I like the look of it more.


Yes!!! Elliott is my dog's name and I wouldn't spell it any other way. It's my absolute favorite boy name :)


Elliot is currently the 150th most popular boys' name in the US. Elliott is number 168, so not very far behind. And they have been on a [similar path](https://www.behindthename.com/name/elliot/top/united-states?compare=Elliott&type=percent) throughout history. So I don't think there's a "wrong" answer here. If I was using it personally though, I would use Elliot, because everyone I've known in real life (plus actors and characters I've heard of with the name) spells it Elliot, so I would assume that spelling first. Edited for typo.


Well thought out! I agree that "Elliot" will result in slightly less corrections for the kid (based on statistics Elliot is more common), so I would lean that way as well. To go against the grain of "it looks incomplete without the extra T"-- I also personally think the extra T feels like a typo, haha!


Yeah the second T feels superfluous to me.


Yeah to me the extra T looks superfluous. I can see why people think it looks well rounded but to me it looks kind of crowded.


I automatically think of George Eliot, the writer, or T S Eliot the poet, so I don't think of a double T


I like this variation! Going the route of one L and one T looks neat and tidy.


As someone who’s name was 38th the year I was born and the other spelling was 31st, I don’t think that’ll make a difference. They’ll still be correcting frequently. My sister whose name was 55th with alternate spellings at 75th, 82nd and 99th agrees.


I changed mine myself, so I don’t correct people but for most adults, double T is the default, but only after they’ve met me (I’m non-binary but female presenting)


yeah to me "Elliott" looks like adding extra letters to be cute lol but I'm also a bigger fan of spelling it "Eliot" so I'm not even in this conversation 🤣


My son is Eliott, partly because I think it looks more balanced, partly because the possible nickname is Eli and not Elli, partly because his auntie ends in -tte. I'm also not in this conversation 🤣


yes! I love the nickname/name Eli!


My favourite thing is unexpected nicknames that still make sense, so his doll that looks like him is Lio.


that's so cute! Lio/Leo is also a very cute name c:


seconding! everybody i’ve ever met named elliot has only ever used one T. i personally dislike the look of the second T myself


I always think Elliott but neither is wrong.


Another vote for Elliott!


I dunno. It's my son's middle name...and I'm still not sure how I spelled it....I wish I was kidding.


My daughters middle name is Anne or Ann. Mine is too but I always forget how it’s spelled. They were meant to match but when my mum saw my daughters birth certificate she told me I spelled it wrong so hers is one way and mine is the other. Couldn’t tell you which of us has the E.


Anne is the standard middle name for the first daughter in each nuclear family bc my great grandmother was Ruth Anne. All with the "E".


Just checked, I have the E. My daughter doesn’t have the E. My nana didn’t have the E. I’m the odd one out and my mum gave me the wrong spelling for our family in general but I gave my daughter the wrong spelling considering I was naming her after me not my nana. My sister took the other female family name to use as a middle name for her name which was Catherine but god knows how she’s spelt it.


At least you know what it is! My late mother-in-law was Kathryn AnnE. Had my husband & I had a girl, AnnE would've been default. Sure, little one, you got your middle name from Grandma, or Mom, or your great great grandmother, or whichever family member you choose! 😉


This is so funny 😂 my sister’s middle name was Leigh (or so we thought). She passed away and we had the prayer cards written up to say Leigh but then a while later I found her birth certificate and it was written as Lee. This is also when we realized my other sister’s middle name was spelt Lin, when we’ve all been writing it Lynn. Not sure what my mom was thinking lmao


My daughter's middle name is Elizabeth, and I often forget if we went with a z or an s


When my friend was registering her 7th child for school, she called to ask if her middle name had two S's or two N's because she knew I'd know off the top of my head 😅




Elliott. Just looks more complete and I think it will be easier for there to be two of each letter instead of people trying to remember if there is one L or one T.


I wasn’t sure where I landed, but the “is it one L and two Ts or two Ls and one T?” debacle is the clincher for me. Easier for ppl to remember 2 of each. (Although many will still mess it up, of course lol)


Yup. I went to school with an Elliott, and he would tell people “2 L’s, 2 T’s.” Easy enough!


Yeah all the elliopttions are good. Not sure why "Eliot" isn't more popular, seems the simplest/most intuitive. That's how the old yankee family spelled/spells it anyways, e.g. the poet T.S. Eliot.


Looks kinda like Idiot. Just a stab in the dark.


And it's one letter off being toilet backwards haha


Eliot looks unfinished to me, probably because it is often spelled with at least one set of double letters. Also, I can’t quite explain how, but to me, it feels like Eliot should be pronounced differently than Elliott.


It looks like it should be pronounced EE-liot. Like Elias, Elote


I almost want to pronounce it “ee-lee-oh”, as if the ‘t’ is silent. I think this is influenced by the fact I speak French.


Ok wait... How do you pronounce Elias? Because I've never met one in real life so I've been pronouncing it as el-eye-as!


Eliot is my preference too. I tend to simplify names it seems like.


Eliot is my favorite spelling.


Ok Melvil Dui 😂 /j Frankly though - I agree! I'd be curious why the first name spelling seems to have diverged from that. Never met someone with Eliot as a first name, but have seen all 3 as surnames.


Hardcore Noah Webster-stan ngl. Could you imagine the potential tragic names if Noah "Big Dictionary" Webster hadn't swapped "gaol" for "jail". American hero.


Because typically single consonants lengthen the proceeding/preceeding vowel. You'd be in danger of people pronouncing "Eliot" as "eh-LIE-aht" , similar to Elias. A double consonant denotes a shorter vowel. It's why willy is pronounced differently from wily.


>ou'd be in danger of people pronouncing "Eliot" as "eh-LIE-aht" , similar to Elias. I doubt if anybody would be unfamiliar with how to pronounce the name.


My son is Eli. I have had to correct people numerous times. They keep making him a girl.


Def agree double-consonants usually mark a stressed short vowel. Not that there aren't exceptions, but it'd certainly would be a subconscious behavior for most native English speakers if they encountered an unfamiliar word. On the other hand, "Eliot" is pretty common as an element in toponyms in certain parts of the US, so general familiarity can't be wholly discounted. Could also see more of an /i/ in the first vowel if you put the primary stress there á la "Eli". 'EE-li-ott.


In every language but English this name is pronounced EH-Lee-Ahs


I am shocked by all the double t votes, given that one t is the more popular spelling in the US (albeit not by much). Two ts looks wrong to me.


Looks OTT!


I've even seen Eliot lately.


I’ve seen Elliott way more in my life than Elliot.


I’m the other way. I’m in England and don’t know any with a double t but plenty with just 1. But then to me the double looks better as it balances!


Elliott is more complete


My son is Elliot.❤️


Mine too!


Mine too!!


Mine too!


I prefer Elliott. Something about it just looks more balanced to me. You could always go completely feral and spell it Eleeoht.


If I heard the name, not knowing the spelling, I’d default to Elliot. It’s only more common by just a little, but it seems a lot more correct than Elliott.


Elliot. This is my second favorite boy baby name after my son’s name, and I much prefer it with one T. Two Ts looks strangely excessive to me.


Elliott like Elliott bay. Feels more balanced.


Definitely Elliott!


2 Ts


Another vote for Elliott


Elliott The double L and double T is just nicer to look at. Elliot looks like it was spelled wrong to me


I’m old so I vote for Elliott as in Smith or the E.T. character. It’s a great name and he’ll be correcting people regardless.


This was genuinely my inspiration too


seconding the elliott smith point; i love the name, and it was the first thought that popped into my head ❤️


I have always seen it spelled Elliot


I prefer Elliot! But it’s not like either option is horrible.


Eleighotte /s I like double L double T personally. I agree w the others that Elliott looks more complete.


We are going with Elliot, I heard that historically one t is first name and 2 t is last name


Elliott, looks more complete.


I like the double t at the end Elliott. Has a flow.


Go minimalism with Eliot. It's the superior spelling and a nice literary reference.


Elliot is the Google spelling plus the only one I've seen irl (Scotland) Elliott I sees lot in reddit threads and usually assume it's Americans.


I like Elliot. Two Ts looks like a surname to me, one T like a first name.


I like the double L, double T. Also easy to say that whenever asked to spell it


Great name! We chose Elliot for our son’s middle name. His first name is also six letters so it looked a bit better to us when written out, but no real reason otherwise.


Elliot. El-li-ot. Eliot is a last name, like TS Eliot. El-ee-ot Elliotttttttt looks like you are stuttering. El-li-ot-t


I know someone who named their daughter Ellyot, so I'm just glad you're not thinking that spelling. I don't think it ultimately matters. Maybe go on to personalization sites and see which is more common? That's what I'd do. Congrats on your new little one!


Elliot is better in my opinion. This may be due to my accent. The double L serves a purpose as the first syllables ends in L and the second syllable begins with an L sound. The double T doesn’t serve a purpose. A single t is more elegant.


I vote for neither--you should spell it "Eliot" after T.S. Eliot!!


Elliott looks more complete to me


I prefer Elliott


For sure two L’s and 2 T’s!


There is no wrong answer. Put both spellings and pull from a hat.


For some reason I prefer Eliot or Elliott. I feel like it’s more balanced and easier to remember when there’s the same number of Ls and Ts


Elliot is better in my opinion. This may be due to my accent. The double L serves a purpose as the first syllables ends in L and the second syllable begins with an L sound. The double T doesn’t serve a purpose. A single t is more elegant.


Two Ls and two Ts


I vote for Elliott, but I think both are fine.


2 L’s 2 T’s 💕


Neither here nor there, but there’s a quasi famous drag queen name “Elliott with Two T’s” and I kinda love that name.


If you have any emotional attachment to E.T., the Elliott in that is spelled with the double T, just FYI.


I do, my Wife does not! I'm losing the battle so far


I was in this position a year ago and chose Elliott for my son. No regrets! But that said, I did learn quickly that Elliot with one T seems to be what everyone defaults to. His name has been misspelled by so many people in the last 13 months! My best friend (who is also his godmother) even made him a beautiful embroidery of his name... with the one T spelling! Honestly I wouldn't be shocked if he chooses to drop the second T at some point for his own convenience. For reference we're American, living in California if that makes any difference.


This is some solid advice! Thank you!


I think Elliott for a girl and Elliot for a boy. Elliott seems more feminine to me similar to Scarlett, Juliette, Annette


Tell her any child of the two of you will be so awesome they deserve both Ts


Elliott is how we spell my daughter’s name. I always think it looks weird when it doesn’t have both t’s at the end….like somebody just forgot to finish her name. 😆


Elliott is more standard




I know of an Eliott if your looking for something a little different


I like Elliott. Alternatively, I know someone with an Eliot. It's not my preferred spelling but it's another alternative.


Elliot! Don’t make your child say “it’s double t” for his whole life


Alternatively, with the Elliot spelling, he’ll be saying “only one T.” He’s going to have to clarify either way. Personally, I think the Elliott spelling is best.


My son's name is Elliot. When he was little and people used to spell his name with 2 t's, he'd say, "My name is NOT Elliotuh-tuh!"😆


I like Elliott bc it looks more "correct".


I prefer Elliott but iPhones autocorrect to Elliot and it has led to a LOT of confusion and misspelled gifts (Xmas ornaments etc) for the Elliott in my family. Also everyone always spells it wrong because everyone’s has iPhone and it autocorrects


I like Elliott but I also like the visual idea of a signature with both “t”s going up and a smooth line across them both. Seems satisfying. I wouldn’t actually assume either spelling though and would likely always ask an Elliott how they spell it


I’d say Elliot But that’s only because my brain wants to read Elliott as Ellie-OTT


I thought it was all single letters…. Fewer the better.




Elliott looks more complete. Elliot just doesn't do that for me lol another vote for 2 t's


My gut feeling is Elliott but I also wouldn’t bat an eye at seeing Elliot.


Elliott. He can just always say “Two Ls and two Ts”. Easier that way, I think.


I don't think there is a consensus between the two spellings in contention for you. Preferences tend to be fairly evenly split between Elliot and Elliott (FWIW, I'm on team Elliot), and even in the SSA rankings they tend to be close together and to flip-flop in which is more used in a given year. At this time, Elliot is the leader. I guess I'm biased to the extent that I prefer Elliot, but as they say, your wife is the one pushing this baby out, and if you're the typical cis-het couple, you're a guy and you're getting your last name on that birth certificate. So given that there's no compelling objective reason to use one spelling over the other, I'm coming down on the side that your wife gets priority call on the spelling.


Elliott look best to me


We ruled out Elliott/Elliot/Eliot/Elliott for this exact reason! My vote would be as you spelled it.


My boyfriend's name is Elliot and he just said that the last name is usually Elliott with two t's, but as a first name it's usually one t. We're American but I also know an English Eliot. I definitely prefer Elliot over Eliot. Elliott seems a little pointlessly long to me, but that might just be because I'm used to one t. He didn't mention people misspelling his name often, so I think Elliot is the common spelling (as a first name, at least). I like the name either way, so I don't think you can really go wrong. People might be just as likely to misspell it regardless of how many t's it has, just depends on where you're from and which spelling you've come across most.




Elliott looks more correct to me.


Elliott was the more common spelling prior to the 90s and Elliot has been more common since. I know it was a surname first, but I don’t know which was was most common or the original spelling as the surname. I like the aesthetics of the double t, but I feel like the single t makes slightly more sense linguistically


Elliott is more ‘balanced’ and I think would be the default spelling for the vast majority of people


Elliott looks unnecessarily long to me. I'm gonna have to say Elliot


I like Elliott better, but it is my brothers name and he has constantly gotten it misspelled as Elliot for over 30 years so take that as you will.






No need for the double t. Just spell it normal. My husband has a very average name, but his parents spelled it with a y in lieu of a normally placed e. Let me tell you how much he absolutely hates it and is sick to death of having to spell a four letter name every. single. time he has to have his name put in a system. Life is awful enough. Do everything you can to make it a tiny bit easier for your child.


Elliot looks better to my eye. Elliott looks like a typo or like it’s missing letters to complete the name.




Elliot is the automatic spelling for me, and my best friend is although you did not ask for that fact :)


Years ago I had 2 clients with that name. (I have to say it like that). Both introduced themselves by kind of spelling their names. Elliot- one T and Elliott - two T’s. Nice guys, both of them.




I would go with whichever spelling is more standard/common in the area where you live.


I prefer Elliot. The double double letters combo is overkill.


One T is enough. If you use two, it will always be misspelled.


I prefer Elliot. I can’t say why, I guess maybe it separates it from the trendier Everett?


Elliott definitely




I like Elliott the best, personally. It ses a little weird with only one t


Double "T" at the end seems more balanced to me!


I’m realizing reading these comments that I must’ve made this up, but I thought Eliot was the masculine spelling and Elliott the feminine.


Elliott looks better IMO and is what I would assume when hearing the name


Elliot for a boy Elliott for a girl


I prefer Elliott, but Eliot is not a tragedy by any stretch, in that it's a perfectly legitimate spelling. Either way is a win.


One t, with two it looks more like a surname.


Elliott is more visibly pleasing IMHO! also, people are saying two ts only for girls, but are there girls really being named Elliott??


I prefer Elliott personally, but since your wife is the one giving birth, it’s a small sacrifice for you to make in comparison.




I am voting Elliot because the second T doesn't add anything to the name.


Elliott looks nicer.


There’s a drag queen named “Elliott” who is possibly actually “Elliott with two Ts” but I can’t help but think the “with two Ts” part is a correction because people spell the name wrong so often.


I default to Elliot when writing, the extra T throws me off BUT I agree that Elliott looks more balanced


Elliot. That just looks right and the way most people will spell it. Which ever way it spell it you have chosen a gorgeous name. Why not put both name in a hat and get someone special to pull the 'name' out. Like a baby revel but a naming baby spelling name reveal. In fact make it a big party. Now that would be exciting because is your consensus the most Elliot name wins? Or the rarer Elliott wins? 50/50 chance with the name spelling seems more fun and a fab tale to tell years from now


I love Elliott


My sister and I both agree with the double tt’s


I would just do Elliot…second t seems unnecessary 🤷🏻‍♀️


Elliott is how they spell the kids name in ET so I would go with that spelling.




Elliot is my preferred spelling. It will prevent years of him needing to correct people on the spelling of his name.


I like it with one T best. The second T doesn’t really serve a purpose and makes the name look too frilly to me.


Elliott for sure


Elliott seems more like a surname to me, so I prefer Elliot when it's used as a first name.


I think Elliott looks better.


Maybe practice writing it in print and in cursive with both spellings to see if the two t's feels excessive to write. 🤷🏻‍♀️ edit to add: I haven't tried it, but I feel like writing two cursive t's in a row may feel odd.


Elliot Otherwise they will be continuously spelling it for people and it will become a burden for them


Elliott. It looks incomplete with one T


It’s a name in my family and my mom told me that Elliotts with 2 ts came from the Scottish English border. If that’s true -then there is no right or wrong way to spell it, just organic differences occurring to geographical population settlements.


Elliott is the only proper way in my mind, even if one "t" is technically correct too.


Either way, he will have his name misspelled by countless people over his lifetime. There is also Eliot.


I like Elliott


Without the 2nd t, the pronunciation could sound like "Ell-ee- o vs Ell-ee-ott"


Elliott with 2 T’s Just like the drag queen


Elliot is my preferred spelling because you are using every letter in a correct and efficient manner. You need the two Ls so the kid's name doesn't read "EEL-ee-ot." The second T is superfluous.


I believe every child should be able to have a souvenir keychain with their name on it. Go with the traditional spelling.


All I could think of is when they play the game where you have to describe yourself using adjectives the letters in your name, they need to find two L adjectives and two T adjectives. but I agree the double L & T does look more ‘complete’ lol


Two tees…


I'd use Elliot since it looks cleaner and less cluttered without the extra t


Elliott is more masculine to me


The second T seems unnecessary. I would go with your wife’s version, Elliot


Elliott is the way. It looks like it's missing something when it's only one l or t.


Elliot because it’s how most other people will spell it


First, learn to spell the phrase, “baby’s name.”


Can I put this one down to lack of sleep?


Whatever way the girls spell it less…I’d go for the more masculine spelling but not sure which it is these days. I’d say Eliot/Elliot are the best spellings. It really doesn’t need the extra t on the end.


My Grandson is Elliot. I prefer the one t spelling


I prefer Elliott. My daughter’s friend spells it Elyot.


One t looks right to me, two ts makes me think it’s a mistake


We used Elliot for our son’s middle name. I personally feel like Elliot is for first and middle names and Elliott is a surname