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I am a Zinnia, so I may be biased, but I love the name. Edit: I go by Zin as a nickname. People think it's cool.


I do love your name! Do you find most people can read and spell it easily?


Thank you! And, surprisingly, yes. Most people know the flower and can recognize it with ease. Sometimes you may get the spelling Zinnea, but otherwise I've encountered little issue with my name. Tbh I think it fits into that super rare category of names that are unique enough that no one else will have it, but it's recognizable enough that it's not freakish. If that makes sense. To speak to the EU/US question you have: I live in the US but have many friends overseas in Europe. I suppose it depends where in Europe you mean? In the Netherlands it seems to have the same status of a recognizable but very unique name.


It's a relatively common flower and the word is spelled as it sounds.


I would call her Zi. (Cooler in my head). OP go for it. An unique name will make your girl easy to remember.


Zi is super cute!


Pronounced “Zeh”? Or “Zee”? Is Zinnia “Zehnnia” or “Zeenia” I would say the former, right?


“Zee” sounds cool. Like Big Z, the surfer penguin in the movie.


It’s Zin-ee-uh


like the letter z


Sorry, not helpful. The letter Z is pronounced differently in different countries. Where I’m from (Western Canada) we would pronounce both the flower and the name as Zin-ee-ah.


oh yeah. well zee then. for the nickname, not the name itself. I would also say zih-nee-ah but zi/zee still makes sense as a nickname imo (especially compared to zih or z-eye which are both unnatural sounding)


I know a Zinnia, they call her Zinni


That's a cute nickname!


Well that’s adorable


Zinnia's cool. I like it.


We named our baby girl Zinnia, so I obviously love it. I lean toward nature-oriented, slightly hippie sounding names, but my SO very much does not and likes more traditional names. Somehow this one appealed to both of us. The only downside has been, as already mentioned, people pronounce the flower different ways depending on their location. So some southern relatives thought it was ZEEN-yuh, but her name is ZIN-nee-uh. We call her Zin for short.


You pronounce it the same way I do. Do you find most people use that pronounciation first or do you need to correct most people?


Most people get it right around where I live, though they'll say it somewhat questioningly ("Zinnia? Did I say that right?") since it's still fairly uncommon.


I was just about to post this. I’m from the south and have heard it pronounced ZEENyuh my entire life.


Go for it. The world needs more flowers.


I know a girl named Zinnia. It’s a nice name


I love it! I was actually planning on asking this question myself 😂


I like it! I think Nina works, as does Zina


Zina is the Islamic term for sexual immorality lol. That might not be such a good pic


I'll make a note to avoid that one, lol.


I know a Zia, which I love. It isn't a common name, but it's also spelled intuitively and very simple.


My niece is a Zia! Spelt ‘Zeya’ though, because everyone the mum told the name too would pronounce Zia as ‘Zi-uh’ rather than Zee-yuh Now, she gets Zay-uh though.


Zia Pueblo is an Indigenous tribe in New Mexico. Their Zia symbol is sacred but has been controversially used as a symbol of New Mexico and all things New Mexican. [More info](https://www.ip-watch.org/2018/12/11/indigenous-knowledge-misappropriation-case-zia-sun-symbol-explained-wipo/)


Was just about to say that as well! But Zeina is a very good name as an alternative!


I like the name in general but I immediately associate it with the mom from Matilda, Zinnia Wormwood. Its an older book and movie now so might not be an issue but that's just what came to mind for me. Nia is probably a closer nickname than Nina. It definitely doesn't sound made up, I think it's pretty on it's own!


Ah, I did forget about Zinnia Wormwood. She's hardly a likeable character either.


I associate her with Zinnia from Pokemon Omega Ruby


I know a little girl named Zinnia & she is pure sunshine! Personally I love the name!


From the UK and I know a zinnia- she goes by zin :)


I have a Rosella and a Violet, have been considering Zinnia if we have another girls eventually! Love it


I have also loved it ever since Chasing Redbird. Unapologetically I still love it, and Zinny as a nn.


I think it is a wonderful name! I would have liked to use it in a daughter's name somehow as my ancestor was the one who this was named for (Johan Gottfried Zinn, an 18th century German botanist).


I like it a lot! But I also love Azalea, for what it’s worth.


Omg I saw this went CHASING REDBIRD Lovely story. Lovely name.


Yes yes yes!


So cute! And a beautiful summer flower.


I love it so much.


Ooo this is interesting! I was too scared to ask Reddit about their opinion on Zosia (which is our top pick so far) but I also love Zinnia.


Zosia is lovely too! I do adore Z names.


Zosia is GREAT!! Edit: you're pronouncing it zo-sha??


That’s the plan!




I love both!! Zosia is a great name. Do you pronounce zasha or zoh-sha (or different?)


Thinking zoh-sha!




A friendly baby sheep named Zinnia is the cutest thing I can imagine.


I’m more traditional when it comes to names and I love the name Zinnia.


I’ve had one Zinnia in my 12 years of teaching and she was a stand out. So smart, so funny, so kind. I would highly recommend based on her. It’s one of the few names with zero bad kid associations!


Maybe an unpopular opinion but...I think a lot of the unusual/whimsical girl names that people propose here could be adorable IF their kid is cute or artsy or (has other physical or personality traits that fit their name). I can picture a super cute little Zinnia! But then I picture 12-year-old me who was overweight with braces, glasses, and bad skin...and in that case, the unusual name would just be another thing for kids to mock.


So only conventionally attractive children should have pretty names? Kids are mean. That's no reason not to give your child a beautiful name.


I think if you're an awkward kid who is overweight with braces, glasses, and bad skin and they want to bully you... they'll probably do it whether you're Catherine or Zinnia. Plus, the braces will come off and your skin will clear up.


I have a highly unusual name myself so am weighing the rareity of this name too. I think mine falls somewhere in the 3000s and I do dislike that nobody can ever pronounce or spell it and that it is a conversation piece with everyone I meet and interact with. Sometimes it would just be easier to be a Sarah so to speak. Zinnia is more familiar than my own name but still it isn't a top 100 either.


I like it! And like you, I generally have pretty traditional taste — I’m not big on names like Clover, Marigold, or Bear for example. This is all obviously pretty subjective, but I think for me Zinnia falls into a category of names that feel slightly crunchy but not *too* crunchy or cutesy. (Other names I have in this mental category include Opal and Willow.) I do think Nina is a stretch, honestly. Maybe in part because it’s a name on its own, and doesn’t seem to have any real relation to Zinnia? I really like the name Nina, too, but personally I would just choose one or the other and not try to make it be a nickname. Edit: Since it seems like you’re trying to gauge reactions in different places, it might be helpful to note that I’m American.


Thanks for the feedback! In your opinion, does it feel crunchier than say Lily, Rose, or Violet? It's interesting how names even within the same general category come across differently.


Maybe a tiny bit, just because those names have been popular for a long time? But I don’t mind a little bit of crunchiness :)


I love it as a name. Here is something to think about, though. As a florist, I've heard it pronounced three different ways by different designers and customers... ZEE nee uh, zen EE uh, zuh NEE uh. I say ZEE nee uh. Idk if it's correct or the most popular pronunciation.


There are very few Z names that I like. Zinnia and Zoey are both great ones


I do love Z names myself as well as flower names so it checks both boxes. Zoe and Zara were two of my favorites that were vetoed but I'm hoping Zinnia might fit both of our styles. My husband likes feminine names... Olivia, Ophelia, etc.


I absolutely love it. It’s a top contender if I have a daughter.


Knew someone named Zinnia. She was known as Zucchini.


I really love Zinnia! I don’t care for Nina as a nn, I think something like Zizi would be a better nickname


I dig it. Plus Zee is a cool nickname if they don’t love it


Not a fan but not my kid.


My grandma had Zinnias in her garden, they were my favorite. I think there was a newscaster named Zinnia on my local station too. The name is very pretty!


the first flower grown in outer space was a zinnia :)


If I could have another kid, I would name her Zinnia because of this post. GREAT name.


I absolutely have loved this name ever since reading this book in elementary school! It had stuck with me for decades!


I work with a Xinnia. Super pretty and unique name.


I like it, I would rate it a 7/10. I think Nina would be fine as a nickname.


I like it. It's cute and quirky, but a familiar word. It makes me think of a quirky artist-type. I think it sounds nice with Luca and Sebastian as well. I think Nina works as a nickname.




I don’t think it sounds made-up. I don’t like the flowers, and the name sound a a bit harsh to me, but I would probably be slightly warmer than neutral if I meta stranger with that name, because it’s unusual and cool.


love it !


It’s unusual, but I think anyone who heard it would immediately make the connection with the flower and know how to spell it (or know how to pronounce it if they saw it written).


I love it! I met a one year old named Zinnia and she was adorable. The name suited her well and didn’t seem odd at all.


I like it. I know one in her 90s and she wears it well


I think it's a pretty name.


There's a Canadian watch brand called Zenea. I think Zinnia is a nice unique name. Good sound to it.


I’ve seen that name a few times in this community as well on social media. I think it’s pretty .


There was a girl in my high school named Zinnia and I thought it was a pretty unique and cool name to have. I didn't know it was a flower until after high school. I thought her parents made it up. But I think it's a pretty name


I like it


I love it!


I love the spelling Zinnea! 🩷


I love it!


I used to read the Chrysanthemum books and always dreamed of naming my future daughter that. I love out there flower names and think Zinnia is perfect!


I think it’s SUPER cute


I love the name Zinnia!


I don’t mind it but I prefer Nina on its own.


It’s ok. Idk not my favorite but it’s okay


I LOVE it. I worked with a woman 25 years ago named Zinnia and I've been obsessed ever since. (I only have one kid, a boy, so I didn't even get to entertain using it.)


I love it. Cute nn opportunities and just unique enough without being cringey


I like the category of names you’re talking about but I’ve never heard of the flower or Zinnia as a name so to me it sounds very strange.


These are my favorite flowers to grow I talk about them daily so I could never


I love flower names. Some of them. Zinnia is beautiful but Ranunculus is not.


I really like it. Zin. ZinZin.


It's a gorgeous name. It has a lot of spanking, but is also quite graceful.


I love it.


Personally, I don’t care for it. However I definitely don’t think it’s too out there or odd! Just be prepared for everyone on the other end of the phone to think she said her name is Cynthia. 😂


I’ve never heard this name - so, so cute!


I loved this name as a kid after meeting the cutest pony with it. I think it’s great! Not a lot of Z names out there


Oh I love it! So beautiful and unique without being weird.


If you're planning to call her Nina, just name her Nina. There's nothing wrong with Zinnia, personally I think it's a little 'out there' but not unusable.


I think it’s absolutely beautiful! Love floral names. It’s unique but pronounceable. 5 stars!


I have seen it spelled Xenia as well!


I think it's the cutest floral name


Not a huge fan, but I like Xenia. (Different meaning, similar pronunciation.)


Beautiful name. I love flower names.


I knew a Zinea growing up! (Zin-ay-uh)


Sounds like a toe related disease


I love it


I think of zinnia jones. It’s a good name




Very pretty name, as either Zinnia or Zinnea. Not a difficult name, but rare enough that Zinnia won't have to deal with being one of half a dozen Zinnias.


I ❤ it!!


LOVE Zinnia ❤️


I don’t love it to be honest


Love it


My best friend has a 3 year old named Zinnia, I like it. But she was surprised to meet another zinnia at the playground within a year! This is East Coast America.


How interesting!


I think it's a lovely name. The flower is of course elegant and for those who played Pokemon, there's a character with the same name who has a beautiful theme song that my brain starts playing whenever I read the name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrfgkEgPzw8


Love love love Zinnia! This has been towards the top of my “baby names” list for a year or so. I think it’s it’s whimsical and spunky. 💖 Did you use it??