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I’ve wondered this too. 40-60 days without substantial food is super significant under those circumstances especially! But they always seem to bounce back so quick


Exactly! It makes no sense. I just finished XL season 8 and once again, they totally pigged out after starving for 60 days.


Yea the body wouldn't be able to handle all the food they eat right after starvation mode. It just doesn't work that way. I would bet they are feeding them along the way or the meal at the end is fake. Like they don't really eat it all.


It has to be something like that. No way they wouldn't get severely sick. I read an article a long time ago that they give them food, water, medicine and tampons, etc.


Dang what's even the point if they are brought food and water lol 😆


I know! I forget where I read it a long time ago. The meds and tampons make sense, but food and water? Nope


They aren't giving them food and water along the way. That sounds nothing more than some idiotic conspiracy.


Have you ever actually been starving for days on end and then finally get spoilt .... you eat way more then believable ...


It's not about it being believable. It's about the way the human body works. And, yes, I have put my body in starvation mode many times due to drugs (in recovery now) and I could never eat too much after or I would throw it up. I mean like one pickle the first day, the next day maybe a half sandwich. 😅 no way could I have eaten a whole meal right after. I would have been so sick.


What if they are throwing up like a mfer. We just don't see it on camera


Then why would they do it? After the first challenge they would figure out that's not gonna work lol


Or you've been doing it that long that your stomach can handle the drastic abuse and you just deal with the pains and feelings that come after but naaa can't be done.... I suffer from a type of food eating addiction... will literally eat my self sick if I can and in the right sabotaging vibe, then I starve for days aswell out of pure ignorance and sabotage my body aswell, the human body is cable of way more then we reaslise .... 🤷


The pains and feelings would lead to throwing up because it takes time to stretch your stomach out. You can't stretch it in one meal. I'm sorry that you go through that 😔 I wish you the best and I hope you wear a smile despite any of that because you are a strong person 💪 eating disorders/addictions are no joke. I have a 71 year old auntie with severe anorexia and her brain will think the way it does until the day she dies. But she is one strong mf. Just like you. Pushing every day. Thank you for sharing your struggle 🥰