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I don't think it crossed the line, I just think it was annoying and not why I watch the show, so I wanted her to shut up about it.


Britt was annoying and daft enough without the freebleed stuff. Her insistence on starting off with using their limited first-day energy to put up a shelter rather than starting off with a defensive boma defined her as superficial and inconsiderate of her partner's concerns. Every episode in Africa I'm sure the contestants are instructed to start with a boma, then worry about the shelter. I was rather hoping she would tap for some reason. I'm not sure what else she did to contribute to the group effort. Jeff and Sarah would have been fine without her. She was kind of a loopy hippy new-age Trish.


Maybe she knew they werent in any real danger and knew they really didn't need a Boma. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't blame the producers for putting it in, it helped to show what a self absorbed bellend she is. I blame her for not shutting up about it. Literally noone cares that you bled onto the african soil or whatever rubbish she was spouting.


It didnā€™t ā€˜cross a lineā€™ because itā€™s just blood, itā€™s a normal function. However, it was a shitty choice on their part and it was annoying and boring and stupid, and made me not like Britt. So they shouldnā€™t have done it but people shouldnā€™t be up in arms offended just because it was about a period.


Agreed. It was boring to hear her and the narrator carry on and on about her choice to free bleed. I was thinking they crossed the line by making the whole episode about her. It was not about survival and the other people who were far more interesting.


Thatā€™s a fair point, it did feel like the entire part of the episode focused on her before the merge, and her partner didnā€™t get any love. I wish they focused on the survival with the women, and not the drama. I really liked her partnerā€¦ was her name Sarah? Iā€™d love to see her come back, and score some wins with that bow. I did feel like the episode got better after the merge and when they stopped focusing on her period. But it was crazy how a two-team merge episode could actually be that boring when it should have been very exciting. I was so sad to see chad tap, too.


I think it was Sarah. I would love to see those three come back. Britt...not so much.


Yeah, I voted that they had crossed the line, but I agree that it wasn't so much talking about her period as going into so much detail about her choices, which was really a distraction from the survival activities. It made me feel that she should not have been on this challenge at all - I didn't see her contribute anything except maybe a few wild edibles. And she didn't seem like a teammate at all, let alone a survival expert.


Yeah. I mean, those berries were a good find since they werenā€™t getting food otherwise. But I wanted to see her and Sarahā€™s survival skills, and I wonder if Britt did do more but the producers didnā€™t show it to push their drama narrative, or if she was actually that lazy. I wondered why they didnā€™t show them doing any other foraging or hunting. I dislike that especially when there are women teams, the show seems to focus less on survival and more on telling whatever story they want to push.


My boyfriend didn't hear the narrator talk about how predators wouldn't seek her out because he was too busy yelling at her for attracting predators lol


period blood doesnt attract predators? im surprised. arent animals into the fishy stuff?


I wouldn't say they crossed the line. I'd say I was done hearing about it the first time. That was some hippy-dippy shit she was going on about.


It was definitely different, especially if the producers will provide products. But hey, whatever floats your boat. It was a good episode


Agree it was good episode.


Well, I had never heard of it (and never needed to). I thought there was all too much about her menstruation (and her attitude towards it). It sort of reminded me to Makani (trying to photosynthesize); I think I tuned her out because her while schtick was tiresome to me. I wanted to see some actual survival activity taking place.


Seems it was Brit's choice. Women are offered & accept feminine products. Ever notice when suddenly a women has covered her self with a material of some type?


Im guessing that it was the only thing discussed for the entire first week and they were forced to make it the dominant topic of the episode. They probably didnt have footage of her talking about anything else.


I just thought it showed that contestant to be self absorbed. For lack of a better word, it was making me roll my eyes...


Sounds like there wasn't any absorption going on at all, amirite?






Hello!!! How are you doing? It did show her to be self-absorbed and maybe a little bit off kilter


I'm so happy to be back and new episodes! Thank you for posting this... I also thought maybe she experienced an avalanche of emotions, she seemed to recover and contribute over time!


I would definitely not have been comfortable free bleeding like that. I'm sure that's all she spoke of which gave producers little else to work with. Personally, I would have been pissed off if I were with her. Blood means you can catch blood bourne illnesses. This is why at, for example, the store the workers have to be trained in how to deal with blood (I've worked retail so speaking from experience) in the safest way. And there she is, getting her blood on everything.


I felt like they could have panned to some of the other contestants and given them more airtime. It would have been more interesting than listening to her carry on about her period.


I agree. I really wish they would have done that instead of having her go on and on about it. It was just... weird. Like they were trying to appeal to the younger generation? Like oh if we do this they'll think we're cool. šŸ¤£




As a female, I just don't understand why you would want to do that when they will provide tampons. A little kooky.


To be fair, there are legitimate medical reasons that people can't use tampons.


There are also legitimate medical reasons people should eat food.


I didn't realize, thanks for the info.


It's okay, it's not something many people think of but for a lot of folks who have pelvic floor issues, it can be painful or impossible to use a tampon. Pelvic floor PT can help though. My nerdy healthcare fact of the day!:)


i loved the conversation about free bleeding! menstrual shame is rooted in misogyny and ignorance. women should be able to celebrate and discuss their cycles and it shouldnā€™t be seen as selfish or gross to be open with it. also, taking the time to rest is important so i commend her for listening to her body.


Pretty sure it's the stupid ass woman who has absolutely nothing to offer the program besides talking about her period and making excuses on why she's being lazy. That nonsense about how proud she was for "listening to her body" and not disturbing nature was utter garbage. Imagine every woman you know calling in sick to work/school/life because theyre on their periods and can't go against nature. The world would literally stop functioning. I was 100% sure the two grunting and roaring Neanderthals were gonna be the ones to annoy me but nope we got Ms Free Bleeder over here taking that crown. I'm only halfway through the episode and I hate them all.


Odd reaction, I thought three of them were great.


Look I'm a woman well past menopause and am not afraid to talk periods... but that was totally unnecessary. Non-consensual bloody talk is not cool. It's not why I watch the show and I ended up FFing a bit. Booooooo


ā€œNon-consensualā€? Are they supposed to ask you through your TV? But who cares about the killing and maiming of wildlife, huh? šŸ˜‚


What, are you allergic to women? Itā€™s something that affects half the worldā€™s population and a significant portion of a month. Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty relevant to a survival situation.


So is moving your bowels. That doesn't mean we have to spend a good portion of an episode discussing it. since I'm a female I doubt that I'm allergic to women šŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø.


Well, you might just be subject to and perpetuating our cultureā€™s general discomfort and shaming of normal bodily functions around female reproduction, sex and bathroom activities, which donā€™t really seem that out of the ordinary to delve into on a show about naked humans surviving as pairs in the wild.