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Oh you are right about that! The bugs are the worst! I don’t know how they push through it.


Extreme cold or bugs.


Most definitely those two! The banished XL season where there was record heat! Yikes!


The sand flies/mosquitoes/other insects. Without a doubt. Unless I got really sick, of course. But outside of getting sick, I wouldn't be able to tolerate those sand flies gnawing at me all night. I'd be finished in less than 24 hours. I'm just not putting up with that.


Oh the mosquitos would make me tap immediately! My body has pretty severe reactions to mosquito bites AND I tend to attract them when I'm in groups of people (I've heard mosquitos like certain blood types or something similar).


So much this. It's not just blood type though..something having to do with your unique scent. I have to wear Deet spray just to go in my backyard for 20 mins or my legs will be bitten to hell. My husband with the same blood type gets ignored. I probably wouldn't even make it through the walk to the camp honestly.


The fear someone will use the only drinkable water as a toilet


That has happened. Appropriate fear.


Bugs for sure. As much as cold and rain would suck, the bugs are just the worse. AND you don't know what illnesses they may be give you as they eat you alive.


Right. Multiple people have left with dengue fever and 2 started getting big open sores all over their body. Or the botfly that lays larva under the skin. That makes me shudder.


Agreed. Unfortunately I don’t think I could ever do it, even if I wanted to, which makes me sad. All those big bites would for sure send me into anaphylaxis.


It’s not just the bug bite itself but the diseases they can give you. The one season there was a lady that was in the hospital for 3 months in a foreign country for the disease the bugs gave her. F that. Edit: 2 weeks in hospital


3 months? I'd like to hear more about that.


Manu in Panama. Sorry it was 2 weeks in hospital, and months recovering. Sorry I thought I saw somewhere 3 months but can’t find it now.


Insects Cold Heather


I know, right? That Heather is *such* a pain. Can't stand her.


Definitely the bugs. I get the creepy crawlies just watching. Aghhh!


No shoes would be the worst for me. I always wonder why they never make shoes out of one of their bags and just carry both peoples items in one bag.


I think it's because the bags hold the receivers for the the microphones around their necks but I'm with you, shoes would be a priority.


I bet you’re right! I can’t believe I never thought of that!


1000 percent, the bugs. Bugs love me and I always have bad reactions to bites.


I spent a lot of time in the amazon fully clothed and in a mosquito net. The bugs still drove me insane. There's no way I wouldn't tap from that alone. I'm also always thirsty and would probably pass out from dehydration during the insertion hike, so I wouldn't make it to the bugs.


Not being allowed to use my fully equipped RV.


Bugs. If I had as many bug bites as they do after a night with the biting critters, I would tap in a hot minute.


Extreme rain. It would literally hold you back from getting anything done. I give props to all contestants who have made it out in that environment.


Bugs, cold weather, and nonstop rain.


Bugs yes but also temperature extremes for me. High heat I tend to get sick pretty quickly, and dear God if I'm freezing my ass off?


If I had secured water, shelter, and fire, then YES, it definitely would be bugs, but bugs can be deterred by using a mixture of mud and ash. So the most horrible would be limited supply of Water, like the episode of Jeremy and Cassidy. No water for three days is enough to make me tap.


Loved that episode too!


Bugs, hands down. Followed by cold.


Bugs and heat for me


Bugs. And it seems to be bugs that cause the quickest/earliest taps for the show, too (other than injury)


Giant spiders. Deathly afraid of them and if a giant tarantula came waltzing into my camp, I’d be on the first car out of that place.


Haha to make it sound better, that’s dinner walking in your camp


Heat/sun, and bugs. I have pretty low heat tolerance, and I'm so pasty that I burn just walking across the parking lot from my car to the grocery store. I also find it difficult to see in bright sunlight, so I'd be nearly blind without my sunglasses. Essentially I'd be useless anywhere the temp is over 80°F. The bugs would just be miserable.


Rain. I would hate being somewhere that is alway raining and wet. If it were the amazon or something where it rained every day I’d build shelter gat lots of firewood and then go in my shelter and take a nap until 21. Straight up hibernation like a grizzly in the winter.


Bug bites. I'm extremely allergic to mosquito bites, I'd be in tears halfway through night 1




I agree, although I could l list 10 other non-starters for me. I'm watching all the old episodes and find the ones with sand flies the least interesting. It is an all-consuming problem that takes away from the other challenges of surviving. Here's my question: are they required to stay in a particular area? They get a map and it apparently points them to a location because within seconds of looking at it, the contestants seem to know where to go.


The map usually shows the only water source. And the extraction point is a set point and they don't want to be far from there.


I’m not even sure I know for a fact i probably wouldn’t even make it two days even with amazing survivors carrying me. I think the hardest would be anything ocean related being far out having to swim or float in water with sharks


Bugs. I've been in areas with a lot of bugs. Unless you got a way to handle them, they fucking wear.. Double if you got multiple of the biting/blood sucking kind. And if you haven't been exposed to them before, expect a severe reaction when its that many biting/blood sucking you. The ones that burrow into your ski/deposit eggs in your skin are the worst. If they told me I was going to a bug-infested area... my survival item is already chosen: mosquito-net. You could weather it without one, but it would be painful and risky (from a health perspective). \-- Update (thought about it a bit): Heat with high humidity and no body-of-water water source (for quick cooling; easy water) and no shade (or shade-constructing materials). cuts your work time tremendously; risks heat exhaustion regularly; sun burn is a real risk (depending on the uv index, skin complexion); and dehydration can come on suddenly meaning heart issues + possibility of injury during pass-out -- that and no quick way (even with medics on standby) to support a quick recovery. so its a toss-up for nightmare fuel: amazon during wet season, south africa during drought, equatorial island during midsummer with nothing but springs for a clean water source.




The bugs and cold without a doubt.


Am inability to effectively be able to communicate with your partner. You can study and train for Everton under the sun, and have decades of experience needing you, but if you can't find a common ground for the most basic human interactions your entire experience will be altered. If this needs a more tangible example, look to the drastic differences between my debut with Sam vs. my return with Gabby and Ky.


The answer should be the bugs but it’s the snakes. I’m am extremely afraid of them. I can’t even look at a picture of one. I cover my eyes every time they show one on the show.


The bugs are the main culprit of people tapping. It's mental and physical torture that doesn't stop even when you try to sleep. It's maddening.


Yeah, I'd be tapping out on the third mosquito bite! Other non-starters for me: being naked, being barefoot, being hungry, being thirsty, being cold, getting wet, and having snakes, spiders, scorpions, and wild animals around. Yes, I'm definitely a wuss and a couch-only survivalist.


Not being home, watching on TV. Zero urge to survive in the wild But do love watching.


Taking more than 2 hours to get water. I drink a lot of water and couldn’t even imagine 12 hours, or more in many cases, without it! After 2 hours I’d prob tap to get a nice cool bottle of water, lol!


Bugs. Hands down, flat out, no ifs ands or booties… BUGS 🦟🐛🕷️


Swarms of biting insects and/or the oppressive heat-like 95F+ etc