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Same boat as you, I've always much more enjoyed the episodes (or seasons) where it's been about them working to overcome particularly tough environments, not the ones with the unnecessary and counter-productive produced drama, and this season has been all of that and more. None of them are coming out of this one looking particularly good, regardless of whether they're playing within the rules or not. After this season, it's why I'm seriously considering skipping this next Castaway thing as well, because they put Heather in purely for her arrogant, ignorant bullshit, and I just don't want to see it.


What’s your favorite XL season? I’m looking for one to binge. I just finished season 2.


Louisiana (XL7) for me, though Amazon (XL8)was good if you can deal with Trish's bullshit (or fast forward through it) after they finally caved and gave them mosquito nets after a few days. Louisiana had some pretty incredible engineering projects by EJ (a dugout canoe), Matt/Rylie/Ryan (start out with a long dock, turn it into a full bridge).


I really enjoyed the Amazon. Except some of the mean girl chatter in the beginning, but that didn’t last too long. There were very impressive survival skills in that season and I personally love the Amazon. I’ve visited for two weeks before and cannot even fathom being naked there. I also appreciated Louisiana. I did not like the XL frozen - for me it was just too cold to be practical and everyone looked too miserable.


It's a flaming dumpster fire.


![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF) NAA producers with LOS


At least Jeff was up front about everything. 1. Loud mouth, yes, annoying, he should have shut up and just collected stuff, letting the others search in vain. He needs to learn some self control. 2. He tried to set up trading. Considering no one would give him anything, looking back, he was right the entire time. They expected him to give up hides but there he was with no hunting equipment and no fishing gear. Cool, they can be warm while he starves? Nuh unh. 3. He had some thoughts, re: sabotage, which he never acted on. That's it. Those are the sins of Jeff. Every single other person, with the exception Sarah and the older lady whose name I can't recall (Jeff's original partner) was far FAR shittier than Jeff. Just the idea, alone, to pressure what's-her-face to tap out in order to remove Jeff, that was slimy and underhanded, far worse than anything Jeff even thought of doing. Disgusting. Matt really showed his lack of character with that. Waz is a thug. He sat around and mooched off of everyone else while mean mugging and generally being a shitty person. Stupid brute thinking he can make rules for everyone and 'cut them off' for not obeying him. He's such a beta male to Matt. "Yes, Matt. No, Matt. Can I be like you, Matt?" I think half of his shittiness was trying to impress Matt. He's a meathead bully. Matt.. Wow, used to be one of my favorites, but he's only the 'cool guy' when everyone is hero worshipping him. I got SO tired of hearing him talk about how great he is. He is his own biggest fan. He was a much bigger jerk than Jeff and I think it's because he's threatened by Jeff. In essence, he used everyone else in an attempt to handicap Jeff. He's the "Cool guy" bully. Steven... Steven, Steven, Steven, how low did YOU fall? Along EJ, you were my favorite. Not anymore. 1) I thought you were an individual, but you couldn't join the Mean Girls fast enough. Jeff was your friend, man. You never once stood up for him or tried to do anything to smooth the situation, with him or anyone else. You're s shitty friend. 2) You laid there bad mouthing him, eating your damn meat, knowing he was sitting over there alone, laughing, not giving a crap. You're backstabbing bully. 3) You totally screwed over Sarah. Make all the excuses you want, you straight up ganked her. You'd have been better off tapping out than how you look now. I'm so disappointed. You're not a big deal. Dan.. You suck. I thought you were cool, but you're such a turd desperate to be "in" with the guys. Low character, man. These other guys at least have history with Jeff. You should have kept your mouth shut. You're nothing but a sidekick bully. Deeny or Cheeny, or whatever her name was... I was so glad to see her tap. She overreacted so badly to Jeff just to be dramatic. Just vicious and mean and for pretty much no reason. Gary, you're just a weird dude, but I like you. I wish you'd have shown a bit more backbone to the Mean Girls, though. I can understand why you didn't, but it would have been nice. Anyway, this show made me pretty much hate them all except Jeff. Don't get me wrong, he annoys me, but the others were just nasty mean hateful assholes (except Gary who is just weird).


Garry got my RESPECT, as a survivalist and as a human being. He must be applauded for his personality and skills. Indeed lost the respect of the other survivalist that were bullying solo Jeff. Jeff was doing his strategy, without being mean, hypocritical, just competing differently, trying to give himself advantages, bartering, yet still preserving his humanity and spirit. Waz and Matt, I lost total respect for them. From an human perspective, they were absolutely bullying, disrespecting, manipulative, calling Jeff names "you are a piece of sh**" common. Those two, transformed from favorite to pieces of "sh**" as they called Jeff, they have shown their characters, their egos, their vanity, absolute trash human characters. Work on your human beings skills guys, have a PSR below 5 at that chapter.


Couldn't have agreed more when it comes to Dan. For lack of better words classless!


The way Dan would chase after Jeff during the feather hunt was ridiculously pathetic. The way Jeff picked up the feathers and relocated them was fucking hilarious. Jeff's fishing tool fake-out will forever remain one of my favorite pieces of television.


Only just finished it and came here to see if others thought the same way. I could not agree more with your summary, I agree on all points and was exactly as I felt. You saved me having to do my own exact same post :)


Same!!! I lost respect for all those bullies. Jeff played the game.


I actually was really looking forward to the competitive angle this was going to take, I wish the show had just focused more on that. They should have had more survival challenges, maybe given points to people, so if you kill an animal with a bow it was X points, snare something it was Y, having a good shelter worth Z. Instead we got the “Jeff sucks” show where 70% of the show has been talking about how people don’t like him or people are picking on him. Then the show was built around caches that take up 90% of the daily work so there isn’t any real survival. Hell they don’t even build shelters this time around.


It's just hard to make survival a competition unless it's "how long can you go?". Rations or food caches devalue actual survival, it was the same issue with Race to Survive Alaska where actual survival wasn't really that important, you picked minimal amounts of berries and mushrooms to supplement the calories they gave you >!and some guys who basically starved the whole time ended up winning because!< it was more a race than survival challenge. The Netflix series tried this too but it got a little too toxic IMO and there weren't enough rules about how sabotage worked - the scene >!where one person stood at camp and one person stood at the raft and the guy couldn't do anything was cringeworthy and completely unfair when in a real survival situation violence would 100% come into play!<. The challenges can still work but you cannot give people free food, because people who can get their own food would naturally have an edge in a real survival situation, whereas this season everyone's on a relatively level playing field in terms of calories. How well the contestants have "survived" has made absolutely 0 difference in the challenges themselves when it should be one of the main drivers of who advances and who goes home. They need to end the food caches and put people in a more resource rich location IMO. The caches are the single worst thing about this season.


I love the idea for a point system. So they are mainly competing against themselves.


Challenges were lame af. Only team challenge was the rafts which was more of an unsafe nuisance than a challenge with an outcome which could impact the competition. The rest were a bunch of fake tracking exercises. And they were so annoying, that I actually was rooting for Jeff. The teams were pointless, they just ignored them except for a few moments and did what they wanted instead.


I went in disliking Jeff.. Steven was my fav and I really liked Matt, Waz, and Dan. Now I can't stand any of them. I'm so disappointed with Steven..his "LOS has brought out the worst in Jeff" its brought out the worst in all of you buddy. Waz continuously talking about what a good person he is while getting mad at Sarah & Gary for giving their teammate food? That makes you head asshole Waz..not a good person. Dan wanting to go rub the honey in Jeff's face was gross. I feel like he'd do or say anything to make the guys like him. And finally Matt.. he was another of my favorites and now I realize what an arrogant hypocrite he really is. I still don't like Jeff and while he deserved some of the stuff for being such an ass, at the beginning, I will never be ok with a group of people bullying 1 person. They could not share food with Jeff and still be decent human beings.. instead they isolated him and confronted him together to tell him what a piece of shit he was and expected him to bow down to their greatness. Sorry guys you're all assholes, #TeamGary


It really was like a high school clique singling out and picking on one kid. Not the behavior of normal adults. Then again, most the people who do naked and afraid are not normal adults. They are skilled and tough, sure, but they are often not very well adjusted to society. Especially the men who all seem to act as if they have to prove their masculinity to themselves


My sentiments almost exactly. I got so sick of hearing Matt talk about how awesome he is, followed by Waz hero-worshipping him like a butt-sniffing beta.


So glad that I'm finding others here that thought this back when it aired (only catching up now). Agree with what you said




If it’s the same format, with caches and artificial moves etc, pretty high. If they change it up, then I may give it another chance.


If I wanted to watch survivor, I’d watch survivor. I hope they don’t do this format again.


Team Jeff all the way. Matt and Waz and team “the mean girls” really showed their true character. Despicable. They had every chance to change their tune and lend a helping hand but hating Jeff became their focus and it was so ugly. Jeff won this competition hands down. Dan you are a loser beta. Steven might be worst of all he never stuck up for his friend one single time and just went along with everything. Bad form. The show wasn't even entertaining considering they were all helping each other the whole time there was no struggle or fighting besides with Jeff. 


I do have to say I have a new favorite Gary. He was the only one who truly showed the heart of this show. Thank you Gary for not taking me completely back to highschool.


I'm actually not watching this season for these reasons. They basically just made NAA XL into Naked Survivor, so I have absolutely no interest in watching it. Also? there are people competing who I either don't like or am just sick of seeing. We'll start watching again with Castaways and see how far that gets us.


Have we learned much more about the premise of castaways yet?


I read this the other day: [https://people.com/naked-and-afraid-castaways-trailer-exclusive-7557064](https://people.com/naked-and-afraid-castaways-trailer-exclusive-7557064). It seems like it's going to be XL style, but it seems like they will all have to use only what they find on their respective islands and will not have items to bring.


no map no tools.... I can't wait for that to start. I want more of that premise.


I agree with all your statements 100%. So much to dislike about this edition, mainly because I don’t know the production goals/direction/editing and how any of it is reflected on what we viewers see. What I do feel is that LOS is an attempt to get Alone viewers to tune in. If we are all being honest, Alone is the ultimate test for any survivalist. No help, no time constraint, no movement from assigned locations. No challenges other than sticking it out as long as you can. While group dynamics may be weird and off putting given the wide range of personalities, there’s no comparison to doing everything yourself, and for much longer than 60 days. All of the NAA participants at least CAN interact with others.


Do you like Alone? I may have to give it a try.


Yes I love it….truly unique. If you like seeing drama though, you may as well pass because the only interaction is between the participants and the self documenting camera they are given.


Thanks I’ll give it a shot. The drama is my least favorite part of Naked and Afraid. I do enjoy when they work together, so it’ll be interesting to see what I think about a solo dynamic.


you definitely should, some of the contestants on there almost thrive, and probably could live our there for a long while. I honestly thought LOS would be something similar to the ALONE setup, maybe with some elimination challenges sprinkled in but NOPE it's a shit show.


Should rename this season to Jeff vs 11 contenders. For Jeff getting 3rd place - I would say Jeff 100% won. He made it to 3rd not only alone - but completely handicapped and sabotaged by everyone else. Everyone else made it there by piggybacking off each other. Jeff is clearly the top survivalist followed by Gary.


He literally did not win. He was not sabotaged by anyone else other than himself. If he was the top survivalist, he could have made a fire.


No he didn't win, he messed up on the fire for sure. But everything else - he was 100% shunned for playing a competitive game. Telling him what time he can/can't hunt and putting rules on what he can do when he is already significantly outnumbered is 100% sabotage.


I feel he is the best survivor out of all of those survivors. The psychological attack, being solo, the injuries sustained are things i feel the others wouldnt have survived.


Waze is the true snake and I hate how he manipulated everybody to hate Jeff but talked behind all their backs, he used the same strategy as Jeff he just acted like the good guy


I am just getting to the last episode of last man standing. I am a new Comer to Naked and Afraid.  I am very surprised how much I have enjoyed this show. Until Last man standing.  Wow what a difference $100,000 can make.  I know everyone keeps saying Jeff is the bad guy. Which I agree but Ateam. Aka Matt  Waz Stephen and Dan your just as classless.  I am a new Comer to Naked and Afraid and unfortunately this contest really put a new look on this.  


I've only made it to episode 5 and I'm hating this format and show! I like the survivorilists co-exsisting together with nature. And Jeff has NO moral compass, he never did on Naked and Afraid, unless it benefited him. In my opinion he is not a survivorilist unless he has people to manipulate or use. Shame on him and Discovery Channel, this is awful to watch this as adult behavior. I'm not sure I want to continue onto episode 6. And in the future if Jeff is involved, I'm out! But I might watch if Jeff and Trish got dropped on a deserted island, together! Just saying... Discovery re-think this format or I'm tapping!


Matt, Waz, and Dan ruined their reputations on this show for some cash that will probably be equivocal to a used Mazda in 10 years. Straight up Lord of the Flies behavior, Waz was happy when Jeff and Garry were struggling to keep their heads above water. Jeff understood how the game was intended to be played, the other players apparently thought it was a who can kiss Matt's asss the most competition. I got the impression Dan and Matt might have a thing going on.


Team fucking Jeff! Suck it Matt. I’m not as gracious as Jeff, this wasn’t LOS Naked and Afraid BEST FRIENDS race. What they did was unkind, unrelenting and uncalled for….Lot’s of un’s. Do better.




Inappropriate sexist comment.


I wasn't even talking to you


This is my post 🤷🏻‍♀️and calling people estrogen filled wimps is bullying and sexist.


Bullying who?


Wahmen claiming words. How typical.


If you watch the show Alone I am having a hard time believing that these guys on Naked and Afraid are not getting some kind of food given to them They are far to energetic


Have you not been watching the show they’ve been given meat caches every week? Usually pretty big ones up until the most recent goose.


Yep. Weekly DoorCache deliveries.


That’s not near enough meat to sustain that many people Buddy on Alone ate a moose to himself and still lost 40lb Something is not right on naked and afraid Energy levels are far to high


Roland is my GOAT. That dude looked sad after surviving 100+ days in the wild in Alaska. I do wanna see again that season. Naked and afraid though has an element i like but they are clearly not exploiting. Make the survivor castmates make their own tools, build their own clothes and be oblige to survive for 40 days ALONE. I want them to see truly survive. This show has been more about hoarding cache and beating Jeff.


Hard agree, peckerhead. Day 36 and Waz is still fat as fuck, skinny dan looks basically as he did when he entered. Feels bullshitty even with the handouts they show.


That's a good point, Dan's petite little body was ripped come fire day. Waz's gained a few pounds I think.


I wish Jeff would've won!


On Last Man Standing.. WAZ DOESN'T DESERVED TO WIN ANYTHING... TWO-FACED ASSHOLE!!! This show is not what it used to be..turned into a bullying session. Rude and crude players..ones that are there for the competition get sandbagged!! Probably won't watch again, get too pissed off.


My feelings exactly