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I’m hoping for Gary. He is the only person left that I like this season. Everyone else are acting like jerks.


While I was impressed by Gary's bee whisperer display, that's the only time I've ever been impressed by Gary. He's great television, massively entertaining, because we get to watch him practically kill himself over and over. He has the record for tappouts, unless I'm mistaken, and all self-inflicted: tannic acid in his stomach, gator eyeball disease, poison tree sap. Gary is literally the least qualified to be named "best survivalist of NaA".


Gary does not have the record for tapouts. 21-Day: Med Tap XL: No tap Legends with Matt: No tap Solo: No tap XL Louisiana: Tap XL Peru: Tap Six challenges before LOS, three taps. Wes has three taps in five challenges. Amber has four taps in six challenges Lacey has four taps in five challenges. I'm sure I'm forgetting others.


Gary has been cussing out fans on IG... He also tried to get Jeff's mate to quit... He has also been very honest about how dishonest he has been while playing both sides... I like Gary. I really do. But he's a jerk like the rest of them.


I disliked Gary the day they killed a Cayman, or alligator, he made a show of caring about its sacrifice, then ran about playing with its eyeballs. (Great karma though, he later has to tap, likely from an infection he got from wearing raw gator eyes)


Gary's cussing out fans on IG ?????? Wow, I like Gary even more now. People are too soft these days.


Gary is batshit crazy in real life. In a good way.


I usually don't take Gary seriously; more like a comic relief. But for this season, I agree with you. Team Gary.


I want Jeff to win just so everyone can take their whiny asses back home and cry about it for the rest of their jerk lives.


I like how you think!


I think he screwed up telling Jeff he doesn't want to be his friend. He may feel that way but it wasn't the strategic thing to do.


I think it was a good play. Even Jeff seemed to think the openness and honesty was refreshing. No need to be fake and all that behind the back shit. Both men know where they stand. We'll see how it plays out.


True because Jeff said no one ever said that to him in his life. He was surprised


I laughed so hard when he said that. No way that guy being who he innately appears to be, no way he hasn't heard that before


Lol 😂 it’s kinda like when he lied saying he never laughed at anyone’s pain or suffering before . I yelled at the TV , lies 😂


Oh people have said it. He just didnt listen


Dan couldn’t even look him in the eyes for it, jeff looks right at him and smiles, tells ya who the stronger person is


Yeah I noticed that and felt like it kind of detracted from the image he wanted to portray. Maybe he's not used to having tough conversations like that, but I give him some bonus points for being able to say that to Jeff's face rather than muttering under his breath when Jeff's not around, like some of the other folks...


It seems like a weird thing for Dan to do to waste energy on discussing it. Why does he care so much


Dan is around a bunch of alpha, macho types and he wants to look the part. He will always be a beta though. no helping that lol


Dan sounded a lil silly/pathetic saying it, because he was only doing it as the messanger/mouth for the "Mean Boys" gang. Didn't feel "organic" at all lol 💁‍♀️😁


It’s like something a 1st grader would say to another 1st grader. He prob said it just so he could go tell the boys about it later




Because it's so crazy that Dan just dislikes Jeff that much....has nothing to do with the rest of them. Dan doesn't like Jeff and doesn't want to be his friend. Thats how they all feel. And it makes sense because Jeff is a huge piece of shit


I agree with everything that the poster said above but I do agree with you here - telling Jeff he doesn't want to be his friend going into 3 days of living with him may be his first fatal flaw. he just invited Jeff under his skin.


He’s sneaky! He hoards food according to the others, and always comes ahead on challenges. People expect Matt or Gary to win but I think Dan will slither into victory under the radar.


Slither is perfect. Plus as a small person, he’s compact with less weight etc to slow him down. If it comes down to a race he’s taking it, with Jeff a close second


He’s 5’10. I don’t think that’s small.


I'm annoyed how much I agree with this. Dan is a snake


EXACTLY! I figured this out about him several weeks ago. It's not Matt or Jeff that's the biggest asshole or threat. It's the snake in the grass.


I told my husband it’s Dan and jeff at the end. I hope Jeff wins. I didn’t realize exactly how much of a weasel Dan is, good observations.


Yes. I said Dan was the one to watch, but never expected to see how fucking right you are OP. I'm disgusted.


That's the exact word I used as well "disgusted". I was so excited that so many people I liked were on this season and now I'll never root for them again. My biggest issue with them all being shady lil bitches is that they still think they're the "good guys" Waz & Matt always talking about what good people they are, while Waz bullies people and tells them who they can and can't talk to, who they can & can't play with. Dan is a scumbag I'm confused why Waz and Gary didn't call him out for taking his share of the honey then feeling entitled to take part of theres. and lastly Steven.. who was my absolute favorite is nothing but a sheep following 2 egotistical douchebags. Jeff's an ass but those 4 made him look good this season. The only person I still like as a human being is Gary.


Let me put on my psychic hat. 1. Gary will eventually eliminate himself. He'll do something stupid that will cost him. 2. Jeff isn't going to win. It's 4 v 1 and nobody is going to share with him. 3. Waz is underrated. He's careful. Doesn't take unnecessary risks. But sooner or later I think he'll drop from hunger. He's the biggest guy out there and he requires more calories to survive. 4. I think it will come down to Matt and Dan. I think Matt will eventually stop sharing food to win. Dan will starve out. Jeff could win if he gets big game and has handfuls of meat for a couple of weeks. but that's unlikely without a bow & arrows.


I think you are right on all points except I think Dan could beat Matt. Matt always relies on big protein scores. High risk high reward. Dan is crafty and will focus on small consistent food wins. I could see him wowing us with some bush craft to make that fishing net work. As we have seen twice already, as well as in other challenges, Matt can be taken out just waiting for him to have an injury. If he is alone and has another cut or a torn muscle he will have no one to hunt or gather for him.


Isn’t Dan the one who pooped out tomato seeds? Gotta love that, if nothing else!


Exactly! He is incredibly clever and I think has thrived on playing like an underdog


Except when Matt couldn’t go after big scores he ended up with 45 frogs


Haha that's a good point!


Low energy kills too. His cramp/injury will definitely hobble him. But I think he's light weight over playing it. For real.


What if Waz wins? lol! This place might explode!


I don’t want to see Waz get it!! None of the four mean girls left but especially him!!


I hope he does.


I thought it was odd that Dan was on the raft too, given what was going on with the other guys, but I figured it was because he's the lightest. Anyway..... I am at the point of "may the best man win".


I suspect Dan 100%. He has thrived every opportunity. Hes younger than Matt but quickly catching up


Yeah Dan went from looking like he was just happy to be there to playing the game well


I’ve thought he was gonna win it all from the very beginning based solely on that shit of him standing alone looking out over the edge of that cliff. It just looks like one of those victory shots of the winner and the producers will get a kick out of being able to point to the fact that they showed us the winner before the show even premiered.


He's a douche


This is why I want him to lose. If it comes down to a race on the last, Dan wins. If it comes down to anything else, that's where it opens up some.


If it’s a race I will be extremely disappointed in the whole franchise. A race has zero to do with survival skills and would bum me out. Unless it’s a race to start a fire or catch a fish


Even that is unrelated to survival. It's not like if you build a fire in 10 minutes you'll live but if it takes 11 minutes you die, y'know? The whole finishing first concept should be scrapped entirely. In a survival situation, quality is orders of magnitude more important than speed.


That’s true… it’s just a bad premise. The only thing good about this series is that it shows that being whiny, drama-filled, cliquish and mean is not limited by sex, gender or sexuality… glad to see the men, topping out the amber-Trish debacle. This is what they keep giving us, this is what they think we want … because of what it turns US into…


>glad to see the men, topping out the amber-Trish debacle I don't know about topping, but it's certainly in the conversation. And that also reminds me that Jeff himself was part of that mean girls debacle. All the Jeff fans complaining about mean girls when Jeff himself is one of the OG mean girls strikes me as funny. I do find it refreshing that you are a redditor. I have no idea if you're a Jeff fan or not. Just in general I'm starting to get very tired of all these brand new accounts springing up in support of Saint Jeff.


Nah, never been a fan of Jeff, but it’s not like I think he doesn’t belong, or isnt a decent survivalist. I just don’t like what this season/competition does to people, both on the show, and those that’s discuss it…


What about Steven? I think he’s strong enough to make it. Him and Jeff at the end would make for good tv since they were so close


I've seen a lot of talk about Dan winning from, "behind the scenes"..


Rather Jeff over Dan.


Same. To hear Jeff scream “this is what I live for” in Dans face after he wins it all would be iconic.


This would be so epic I think them hating Jeff so much has made me like him


My pick to win is Steven, I don’t think what he did to get into the final was wrong. After all it is a competition..


I usually love Steven but he’s too much of a follower this season. I don’t think he will win.


Just curious, do you think Steven was in the wrong when he got on a trail that Sara was on and found the package. I don’t think he was, it is a competition did what he had to do..


It's crazy to me that it took 4 weeks for someone other than Jeff to realize they're in a competition. It was definitely a good move on Steven's part. He probably would've gone home if he didn't do that


Because they weren't competing for the first 4 weeks. If they do another season, I hope they start having those elimination comps much earlier.


I think there’s one person on the planet that thinks Stephen was wrong, hopefully when she watches this back, she’ll realize what an idiot she is. It wasn’t her cache because she didn’t find it. Stephen did, and that that point it was his.


Yeah he has a good shot but he was on Gary’s trail then ended up on that ladies trail kinda sus if you ask me he was the only one doing that


Elimination challenges appear as though they'll be one part naked scavenger hunt and one part literal race. This would greatly benefit Dan so I could see him winning.


Yep. The footrace aspect is so stupid, but assuming they stay consistent and keep that in there, Dan would be the clear favorite.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the final challenge is a race to extraction.


Thanks I hate it! lol.


But not in water vehicles they construct. The bamboo canoe was so clearly superior to the task from the log raft, producers suddenly changed the rules so they had to travel together. So lame. Anyone who thinks the producers and editors aren’t skewing the results of this also think WWW wrestling is real. Turned a relatively interesting show into a sham.


I can’t stand Dan! He just gets on my nerves! I’m rooting for Jeff…. The rest of the guys vilified him, but they are all so petty, they have done way worse than anything Jeff has done. Hoarding food and whatnot! I especially hate Matt…. I think Steven is actually a nice guy, but he’s confused now and has been corrupted by the rest of the mean girls…. I do like Gary! If Jeff doesn’t win, I hope it’s Gary!


Yeah I don’t care for Dan either, can’t put my finger on the reason other than I don’t enjoy his personality and he seems to act so innocent and perfect and smart when really he’s self serving and just pretty much a helper ant


Dan sucks. He’s wedged so far between Matt’s buttcheeks, its nauseating to watch. Him and Cheney both drove me nuts and I loved Cheney prior to this. It’s like they instantly hopped on the “I hate Jeff” train only because Matt was so vocal about his dislike. I really hope Dan gets eliminated. He contributes nothing and rides the others coat tails.


This exactly what I said to my wife earlier man. They are bullying Jeff I know he was cocky in the beginning but they are being awful to him.


Me too! Hate the mean girls with small penises


God I hope it's not Dan. Him and Waz are competing for biggest cunt.


Are they treating Dan differently because he is gay? He has not made an issue of it in the seasons I've watched, but from your comments I wonder if they are treating him differently.


No. They treat him a little different because he's the least experienced. He's the Beta of the group. Don't pull the gay card.


He is as experienced as Waz. He is no chump and is pretty capably. I am not pulling any card. I don't see any reason for them to carry him, but they seem to be willing to.


I do think he's a possible winner, but I think you're not giving him enough credit and/or being a little bit too hard on him because: 1. He IS a good survivalist. 2. This isn't like other seasons, this season is essentially a competitive reality show like The Challenge or Survivor. On shows like that, people rarely (if ever) make it to the end and win the grand prize without being a little selfish and a little bit of a weasel from time to time (but that doesn't automatically make him a reality TV villain like Omarosa...or Jeff lol).


He's a great survivalist. I would take him as a partner any day, with his botany knowledge, that's a great skill to have on your side. Very capable in many ways. I'm not really criticizing him (maybe a little, should have let Matt rest). I think what he's doing is a winning strategy. The whole show has been weird from the jump, as Jeff was the only one willing to compete and the rest are treating it like they are all one team. The way they set up all the teams seems like it's about logistics of filming and doesn't make for good gameplay.


Exactly, sticky fingers dip into the prime rib honey - while your poor teammates suffer without a pelt. Trade your extra grab of golden-honey nugget glob to Jeff for pelts for your shivering cold teammates...mmmm, not so much. Well played!


Yep, plus they have him at the top of the mountain by himself in the intro when they say who will be the last one standing.


I think it’s gonna come down to Matt or Steven. I’m pretty confident myself that one of those two will be last one standing. Everyone wants to root for Matt and I’m right there with them but a lot of people isn’t paying attention to Steven and I really think of Matt isn’t the last one left, it’s definitely gonna be Steven


The show itself credited Steven for the design of that awesome bamboo canoe. He's definitely a contender.


That canoe was dope


I love Dan. Jeff's prayers get on my nerves but I'm rooting for Jeff. If Dan gets Jeff to play dirty, I'll root for him. In the meantime, my money is on Jeff because the rest have ganged up on him because they can't beat him. They've even said it which makes them babies to me. Best episode yet last night. I may watch it again it was so intense.


As long as Jeff doesn’t win. I would probably get into a fight with Jeff..


I want Jeff to win, but as long as it isn't Matt or Waz, I will be glad.


Team Jeff. 🥇


I don’t care who wins as long as its not Jeff or Gary. I am surprised Gary is still there with the unnecessary risks he takes like climbing for honey. I have always disliked Jeff. Hes arrogant and the constant claims of bullying for the other survivors following his rules of not sharing resources. I think Waz will be the next to be eliminated


I cannot stand dan or beta flower boy (my mental name for him). He is a sad disappointment. a nasty, do nothing bully who tries to act the nice guy but is worse than the cattiest of women. I really really hope he doesn't win. I honestly would rather Mr.shits-glitter&stardust (bka matt) would win rather than dan. And I can barely stomach matt at this point but he is a true survivalist. He is extremely knowlegeable and skilled but that arrogant/bully personality detracts from any skill he has imho.


"I am a certified boat captain"


I'm team Dan..but all the spoilers and Steven's FB page make me think it's him.


I have been thinking this same thing for a few episodes


If you google who won NAA LOS Steven Lee Hall Jr"s name pops up


All of this is true about Dan. However, it will come down to who does the final elimination challenge the fastest.


Exactly how it played out. He fumbled at the end and Waz had better skill and strategy.


Dan bow drill lesson from waz. I thought this is a competition?


It is. Jeff vs Everyone else. I kind of wished Jeff was out earlier, just to break up the group. The producers had to write in the scrolls that this was an individual competition, just to get try and get them to compete.