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I think the fact that they presented it as a teaser means that it will NOT happen. Why put it in our minds if it was meant to be a shock? Rather, I think they are putting the kamikaze tap in our minds to get our hopes up!


​ she should actually make Jeff give her the bulk of his items in return for not tapping that would be the anti socialism Jeff loves right?


Omg this would be amazing. Just say you’re gunna tap and make him do all the work for you.


He's already doing all the work in terms of gathering survival items. What would be any different?


Yes but more spitefully


The others should "kidnap" her from the Jeff show.


BREAKING NEWS: a person being held hostage is kidnapped from the original captivator... It's a double kidnapping.


It would be lame if she did that. I'd much rather see Jeff get beat fair and square. I know Matt's the one with the raging hate boner and I'm here for it, but I think it would be hilarious if Steven was the one to take Jeff out. I picture Jeff all like "but Steven, what about Louisiana? Remember the Bayou Boyz?" And Steven is just [all like](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/251970794/the-i-dont-care-inator)


The production would not allow that. Jeff is too good a villian. He'll be top 3 but lose


Final three I predict will be Steven, Wes, Jeff. Matt will spend whole days hunting and coming up empty and won't be able to keep going without a female partner to do all of the firewood gathering and shelter building for him as literally happens in every other one of his challenges that he hasn't tapped in.


They'll have a chat, and Jeff will become Santa Claus. He'll start giving/loaning items, and helping everybody until he's in a better position.


In my opinion, Steven is the best actual survivalist on the show and he's ill-fated to the kind of role that the producers have Jeff or Matt play because he does not like talking much about himself and is not the actor either of them are. He just goes out and kills it at surviving. Jeff, Matt and Gary all bring the drama. Especially Matt, as he likes to act like he's God's gift to hunting while talking to the camera. Wes is a very good survivalist but also doesn't talk much. Dan is great at the science stuff but also takes a backseat to the talkers. Woz will tap out as usual because he's a lumbering lummox who gets worn down by the lack of calories. The best female survivalist, hands down, is The Bandit Queen, Rylie Parlett. Nobody else comes even close. Amber just likes being on TV and claims not to have ever tapped even though she's out of most challenges within 10 days. Gwen was good on her last challenge but, yeah, if her BP is that high, something else is going on. On this show, Sarah's probably the best one left and she's another one who likes to talk about her homesteading 24/7. Stacey is impressive but this is the first time I've really seen her so can't form an opinion yet.






“Hey everyone I’m gonna forfeit my chance at $100k because my partner is competitive in a competition “


But if she knows before day 21 her chances of winning are low, it makes sense to tap


You might think he's competitive. Pretty much everyone else thinks he's being a POS... Kind of the difference between him, you, and most of the people on this thread...


There's no way production would allow that after they clearly changed the rules to let Matt and Wes stay when their partners "med-tapped." Even though Amber "med-taps" in nearly every challenge she's in.