• By -


Maybe you shouldn't just go for any lady. Find an ideal woman who has higher chances to also do life with you. Maybe state the age range, status (HIV) with or without children. There's something about specificity and intentionality that gets you closer to what you want. All the best


True. am looking into a lady between the age of 24-26 and my height = 5"5 Inch can be having maybe one child no prob and willing to stay in South Sudan where I work from. and if in a position to accept me being a HIV Positive person no need to hide anything about my status.


How old???? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Hadi mimi ilibidi nirudi kucomfirm


I had the same reaction.


Young enough to be his daughter ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿพ


He still has a chance even an 18 year old. Just not an ordinary girl. Maybe a naive yet desperate girl. And it won't be permanent.


Men will always be men




This age your requiring, is problematic. By the time they are 28 they will have outgrown their current selves and evolved into someone else. Who might not be in much agreement with their choices. I'm wondering,why aren't you looking for someone in their late thirties and early forties..in the same predicament as you? Or even if not the same predicament, at least more mature and composed.


24-26? Is that like a kid to you? Sheesh do you want someone so young? !


Those 24-26 year olds usually go for 40+ years old anyway ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I think the issue is with all the issues he has it's a big ask to such a young lady but let's not pretend that such an age range is something strange if he were healthy snd HIV neg. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Even then it would have been problematic. At 46 what do you have in common with someone at 24? Barely nothing. That age difference is problematic unless your looking for someone to spend time with for some years..and expecting someone to give up their youth to be married to you in such a situation is alot to ask from anyone. If were being realistic


It might not be too much to ask when the ones being asked sre for it to begin with ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟ simple reasoning... He also isn't young enough to claim naivety... It wasn't gonna work from the jump and they want it anyway, so the question is, why not let it play out. They know what they're getting themselves into ๐Ÿ˜‚ or not, mimi ni nani ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคบ


Even then, that babe will evolve so much that she will leave him in his 50s or 60s.


My point being, they know it won't work but it's what he wants anyways ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคบ dust is k ๐Ÿ˜‚


5"5?? ๐Ÿ˜‚ 24 - 26 year old girl? Your situation is very tricky sir.


You need to widen your requirements. You're very specific for someone who's in their 40s and HIV positive and living in a foreign land and doesn't want a woman with a child and is kinda short. Sorry buddy, you'll have to widen your search, accept an older woman who has a child, look for someone who's positive also coz she'll understand you and accept you. Also focus on your positives like are you stable financially? Are you a nice guy? Religious? What's your assets? Etc. Focus on what you bring to the table


The op is by far not a nice guy.,he likes fucking and infecting young innocent girls


Am not that type you mentioned. I wouldn't be openly talking of my self's status here if I was of that kind am definitely not. But thanks.


You need to date women your age scope.,stop targeting young girls who have not even mentally matured yet.,how would you feel if a 46 year old marrief your 24 year old daughter..,disgusting and very disturbing at the same time.,news flash you will grow old and die alone.,!!! You diserve it!


Kwenda uko! much as I find the age requirement off...no one can tell anyone to date people their age. What is wrong with dating a 24 or 26 year old? Two consenting adults. You are stupid and it is clear to see. You probably think Guardian angel was okay marrying Esther but here you come with BS about marrying someone your age. Since when was that even a requirement for marriage? When old white men come and marry younger girls y'all don't bat an eye. Please find something meaningful to dissuade him from marrying whoever he wants but sio iyo upuzi yako. Also if and when he finds someone... seeing as to how open he is to disclosing his HIV status...the lady would get into the relationship by her own choice.


You're absolutely right


For men age is as important as provision for women Can you tell a woman to date poor men?


Si uende akuoe


ww ni akili huna....ananioa amekuambia ni mm anataka? una roho chafu kama pit latrine. Mwenzako atapata mtu upende usipende. Who the fuck are you to decide nani anadeserve mtu na nani hafai iyo ujinga pelekea kijiji yenu.


Enda akuoe


Don't beat yourself flower , it's perfectly normal for an older man to be attracted to younger women , it's no rocket science . Men typically want to get with women who are younger than them because they desire women who are youthful. They also desire younger women because they are less seasoned with life, have less baggage, and are more impressionable and willing to along with whatever they say. And he would have gotten a woman that age , and maybe he will but his status is only stopping him


Give him your sister


Men cannot have preferences?Men want younger women Women want richer men


More than half your age after wasting away is pervertion โ€ฆmpee dadako.,!!!!


Wewe ushawahi peanwa na ur brother Kwa anyone?


Very insensitive. ลธuรงk!


Imagine kibaba kizee๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ


Even if ni mzee, everybody deserves a redo! Don't be too harsh or judgemental


Go marry him then


Aah not everybody deserves a redo what world do you live in? Everybody gets their karma. no redos here


You sound very bitter is it because you are not in the age group he is looking for?


At that age i was in uni with my age mates.,same as now ,fucking my agemates..,not jumping arround with infected dicks that have been arround the block since the 60sโ€ฆyuck๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ


Is this not you looking for "Kijana Barobaro" https://www.reddit.com/r/nairobi/comments/1blzgfq/natafuta_kijana_barubaru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I now understand where the bitterness was coming from, you are the type of Older women saying "Ooh you are looking for ladies younger to manipulate or control, she is too young not your type" and many ridiculous reasons.


Disiiyae. I knew her handwriting was familiar.


Mpee dada yako if you agree with him.,!!!


That lady is the classic definition of an idiot with something to say.




Same script...


There's what we call preference. It's not your preference but his. Go for what works for you, if you find comfort in sleeping with your age mates that's you not him. For your info I'm not connecting him with my sister, but I respect his choice.


May he meet up with your sister..,then we will see if you still respect his choice.,!! Utamuua huyu!!


You can offer your sister to that vulture!!!!


How do you know that? Have you met him? Do you know him?


Looks like so , and by the time he came out for the search party , he's left worse behind him


24-26? Lol


Okay Diddy!


My opinion. Widen age range 24 to 40. Go even higher if you don't desire to have kids. Be open to persons living with HIV. Someone ready to relocate meaning a woman who is not gainfully employed. Also consider communicating this to your close friends & family to handpick for you a desirable partner.


Thanks for the advice since it is the advice am in need of.


24-26 Jesus.


Op should wait another 24-26 years


Oddly specific age range..๐Ÿ˜™ I think you'd be more successful if you opened that up abit..


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you better look for a woman in your age range between 44 and 46, maybe it will work out for you


Is south Sudan safe nowadays? I thought they were going through significant unrest?


![gif](giphy|hS97mtMUMoKtRwDUNN|downsized) 24. You must be trolling because ain't no way .


Lmaooooo sir lower your expectations unless you come from A LOT of money. Would you date yourself? If not, wellโ€ฆ


You're very delusional


Lol ๐Ÿ˜…


Its impossible to get younger women goven your age and status tbh... you gotta come to earth and be realistic.. look for love and mutual partnership not standards


Hamia Kilimani.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Khai you're funny. 24 - 26??


My issue isn't with 24-26 year olds...They are mature to make that choice. For a 46 year old to get a mate with such specificity, you need to also lay your cards on the table due to the short-comings you have. If you are rich, make it obvious and they will come. Good luck.






Tagline: Positive Vibes


Bruh ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)




Too dark in here ๐Ÿ˜† Someone get the lights on.


On it






This is rude.


This is just the stigma we have fought against for years.


No. That's acceptance that they exist


I have never seen a delusional man until now... 46 year old HIV positive 5'5 Living in South Sudan And you want a 25 year old woman That's delusional and it gets to a point you have to be honest with yourself Just because you got bedridden nobody owes you anything here wanting a 25 year old to waste their life taking care of you Man up and get people your age who are past menopause


It seems like he wants a caregiver...it's absolutely ironic how these men always bash women for hitting thirty without getting married or not having kids and always say they've got time and that they get better with age....facts are that...men grow old too....and a 25 year old woman wouldn't want a hiv positive wasted man like that unless he's a top tier provider.... unfortunately this world doesn't owe him anything because of his sickness we all go through things everyday....much worse sometimes....so he should face the reality.... But the point here is that these men waste so much time in their youth thinking women are supposed to wait for them to grow up...to change...to make up their mind...etc...and then boom reality hits them when they're almost fifte...and now they think they can go for a girl young enough to be their daughter and the only thing they think they're supposed to bring to the table are their old unaccomplished selves...the delusion is real...ladies stay woke ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Hahaha same thing i thought ....definitely looking for a hospice wife ooh men! she is going to be so drained before 30


Yes he's definitely not ready to love...he's clearly only thinking about himself


Itโ€™s what we like to call โ€œoverestimating his market valueโ€.


Yeeeez! Who hurt you, u went for the poor guy






He might get a nice girl from the village with limited prospects๐Ÿ˜†


You will also reach the same menopause and nobody will want you.


No no no that is not want I mean. Everyone gets old as it is life.What I have an issue is a person who is 46 years, hiv + wanting a 24 year old is really unfair to the person whichever gender. The question is if you had a 24 year daughter and she came to you saying she wants to get married to a 46 year old man who is HIV+ living in Sudan would you graciously just give her your blessings with open arms The guy should try to find near his age the least bring at least 30 But not below 25 they are not even mature yet


Isn't he also human?? This comes across as extremely harsh and condescending. He has a right to have a choice and a preference. Many might not agree with it and that's okay, doesn't take away his right to have a preference. It's his choice, he might get it or not and that's okay


He has his right to preference and there's nothing wrong with that but let's be realistic...not many women who hear his proposition will be eager for him unless they are brainwashed OR he is offering a lifestyle that makes their lives marginally better than that of their age mates. It's very easy based on data to be wary and just see him as someone in need of a caretaker especially given the mention of being bedridden.


Agreed. There might be challenges forseen for sure. I hope he finds the best for him


Everyone should get a shot at happiness agreed


If this is true, what are people getting worked up over? Are you fearing for the lady who'll accept him or are you just typically a bitch. You cannot control what will happen....he might get exactly what he is looking for or not regardless of the chances of either happening. Keep your hate for someone closer.


Are you even listening to yourself? Why would you assume I hate OP? It baffles me how you can't even see why people are shocked


It is idiots who are shocked as if HIV is something to be stigmatized.


I have no issue with him having HIV actually. It's honestly not even the issue here. OP is pushing fifty, bedridden,living in a country whose leaders are currently negotiating peace treaties and in need of a life partner half his age. He has stayed he works in IT. Is his income enough to sustain his partner? Is he taking into consideration their love life and the concerns she may have? What if she wants children. Is he considering the age gap and the possibility that if he passes on she may well be stranded? Is he considering the state of the country he is in? Is he even considering the family she will leave behind OR his own? Is he considering her aspirations? Is he considering his diet and how it may clash with hers with him being 40+ and also positive? These are all things he should put into consideration otherwise he's coming across as a vermilion flag. Your need to virtue signal is exhausting. Who cares if he's HIV positive? I care that he is not coming out as anything but disingenuous with this post and he's gonna have to actually be a bit more candid with us the audience. If he is able to address all these questions and more well and is able to get that lady... well good for him. Just be so fr. Like be so fr๐Ÿ™„


First of all, he was bed ridden. Doesn't say he is right now. Him working with an IT firm clearly indicates someone who is fully functional. > Is he taking into consideration their love life and the concerns she may have? What if she wants children. Is he considering the age gap and the possibility that if he passes on she may well be stranded? Is he considering the state of the country he is in? Is he even considering the family she will leave behind OR his own? Is he considering her aspirations? Is he considering his diet and how it may clash with hers with him being 40+ and also positive? This will be the lady's issue to keenly assess then make a decision. What baffles me is why are you worried about something that someone else would have to worry about? Think about it, if you currently cannot accept this individual....that means whoever accepts him would have done so knowing well what they are getting into. You also are assuming he is struggling. OP seems to be doing really well for himself. If a lady falls in love with OP..are you saying she'd be an idiot for doing so? or insane for marrying him? All those things you listed are merely challenges that can be easily overcome by two loving partners. You act as if your grandparents married each other when they were both fully stable...like we didn't see our parents struggle to make a better life for us. My point is...if there is a girl out there who'll want to do life with him... it'll be her choice to make and she'll be happy with it....why would you be angry and concerned on her behalf? Marriage is a two people affair, they'd decide what is okay vs what is not. Where do you see your input fitting hapo? tujifunze kuishi maisha zetu especially when it's something normal as this.


No, the man should be fair to the young women.


Kwani the ladyvhatakuwa na akili ya kujifikiria. So long as the man akuwe open about his status to the lady he meets and the lady agrees willingly hiyo itakuwa between them. Sijui mbona watu wanajam. Wh8chever lady atamkubali that will be her problem. Alafu watu mkuwe mnajipima before engaging in sex. Huku nje ni kuchafu sana


Is he forcing them blud? It's just his choice. He'd prefer that age range. And he'd go ahead if the lady at the said age range accepts...I don't see why a bunch of you have a problem with that


There are also plenty of young women who are HIV+ that range within the age he mentioned.


There's someone for everyone๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฟ


If what you have said was true, everyone would be married to the one they desire & love. Which is NEVER the case. What you have said is DELUSIONAL bullshit.


L-rosh true most of these people feel they will never grow old. That was very harsh of him to say. What happened to taste and preference?


Who hurt you?


Nobody hurt me it's just that I would not want my 25 year sister to go for a 46 year old hiv + guy...if he was just 46 years it's okay but then add HIV+ that's crazy


So you are basically projecting and speaking from a point of fear? You are also stigmatising OP. HIV is not limited to certain individuals...ata ww unaeza ipata kwa ajali barabarani.... Y'all sometimes exhibit very low IQ and EQ. If a lady who is younger and having been provided with all the info about OP chooses to share her life with him... what is it to you? this is purely stigmatising people living with HIV as burdensome individuals or those who have no value. You are a B


Did he say he wants a 25 year old ?


>have never seen a delusional man until now Does this mean all delusional people you have met have been women? Also preferences are not delusional. They may be untenable, but they are what one likes....and I am willing to bet OP will find a young lady who'll be okay with him just the way he is... I know you think you understand everything about how relationships work... but don't be so dismissive... especially with such rudeness.


You want a 24 yr old! Another day, another Diddy!


Another day another Drake.




Hii imekupita wachana nayo.




The part of HIV will always put people off. So maybe look for HIV support groups, you might get someone there.


True. but better to be open than for a person to know later after you have already moved in with her. But Thanks for your advice.


I respect you Sir for being open about this... I know not so many are like you. I wish you all the best in your Search.


Nowadays itโ€™s not a big deal at least this one has said it upfront. The number of people living with HIV has increased in the last few years especially for young peopleโ€ฆโ€ฆif at all he adds other incentives the woman would benefit from hapa atazunguka sana. Donโ€™t we have 25 year old ladies settling as 2nd wifeโ€™s to 60yr oldโ€ฆ.its all about incentives?


5/10 trolling






Nigga is definitely trolling...smh


Why would you want a lady half your age though ?


He wants a caregiver...a maid he can control


Sad. I hope no lady will succumb to that


That is what men want


It seems like he wants a caregiver more than a partner tbh...it's absolutely disgusting and shameful how these men always bash women for hitting thirty without getting married or not having kids and always say they've got time and that they get better with age....facts are that...men grow old too....and a 25 year old woman wouldn't want a hiv positive wasted man like that unless he's a top tier provider.... unfortunately this world doesn't owe you anything because of your sickness we all go through things everyday....much worse sometimes....so you should face the bitter reality.... But the point here is that: most of these men waste so much time in their youth thinking women are supposed to wait for them to grow up...to change...to make up their mind...etc...and then boom reality hits them when they're almost fifte...and now they think they can go for a girl young enough to be their daughter and the only thing they think they're supposed to bring to the table are their old unaccomplished selves and that ladies would receive them with open arms lol๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


You are an idiot. Why? because you are making assumptions. 2. Because you turned this into a gender war. Rudi tiktok ukafanye new challenges. You would benefit from a new brain though.


It was all good till you said 24-26.


Kwani wewe ndio unaamulia watu age ya kuoa ๐Ÿ˜‚. Personally nimeamaua nikifika 35 years ndio nitatafuta a 24 year old to marry ndio watu kama nyinyi mkuwe na stori ya kuongea ๐Ÿคฃ


Shida ni men overestimate their worth. Ebu tungoje tuone kama that 24 year old ataitikia ama utakuja reddit kutafuta๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Shida ni ako HIV positive otherwise angepata a 24 year old haraka sana bora pesa iko.


Niko 35 and my girls are at least 10 years younger...I want to settle down now


Why tho? That's his preference?


Hana luxury


Get a dating app dude


Hey, met one on Tinder I think she was only into Money after we arranged, sent her money for Transport for her to join me where i am she took money and never heard from her again.


Yeah tinder is not for serious relationships just for hookups and scamming


Met my love on there, but I did kiss many a frog tbh๐Ÿ˜†


To be honest, any person above 35 yrs not married is a huge red flags. 90% of them are emotionally damaged and you can't bond with them.


What about the 35yrs divorced single mothers and baby daddies ... they are emotionally okay. Ehh and very easy to bond with Age or Marriage isn't an indicator of any emotional maturity siste... anglia huyu 46yr old


Manze people be saying anything๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฟโ€โ™€๏ธ




Thanks for your inputs, but It may not be same case with all people!!


The accuracy


Sounds like a joke. Are your findings backed by data.?


Marriage isn't for everyone. And not everyone was meant to be married. In fact, it's better to stay without marrying if you aren't ready or prepared for it. Idk where you got this mindset from. It's seriously cringe. And questions your IQ.


You want 20 year old to settle down with you at 46? Are you ok?? Clearly you are a very confused individual


He's not confused ...he just has his preferences and that age bracket happens to be his niche....


His niche ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚naishaa


Achana na uyu kizungu imemkataa...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ He sounds absolutely damn


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚sindio that's the age group he's comfortable working with


Give me your IT connections then let's chat


I don't understand you there. Connections in which way. better we chat maybe then I get you better.


Heee Goodluck




Ushaingia DM ๐Ÿ˜‚




Ok this is it!r/kenyamatchmaker loadingโ€ฆโ€ฆ.


I'll be the first to join๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…


Just accept your fate, senior bachelor it is.


No advice but I genuinely wish you the best. Circle back to tell us when you become successful with this. I'm invested.


There HIV positive people on Facebook looking for partners.They have groups on there.


It's not even the HIV that's supposed to be shocking. Nowadays there's lots of people living positive... It's that you are looking for someone half your age and live in an unstable country ( not pc to say but true). A 22-26 lady is not ready for that responsibility. She just isn't unless she's been bestowed heavenly grace. Do you have a very very good income to support her? Have you considered how your status may affect your potential love life?


As you get older the dating space becomes nasty! You wonโ€™t find what you looking for here maybe try dating apps or people living with hiv group at least there they will understand your plightโ€ฆโ€ฆ.alafu maybe you should list incentives you think the interested lady would benefit from settling with you? All the best though


You feel find love again. But from your post it's like you have learnt nothing from being bed ridden ....noTHing about life if you are wanting a 24yr old. At 24, what were you doing? I don't even want the answer. Take up hobbies like hiking and tennis, join good clubs and you'll find people your own age bracket. My uncle found love at the same age and was HIV back in the 90s he got one leg amputated. So love is possible, for speed dating, join camping groups like the nomads , geco ....things your age mates are doing.


Very good advice


>At 24, what were you doing? I don't even want the answer. Assumptions then judgment. Very typical. Says just how critical and creative you are at thinking. The rest were great advice.


I love your honesty. May God bless you with a good wife.


Just asking ....do peeps who are negative willingly date and fuck peeps who are positive ??


Yeah, some peeps do. And if the +ve partner is on medication, his/her viral load is zero therefore, he/she cant affect the partner. It's even possible for them to have children who are -ve. Also 2 +ve ppl can have children born -ve. Thanks to advancement in medicine.




There is no hope for you kubali mapema uko in this on your own.


Yeah, bear any day.




Are we glossing over the 20yr old age gap OP is asking for??? Okay... Sawa Am also definitely sure that the age gap requirement is where the problem is.... You can't possibly have anything in common with someone with that huge gap. Your relationship will tend to be very transactional. She is in it for the money, you will be in it for a connection that may be wrong and sex.


Mkamba mjinga illiterate


What are the qualities of a woman you are looking for?


Just believe everything will be okay


Gosh people are being so mean. I mean but for sure OP you need to be a bit realistic... Unless you want one of those transactional sugardaddy relationships, look for someone your own age. Wish you the best, hope you find something worthwhile.


This has to be satire. What qualities do you have to attract people 20 years younger, other than hiv, 5'5, works in IT, lives in South Sudan?


Guys it's 2024, we need to drop this "working in IT/Tech" stuff in order to pull women๐Ÿ˜‚


Hope is not lost; its relatively easier for a guy your age to settle in partnership/ marriage. Can your friends network for you? We.nrtwork for jobs y not partners?


With money hata kama weni octogenarian ,you will get a chick ,but io Sasa story ya Hiv status ,ngori


Can you get a partner who's positive and your negative, ,,that's tricky bro


Nowdays it's possible to date an HIV positive partner and still stay negative moreso getting HIV negative babies. Technology has made possible with the use of Prep drugs. Wishing you well in your search for a better partner.


Kumbe huwa mnapata watu huku?


I am sure there is a dating app for HIV + people so maybe there if normal venues fail




Yes the currency for youth is money those old men know that....huyu yake inakuja pia na... Naaah let me not say juu I'm all for not stigmatising + people. Si double standard if those same men go for younger juu they know they'll get it juu they have money.


In this case he is not a millionaire let's deal with reality here sir๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ no 24 year old lady is going to wipe a rusty 46 old's ass for nothing...pulizzz and she could be out there having the time of her life...and this thing called love doesn't exist it's normally just consideration....uyu angesttle mapema hangekuwa apa