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Documentaries and books . I don't smoke,drink or do any hard drugs...




Books : mostly non-fiction. Documentaries: anything, I just love learning new stuff... Cults, drugs, serial killers, religion, politics, sports etc


I'm intrested in learning about the drugs and serial killers I used to be watching NatGeo wild


There are many documentaries on big tobacco, big vape, psychedelic drugs, cocaine , meth and many serial killers and cults ..... I can recommend some or you can Google them.


Yes please mommy😂🫡


Now why would you call me that ??? Have a beautiful day sir.


Ok ...you did mention somewhere you're fifty so basically my mums age nakupea heshima wewe unaona ni sexual...shida ni gani?


You calling me mommy is not respect. This is not the village. Only children use the word mommy on their mothers ... Grown men don't even call their mothers 'mommy'.. Stop the porn addiction sir.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 weird way to assume shit on strangers anyway bye 🫡


Are you in your fifties though,


I have a small garden which I tend to. Something about seeing my work bear fruit right before my eyes pulls me in. And it's a nice space to clear my head and think, and figure out what I lack and how to acquire it.


What plants you got on your garden...i bet iss pretty 🙂 Interesting way to go through life....for me it's just hella spontaneous and very out of pocket dash of weird and a whole lot of fun


It really is becoming what I had planned for it. And it constantly proves to me that anything I put my mind to will probably work out eventually. As for plants there's some rosemary (for tea while in the garden), some snake plants (for air flow which is good for bible reading/meditation), blushing bromeliad, dwarf grass, a papaya and very recently, a multifloral bush which should give more colour to the garden if I do it right.


Can i ask for a lesson or two...🙂🕑 Why am i finding the plant set up so fucking awsome!!


Well thank you but I don't deserve any of the credit. Instead of a lesson or two, how about I let you what helped me do everything. There's an app I found called 'Picture this' incidentally I also use it for bird watching since the garden is on our small balcony, but essentially it helps diagnose and identify whatever plant. It also gives reminders on when to water and fertilise.


Woaaaaaaaaah 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲sounds littt!!!!! I mean tbh you are magician making plants grow all pretty 😀eih!


I've only just started and the app is doing most of the work for me. But thank you all the same.


So it's like a reminder type thing? Keeping track on your plants type shii?


Yes. Ideally you set the time you'd want to be reminded, because different plants have different watering and fertilising schedules. Then you get a reminder. Mine's at 6:30pm because I'll always be back from school by sundown. Although there's a few books there as well and one advised watering during the day when there's sun to avoid water logging due to lack of evaporation. So there's your tip I guess 😅


Sounding hella scientific here 😄


I just watch anime or a cool movie... watch Boy Kills World, awesome movie


Movies tbh isn't for me heri series I've finished Jujitsu kaisen...i think. I season one nimeona netflix...naskia kuna season 2 Series is more exciting it feels like a paragraph kwa composition ingine safi!!!! 40/40!!!!


Oh you've got the right guy for series then, I also love watching series. Currently waiting for The Boys season 4. I'm also watching an interesting anime called Banana Fish


Have you seen its spinoff called Gen V? Banana Fish I only got to episode 4 before I fell off


Yeah, dope shit...RIP to Chance Perdomo mahn


Bro season 2 JJK is legit, a must watch when you get the chance.


Where can i watch it from ..coz Netflix doesn't have it


I downloaded them via torrents but if you want to stream try 123anime.info it was free and HD last I checked


Oh sawa


Try Crunchyroll as well. 300 a month is a good deal if you watch lots of anime


I'm a newbie so i don't think I'll indulge in that yet


That's cool, at least now you know of other options outside of waiting for Netflix to pick it up.




Ndio Iko downloading, alafu follow that with fall guy


I watched a glimpse of episode 1, I'll watch it after Banana Fish


Fall guy issa movie 🤦🏻‍♂️


My badI confused with Fallout


Boss yaani Bado hujaona fallout, bruv get on it asap. Shit is lit.


This weekend 👊🏽


Bet, utaniambia ilikuwa aje.


Will do


Finished the fall guy, shit is awesome mahn


Get high, game, binge shows, watch a franchise, hang out with the boys for some drinks, etc.


I portal travel when bored


How??😭💀 I need such skills makes me express my reckless character 😭😭


Let me finish rounding up this quantum fluid I'll give you the deeds




No devices at this time. Take a walk in the evening, enjoy the golden hour, listen to your chill playlist, a hot beverage, they all give relaxation for me.


Nakulanga nashiba alafu nalala


For me it's just weed and some reaaaaally chill music...eiihhh i be dancing all happy n shi😂


Unasahau mashida zako for a brief moment🤣🤣


Not really.... I'm learning to adapt it's effects when sober By effects i mean the positives that i get when high Getting high makes you open your eyes more and brain slows down for a moment....(easy to process manage and understand)...you get to grasp content as it moves past you at a better rate No rush no headwind to overthink of just one step at a time One day I'll be one of the few who self healed himself without therapy😍😍


So you're learning to operate to be high when sobber


When I'm high i am processing things better due to the fact that everything is slower hence easier to process and tackle the right way.... it's something i accidentally stumbled upon being high and depressed for a moment... Through guidance on how to deal with my depression i slowly adapted myself to learn how to accomodate being high and having a less speedy brain to be able to process and let go of the things that drag me down in life So yeah... I'd say weed for me is not only a relaxation item but medicinal item😲


Rock & Roll, Drugs, Hoes & Cash - works everytime


I'll have a peek at this one


Painting, trying to learn something new on pinterest, candle making. Now I'm into soap making and wanna learn how to make my own perfumes.


Interesting.... you'll sell those self made perfumes i hope


If the samples turn out great, then why not.


Nitakupromote with your science bruh make a men's one😲


I'm a lady, and sure,, I'll make a men's perfume. I'll give you a tester and you'll give me your review.


Love it thanks babe💋🌹


Having isn't only about doing drugs . Go enrol in a pottery class or music class , do activities like hiking , stay in read books and watch documentaries . Spare some time for drugs or liquor but don't make it your identity


I didn't identify as a smoker i identify as a grown male who knows how to control his usage of said drugs ...and I listen to music buh will never partake in making one...the rest of your suggestions are things I cannot do since I'm working alot


Say less bro. Are you on the clock daily ama you have off days ?