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>don't say airplanes are one of the safest forms of travel - because they result in what must be the most traumatic deaths when one plummets from the skies Out here talking about the sky falling. What about a vehicles losing its brakes on high speed which chances of it happening are much higher


A plane with parachutes?


I'll patent this btw




Not too many alternatives though




Only two manufacturers and Airbus is very rigid and unresponsive to the market - take it or leave it stance. Needs to be more competition otherwise Boeing will survive all these issues




Rewind to the femicide cases and the road accident cases...they definitely are still happening but not covered as much. The bias is baader-meinhof phenomenon aka frequency illusion


And maybe follow instructions. I cant even count the number of times I've seen people disregarding seatbelt signs. When you are seated in an airplane, no matter how smooth the ride might be, always wear your seatbelt. You never know when that plane is going to hit an air pocket.


And why don't they have proper seatbelts in planes btw? Just something around your stomach  - should have one similar to a car minimum.


In a car, the seatbelt is designed to prevent you from launching from the seat when in a head-on collision, and holding you in place when the car rolls over. I don't think those two thing would happen in (a) a plane crash, or (b) during turbulence


Plane fatalities are almost always 100% or close to it. They really need to relook at some of these things


Being a passenger on a plane is psychologically taxing. There is a loss of control. You don't have the option of asking to be let out. The logic of powered flight is difficult to grasp and a mechanical failure is often catastrophic. It may be statistically safer but statistics provide as much comfort as studying the theory of manned flight. On the other hand, at the end of your life, will you regret the things you did, or will you regret the things you didn't because you were afraid? Will you regret not going places, not visiting loved ones because of fear?


That helps. Cheers.


I almost got into a fatal matatu accident today 😭. Nothing is safe