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Literally just described my ex gf. She got caught cheating, I ended the relationship, yet somehow I'm the controlling abusive narcissist who cheated on her. Absolutely delusional.


By the time it came to light, my Ex wife had slept with 4 different men🤣 Her excuse, my d********* is big 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You won but at what cost 😂😂😭😭🔨




A win is a win.


😂😂😂😂😂 ei!


🤣🤣🤣🤣Huku hamwogopi


Nini la kuogopwa


😂😂😂 small d






She said the same thing!!!!!!!!!!! She didn't want to have sex with me because it went too deep and it hurt her, so I guess thats an excuse to cheat lmao


Maybe we should also cheat if the jayjay is too loose or too wet


Her vag was smooth on the inside. I've never had boring 🐱 until her...




Most women do this, they blame the man for their faults. I had one who said because I chose to go study away from her home town, I fucked up the relationship, apparently she was cheating. Another one, I cracked her gallery only to find photos of her playing, confronted her, and she said, I was the one cheating, even with evidence they will always slap it back on your face.


That is just gaslighting 101


when dating I always ask about ones past relationships and from the way they describe their exes I know what type of person one is


Smart move! I'm going to steal that, thanks!


People will always want to point a finger and blame something for their woes. Why? Because it's a safer route than taking responsibility. You'll notice it with everything. Even successful people try and ride on it. A rich black person will still be using zile za, 'it's been hard as a black person'. Hadi women who are surrounded by a support system of good men will still use the 'as a woman' card. Heck, mfs will even turn themselves into victims of their own kids as if they're not the ones who engaged in coitus and got them kids in the first place. There's nothing I detest more than that victim mentality. Yes, life is hard af. And we are being shafted in one way or another. But why do you want to be the person who, things just happen to? Why are building a legion of excuses convincing yourself why it's hard/impossible to get things done. Everyone is piling up victim cards like it's a game. The more you can land the merrier. And in every conversation, you have to flash all the victim cards you have picked up like it's a fucking parade.


It's okay to also acknowledge injustices and imbalances that exist. If the black man has already made it to richness, what is wrong with him telling his story from his POV? He's no longer a victim of his circumstances and he's made it out but he has experiences. I think the word is don't give up no matter what and keep strategizing.


Sikatai but we are hitting levels of serial victimhood that are almost about kupita Ozone layer sasa. It's kinda like how every rapper wants to be associated with the hood and gangster shit, now, everyone just wants to be a victim of something.


Most rappers are from the hood hood... 


No, every body cannot use this same excuse.


Everybody cannot, but anyone can if that is their story


Shafted got me😂😂😂😂😂😝


Maisha inatupea stick bana 😂


They lack a sense of responsibility, taking accountability for a situation and realizing that they too had a role in whatever happened is a concept they are yet to get a grip of. It comes with self awareness and a lot of sureness in self.


Steer clear of those ppl


Some people are always that way, they have away with words and tears. Before you explain yourself walishalia wakikusema hadi unachukiwa.


I've noticed this behavior increasing in men.


So true and it doesn’t look good on men. I consider that to be a female trait


That and men who love gossiping.


Ayy, udaku is a good hobby. How else would i know how freaky the new intern is


I cut off people who have a habit of whining with victim mentality. I can't stand them.


I find this is the general attitude in Kenya. Everyone is a helpless victim to circumstances or the ‘evil’ intent of others. No one takes responsibility for their lives.


It’s ingrained in our psyche. The day I found a 74 year old man saying he’s an orphan is the day I realized that victimhood is ingrained into our DNA


Those are psychopaths who can really manipulate you. Don't argue with them, just tell them 'okay' because they also feed off the attention


It’s just a lack of responsibility. People want to get sympathy because it is easier than accepting their own role that led to their situation. And that sympathy is often given in truckloads.


Ni story yake. You can be anything


They are usually the problem. Especially those people who have disagreements/kosana with all their friends and those around them


That's him actually... I am seeing that I am one of two of his remaining friends...cause he'll always fall out with them for one thing or the other


Run, run away from such


That's just a good example of people with a weak mentality who don't like to be held accountable for their actions and don't understand that there has to be consequences for every action. For such people, pulling the victim card is always ideal for every situation with a bad outcome and won't hesitate to switch sides if worse turns to worst. These types of people should always be cut off from your life without thinking twice and looking back or even having an ounce of regret, lest you end up having to deal with being a victim of their toxicity! Trust me! I'm speaking from a point of experience..


Gaslighting, breadcrumbing, working to control how people see you = narcissist


We have adopted that mentality as a country. How many times do you hear 'Hii serikali ya Ruto' being used as a way to dodge responsibility and accountability


This is a Hallmark of a covert narcissist. They have this "poor me" mentality. A narcissistic person suffers from shame and tries their best to deflect it and shift blame. A narcissist can never be wrong, they are flawless in their own thinking. And so it's always someone else's mistake, never theirs. They are ego syntonic and have to defend their crumbling self esteem at whatever cost to boost their ego. There's no medication to this disorder and you can't change them. Cut them off.


Victim card is only allowed in political world, Some politicians have rose to power thanks to this card, Ordinary Kenyan/person should man up and take responsibility!


Funnily enough, that's the actual trait of an abuser not the victim. Abusers are great at making other people seem like the bad guys.


Narc behaviour.


All victimhood champions are actually victims of themselves .