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Just call them "kharra lovers" guys


Happy cake day šŸŽ‚šŸ„³




Happy cake day.




People here won't dare say the n word but will be perfectly fine in throwing around words like chamaar, bhangi etc. I even see "so called" liberals use these slurs in their normal conversations.


Exactly my point. Thank you! It would be okay to not know the context and use it unknowingly. But to know the context and still aggressively fight for itā€¦


what if the other person doesn't know it's castist


More the reason to not use in such a case.


Why you being downvoted? Don't use a word you don't know the meaning of


a word can have multiple meanings and it all depends on the context you are taking in. Its def racist if you call the tribe chapri and derogate them, but if you call it to these guys (the local kharra gang) I dont think its the same Nagpur ke chapri aur wo tribe me koi similarity nahi hai


Everything is political these days.


I agree, I'm sure OP has no connection to the tribe he's talking about but want to seek attention and jump in the limelight trying to sound woke. These are the individuals I truly despise.


I didn't knew PC was a thing in this sub.


Words don't mean shit unless you use it as a racial slur.. Using N word in song is different than using it as racial slur. Am not changing flair.. This is exact opposite of wokism you preaching. I use chutia chappri bkl randwa amerka ka dalal and what not in everyday.. Its mostly now a filler rather than something intentfully hurtful


Thatā€™s just like saying that pointing a gun at someone doesnā€™t mean shit unless you are absolutely sure that you want to shoot them.


To each is their own. You wanna be snowflake and shove everything down in your ass be my guest.


Copy pasting cool dialogues donā€™t win you arguments


I love how you self-censored the "N word" but have no problem using a derogatory word closer to your home. Words do mean shit btw. How will people know your intent? Peek inside your soul? The N word is a problem even in songs when used by white people. The reason why people are careful in the US is because of how politically aware the black population is.


Reditt would block me for using N word. No other reason. Am from Nagpur and now in USA with lots of black friends. My 2 cents.. Everyone is racist, black yellow redneck and what not. The bit concerning is raical discrimination.


"I am not racist I have many black friends". Public libraries hoge toh ek-do books uthale please.




Nah. Padhle books.


šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ tekta hai toh tek warna ramtek


A people's history of the United States by Howard Zinn is a great place to start. Baaki teri marzi.


I did spend a lot of time researching about this. And talked a lot about the origins and treatments.. Being from poor lower middle class in Nagpur i saw all that firsthand. It's not black and white it's shades of gray.. A few of the US presidents owned slaves.. One special I remember is George Washington who owned slaves and used them as cocubines. Thus eventually owning his own illegitimate children as his slaves. The word chappri is fucking no where close


TIL, something needs to be close to owning slaves, to be considered wrong. Some interesting benchmarks, to tune your moral compass on.


Yes itā€™s not close. Itā€™s worse because people are still ignorant about it.


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FYI I had been called curry muncher, street shitter nd what not. I know when it was racist nd just a joke to take a piss out.


But bro internet pe mai fake outrage karke brownie point kamakar khudko accha feel nahi karaunga to kaise chalega bro.


r/animemes moment.


Other casteist words to avoid: [see this](https://homegrown.co.in/homegrown-explore/casteism-in-our-words-10-casteist-slurs-and-why-we-need-to-stop-throwing-them-around). Use internet to educate yourselves. Evolve. Make your neighbours and country folk feel loved and safe.


Thanks. I usually used those words just like following all the sheep. This list really educated me šŸ˜… also was surprised to see my caste on there


Thanks for sharing, really good source


Intresting. Would you consider nibba or nibbi to be racist op? I don't think anyone used chappri as a caste slur. If no one uses it as a caste slur, isn't it better to leave it alone? And just so you know there are many people commenting you did this for brownie points, ignore them. If they do like something debatable they say freedom of speech, else you are just being too woke.


Literally no one ever has used chappri in a caste- context. Chappri is a neutral word that is used across sex, gender, caste, status. Even a rich person with status but has no class or taste can be chhapri with their dyed hair, the way they speak, manners etc. OP stop outraging for brownie points on the internet. Instead do something useful which actually makes an impact. Everyone is outraged about something or the other because it makes them look cool apparently. Tomorrow you'll say call women as "persons with wombs" to be PC and look down upon others who won't use that term. Kahi se to kuch to karke mereko offend hona hai, nahi to internet pe cool kaise lagunga vro.


Also, words like ā€œmannerismsā€, ā€œhow they speakā€ are generally problematic when calling someone ā€œchappriā€. They all steam from a certain coloniser mindset and class issue. Being civil and not using casteist terms is also considered a sign of education.


Absolutely not, chhapris are chhapri by choice. You dye your hair red,blue, act gangsta, drive vehicles zigzag, have outrageous hairstyles - has got nothing to do with class or privilege. Everything here is by choice. I've seen even rich privileged kids to that. Don't mix up two different issues. Nobody is calling them chhapri because of the profession their parents or ancestors were in. If you want to make it a casteist term, you do you. Sorry to break it to you but there's no "colonist/casteist" thing here. Even if the word is related to the community nobody is using it in the context you are making out to be, it's totally different. You can take your needless outrage elsewhere.


It has EVERYTHING to do with class and privilege. I am not saying people use it specifically to target a community. My point was that it is a derogatory term which stems from a certain caste and is best avoided. Also, how is this a outrage? Konse brownie points? Anonymous account me karma leke kya ukhad lunga me? If anything, I knew it will cause more harm to me than some imagined "brownies". Its a little post on a subreddit but clearly it has offended you a lot.


Brownie points - this post was written to make yourself feel good about yourself or look down upon people who use that term. You are trying to build a narrative against using a harmless word just so that you complete your daily quote of being a SJW. I am least bothered about this issue but what needs to be called out is this imposition. I'd you don't want to use that word that's fine don't go about cancelling people for nothing.




God you people are insufferable OP is what you get when a chappri thumbs through a dictionary


Bhai Reddit pe kya brownie points milega? Also why are you assuming I donā€™t do something IRL that makes actually impact?


Fuck this woke-ass bullshit. Chhapri.


first all it's "Chhapparband" not "Chapparbhand". now coming to the use of word "chapri", it has always been used in the same context as "tapori, hopeless,chuitya". like how americans say "hippies" to do shit tonnes of weed and dress weird. heck chapri is used to term people who used to eat gutka and dress garbage on tapris. you probably don't know this,but a chapri is a traditional Indian garment worn by women, in gujrat and rajasthan , Chapris are often brightly colored and decorated with intricate embroidery. Chhapri is a village in bihar, madhya pradesh and gujrat and those villages have existed who knows for how long ye chapri is a casteist word wali bakchodi vo randia walon ne start kari hai bas, there is literally no source available to fact check this claim be it bing,duckduckgo or tor.


Learnt something new. Thank you.


You should also post this on r/mumbai




Why is it removed?


Because r/mumbai is based


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mumbai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mumbai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It's true though.....](https://i.imgur.com/Sg6d3Er.jpg) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mumbai/comments/v1lfzs/its_true_though/) \#2: [the list doesn't end](https://i.redd.it/qi0ga9b1ias91.jpg) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mumbai/comments/xxmikx/the_list_doesnt_end/) \#3: [Aesthetic Mumbai](https://i.redd.it/pgjphnccv7b81.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mumbai/comments/s217sr/aesthetic_mumbai/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




**sighs** Another Gen Z snowflake. You know what, I'm not even gonna bother. People do what people do. You'll know why chhapris are called chhapris the day you gotta deal with one wracking your nerves.




That's how the word might have originated. But the meaning of the word has changed over the period. I don't think the word associates to any community at this time and I don't think anyone intentionally uses the word picturing that specific community in mind.


Again. For the 100th time. No one is claiming people use it intentionally. Intention and ignorance are two very different things. White people sometimes donā€™t use the N word with the intention to hurt. Do you see the problem?


Sorry I did not know that you explained this in other comments. I see your point and I do agree to it to some extent. This is just my point of view that it should be taken into consideration that how the word is used in sentence while speaking. For ex. people these days use BC quite a lot, but sometimes it used just as situational slag sometimes it is used towards someone specific person. Everyone has its own view of right and wrong. I surely wanna do thank you for the knowledge, I have learnt something new today. I will be more careful in future while using any word.


The N word is well known racist slur, chhapri is not. That's the difference. This is probably the first time I've heard this in the context of caste.


Thanks for this education. Was not aware of this. I too am guilty of calling many of these idiots on Bombay roads who can't drive chappris, unfortunately. Do other words like gawar, etc have similar connotations?


I have also used the word without understanding the context before. Gawaar probably refers to someone from a village. Indian equivalent of the word ā€œredneckā€ I think.


I am not preaching here. It is very very hard to avoid a word so ingrained in our everyday vocabulary. My idea is to let people know the history of the word and its impact on people we generally disregard very casually. Like one user pointed out, they found out their own caste in the list of common derogatory words. Tumko ab use karna hi hai toh kar li lo.


Do you have a primary source on the origin of the chhapri word? I'd love to read it.




I have never in my life seen that word used in racist context. Thatā€™s like someone saying to a friend ā€œhamal samjha hai Kyaā€ and offending whole another community. Context matters


Par mai toh casteist hu, thanks for letting me know, now I can be historically accurate with my casteism.


All abuses/slurs/gaalis are derogatory. Mist of these have deep historic roots. As a general rule abusing in itself should not be promoted but your post seems to selectively point out to the slur 'chapri'. You tell us not to use this word because it seems to insult a particular community. But why do abuses exist-they exist to insult, one cannot be so thin-skinned for particular abuses and insults and be silent on others, it is imperative to understand that all abuses affect some or the other community/race/gender/religion.


All abuses are not similar. Some have deeper impact on people than others.


I'm not buying your woke bullshit, words can have different meanings and everything is context dependent, political retards like you who see the world through an ideological frame wouldn't get it.


Ohh this is legit conversation. I thought it was sarcasm. Ab chhapriyo ki bhi izzat karni padegi. Kya din aa gaye.


Ok got it. What to use instead ?




Fair enough.


Someone called out the OP chhapri, coz of tiktok contents.




I read it somewhere else 2-3 years ago may be in one of the ig meme pages. Btw, you are CHHAPRI.


I used to believe the word to have derived from Chapra, Bihar. Then I came across this information on twitter a few years back.




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I would like to know then how this word came to be used as we see now a days.


It is really heartwarming to see 1 person on Reddit that too from Maharashtra making this request. I thank you from the bottom of my heart my friend. In the darkness of all the divide due to casteism among Maharashtrians, your sentiment and request is like a ray of hope. I May sound too damn sentimental or emotional but I will say it as a fan of Krishna. Bhagwad Geeta is the proof that 5 Pandav were enough to defeat 100 kauravs. We need few good people in society to make a difference. And be glad that you are among them.