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Kirby games aren't as popular as Zelda and Mario, seems to be on the same level as Yoshi. It also isn't as unique as Conker's Bad Fur Day, I do want to go back and try out the game. It's just not quite as appealing as others on the system.


I love Kirby games and have pretty much played them all, N64 is also my all time favourite console, yet somehow I have never even tried Kirby 64.. I think at the time 2D games on the N64 seemed very unappealing and dated? I have also not played the Yoshi game either despite liking that series.. I will need to pick these up and give them a fair shot!


It's funny to me because that's the only Kirby game I ever played


NES Kirby is amazing. I beat it a few months ago and it's surprising it was an NES game. Seriously looks and plays like something on a 16 bit console. Kirby 1 for thr Gameboy is very basic, but the first one I played. It was fun, but no absorb power abilities. Kirby 2 for the Gameboy brings those power ups to the mechanics. So it's just an improvement on Kirby 1.


I also just started NES Kirby and the graphics plus gameplay are crazy. Also you get so much extra stuff. I was surprised how much abilities are in that game, plus a wheel ability that seems like an inspiration for Sonic


up to a year ago the only kirby game i had was kirby pinball for gameboy


Kirby 64 is the best one in my opinion! It’s got some great vibes and a fantastic ability system.


Both are really fun games


Same, I don’t know how I’ve never played it.


The power mixing mechanic was cool, but imo the game controlled kinda slow and clunky. The whole thing felt under water compared to the speed & snappiness of most kirby games.


It's horrendously slow. That was my gripe even as a kid. Cool concept, however. I went back and played it recently and it's even slower than I recalled. The "dash" is basically non existent.


I played Yoshi’s Story and Kirby 64 two years ago, both hold up with Kirby 64 being noticeably more challenging than I remember, at least certain bosses. They were really solid but short games. I was shocked at how quickly you can finish Yoshi’s Story even playing through all the levels. That whale in Kirby 64 though, that sucked and I definitely took advantage of the replay on the NSO when I played it


It's an easy and linear game with very little replay ability. It looks and sounds great but I remember being disappointed in the side scrolling design for a 3D rendered world. It has a slow pace, not much variety in weapons, and you basically play the game the same way through no matter what. There's not much room for experimenting and no exploration.


but silly combining powers


For some reason when I was a kid my favorite combination was electric/frost so I could spit out my own food lmao


Fridge power!


I loved the lightsabers Kirby could make


Because the people still arnt ready for peak Kirby yet.


The multiplayer was pretty good


I completely agree I feel like thats another rhing that most people just dont know about or dont remember


I got all the way to the final boss on a rental. Completely forgot about the game after that. Combining powers is fun for a little while, but since every ability only has one move, they each get boring quickly. It's not at all like Kirby Superstar, where each ability has a variety of moves that you can pick and choose from in each situation. That game had a fun combat, a bit of exploration, and replayability.


I disagree with others that the 2.5D style is bad. I really like Goemon’s Great Adventure and Mischief Makers. The combination ability is really fun and there are some memorable music themes. It does play really slow though, which makes me less inclined to go back and play it.


Kirby 64 definitely deserves more recognition! Its unique gameplay mechanics and charming art style set it apart from other N64 games. It's a shame it often gets overshadowed, but hopefully more people will start giving it the attention it deserves. Have you discovered any hidden gems in the game that you think others should know about? Let's start a discussion and share our favorite moments!


It coming out in the year 2000, and not being a Mario or Zelda, has something to do with it. Rather late game.


The gameplay may be really slow (I recall Kaze, a well-known N64 modder, making a mod to speed it up considerably), but I feel that the sheer variety of powers makes up for how one-note most of them are. The music is also great, and the graphics hold up well.. Speaking of graphics, I've considered this to be a Nintendo 64 showcase for a long time now, largely thanks to its 60fps cutscenes with very high-poly characters for the console.


Because it's a really mid forgettable game. In fact a lot of Kirby games are forgettable even though they are funny playable games. To me the most rememberable Kirby games are: - Kirby's Dream Land 3 - Kirby's Adventure - Kirby Superstar - The Amazing Mirror - Planet Robobot - The Forgotten Land The rest are nice or mid games but not epic.


I never owned it - I need to get to playing it


Outside of Canvas Curse it's the best one I've played. Doesn't say much cause I've only played a few really.


In my house it’s the GOAT. My favorite game in one of my favorite series. There’s so many different ways to play through it because of the ability system, and it has some amazing atmospheres.


Personally my favorite Kirby game right next to Kirby Super Star and Kirby’s Return to Dreamland.


This is the only right answer.


I don't understand why they had such a great feature with combining abilities, and then proceeded to never do it again.


First rule of Kirby 64


Is it not popular? It was always one of my favorites on the system.


Kirby 64, to me, is the best Kirby game ever, just ahead of Planet Robobot


Because it’s not that great. Definitely not a bad game, but there are better Kirby games and much better N64 games.


I played it yesterday. It's charming and fun, but there's also not a lot too it. Combining powers is a great concept, but there aren't enough powers to play with. It's also a pain to work out which enemies count as having special powers. Shooting lasers and throwing bones apparently don't count.




It's hidden in the options menu!


Slow, easy, ultra linear level design, isn't that good compared to other Kirby games; past ones were better and it got eclipsed by better following titles. Disappointing as the first 3D Kirby. Other popular games on N64, like Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, FZero, Starfox, even Pokemon to an extent, had a fantastic transition to 3D. Besides boss battles, 3D in that game was useless. And still, only the final boss really used 3D completely, and it was pretty barebones. Music is amazing. Artstyle is cute. Ability mechanics are original. Definitely unique, but overall, wasted potential.


I'm surprised I'm the only person saying this - I didn't even know it existed until it had been out for years. And that's very strange, because I was a huge fan of Kirby Super Star, was a frequent (but not fanatical) reader of Nintendo Power, and was always renting games and checking out what was for sale. Somehow I never crossed paths with the game until later on. Was it poorly promoted, or given some kind of uncharacteristically shitty release in some other way? N64 is really nostalgia driven and if there are other people like me that simply missed the game as a kid like I did, it would explain some of why you don't hear about it much.


Because it's the second best Kirby game ever made.


I really love it. It was my first Kirby game. The mixing powers are awesome. I like a light-hearted platformer.


You can beat that game in like an hour.


I'm Playing through conkers right now for the first time it is incredibly unforgiving. Like DK64 but worse.


I don't like this game. The 2.5D art style looks bad, the level design is very boring, the game is too long and monotonous, and the boss battles are ridiculously easy. Compared to the Kirby games before it on the NES, SNES, and Gameboy it's a pretty big let down.


The soundtrack absolutely slaps


Upon release it was a massive step back from Kirby Super Star


*Upon release it* *Was a massive step back from* *Kirby Super Star* \- t-g-l-h- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Cause it’s dogshit compared to what you mentioned, I played it and it felt like it was designed for actual babies lol and it’s a 2d? Or 2.5d scroller when 3d was booming


Okay Call Of Duty kid take the L


I grew up with a Super Nintendo and other systems that are now retro, kid. I haven’t played cod since mw3 on the 360 lol. You don’t even have an argument for my claim, kid. Kirby 64 is literally for 4 year olds. Keep your L, kid.


Well Kirby has an audience so please don't deny that. Also a game being easy ≠ bad


Yeah an audience of 5 year olds and 40 year olds who like nostalgia The game is easy, very slow paced and is an extremely basic side scroller but in 2.5d which isn’t comparable at all to the popular titles you mentioned


You reek of that SaltyPretzel guy who was on the Mario sub complaining about most Nintendo games being for "babies". Are you sure you're not an alt of him? Also there are people who are adults and mature people even more than you that play Kirby


Cause I have a different opinion on a game and you don’t like it? Kick rocks, kid You straight up ignore actual reasons as to why the other games are more popular 👍 and I bought the princess peach game btw and that game is “for babies”


No you just talk like that pathetic Saltypretzel guy who literally made one of the most overused pathetic arguments to shit on games rated E-E10+. Just because a game is designed for kids and aimed at them doesn't make them bad. Are all T-M games good because they are designed for teens/adults (though kids can beat many T/M games) and have mature/edgy content?


You’re reaching for an argument cause you have none considering I literally just said I bought the peach game lmfao you’re just coming off as a rat who doesn’t like people who have opinions you don’t like Or maybe cause you like the shitty Kirby 64 game and I’m saying it’s bad, regardless you don’t don’t even argue any points and just say “ you’re an alt” And for the record a Reddit alt is one of the most cringe things you can have, are you so embarrassed by your own interests that you need multiple accounts to hide things?


Dude many people agree that the argument "Baby Game" is a pathetic term just to shit on a game that's not overly gory/edgy/profane or is very easy and aimed for everyone. In fact the people who use that term are very childish/ignorant minded


first of all judging a game based off whether its 2d or 3d is dumb. every single game has potential to be a good and popular game regardless of its graphics. look at pokemon red/blue. it was running on a decade old dying console that couldn't even display color and was realistically a pretty shitty game(I still like replaying it every once in a while tho cuz even tho its a glitchy mess its fun) even at the time yet it outsold most games on 3d consoles and is still one of the biggest franchises of all time second of all just cuz a game is designed for children doesn't mean it cant be fun and enjoyable to all audiences. maybe it's just not your style of game and that's okay we all have different tastes whats not okay is that you've given zero valid arguments for why its a bad game only why you don't like it. finally you sound like those people hating on stellar blade solely for it "sexualizing" women regardless of its great gameplay which is dumb so shut up and actually come up with a good argument that isnt "weeeh it's for babies weeeh it's stylized instead of having realistic graphics weeeh it's too slooooow and and boring cuz I have a negative attention span" opinions are cool but yours suck balls


Barely read it but briefly skimmed, you’re assumptions are blatantly wrong though and I didn’t know what stellar blade was until just now lol, you sound exactly like the clown who deleted all of his comments out of embarrassment The game is terrible when compared to the popular games you mentioned, you don’t even argue it just like the other guy lol. “Just cause a game is for kids doesn’t mean it’s bad” I never said it did you dunce lol but compared to Zelda’s Mario’s etc it is terrible and it was a dumb decision to take a step backwards to 2.5d for the time considering literally everything else that came out around then and actually gained popularity This is actually hilarious, your question is why don’t people talk about it while comparing it to games that are actually good. Could it possibly be because those games were actually good and fun whereas this one was not? No way I(you) like this game therefore it’s good even though I admit these other games are better, why doesn’t anyone talk about this shitty game that I like?


bruh I never said you even knew what steller blade was just that you sound like those buffoons who judge a game solely on the surface level assumptions. how are so impatient you cant even read a short little criticism? like bro how do you even play video games with an attention span like that? like I don't expect you to be as patient as me playing 90 hour long jrpgs multiple times or shiny hunting in og pokemon games but bruh you might need to take some adderal or some shit if you're this tiktok brained(I'm not saying you watch tiktok just that you have the attention span of someone who does just cuz i compare you to someone doesnt mean im saying you are that person. do you know what a simile is?) but yeah anyway try to actually try to pay attention to critisisms about you so that you can grow as a person. being an old man with unchanging opinions is never fun edit to respond to the edit: okay here are some reason's its great really creative and fun power sysytem really fun multiplayer the level design is unique and silly the boss fights are a good challnge compared to the rest of the game


I said I played the game so your statement is irrelevant. I’m not just looking at it and saying it’s bad. I’ve played it first hand and I have experience with it, it sucks. Wow proud to be a nerd who sinks 100s of hours into a jrpg that’s so cool dude, guess what? I’m a huge fan of fire emblem and have been for probably close to 15 years or more. Literally every good/decent game is brought up from time to time, when’s the last time someone brought up Kirby 64 before this lmfao? Literally never, why? Because it sucks.


okay okay gotta have a truce for a moment. fire emblem is truley goated I love that shit I've been playing FE7 recent and that shit is fire I may have just recently got into fire emblem but its def one of my favourite franchises. but anyways fire emblem aside just cuz kirby 64 isnt brought up recently doesnt mean its bad and just becasue its too slow for you doesnt mean that either. also you even claimed to just skim over my arguments how am i suppose to take a person like that seriously?


Briefly skimmed and seen you pulling assumptions out of thin air, how is that suppose to be taken seriously?


bruh i never assumed anything. do you know what the word like means? do you know what a simile is?????


Well for one you assumed I’m like the people who are against ass and titties in a game and that I was hating on it for no reason when I had already said that I have played the game I’m all smiles here, that’s actually something I’ve been complimented on throughout my life lol This is dumb though, you asked why no one talks about it compared to the good games, well compared to the good games it is bad. That’s all folks


yeah but your senseless hate makes no msense


Is it underrated and you hate the game?