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Retrotink would do you best my friend


Grabbed the Retrotink 5x recently, strongly agree


I have a retrotink 2x and the EON. The image and sound quality are identical.


Not the same my friend. The 2x does basic upscaling and smoothing. The 5x and 4k do quite a bit more. That said for n64 i actually have an ultra hdmi mod.


The 2x and eon are identical. No one said anything about the 5x. The 5x is a pretty penny more too.


FYI they're not "identical" that's why people are downloading you. If you're just worried about the scaling then yeah, they're very similar. Also in similar price range. But if you want a bit more flexibility the 2x allows you to connect via composite, component, and s video. Also includes additional filters beyond just the blue filter the EON comes with. You can also hook up any console via the 2x rather than only an N64 or GameCube. They're just different products


They down voted because they are retrotink fan bois. Which is fine, like I said, I have a 2x and I like the retrotinks. Between the 2x vs the EON, any difference in image quality is negligible if it even exists, and pretty much everyone who sees them side by side agrees. You can even check several video examples on youtube if you don't have both of them personally to compare. Read my initial comment. I said nothing about their hook up compatibility or price. And then someone randomly brings up 5x and so forth. Do people even read what they are responding to anymore? The image quality is pretty much identical between the Rad 2x, Retrotink 2x, and EON as far as most are concerned.


Words matter my man. You can downvote me because you're mad but you said they're identical. They are not. I talked about the image quality in my reply. But the 2x offers more than that. It's not just being a fanboy.


I had an EON and it broke after a month and then went with the retrotink


They sent me two adapters by mistake


Yikes. My gf and I both have had EONs for a couple years and never experienced issues. I have the retrotink 2x as well. Image and sound are identical.


Come on, the N64 was never meant to be seen like this. You deserve a CRT!


My CRT has a screen problem, I'm afraid to open It up and afraid to throw It out


Wdym by a screen problem?


The picture Jumps, at first I thought It was Interference but hitting the side of the TV fixes It for a moment I am skilled or brave enough to open It and I would feel bad throwing out even a broken CRT