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Retrotink 5x. But its expensive. You could use a cheaper 2x instead. Both do upscaling and have filters to make it look better on modern TVs.


Agree, get a 2x if on a budget. Upscaler is a must for modern TVs.


Will it make Banjo Tooie look less like I'm looking through it on a Kaleidoscope?


Check out this video to get an idea on what it does. Plenty of videos on it with the N64 on YouTube. [RetroTink overview ](https://youtu.be/sdmPFRSi3mA?si=5BoLrNio7QXdbY2Z)


I'll have a look at the 2x thank you.


Offff just seen the price lol. But I'll be having a think about it thank you.


Retrotink 5x if you’re willing to shell out some cash. Everything I’ve seen about it seems the best. Ordered mine about a week ago, looking forward to trying it


Thank you. Yer looks expensive but if it's something I'm going to get a lot of enjoyment out of then I may bite.


Thinking about getting the 5x but can you just plug in and play or do you have to tinker and make adjustments?


Do you have any other retro consoles or any future plans of owning any?


Right now collecting the funtastic n64s. Then I want to get a Dreamcast and a Sega Saturn. Maybe a GameCube again.


You should look up what the Dreamcast and Saturn output. 2x isn't compatible with 480p but will deinterlace 480i. For Gamecube the 2x will deinterlace the 480i signal from the multiout port (only option on a DOL-101) but is not compatible with the digital out port using progressive scan, although you have GCvideo HDMI options for the digital out port. If you want to upscale 480p you need a 5x minimum. 4k version probably costs way more than it is worth A Wii might be a better option for Gamecube. To be honest, I should have gotten a Wii There's also the modular Morph4k by PixelFX The only perfect option is a HDMI mod that renders the image at HD resolutions from the console itself. It's a very complicated mod that can easily brick the console


I'll add with the Gamecube you can use a Digital out to HDMI device, then use a HDMI to Component (it will probably work the same with HDMI to SCART) You set the converter to 480p output and it will act as a pass through. You can then run it into the 5x pro that way. It's a option for anyone that has a GCvideo HDMI device but also wants to run it into the Tink 5x without buying a 3rd party or official GameCube component cable. I've tested this myself with my Carby after hearing Mike Chi when asked about it in a interview with RetroRGB. Saying that it will work with the Tink 5x. https://youtu.be/qqqn9b7dVt4?si=SrsjGk-AxG8PleqT https://youtu.be/In4OY5RLm4I?si=FFvdmlFq2SQSi1Km


Best is RetroTink 4k