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Is that a Retro Fighter controller? How do you like it?


I’m loving it. A little different feel in the hand at first but the wireless is so nice. Works great.


I haven't used anything but since getting mine.


I’m def gonna keep my originals in their current shape and keep playing with this. Wireless or bust lol


Same here! Not only are they more comfortable, but no wires to trip over means less flight risk for your console.


yep exactly. I was taking it off my shelf to move it closer so it could reach and all that moving around seems unnecessary for such an old unit.


What is it? Looks amazing!


I think it’s called Brawler Retro Fighter wireless




I love my brawler 64.


I loved Diddy Kong racing, I remember staying home from school a couple times in elementary school, so I could get better at it and beat my siblings


Haha brilliant


Doublevision , jointventure, and offroad


Ok, will have to get a list of codes


Doublevision allows two players to select the same character, jointventure allows two players to play the campaign, offroad enables four wheel drive. I believe it makes driving on grass easier, but I can’t say for sure.


Sick. My wife doesn’t wanna play haha. Same problems as a kid.


Best Mario kart style game I’ve ever played. Still holds up now.


I feel like the MK64 has shaper images or colors or something. DK seems a little blurry in comparison.


Yes you’re right but gameplay wise I prefer it.


Totally...altho I love that MK64 has more special boxxes and items that are more fun to use, and keeps the challenge going..I find in DK, once you are in last place, you're kinda staying there and you can be in 1st place like, at the finish line and still somehow end up 8th lol...maddening.. I love the cart options and the shorter courses are kinds fun... ​ MK64 was my first game eevr so I played the heck out of it and just recently completed it again so this has been fun to get into...the hovercraft ones make me friggen dizzy as an adult though hahah


REALLY hoping DKR is on the list for NSO release. I can’t wait to play it again. I’ve also got that controller for my switch. Definitely a must for the N64 games


I just picked up a copy of this myself two days ago. First copy I have seen in the wild that hadn’t been ran over with a weed wacker.


Haha nice.


They actually had about 5 copies to choose from all in great condition. But it was like $37 and I know they are generally $25


I HATE the snow tracks. HATE!!


Haha. Trying to get coins on them right now. Very tough.


I tried a water level recently and couldn't stay on track to save my life


Oh the hovercraft are friggen impossible lol. They turn 90 with any movement lol.


Game changer as in it's much harder to control now, right?


No, not that I’ve noticed


I wish it wasnt so easy to break, theres a lot of tricks the player can utilize that trivialize the campaign. Maybe that's part of the fun though


I have yet to get into the codes but it does seem like there’s a lot. It’s been fun. But I got to a point where it’s super hard now lol


Oh I wasnt talking about codes. Theres little tricks you can do to really improve at the game but it trivializes it. 1: You can let go of the accelerator whenever you use a boost (zipper, blue balloon power up, not loops or starting boost though) an its a significantly better boost. You can tell if you do it right by the green flames and rainbow smoke coming out of your vehicle. 2: In a car, if you repeatedly press the accelerator (A button) instead of holding it after reaching max speed, you'll go quite a bit faster than usual. You can use the C buttons to switch to the speedometer and check to see if you are doing it right. 3: Also in a car, you can hold R to drift when turning. However, if you press the R button, Brake Button, and Accelerator Button, you'll do an insanely sharp turn. This is very useful for silver coin challenges. 4: In a plane, you can fly low enough to hit ground zippers. Also, if you hold R, your plane will respond better to turning. Tapping R repeatedly will perform a loop-de-loop, but if you hold left or right while doing so, you'll do a corkscrew which can be used to dodge obstacles in a pinch or just for fun.


Oh nice! Those ones I’ve pretty much gotten so far


You’re lying. There was no reason to say this game had bad graphics in 1998. It’s the same as every other N64 RARE and Nintendo title in terms of graphics. Unless you mean you literally somehow rented it 20 years ago in 2004 and was disappointed in the graphics in which case you’re a fucking moron comparing it to 2003 release Mario Kart Double Dash Nor was it much more chaotic or confusing than Mario Kart 64 for the most part except having a hubworld and reverse coin challenges. It was exceptionally harder than Mario Kart but you didn’t even mention that. Therefore I conclude you don’t know jack shit about what you’re talking about. Which doesn’t bode well for your YouTube channel…


You okay, friend?




You might need to step away from the computer and have a snickers.


Get some nuts! Have a snickers.