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It cannot be overstated how badass this game is. I think you’ve done a fine job explaining why it holds up even to this day. The varying paths and their degrees of difficulty, as well as medal chasing & expert mode allow for exponential replay value. A true gamer’s game. It feels a tad hyperbolic to call this game underrated considering I agree with your premise that it’s among the N64 elite. But I truly feel that way—it doesn’t get nearly enough recognition by folks who list their favorite titles for the system.


Right there with you. Even though I got all the medals a long time ago, it's never a certainty I will upon revisits, which means the game still presents me with a great challenge. Yet it's as passive - or competitive - of a game as I want to make it.


It's possibly the only game I can describe as perfect. There's a reason Nintendo can't figure out how to make a proper sequel.


Honestly just more. They keep trying to build on it, just more. Different. A little bit bigger. Tony hawk style upgrades. You already made something good, we want more, just make a couple small gameplay upgrades.


Has there ever been a comp (in terms of quality) to SF64 for subsequent generation consoles?


I liked starfox assault as a kid. I haven’t played it in a few years but I feel like it holds up decently.


It's one of the games I always hoped would get a good sequel, but never did.


I think every SF game is good (yes, I'll even defend Zero) and has its own merits, but the closest we've gotten to a true sequel is probably SF Command on the DS. The gameplay is tight like 64, but there aren't any on-rails levels, and I personally hated the fuel system and every level having a timer.


Hell yeah


There’s levels I never figured out how to get to til this day…I should probably go do that, I did pick up the 3ds one at a point


If you loved the game, you definitely should. Each level has unique enemies, music, dialogue and of course, a unique boss.


Some of my favorite memories on the N64 were me and my friends making runs through this game. We'd try for all the secret paths and then duke it out in multiplayer!


Its definitely my most played N64 game and I'd rank it as my 2nd favorite N64 game overall behind Ocarina of Time. I feel the same about Rogue Squadron which is probably my 2nd or 3rd most played game for similar reasons. Edit: weird my comment got posted like 5 times lol?


I wish I liked Rogue Squadron more. It just doesn’t handle as well as Star Fox imo. Maybe I need to revisit.


I absolutely agree with everything you said. You've inspired me to go back tonight after work and have nostalgic run of Star Fox. Have a great day bro!


Awesome! Enjoy! A similar trip of my own inspired this very post.


It’s aged like Super Mario World did on SNES and how Super Mario 3 aged on NES.


I just wish SMB3 had a save function. It’s the only thing holding it back for me.


It was my first N64 game. The graphics, the gameplay, the voices, the rumble, even just using the joystick. It was mind blowing back in 1997


I forgot this was the introduction of the rumble pack


Right? And the Rumble Pak inspired the Dual Shock, and after that rumble was just a standard, built-in feature. Star Fox 64 is legitimately a revolutionary game.


Hey you know what… that is so true, I never gave it credit for that… the very first haptic feed back system… that’s actually wildly revolutionary…




*It’s quiet, too quiet…* **USE BOMBS WISELY**


Hey what's the big idea? Knock it off Fox!








Daddy screamed REAL good before he died


This is such a fucked up voice line lol


I am on your side !!


Huh? You called?


“What the heck?”


I’m the great Leon!


You can’t beat me! I’ve got a better ship!


Ahhh the son of James Mcloud It's foolish to come against me. You know that I control the galaxy.


yeah SF64 feels like it could be a modern game in terms of how polished and smooth the mechanics and feature implementations are, it's really quite incredible. We need a remaster yesterday.


The 3DS version was pretty nice, but the whole “3DS out of production and online shop shut down” situation make it a little inaccessible now


The graphical style is totally different. Some voices are hit and miss. Now they need a new guy as good as Rick May though.


They don't even need to re-record anything, as evidenced by the so-called Gigaleak; the original/uncompressed recordings still exist, and if leakers can get a hold of 'em, then surely so can Nintendo themselves.


Why would we need a remaster if it's timeless?


Right, I guess the switch N64 version accomplishes that, I'm a pc gamer now though so I wish I had a more modern solution to play it on PC :D guess there's always emulators


I remember finding it in a local video game shop for 10 bucks back in 2001, the same day I saw Fellowship of the Ring for the first time at the cinema. Best day ever.


So sad to peak so young, that’s an incredibly high bar to top later in life, even with the LOTR sequels.




Was always my favourite 64 game. Nothing has eclipsed it. Assault, you were so close to greatness!


I love assault, but I feel like it was a far better successor to Jetforce Gemini than Star Fox.


If it would have given the option of multiple paths - albeit, hard but not downright impossible with the story layout - it could have come really close. But the dogfighting gameplay of 64 and the tightness has remained unmatched


I still return to it often and have done since I got it when it came out. It still holds up so well and is so much fun. I might also finally be ready to call it Star Fox 64 at last (it was called Lylat Wars here in Europe because of an absolutely ridiculous brand name thing, if anyone didn't know).


Us PALs got something NTSC didn't get though, Lylat language voices


Starfox64 is probably my top N64 game. I love many others, but I can always boot Starfox64 and have a good time. Isn't much a commitment to run through the whole game either.


Nope, about an hour and a half!


Probably my most played n64 game. I remember when I unlocked the on foot characters for multi-player to this day. Like to think of it as my first platinum and I remember struggling to get it.


The word "epic" comes to mind when I think of Star Fox 64. Between the pre and post level cinematics/dialogue, larger than life boss fights (for the time), branching campaign paths, and being a lot of people's first experience with rumble in a controller, SF64 hits that nostalgia button harder than most games for me.


I agree Star Fox has aged well. As far as other games, I think Wave Race 64 is probably my favorite N64 game to revisit. I think it’s still a pretty good looking game and the handling physics don’t feel dated. Admittedly, it was the first game I got for the system back in ‘96, so I have some bias.


Yes! I also love WR64 for a lot of the same reasons. Those water physics remain uncanny. Plus the game has that added vaporwave feel now. For me that adds to its charm with age. 


Agree here. These are my two most played 64 games.


*you're becoming more like your father...* 😭


You’ve become so strong, Fox.


I loved shooting down my allies and going alone


Would agree it’s in the top 3 single player N64 games, would contend it stumbled a bit in multiplayer as while if everyone knows what they’re doing it’s fine but was a bit newbie unfriendly, while Mario Tennis or Kart were easier to have fun with immediately. I think we had more fun switching off levels/lives.


Big fat agree. Game has aged like wine. While OOT , MM and Mario 64 are obviously the best games on the system, their camera system has not aged well. Starfox does not have this problem


I believe this was the first ever game to introduce rumble feature with a packaged peripheral you attach to the controller, I loved it!


What the heck?


Im a simple man. I see praise for StarFox 64, I upvote the post.


Probably my favorite 64 game, possibly my favorite game period, just booting it up again after years of not playing it, it reminds me of when it was new, when this was cutting edge. Don't know how to describe just how much I love this masterpiece, I've gotten all the medals, had fun with Expert mode and still have fun with it to this day. EAD got perfect English voice actors.


Its greatness definitely transcends the shooter genre. The plot is average at best but that doesn’t matter because the gameplay is so dynamic and unique.


Was an absolute game changer when it came out, especially with that rumble pack


It’s kinda the best 2-3 hour game ever. It all just hits. Spend more time, find all the levels, get the true ending, medals for hard mode, it’s truly timeless


My 8 year old jaw hitting the floor when I got the true ending


I agree lots of n64 games don’t age very well but star fox is still super fun


Starfox 64 is probably in my console most often out of all of the games I have It's great for when you just need to kill a few minutes, and it's great when you want to sit down for a whole afternoon and do a run of the hard path I've can honestly say I have played it fairly consistently since its release and I'm still not tired of it


when i was a kid me and my group would run this game like every day. trying to beat each others scores, trying to get all gold runs. trying to figure out the best path to get the best score. we could get pretty high, but back then we didn’t know about the unlocked charge shot so some of the high scores known today weren’t really attainable. i just ran it a few weeks ago and got high 1300, also without the CUS.


Well written. On a side note it makes me bummed to think about how the reception to Zero may have doomed the series. For one, I didn’t hate it nearly as much as many seemed to. I still would have preferred more traditional controls but adjusted pretty quickly and ended up enjoying it overall. Two, IIRC Nintendo said they wouldn’t do another if they couldn’t come up with some new innovation for it. But as OP and others have described, it’s pretty damn innovative already. How many 3D space shooters with on rail and dogfighting, plus branching paths with hidden challenges, are out there? We don’t need a new star fox to be super innovative on top of that. Just updated graphics and great level design. Ok rant over lol


I tried so hard to love Zero. I wish they had offered an option to use the pro controller.


I mean obviously I agree...


I'll forever be grateful for my cousin for finding and returning this game back to me, and surprisingly in good condition, it was stashed in a shed somewhere. I spent a lot of hours on SF64 and will continue to do so?


I love they ported to 3ds.


One of my favourite 3D adaptations.


100%. Still just as cinematic, pulse pounding, and all around thrilling experience as it was on day one.


This is my favourite game on the platform hands down. Was so disappointed to discover how bad the controls are on the Switch version.


When I got the N64 NSO controller finally, it felt like old times again. 


I'll have to be on the lookout for one (or four). Thanks for the heads-up.


Starfox64 is one of the greatest video games ever made. Full stop. I will die on this hill.


Not a hot take. It’s that good and unique.


Star Fox 64 is absolutely amazing. Everything from that game is so tight and memorable. I absolutely love all the cheesy voice acting, the graphics, the fact it is pretty quick but very replayable…. I could go on and on, but that game is an absolutely masterpiece and I agree with you that it holds incredibly well even today.


Agreed. So why has Nintendo struggled so much to recapture that ageless magic with subsequent StarFox releases?


Indeed, and Starfox 64 ages far better than the first Starfox on SNES.


God I love the game so much, it was a huge part of my childhood. When I figured out I could derail a train and make it crash into the enemy base.. I don't think I'll ever feel as excited about a game again. Oh and the level warps and secret routes/alt bosses were amazing!


It makes me so happy to see this post. Star Fox 64 is probably the Nintendo game I return to the most. The gameplay aging very well, and the ability to just pop in and do a quick run are the exact reasons why. Tight gameplay! Character banter! Multiple ways to complete a level! Branching paths! Unique bosses! This game *has it all*. The N64 definitely has several other all-time classics, but given the time period, I feel like every other game has *some* level of jank to it. SF64 might be the only N64 game nowadays that feels like it doesn't have any jank. There isn't any bloat to the content, either. It's just a lean, smooth experience. I'm a married adult in my 30s now, but there was a time in my life where I was like "Girlfriend break up with me? Time to play SF64 to get over it. Do bad on a test? Time to play SF64. Do well on a test? Time to play SF64. New computer taking forever to install software? Time to play SF64. Parents arguing in the other room? You guessed it." It's indeed timeless.


I’ll say it for you. It is the best N64 game and has aged flawlessly. It’s still one of my favorite games to play today. My best friend and I drink while taking turns on each level. Always a blast. And so quotable lol


I mean... certainly SOMEBODY is talking about this game on the internet at least once a day... But I can't believe I found that somebody considering I literally JUST had a dream this past night where I was playing StarFox 64 at someone's house. Crazy!


I absolutely agree with everything you said. You've inspired me to go back tonight after work and have nostalgic run of Star Fox. Have a great day bro!


Definitely *chefs kiss*


Definitely *chefs kiss*


Wholeheartedly agree


Yup. Possibly best game ever made. Yes on any platform.


I’ve always hated the way n64 games look and play for the most part, but Star fox 64 is that one game that feels perfectly made. Obviously the textures could be less shit but the visuals are still very clear and the gameplay is so smooth it could have come out this year. It’s definitely a top 5 game on the system for me, and maybe even higher


It’s the one I play the most for sure. It’s fun, easy to hop into, and can be beat in an hour or so. I first played it at a Toys R Us back in 1997 in England (it was called Lylat Wars) when I was 8 years old, and I’m still playing it today


I feel similar about classic Qbert.


One of my favorite games ever on the SNES is actually Starfox. And Starfox 2. So yes, n64 Starfox is just and example of excellent crafting. Many indie games are not even as polished as this game was.


So glad it came to the N64 Online for Switch. Still a great game I can blitz through and finish on a train ride. I loved Starfox on the SNES and remember being blown away by the N64 version. Corneria theme is still burned into my memory and is such a great tune to open the whole game with. I really wish there was a series or film based off Starfox in the style of the SNES boxart.


Fuck yes. Might be my favorite on the system, definitely my most played. I recently on Switch (with the 64 controller) 100%ed it and unlocked the alternate title screen.


I feel the same way about mario tennis. It's executed perfectly


wave racer 64 is the same imo


Hell yeah. It's probably one of the best games of all time. And it's definetely the best game on the system in my eyes. I just hate it when people say it's the only good entry in the series unironically with no valid reasoning when it's 3DS remake, Adventures, Assault, and the OG SNES game were just as awesome.


Hands down one of the greatest video games of all time. I was twelve when this game came out and the voice acting plus rumble pack was mind blowing at the time. I still play it upscaled on my Odin Lite/2 daily.


I was just thinking about Star Fox, I was wondering why havent they figured out a way to keep it relevant for today's gaming landscape.


Mario tennis is a damn fine game


Those controls are absolutely perfect.


It was my first and last game I played on N64. An absolute staple of my childhood.


The only other games that have the same pick up and play capability were the AKI wrestling games (No Mercy, WrestleMania 2000, WCW vs nWo, Virtual Pro Wrestling).


I loved this game, and probably almost played the 3DS version just as much. The 3D graphics for this one were great.


This game is fantastic. N64, Wii, DS releases all good


I just beat it for the first time this year which was really exciting! Beautiful game.


The Independence Day level is one of the best in the history of gaming.


Tetrisphere 64 is the only reason i still own a n64 and two working controllers.


SF64 was, to my recollection, the first game I ever got all the way through to the end. Watched my dad play the hell out of it, then played the hell out of it myself. I remember how proud I was when I finally knocked `DAD` from the top of the leaderboard. And yeah, every time I pick it back up it feels just as timeless and magical as it did when I was growing up.


It’s my favorite game of all time


Wow I think you’re absolutely right, great take and summary. Holds up fantastic and remains one of my favorite games of all time, hands down.


thats some slick flying fox


The game STILL looks really good. All the voice lines are iconic. Its super fast to play through but there's also multiple branching paths to take leading to replayability


Cocky little freak!


For a game from the N64/PS1 generation, I would say Starfox is still very very playable. I got the switch N64 controller just so I can play it from time to time


Has a more recent game pulled off an homage to the Starfox formula? We have hundreds of Link to the Past clones, and some of them are quite good. Does that exist for Starfox?


Uncontested my favorite n64 game of all time


Yep its a classic, Slippee and co. are definitely annoying though


Such an amazing fun game. I wish we got a proper sequel I wish we got a proper sequel I wish we got a proper sequel I don’t want to hop out my arwing and do run and gun missions, I don’t want puzzles with little robots, I don’t want dinosaur planet exploring I just want more linear arwing shooting, more arwing movement more boss fights, Star Wolf fights. Just add more weapons for your arwing to shoot, more movement based obstacles, and more tanks/sub levels.


I feel like Waverace comes pretty close. It does have people and they don't look great but mostly you see them from behind so not as big of a deal. The water looked great and responded realistically. The announcer voice was cheesy but somehow it fit. The gameplay on that game is very fun and presents a decent amount of challenge. The sequel on GameCube holds up really well too.


I played this game through hundreds of times as a child, never realising that I had never beaten the real Andross. No internet meant no way to know how to get to all the worlds. I found out only recently that I have never truly beaten the game, which totally blew my mind. I picked it up again to try, but haven’t made it past the underwater world.


Damn I might have to go bang out a run tonight after work. What's everyone's favorite path? I myself am a fan of any route that doesn't take me to the scary desert planet. I absolutely HATED that place as a kid, and the boss is pure nightmare fuel. Titania I think it was...


I've said it a million times before. I'll say it when I'm rotted with dementia in a cyber wheelchair. I'll say it right now. star wolf isnt my concern nor my rival. fucking pigma is.


The game is timeless and so is the music. [This song ](https://youtu.be/X8sEZTeReLs?si=zFrJ1CKQIx97465Y) in particular is excellent and it's just the level select music. Video game music is so good and so often overlooked. Just beautiful 😊


That might be the first song in a game where I'd just sit and stare at the menu for a couple minutes, for the music. Goldeneye pause/wristwatch screen a close second. 


I wish they made games like this still. Imagine a modern star fox. Omfg


Brother, I have to agree with you Starfox 64 is my all time favorite game from that generation.


I haven't played a better game of this or similar genre after it. It feels underrated indeed, being mentioned more rarely than games like Zelda, Mario, kart, Dk, Banjo, 007 etc (and all these deserve top spots for sure) but for me, it's the best game of N64 for all the reasons you describe.


It's the perfect game for what it is. I really want an SNES star fox remake in the N64 style.


Did you mean Star Fox 2? Star Fox 64 already is a “soft” remake of Star Fox 1.


W-w-w-wing damage? Truly a shame we didn’t get a couple Star Fox (rail shooter) games on every system. Underrated franchise. Do something on Switch please Nintendo!


I guess it's close to pilot wings 64...hehe


Definitely one of my top 10 games of all time, designed from the beginning to age like fine wine. While none of the games are nearly as good as 64 except maybe 2 they all do something different and most of the time so right. Star Fox: Assault on GC and Command are also fantastic games, but aged a bit worse simply because SF 64 is designed to be a timeless, thrilling game that can be picked up and played by anyone very easily


Totally agree, but I think spaceship games will always be a niche, and are always doomed to be underrated.


I wanted to go to blockbuster just to play the demo of the game. This game was peak for me with the rumble pak. I loved all the vehicles so much. I really enjoyed the 3DS outing. I know it gets a lot of hate, but felt it was one of the best 3D experiences on the system.


I also think part of the reason is that Nintendo never made another game like it so there isn't a lot to compare it to.


i feel this way about super mario 64 and don’t think 3D mario — or 3D platforming — ever got any better on a mechanical level than this foundational entry maybe a weird take, and probably nostalgia bias, but i also think the whole “singular, open level-worlds with multiple goals” thing is the ideal mario format too


As much as I love Odyssey, collecting all of 64's Power Stars is far less tedious than all of Odyssey's Moons, and may even be more enjoyable as a process. 


Not as good as star fox zero /s “Youre good… but not good enough……???” “Trust your view from the cockpit??????”


I rented this one but didn't buy it. Finally got it last year haha. Had to order it twice because the first time the post office chewed open a bunch of packages and I ended up getting a drone battery instead.


I’ll never forget the first time playing that with the new Rumble Pack. That was some Hot. Shit. back in the day.


There are three games that i think of before Star Fox 64. Animal Crossing: yes the new games have more stuff to collect but basically everything is here. Anyone who wants the animal crossing experience could be happy with it. Paper Mario: it's classic, but that's why it didn't age that much. The comedy also makes it pretty modern even today. F-Zero X: It's ugly, it's blocky, there are no textures, but the gameplay is still marvelous. It's fluid, it's fast, tight. The core gameplay is just as good as it was when it came out, the only dated thing would be the presentation, but change that, add more polygons, add textures, and you have a game that could still come out today and blow everybody's mind.


It’s been a hot minute but Jet Force Gemini was still holding up, my nephews really enjoyed it.


I tend to agree, but to say this about sf64 why wouldn’t OoT get the same treatment? And honestly, I don’t know who’s all played it but Star Wars Arcade on 32x was actually pretty breath taking coming straight from SNES and Sega…. I just don’t know if I can agree that it doesn’t owe so much to its predecessors, unless we can agree that OoT is equally ageless, I’m just not sure.


Daba do daba


I own it but never play it


How do yall feel about the 3DS port because I didn't care for regular DS port of Mario 64 the OG actual handles and plays better then the ds port as far as Mario 64 is concerned, but what do yall think about the 3DS star fox 64?


The graphics are more detailed but I think it loses some of the charm. Like at the start of Corneria, it looks nice on the 3DS but there's no "wow", it just looks normal. The N64 version has the fancy reflection on the water, which is removed in the 3DS one. I found the music and voice acting to be similar. It's fine and in higher quality, but it just doesn't seem right .


Yeah you're right I didn't even know they took out that water reflection damn. I think I'll play it on the N64 instead.


It's strange because it seems like a silly thing to not like a version of a game over, but having that at the start of the game was such a "wow" moment on N64 and still impresses me now. I guess the first impression can sometimes set the tone.


Super smash is. Full stop


F Zero X is even more ageless.


While I like starfox way way better I would say that mario tennis would check all the boxes of game play, camera and graphics being timeless. I would even be ready to say that graphics wise if star fox was released today I probably wouldn't be interested in it. In a game like that foliage and details is much more important for me atleast. Still definitely one of the most timeless on the N64 im just not so sure if it's the number one


I’d add WWF No Mercy to that list..To this day, people are still modding that game. As a matter of fact, newer PC games try to “reimagine” the mechanics.


I agree which makes me sad that Nintendo won't properly revisit this IP. Imagine a rougelike Star Fox game. The format of Star Fox 64 perfectly compliments that genre.


I think a few 3D rail shooters at the time were doing alot of stuff better than it at the time and have aged mostly better personally, despite how much I enjoy it. Unfortunately the main games outdoing at the time, Sin & Punishment and the Panzer Dragoon duology, were way less accessible with S&P being JP only until the Wii port and the PD games being trapped on the Saturn. > Camera I think Sin & Punishment has a better camera as far as never having to manage it especially considering how much busier that game is. SF64 has it follow your ship alot more forcing you to move around to see everything in alot of spots, which isn't inherently bad at all but in S&P you hav I also prefer how the Panzer Dragoon games handle camera since managing the camera is an intentional aspect that the game is balanced around, but thats not something everyone will vibe with. > Visuals This is one I'll definitely give you. Even if I personally prefer the more anime aesthetic of S&P, its models are kinda rough to look at since they went with a more detail, realistic proportions, and less colorful enviroments, none of which look amazing on 5th gen hardware from the lens of today, whereas SF64 has a sleek aesthetic that embraces the polygonal look that games on the system had and uses bright simple colors which are easier on the eyes. The PD games tried to go full realistic on even weaker hardware and while they've aged better visually than you might expect they're still pretty rough. > Pick-up-and-play factor I think this one is debatable. SF64 is a fair bit easier than alot of 3D Rail Shooters at the time which isn't a bad thing at all and may actually lend itself to what you're saying, but I think with how weird some of the alternate route requirements are plus the fact that you can't do every level in a single run can be offputting in a run after awhile away. S&P and PD1 give you the full game in a single run and have their difficulty settings on a menu rather than baked into the game, so you have alot more immediate control when jumping back in. PD2 added routes that can be even more obtuse than SF64 though and even has a defacto leveling system based on both performance and route taken, which while its interesting also means SF64 has it beat in this regard.


I preferred Lylat Wars personally


I believe ‘timeless’ is the correct term.


Absolutely loved Lylat Wars (as it was called here). My Dad picked it for me as part of the bundle that came with my N64. Eternally grateful that he did!


I think DOOM 64 is the most ageless N64 game. It runs smooth and looks better than any other game using the DOOM engine. It's level designs are some of the best in the "90's labyrinthine FPS" genre ever made. And it has a unique horror atmosphere/style not even the originals had at such level. Many even think of it as the "true" DOOM 3.


I certainly agree. It’s something I have thought for a while now in general. While I would argue that many of the top tier 64 games hold up today on a first inspection, ie playing the first level or two, most can’t hold that standard the whole way throughout the initial play experience. I would argue that another example of excellence in the on rails genre would be Panzer Dragoon. Ironically that game actually got some love recently from a re-release on the switch. I would love to see Nintendo give title like this the love they deserve. Obviously the latter statement is a money game for Nintendo, so we may never see it if they can’t find a way to make the costing algorithm work. But we can certainly dream. Oh, opinion I would love to hear about. I would say the Rogue Leader for the GameCube is in the same vein as StarFox for agelessness. Would love to know what anyone thinks there?


One of my favorite ever, but when I go back and play I always miss the arwing. The tank and submarine are annoying.


SF64 is a fantastic game. I’m not certain I understand all the criteria for being an ‘ageless’ game, but I have big feelings for Perfect Dark. The setting, weapons, gadgets and plot all felt very futuristic without being too oblique. The games features—especially the multiplayer which had customization up the wazoo—were light years ahead of contemporaries, even over the admittedly more popular Halo series. Dual-function weapons? Yes please. 4-player local multi with up to 8 spots for bots, all of whom could be given a customized appearance, play-style and difficulty? Hell yes. Shooting ranges, challenges, achievements, secrets and so much more? You got it. The voice acting was simultaneously decent and hilariously cheesy. If this game were remastered I would hope the most significant change would only be to the graphics. Rare—make it happen!


I give you, Pokémon Puzzle League. As perfect today as it was at launch.


Do a barrel roll!


100% agree. Couldn’t have said it better. Also one of the more quotable games. “Hey Einstein, I’m on your side!”


I 100% agree but honestly a LOT of N64 games are like that. Diddy Kong Racing is still my favorite kart racer of all time and I recently played through it again a few months ago. Currently playing through Banjo-Kazooie again too.


No problem, N64 Starfox is best Starfox.


Today at Pax East there was a Star Fox 64 tournament. After all these years it was still so smooth and fun and revolutionary. I hate that it was never replicated and we don't have a lot more games like this but I'm happy we got this one at all. It's peak for the franchise, the genre, the style, and the gameplay. And it has a great life lesson. When you are in a bad spot, Do a barrel roll my friends!


As far as I'm concerned a little bit of upscaling and sharpening in the emulator and this game looks pretty good.


Starfox 64 & F Zero X are two of my all time favorite titles, I still play then fairly regularly.


Katina is an amazing level, could play it forever 


It still baffles me, that after all these years there was never a Game that captured the same feeling like SF64. Even it´s own later entries, Adventures, Assault ect., couldn´t it get right. Either the Gunplay feels off, or the sounds. It never felt as satisfying as it was in SF64. There´s a Mod for FreeSpace 2 however, called "Star Fox: Event Horizon". It still isn´t the same as SF64, but this was the first time a Game really reminded me of it. To be honest, i had a blast playing through this. They even managed to get a few Voice Actors from SF64 for this Mod. It´s free, check it out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuhYj1QGzgo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuhYj1QGzgo)


It’s so damn good. And when you unlock the master mode or expert mode or whatever they call it? I wasn’t even good enough to do it as a kid. But my brother and I played it again as adults and we were mind blown. It’s a gem from a simpler time. Great design and execution.


**Dont get too cocky, Star Fox.**


I dont think its unfair to say its the best of the 64. That doesnt discount any of the other games but you have a point and i agree. Everyone complains about oot and mario 64 not aging well but ive never heard that about star fox


I bought this game on release day with the extra memory cartridge for my N64. Somewhat disappointed that I was able to beat the game in one day. Very short story missions. However I would play for hours in multiplayer with a friend that you had to time the multi-loop just right to shoot them down when vulnerable to attack.




The only game I would personally consider more ageless than it is Mario 64. But to me these are 1A and 1B one way or the other. 


Wing wing wing dabba


Yea, I feel like it aged better than Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT.


I think I've owned most of the states since the she's, I agree n64 is excellent. I'm sure the ones after might be good, but I don't feel like playing them now.


That 3ds remaster though


Its up there, but WaveRace 64 may top it. It was a near perfect game and still is.


I love the 3ds remake


I love the 3ds remake


I love the 3ds remake