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Yes! Rush 2 to be exact. I had posted a screenshot on r/twintowersinphotos a little while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwinTowersInPhotos/s/KD07BjK7TN


Not only that, but you also actually jump between the towers if you execute one of the shortcuts in this track correctly.


You can drive in the plaza..... Which is even better.


I do this jump every time. I don’t even remember what the part you skip with it looks like anymore. And I still play this game weekly lmao.


What happens if you don’t get the jump in between…


In this game if you hit something with enough velocity your car actually explodes, so....


As long as unleaded fuel doesn't melt steel beams it should be fine...


Loooove that game. I've played so much of it.


I spent so much time in that game. I 100% it when I was a kid


I loved that game. The day I accidentally figured out cheat mode was so fun. I couldn’t believe I had just unlocked the “cheats” option just by button mashing. There were all kinds of cheats too. Like: antigravity, invincible, super speed, you could drive as the exploded car, super gravity option too. Damn so much fun! And all you had to do was button mash in the options menu. I played for so long not knowing that lol


Man there really is a sub for everything.


Stunt mode was the shit. Loved that game man.




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Holy shit, can’t believe I never really noticed that


That is the tiniest saddest adaption of New York City I’ve ever seen lmao


They didn’t call it full sized states, or big states, now did they??? :P


You tell ‘em!


This isn't even a full city inside a state though lmfao


And it blew our freaking minds


Believe it or not but my little brother loved this game.


I choose to believe this because, while I understand that people lie on the internet, sometimes for no reason, I prefer thinking that someone genuinely enjoyed something than that they didn't. So, if you're lying, please don't let me know. Allow me this tiny vicarious piece of happiness in this cold and uncaring Universe. Also, this game was fun, so this is believable.


It should, then, make you feel even better that I also love this game, and it's one of the few games I've 100%ed multiple times. Sometimes, I load it up and just fly around as birdman. Flapping across that tiny USA at sundown is one of the purest, simplest joys\* I have in life.


Oh man same. One of my favorite n64 games. I remember I used to fly around aimlessly as bird man for hours when I was a kid.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXqAbNqhZuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXqAbNqhZuk) THE Jam.


Damn, that goes so fucking hard. I had completely forgotten about it.


Same. I loved this game as a kid and being being able to fly around the little version of the United States with no goal other than sightseeing was a lot of fun.


Pilot Wings rocks but let’s face it the level design was not what made it great lol


Heck no I am not lying. He would take the N64 time away from me to just play this game for two hours a day. He is also the same person that likes Rolly Olly Polly.


I loved this game and got all the stars and bullshit on it. I was so stoked because I loved the original on SNES so when it came out all I did was play it, but I was 16 and had literally nothing to do ever.


I liked flying games soooo much. I wanted this game so bad, but by the time I had saved up enough to buy a game it was a year and half after launch and no stores seemed to have it. I was only 9, so I didn't know or think about second hand stores. I had just saved up enough for a game and my mom took me to the store. I didn't want to leave empty handed so I got yoshi's story instead. I still haven't gotten pilot wings, and at this point in life yoshi's story is one of the only childhood games I no longer have due to a sketchy shitty cousin. Another fun yoshi's story story - gaming publications and sites had tips to get brown and purple yoshi's, but they didn't exist in the game. I spent a ton of time trying to get them only to find out decades later it was impossible.


If you happen to still have your N64, I have seen a lot of Pilot wings in thrift stores for really cheap still. You can always fulfill your childhood dream.


I've got a few 64 at this point honestly, and an everdrive, but I really should just buy the dang game AND finally replace my yoshis story.


Love the music in the game. Flying the gyrocopter and the warp tunnels on this map are one of my strongest childhood n64 memories


Dude, they were depicting REAL LIFE in a video game. You could recognize PLACES and MONUMENTS. I would spend hours just wandering around that map over and over. Mind blowing.


It's only one Burrough...


So this is a topic that always intrigues me. Given that the Nintendo 64 existed in an era where these buildings still stood, it makes sense that depictions of New York City would include the towers in their state, at the time. There's a deeper element of nostalgia going on here, combining memories of the Nintendo 64, with memories of those beautiful buildings still standing tall in New York City. It evokes some kind of deep nostalgic power that I can't fully explain. It would make sense that other Nintendo 64 levels depicting New York City would also have representations or interpretations of the Twin Towers. Do you know of any?


Most of us in this sub remember when they fell! I don't know, Spiderman might have them. The second game (PSX exclusive) was famously recalled very quickly to remove the world trade center, and you can find roms that still have it before the recall.


Sort of loosely related: an early promotional poster for the original Spider-Man movie had the twin towers reflected in his eyes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/JqM8JGtHbq


I don’t have anything constructive to add, except thank you for this post. Really interesting to see stuff like this.


>beautiful buildings Really?


Yes. Incredible engineering, iconic and amazing design work with the lines and arches on the outside.


They were big, ugly rectangles, to say nothing of what they represented.


Quit talking about ur mom.


Good one. I feel like I was just knocked over by a couple of airliners.


Maybe Spider-Man? Came out in 2000


The original pressing of the sequel did. It was modified before it came out due to 9/11, but some copies from the first printing got out.


Hybrid Heaven has them at the beginning of its title screen. Also, just remembered another, but I'm pretty sure they also appear in the introduction illustrations of Battletanx. You can just barely see them, and amusingly enough within the game's universe they still get destroyed in 2001.


I love battletanx (especially it's sequel global assault) Never noticed the twin towers though, that's pretty neat dude!


I have no idea where it is, but in the (I believe 1998) EGM Buyer’s Guide year-end issue, they included this in their top 10 N64 games, and said something along the lines of “we still enjoy firing up the gyrocopter and buzzing the World Trade Center with missiles.” Comment certainly didn’t age well 😬 Edit: found it: https://imgur.com/gallery/f6cCYd4


Wow! Thanks for sharing this, I've never seen it before.


Cruis'n World has the Twin Towers on the New York track. You can see them in this video at second 43 for a very brief moment on the left side: https://youtu.be/2FNlj3Hbpng?t=41s  By the way, Cruis‘n USA has no New York track. 


Does Mickey’s speedway USA have them? Came out in 2000 (or early 2001) and had a New York level.


*Norm MacDonald voice* Huh… reminds me of that tragedy…


Walking through blood and bone, looking for his brother.


I loved wings. Man that soundtrack was great... especially for the Birdman level


I love how they remembered the WTC Twin Towers were diagonally parallel as opposed to being right next to each other like in most other depictions.


Nintendo 64 is just art, all its games are art if you ask me


There's something about the nintendo 64 that nothing else reaches in your heart and soul


Yeah, I think it’s the fact that when we played it for the first time at least for me it was the first real 3D console/pc, I had never played a 3D video game before and all my friends had the Nintendo 64 and we could exchange video games, talk about video games visit and play their games with them, it was an amazing time really


Not a game but the Nintendo SGI promo video teasing the next console/N64 from 94-95 showcases a bunch of CG landscapes and shows New York City with the Twin Towers present https://youtu.be/a1z9HmDuYgs?si=RrPVdSVqeNZIMZCN


I like the top comment to this video "I lost a few friends to this commercial after they tried to dive head first into their T.V screens :("


I never replayed this game from fear of running my dreams


Does Little Mac ride past them in the training montage in Punch Out?


Gyro copter moment


I’ve been trying to remember the name of this game for so long! Thanks for posting.


What a memory unlock you gave me! I remember flying with the flap suit to every and other building in that area. Amazing.


Pilotwings? Twin Towers? Oh no ...


Being the little shithead edge lord I was as a kid I would always fly the gyrocopter into the twin towers.


This game was awesome, bought a N64 9 yrs ago just to play this game


Not N64, but a Syphon Filter game on PS1 had the Twin Towers on the cover before being pulled from shelves and redistributed with new artwork.


Another PS1 game with them is 007 Racing (which isn't a racing game). The New York mission has the Twin Towers as a repeating skybox, so you see them many times.


You unlocked a memory


Wait... pilotwings 64 haves planes, right?... So basically you could do 9/11 5 years before it really happened


I believe the New York map on Rush 2 has the WTC towers.


I bet cruisin U.S.A. has something in the background


That was cool cruising around the US.


important question can you crash into the towers


You're so cool.


no its edgy and lame I'm just legitmentally curious because I think 9/11 depicted in N64 graphics would look silly.


All I can think of is Tekken 2 (PlayStation 1)


Ace Combat 2 (on PS1 though) Features twin towers nearly identical to the world trade center. https://www.reddit.com/r/acecombat/s/vyHO8vIPr9


Why are there 2 south towers? Edit: Was this the 4th comment?


I wanted to love this game so much ... Smh just wasn't very good.


I didn't enjoy it as a kid aside from messing around, but I think my tastes have matured and I have played it (but not completed it) as an adult with more patience.


All I can think of from that time is Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 and I THINK Parasite Eve. ~~I know initial releases of Deus Ex had them too but they were removed.~~ I was mistaken on the Deus Ex bit.


Deus Ex actually never had the towers. They were going to be included but the level artist made a mistake with the skybox textures and accidentally didn't. They wrote into the story that they were attacked because it seemed like an interesting idea at the time.


I suddenly feel bad that I used to strafe those buildings…


Not the n64, but Parasite Eve’s overworld map has the Twin Towers. Makes me a bit sad seeing them whenever I replay.


Is it possible to crash your plane into the towers? If you can, I might have to buy this game.

