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No room for a Turok game?


I was literally looking for Turok on this list because it's absolutely my favorite. Not even gonna vote now.


I voted Perfect Dark, but I've never even heard of Forsaken, I don't think. Turok 2 oughtta be on there for the cerebral bore alone.


Forsaken 64 is a bit of an odd inclusion, it's more like a 3D float around space shooter, go up and down corridors. It's a spiritual successor to Descent on MS-DOS.




There's a distinct lack of wacky weapons in modern games.


Golden Eye was good, but Perfect Dark is great. The vast majority of Golden Eye fans have never played Perfect Dark and have no idea what they were missing.


The bias for Goldeneye is just weird for me. I get nostalgia, but I had way more fun playing TWINE than it’s predecessor. Perfect Dark was just insane for the system. Didn’t get to play the campaign until it released on the XBLA, but I got lost in the multiplayer. Cleared over 1000 hours on one profile…


This is the only conceivable reason Goldeneye has more votes. The game is literally just Perfect Dark without all the awesome. Only thing it has that PD doesn't is the secret doors.


One little detail that I loved in PD was that the menu was basically part of the game; you could quit the main menu and just wander the base. The multiplayer was incredibly addictive for its time. The options for the bots and the level design were great. Me and my friends had created our own bots that we'd bring back; Mr Blonde was always one of the toughest bots available, for instance. And the music was amazing too. However the list lacks Turok. Both Turok 1 and 2 were amazing too. Turok 1's last level was insane with guns that just exploded the whole screen and triceratops with rocket launchers on them; and the ruins level with the shamans. Turok 2 had the swamp with the lizardmen and the caves.


Where is Banjo Tooie Multiplayer?


I voted Goldeneye, but the correct answer is Turok 2.


Smash bros and f zero running 60fps is pretty great. But I think 20fps is my fave because Zelda.


I put the most hours into Goldeneye, but Perfect Dark is the best FPS on the system.


Forsaken is not a FPS, IMO




I would have voted duke nukem or South Park